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教育王國 討論區 自閉寶寶 請問我個仔的表現似自閉嗎?
樓主: marineshun

請問我個仔的表現似自閉嗎? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-10-3 14:38 |只看該作者
I am really happy for your son improvement!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-3 14:51 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-10-3 15:35 |只看該作者
你可以試下睇下PRTA, 向慈雲山. 我仔仔上左一年, 見到進步, 而且收費相對較平. 畢竟我同先生收入唔多, 唔可以長時間俾太多錢, 要知道訓練要keep住做..

Rank: 2

發表於 13-10-3 22:17 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-4 00:02 |只看該作者
marineshun 發表於 13-10-3 22:17
我兒子因為實在太扭計了,所以我便很惡很惡地責罵他,初時他是知我發惡責罵他,之後在哭時還會眼定定地望我 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-4 01:57 |只看該作者


原帖由 marineshun 於 13-10-03 發表
真的很擔心未來要怎樣訓練阿仔!Step1 ...
你可先不用quit 咗份工,試下由你帶返學,姐姐湊放學。嚟緊小朋友training 可能不便宜,有多D儲備是需要的。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-10-4 08:01 |只看該作者



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-4 23:25 |只看該作者


原帖由 marineshun 於 13-09-30 發表
感謝各位的幫忙,其實當發現兒子的情況後,真的很難過及徬徨,好彩在這裡看到你們的幫忙,再加上之前的家長 ...
不用去step 咁遠,可以排協康粉嶺青蒽計劃s位,排埋大埔可能好快有位呢?仲有心橋粉嶺都有。join埋協康家長資源中心會員,可以借玩具返屋企玩。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-4 23:30 |只看該作者

回覆:marineshun 的帖子

協康粉嶺個主管好似叫蔡姑娘都好好人,打電話問下佢,睇佢有咩幫到你。另外佢地有搞playgroup for 自閉小朋友,近近哋join 下都幫到您小朋友架。

Rank: 2

發表於 13-10-5 06:49 |只看該作者
回復 Vichang 的帖子


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-5 11:28 |只看該作者

引用:回復+Vichang+的帖子 感謝你的回應,你所

原帖由 marineshun 於 13-10-05 發表
回復 Vichang 的帖子

感謝你的回應,你所說的機構我已全部問過,全部都要排隊和已排隊了,所以暫時只能邁 ...
我囝囝和你小朋友差不多年紀,我今年年初發覺佢有問題,情況就如你小朋友一樣,結果排s位,而家冇讀n班,上緊密集。有關眼神接觸,我其實都唔係好識幫佢,不過好多導師都教拎d佢中意嘅嘢放喺你塊面度等佢慣左望人先得到。其實我個囝上左感統治療後眼神好左,不過OT 周圍都要排,建議借書參考下。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-5 23:30 |只看該作者
回復 marineshun 的帖子


Rank: 2

發表於 13-10-10 06:25 |只看該作者
回復 bauhiniakan2000 的帖子



Rank: 2

發表於 13-10-11 13:41 |只看該作者
回復 marineshun 的帖子

我仔同你仔在家情況差唔多, 不過我比佢返左兩個月密集訓練就好左D, 佢返學老師都話佢好合作你試下做評估啦, 有時遲緩都可能係咁

Rank: 2

發表於 13-10-13 17:29 |只看該作者


原帖由 marineshun 於 13-09-28 發表
我兒子2Y3M,他已返N班差不多2個月,老師和校長跟我說要留意他,因為他在幼稚園有以下表現:1)不會眼定定望 ...




Rank: 2

發表於 13-10-13 23:36 |只看該作者
回復 winwinwan1121 的帖子


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-14 00:16 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-14 00:17 |只看該作者
這方法對我仔和我朋友兒子很 work 大家不仿試試.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-15 13:32 |只看該作者
回復 souiew 的帖子

  首先你要比佢知道你好錫同関心佢和了解佢既需要就容易入心好多,4至8月私人S位有埋 ST 25分鍾,9月返全日 N 班,請假去做訓練,除左上服務機構D 訓練,每天家居訓練,大肌肉 PT,公園玩至少一個鍾,OT一個鍾,ST一個鍾,佢唔肯睡或唔使訓練就加碼至5個鍾,他不是每次連續一個鍾都同你合作,有時要車輪戰要佢做,但也有很多不合作的時候,星期六星期日及假期日就去公園玩足三個鍾,落雨或天氣太凍就在屋企同佢玩跑步機或到坑口政府綜合大樓室內遊樂場比佢玩,除非係好不當行為,如打人,推人,大叫,很影響人D野,如果唔係我都會包容佢,在一些不當行為如未發生前不斷同佢講唔好做及後果,要簡短清楚,如火好熱,會辣情,痛痛,我個仔會入廚房睇我煮飯但绝唔會攪煮食爐,ST 比玩具爐佢玩佢都會講,火好熱,會辣情,痛痛.List of all daily routines and favourite activities

Monday :7:45 take him to Kindergartens by walk, 15:00 take him to ST, always by Bus, and tell him what is outside of the Bus , sometimes ask him what is outside e.g. what kind of car is running on the road, Building, Shops, Traffic light and what things of people to do. If time and weather is O.K. take him to playground to play Slide, swing, and climbing games, and try to let him modeling play with other kids. This is such as PT and Social contact and Behavioral goal. The ST training will do at 17:00 to 18:00 leave about at 18:15, go to home by MTR. GET back to home about 19:45 to 20:00. Dinner time at 20:00 to 21:00, ST training with toys at home at 21:00 to 21:30,Bubbles blowing, Teeth bush training ,Bath training and Dressing training at 21:30 to 22:15.IF he do not want to sleep ,will enhance the ST Training. Sometime, the ST and PT training held on same day, will take him to PT by Taxi at 14:00 .Take him to ST on foot and then by MTR at 15:30, there should no time to go to playground. The S T training have complete, the same procedures as every Monday.

Tuesday :7:45 take him to Kindergartens by walk, 16:30 take him from Kindergartens if the weather is O.K. Take him to playground to play Slide, Swing, Spinning climbing games, and try to let him modeling play with other kids. This is such as PT and Social contact and Behavioral goal. Go to Supermarket to take him to queue to buy one things, let him to know the procedure of buying things and patience. OT training with toys and pens to do with him at 19:00, make dinner at 19:30, let him to watch TV , sometime let him to see me how to cook and tell him the name of kitchen tools and utensils. Dinner time at 20:00 to 21:00, ST training with toys at home at 21:00 to 21:30,Bubbles blowing, Teeth bush training ,Bath training and Dressing training at 21:30 to 22:15.IF he do not want to sleep ,will enhance the ST Training. Sometime he go to OT training, will take him from Kindergartens at 14:30 by Taxi, the same procedures as every Tuesday.

Wednesday: 7:45 take him to Kindergartens by walk, 16:30 take him from Kindergartens if the weather is O.K. Take him to playground to play Slide, Swing, Spinning climbing games, and try to let him modeling play with other kids. This is such as PT and Social contact and Behavioral goal. Go to Supermarket to take him to queue to buy one things, let him to know the procedure of buying things and patience. OT training with toys and pens to do with him at 19:00, make dinner at 19:30, let him to watch TV, sometime let him to see me how to cook and tell him thename of kitchen tools and utensils. Dinner time at 20:00 to 21:00, ST training with toys at home at 21:00 to 21:30,Bubbles blowing, Teeth bush training ,Bath training and Dressing training at 21:30 to 22:15.IF he do not want to sleep ,will enhance the ST Training.
Thursday: 7:45 take him to Kindergartens by walk, 16:30 take him from Kindergartens if the weather is O.K. Take him to playground to play Slide, Swing, Spinning climbing games, and try to let him modeling play with other kids. This is such as PT and Social contact and Behavioral goal. Go to Supermarket to take him to queue to buy one things, let him to know the procedure of buying things and patience. OT training with toys and pens to do with him at 19:00, make dinner at 19:30, let him to watch TV, sometime let him to see me how to cook and tell him the name of kitchen tools and utensils. Dinner time at 20:00 to 21:00, ST training with toys at home at 21:00 to 21:30,Bubbles blowing, Teeth bush training ,Bath training and Dressing training at 21:30 to 22:15.IF he do not want to sleep ,will enhance the ST Training.

Friday: 7:45 take him to Kindergartens by walk, take him from Kindergartens to Behavioral Goals by MTR at 14:45 .when the Behavioral goals is complete if the weather is O.K. Take him to playground to play Slide, Swing, Spinning climbing games, and try to let him modeling play with other kids. This is such as PT and Social contact and Behavioral goal. Go to Mac Donald to take him to queue to buy one things, let him to know the procedure of buying things and patience. Let him say what he need, pay and money exchange. OT training with toys and pens to do with him at 19:00, make dinner at 19:30, let him to watch TV, sometime let him to see me how to cook and tell him the name of kitchen tools and utensils. Dinner time at 20:00 to 21:00, ST training with toys at home at 21:00 to 21:30,Bubbles blowing, Teeth bush training ,Bath training and Dressing training at 21:30 to 22:15.IF he do not want to sleep ,will enhance the ST Training.

Saturday: he will wake up at 10:00, then take him to teeth brush and wash training, give different drinks to try, play toys with him.11:30 lunch time. 13:00-15:00 took him to a more facilities playground to play by MTR, and try to let him modeling play with other kids. This is such as PT and Social contact and Behavioral goal. Go to Mac Donald to take him to queue to buy one foods and say what he need and pay, money exchange. let him to know the procedure of buying things and patience. OT training with toys and afternoon sleep.18:00-19:00 free time for him to do what he like. OT training with toys and pens to do with him at 19:00, 19:30 Make dinner for him and let him watch TV, some time let him see me how to cook what kind of food I 20:00-21:00 dinner time.ST training with toys at 21:00, 21:30 Bubble blowing, Teeth bush, Bath, dressing Training to 22:15.
If he do not want to sleep, will enhance the ST training.

Sunday: he will wake up at 10:00, then take him to teeth brush and wash training, give different drinks to try, play toys with him.11:300 lunch time. 13:00-15:00 took him to a more facilities playground to play by MTR, and try to let him modeling play with other kids. This is such as PT and Social contact and Behavioral goal. Go to Mac Donald to take him to queue to buy one foods and say what he need and pay, money exchange. let him to know the procedure of buying things and patience. OT training with toys and afternoon sleep.18:00-19:00 free time for him to do what he like.19:00 OT training with toys and pens to do with him at 19:00 Make dinner for him and let him watch TV at 19:30, some time let him see me how to cook what kind of food I make.20:00-21:00 dinner time.ST training with toys at 21:00, 21:30 Bubble blowing, Teeth bush, Bath, dressing Training to 22:15.
If he do not want to sleep, will enhance the ST training.

What are the expected procedures?

Try to let him to walk to Kindergartens and let him see facilities of the street, what kind of things people to do. Let him tell me. Take him to ST, always by Bus, and tell him what is outside of the Bus, sometimes ask him what is outside e.g. what kind of car is running on the road, Building, Shops, Traffic light and what things of people to do. If time and weather is O.K. take him to playground to play Slide, swing, and climbing games, and try to let him modeling play with other kids. This is such as PT and Social contact and Behavioral goal. Go to Supermarket to take him to queue to buy one things, let him to know the procedure of buying things and patience, let him
say what he need pay and money exchange. Go to Mac Donald to take him to queue to buy one things, let him to know the procedure of buying things and patience. Let him say what he need, pay and money exchange. OT training with toys and pens to do with him at 19:00, and let him say what is he doing.

What are his need and wants during those times? What does he dislike?

He need more encourage during this time, such toys and food, and speech. He dislike with not encourage and some of training he feel hard to do and he ever do.

Start with one routine, make a list of the phrases that he can learn to say

Turn off the light, he can say the environment is dark, turn on the light, the switch is near the door. Take his chair for him to urinating, he can say go to kitchen to take the chair. Hide some part of his toys, he can say lost the parts. Hide his toys always to play he can ask me find out for him.

Respond enthusiastically when he vocalizes, especially with eye contact.

Play Train and Tracks with him and let him count trains and tracks with me near my face, alternate to play with trains and tracks, alternate to blow bubbles, bath with him and let him to see me how to use the towel. Take the thing he like to bath with him and put it near my face, then let him ask me to take.

E.G. Lunch time
a. He can ask different food and utensils.
b. Request different actions (e.g. pour water or juce, cut up veggies)
c. Unexpected events (e.g.no utensils, no water in cup)

E.g. Playdough stamping
a. Take out the playdough, some time he cannot open he can say cannot open,BA BA help
b. Roll the playdough ,he can say roll the playdough.
c. Press shapes onto playdough ,he can say what shape is on the surface.
d. naming the shape ,showing to others. He can say the shapes only

Prompt: by modeling, not by question-asking or forcing child imitate verbally.

2. Play skills Behavioral goal: he will be able to enage in constructive play independently.

Example of age –Appropriate play
Playdough, can making shapes but no food.
He can building train tracks and push the train, refill Battery, and say what parts of the train.
He can complete a little part
He can Building a block tower about 10 blocks.
He can stamping on paper with a frame.
Farm set is doing now, cook set is done, doctor’s kit not done.

Reinforcement: Lavish praise and tangible reinforces.
3. Imitation
Behavioral goal: Pak Kiu will be able to imitate other’s sounds, actions,gestures and movement spontanaeously.
Activities to try:
Singing Songs with hand or fingers movements ,some time can do.
Cannot imitating animals sounds.
Commenting in daily activities. E.g.”yum!”or “I am full” while Patting tummy.
Using musical instruments,e.g. rattle or drums.
He can Cooking food or drinking from a cup in cook set play

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-10-15 16:56 |只看該作者
回復 bauhiniakan2000 的帖子

你好好呀! 好欣賞你! 想問你小朋友幾歲? 咁樣車輪戰做訓練做左幾耐?
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