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parents w kids studying in Yew Chung (mainstream) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 05-2-21 20:44 |只看該作者

parents w kids studying in Yew Chung (mainstream)

I have chosen Yew Chung (mainstream) for my daughter. She will admit K1 in August 2005.

Is there any parents with children studying in Yew Chung? What do u think about it? I just want to make sure i made a right choice. :

Rank: 4

發表於 05-2-22 14:27 |只看該作者

Re: parents w kids studying in Yew Chung (mainstream)

Dear wailamng

My daughter is now studying nursery class in Yew Chung at 9 Kent Road.  It's really a good school.  There are 2-3 teachers in my girl's class (20 kids) for whole day, 2 chinese and 2 native speaker teachers (sometimes, they will shift the teachers, it's a good arrangement because it can train kids to face and learn from different teachers).

Besides, the school transparency is high, you may phone to the teacher and they must reply to you.  Sometimes, parents (even maid and grandparents) will have evening lesson to learn the teaching method to kid.  Two parent days each year.  You may see the food menu through the school web-site.  And parties will be held for special festival e.g. CNY, Christmas, etc.  Although no test for kid, a report will be submitted twice a year.

My girl's pronunciation is good.  She says bread (bre....d), carrot (carro...t) 有尾音.

The above is my own opinion and experience in nursery class.  It's for your information only.  Does your duaghter study any nursery class and which school she studies ?  Pls tell ?

Just want to share my    

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-2-22 15:42 |只看該作者

Re: parents w kids studying in Yew Chung (mainstream)


My son is also studying there and I have similar comments like you.  They have good teacher/students ratio.  About taking care of children who havn't be separated from parents before, they did it well as they have one lady staying (except 3 teachers) in each class to help them veevee, wearing/taking off coats, cleaning etc.

Is you child in whole-day session?
Will you let your child to continue there for K1 or already admitted by other kinders? Please share.
[img align=left][/img]

Rank: 4

發表於 05-2-23 10:45 |只看該作者

Re: parents w kids studying in Yew Chung (mainstream)

Dear blee

Nice to meet you.  My daughter is in K2A class on 2/F, it's a half day session because I want her sleep at home.  What's you son's class ?

Actually, my daughter is admitted by Kentville and most likely I will let her to study in this Sept.

I like Yew Chung very much and the school fee of kinder is less than nursery.  But I will let my daughter to study in local tranditonal primary school.  The reason is I cannot afford the school fee for primary and secondary school in Yew Chung.

How about your plan ?  

Rank: 1

發表於 05-2-23 17:56 |只看該作者

Re: parents w kids studying in Yew Chung (mainstream)

Dear Blee,

As i understand, children graduated in Yew Chung Kindergarten (mainstream) will also admit to traditional primary school. That's why, there are 2 streams, the international stream and the mainstream. The locations and vice-principals for these 2 streams are different. The school fees are, of course, different ($9xxx for int'l, whole day and $48xx for mainstream, mainly half-day without any other miscellaneous charges).

For the international stream, children will admit to Yew Chung primary or other international school after 2 years of study.

For the mainstream, children can choose either (i) to traditional primary school after 3 years of study or (ii) to international school after 2 years of study.

I visited the campus in Dec 2004. I found that the class sizes, their education philosophy, the learning atmospheres, children's reactions in the classes, and the academic level, religion background etc. are also very satisfactory to me. According to the Principal and some other information, children graduated in this school can also find very good private primary school.

When my daughter attended the interview in Jan 2005, I was so surprised that it was the Principal herself to interview my daughter and us. She spent a whole hour with my family and observed how my daughter played with other pupils in the playground. The principal could accurately describe the character of my daughter. I have a friend she decided to send her son to the school also giving the same comment.


Rank: 1

發表於 05-2-23 18:13 |只看該作者

Re: parents w kids studying in Yew Chung (mainstream)

Dear Blee,

Forget to ans your question...my daughter tried Keen Mind nursery before but both my daughter and I did not like it. The reasons include,
(i) very limited toys,
(ii) the foreign teacher was very green and quiet,
(iii) the atmoshere in the singing time is also bad. My girl is 細女. She started joining Keen Mind only in Dec. When I accompany her in the lesson, I observed that almost 90% of children were 遊魂 in the singing time. Because the music and the leading of the teacher in the singing time were both poor.

She is now studying in the playgroup in TST, joyful English. The teachers are foreigners and former-experienced teacher from YMCA. I like it because all kids are seems happy, active, like going to schools. The atmosphere in the singing time are absolutely different.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-2-24 10:25 |只看該作者

Re: parents w kids studying in Yew Chung (mainstream)


For nusery, I didn't let my son to start at KM even though they accepted him and then chose YC last Sept. because my son is just 2 yr old at that time and I trust that YC will give much more care (4 adults for 20 children) and better learning environment.  Now, what I like most is their teachers are absolutely good and stable.  I like their well-experienced, even with their own experience as a mother.

Also, their headmistress and philosophy are good, including religious background.  In KM, I know they will teach them words in nursery class, seems that equipping them for local primary school but I don't need that before K1.  What I need is character development and bad-habit correction.


What a coincidence! My son is accepted by Kentville (Kent Rd.) AM session.  He is now in class D (the room just under the staircase).  I was wondering if I will let him go as he was quite shy and I am worrying that he will be too passive after studying in a traditional kinder.

But of course, I can't afford 3 more yrs in YC coz I may spend more in primary school days and his younger brother too.
[img align=left][/img]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-2-24 14:19 |只看該作者

Re: parents w kids studying in Yew Chung (mainstream)



Rank: 4

發表於 05-2-24 14:46 |只看該作者

Re: parents w kids studying in Yew Chung (mainstream)

主流班 : English + Cantonese

國際班 : English + Mandarin

Rank: 1

發表於 05-2-24 16:25 |只看該作者

Re: parents w kids studying in Yew Chung (mainstream)

In addition,

Mainstream - HK style (activity and project approaches. Writing will be taught)

Int'l - Western style. no writing is required.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-2-24 16:36 |只看該作者

Re: parents w kids studying in Yew Chung (mainstream)

Dear blee

Do you go to sports day on 5 Mar ?  Hope will see you there.  Did you got a student report before CNY ?  I was very happy and surprising when I received my daughter's report.  It's very very nice, pictures with comments.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-2-25 09:59 |只看該作者

Re: parents w kids studying in Yew Chung (mainstream)


Yes! I was surprised by the report as I was told that the teacher took pictures of the children few days before that.  I found that they took pictures for the cover!!

I will join the Sports Day and hope we can have a chat there!  Just approach me if you recognise my son's face.
[img align=left][/img]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-2-26 20:54 |只看該作者

Re: parents w kids studying in Yew Chung (mainstream)

Dear all,

There are so many positive comments on this school. I would like to know the proportion of the Eng and Cantonese class in the mainstream?  Is the school  offering Mardarin to kids?

Rank: 4

發表於 05-2-26 21:15 |只看該作者

Re: parents w kids studying in Yew Chung (mainstream)

Dear vhunghk

You may go to this web-site www.ycef.com or call 2338 7106 for more information.  They will have open day time by time.

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