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樓主: iantsang

全新2013-14一條龍幼稚園->小學->中學名單     [複製鏈接]

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發表於 12-9-26 23:38 |只看該作者
Very useful. Thanks

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-9-27 22:01 |只看該作者
Ian Tsang - I am a little confused....so if my daughter enters K1 in 2013/2014 (say Sacred Heart), does that mean that there is no guarantee that can enter Sacred Heart primary in 2016/2017 (even their private section)?

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 12-9-28 00:07 |只看該作者
nlj1216 發表於 12-9-27 22:01
Ian Tsang - I am a little confused....so if my daughter enters K1 in 2013/2014 (say Sacred Heart), d ...
Private schools are not affected if you are talking about the cancellation of feeder/nominated system.  It is only affect gov't and aided secondary schools with their current feeder/nominated primary schools.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-10-3 17:18 |只看該作者
回復 iantsang 的帖子

Am getting a bit confused...so say for example my daughter enters Truelight K1 in 2013/2014.  She will enter truelight primary in 2016/2017 .....she is still guaranteed for their primary, but will not be guaranteed to their secondary?

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 12-10-3 18:22 |只看該作者
nlj1216 發表於 12-10-3 17:18
回復 iantsang 的帖子

Am getting a bit confused...so say for example my daughter enters Truelight K1 ...
You are never guaranteed for secondary school places, no matter when your daughter enters kindergarten/ primary school.

Rank: 4

發表於 12-10-7 13:51 |只看該作者
thanks for share

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-10-8 00:02 |只看該作者
Does it mean that if my daugther gets into Sacred Heart Kinder in 2013 and then to Sacred Heart Primary (AM or PM), then she will NOT have an advantage in getting into Sacred Heart Secondary?


發表於 12-10-8 15:57 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-10-8 16:58 |只看該作者
Thanks very much!

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 12-10-8 22:09 |只看該作者
whybanme 發表於 12-10-8 00:02
Does it mean that if my daugther gets into Sacred Heart Kinder in 2013 and then to Sacred Heart Prim ...
The correct wording would be, 'there are no longer "feeder" seats reserved for own primary school students'.

Rank: 2

發表於 12-10-9 13:45 |只看該作者
Hi, Ian, wish you can advise me as i am so confused on the current education system.

My gal was born in Dec 2009 and is now studying K1 in a kindergarten in Kowloon Tong, many said it is diffcult for small kids to get admitted in good Primary School, shall I apply K1 for other "一條龍" school for next year (seems not much advantage now?) or shall i let my daugher to repeat in her current kindergarten later? Is it really a must for small B to repeat to become large B ?
I think her current kindergarten is good indeed, feel confused, thanks.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 12-10-16 16:42 |只看該作者
thank you for the info

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 12-10-19 08:10 |只看該作者
Andyolivia 發表於 12-10-9 13:45
Hi, Ian, wish you can advise me as i am so confused on the current education system.

My gal was bo ...
Hi Andyolivia,

Sorry that I have been busier than I could imagine so sorry for the late reply.

There is always a saying among parents that there is a disadvantage toward small Bs.  Certainly, if your targeted private or DSS schools has such age limit, then the worst scenario is you will need to delay the application to the following year and by then, your kid will become big B in turn.

Back to the normal case where December born kids are among the youngest, my comment is this is just a statisitically correct situation which is simply describing the development cycle of children.  When a child is in such young age, they absorb and grow up a lot within short period of time.  My advice is you should focus on the development progress on your child rather than focusing too much on when she was born.  If you do so, then you has assumed she is not comparable to the majority of the applicants already.

I never recommend parents to repeat their small Bs in kindergarten, unless there is an absolute need where they fall behind in significant difference.  Particularly for the case of 2009 born child, I would strongly recommend you to wait for the updates from EDB on their secondary school allocation arrangement as this has huge impact on your education planning.

Good luck!


Rank: 1

發表於 12-10-22 12:53 |只看該作者
Thanks a lot.

Rank: 2

發表於 13-1-8 17:06 |只看該作者
Ian, I am also a big fan of you. You are fantastic. How can you do that with such a thorough understanding of HK education system. I'm impressed!

I have read through your post (2009-2010 only, still completing the remaining). Would like to seek your advice on PN and KG application matters.

My daughter is now 16 months and I started planning for PN and KG applications, mainly focussing on HK Island. My choices of KG would relate to the bigger picture – primary school to secondary school.

Questions on Sacred Heart (SH)
•For SH KG (am - private), would students admitted by SH Primary (am - private) also be eligible for applying SH Primary (pm - subsidized)?
•What's the main difference between SH primary am and pm? Would am session be tougher as it's self-funded and need to build up its reputation through enhancing students' performance?
•For students taking SH KG (am) and SH Primary (am), how are their chances of admission to SH secondary (subsidized)? Would they reserve 85% of seats for SG primary, be it students from am or pm in SH KG?
•You mention that every 3 years SH KG will got extra seats, which year is that? K1 in 2014/2015?

Question on St Mary (SM)
•        It’s a one-dragon school though it’s non-DSS. Does it mean that once entered into SM primary or 天神嘉諾撒學校, all students will go straight to SM Secondary?

General questions on KG
•        For CCKG, do you know % of students being admitted to DGS/DBS? For the rest who are not admitted to DGS/DBS, where are they going normally?
•        SKH is highly regarded by many parents in HK Island, partly becos of its high admission rate to SP Co-ed. Just wonder if you have the % of admission to SP Co-ed? Somehow I suspect the admission to SP Co-ed is mainly due to the background of parents (old boys/old gals) or special connection with school.
•        I am asking above questions as I’m thinking whether I should target on KG with primary connections like St Paul Convent, Sacred Heart OR non-dragon KG likes SKH.
•        Given your interview experiences for PN and KG, do you have any tips to share? I’m a working mom working long hours and I worry my lack of time in preparing the interviews for my kid. Some of my frds quit their jobs or work part-time just to prepare the upcoming interviews. For me, it’s not feasible as I have to sustain the family. I know your daughter was admitted by SH. May I know how did u utilize your time to train and groom your daughter? Very much appreciated.

Questions on Primary schools
•        For Discretionary Places Allocation, Catholics got 5 marks for Catholic schools. Does it apply to 1 parent only? Or does it require 2 parents + the kid to be Catholics as well?
•        If the kid already got a seat in Discretionary Places Allocation, he/she will be excluded from Central Allocation, right?
•        If the kid already got a seat in DSS or private schools, she won’t be eligible for Central Allocation. But how about Discretionary Places Allocation. Is the kid still eligible?

Sorry for the long list of questions. Just answer me when you feel like it. Many thanks!

Rank: 2

發表於 13-1-8 17:11 |只看該作者
One more thing. For St Paul Nursery (CWB) VS St Paul Convent Kindergarten (CWB), do they stand an equal chance to be admitted by St Paul Convent Primary?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-1-8 17:31 |只看該作者
Hi Ian, Can you advise me how to decide since my daughter only got offer from Funful and Ming Wai. She only speak english that's why she not manage to get any offer from those branded kindergarten.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-1-8 18:04 |只看該作者


Does it apply to students who enter k1 in 2013-2014?

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 13-1-9 08:09 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 iantsang 於 13-1-9 08:10 編輯
mamajelly 發表於 13-1-8 17:06
Ian, I am also a big fan of you. You are fantastic. How can you do that with such a thorough underst ...

I have not been around for quite some time and thought this thread will eventually sink after all these years.  You must have paid quite some effort to read through a lot of other old posts to reach this.

To be frank, there are really a lot of questions so I can only answer them a bit at a time.

Questions on Sacred Heart (SH)
•For SH KG (am - private), would students admitted by SH Primary (am - private) also be eligible for applying SH Primary (pm - subsidized)?

==> For the case of Sacred Heart (SH), firstly there are no differences on their kindergarten so both am and pm are just the different time sessions rather different kindergarten.  It's a voucher-receiving kindergarten.

Up to this year, the only new policy which the two SH primary schools have put in force to channel the kindergarten students properly is that if one received a seat thru the EDB discretionary places stage in November for the PM aided primary school, then will automatically not be selected for the AM private section.  However, those who received offers from AM section can continuous to apply for the aided section thru central allocation.

•What's the main difference between SH primary am and pm? Would am session be tougher as it's self-funded and need to build up its reputation through enhancing students' performance?

==> Concerning differences between the two primary school sections, there are really no easy way to explain but certainly AM private section has an overall stronger academic focus and produce better students' banding for S1 allocation.  AM section has more quizzes while PM section has more homework assignment.  Of course, as AM is private so resources will be an issue as they rely totally on school fees to finance.

•For students taking SH KG (am) and SH Primary (am), how are their chances of admission to SH secondary (subsidized)? Would they reserve 85% of seats for SG primary, be it students from am or pm in SH KG?

==> For admission to secondary school, I have already mentioned on the first post of this thread that EDB has requested ALL the current feeder and nominated school systems to make a decision for switching to through-train or else they will not be able to keep any linkages to their related primary schools.  If this eventually are enforced in year 2015, all the current feeder and nominated primary school students would have no advantages during central allocation to apply for the related secondary school.

•You mention that every 3 years SH KG will got extra seats, which year is that? K1 in 2014/2015?

Yes, the next round where there will be 60 extra seats would be admission of K1 in 2014/15.

WIll have to continue on the rest at a later time.


Rank: 2

發表於 13-1-9 11:02 |只看該作者
Thanks Ian. It's quick! I read through your thread from 2009-2010 and learned quite a deal from it. But definitely I've read your other posts as well. There're tons of information to absorb ... it's a never-ending learning process.

Thanks for letting me know - SH am and pm are both voucher-receiving KGs.

"If this eventually are enforced in year 2015, all the current feeder and nominated primary school students would have no advantages during central allocation to apply for the related secondary school."
=> I've missed out this crucial point. So from 2015 onwards, it will be "all or nothing" - either 1) 一條龍 with S1 seats guaranteed by the same dragon secondary school or 2) 不結龍 with S1 seats allocation solely decided by students' banding.

There will be nothing in between like 聯繫學校 in the future, except for 1) DSS school like St. Paul Convent, DGS, Good Hope or 2) St. Mary's Canossian (the only non-DSS school which is one-dragon).

Pls correct me if I have missed out anything.
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