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蒙特梭利英語教材 – Huarry English 使用分享 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 12-9-6 17:11 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印

最近我弟婦在我推薦下買HuarryEnglish 俾我個就離2歲的侄仔,因為我個仔以前用過,覺得好好。我們在網上書店訂,上個星期收貨之後,我同弟婦一面拆包裝,我一面話佢知我個時點同亞仔一齊玩。


Step 1 魔術貼紙配合個十幾本單字圖片咭,每日玩5 - 6個單字,大約玩4 – 5日後換下一個主題,之後再返去再玩回之前個主題的單字,發覺小朋友認得D單字就再開始一個新主題。玩法可以自創故事將單字串連一齊,最緊要小朋友有興趣參與,又不驚小朋友整爛,D魔術貼可以多次貼,質地像不織布。


Step 2 語詞,呢4本有顏色,形狀,衣服等做主題。有D有磁力咭仔可以放在不同位置。

Step 3& 4 畫冊,呢D書我叫弟婦開CD/DVD俾侄仔聽,間中再用點讀機逐頁俾佢聽。以前我返工就叫婆婆日頭開CD/DVD俾亞仔聽,夜晚我就主力同亞仔玩Step 1/2

   16    0    0    0

Rank: 4

發表於 12-9-6 19:46 |只看該作者

Rank: 2

發表於 12-9-7 14:40 |只看該作者
回復 秋啪頭 的帖子


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-9-8 11:24 |只看該作者
只係想指出, 蒙特梭利係由拼音學起, 唔會由單字教起.  因為對年齡教細嘅小朋友來講, 學左拼音先, 之後睇書會快好多.  學單字只係靠死記, 咁要記好多個字先得.  

Rank: 2

發表於 12-9-8 22:54 |只看該作者
  我諗視乎年紀同小朋友反應啦,以英語為母語的小朋友,一開始學都以日常生活單語開始,大D再配合拼音,我囝囝1.5歲歲開始用Huarry English,到幼兒班開始Phonics

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-9-8 22:57 |只看該作者
我覺得D 英文怪怪地, 我最最後賣掉

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-9-9 09:10 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 elmostoney 於 12-9-9 09:23 編輯

你可以上amazon睇下d教小朋友英文書, 外國父母多數都係教phonics先, 好少會教單字.我家兩兒都算得上係英語為母語.

phonics有少少底後, 可以用ladybird套keywords教, 我就用peter and jane, 又平又有效. 係page one買,一本都係$25左右, 全套24本, 有d圖書館都可能借到.

其實唔洗羸在起跑線上, 我個仔認真教佢phonics同讀peter and jane, 都係四歲嘅事 (我係自己教), 教左8個幾月, 佢剛睇完peter and jane level 11, 基本上已有能力睇入門簡單chapter books, 不過佢好懶, 因為我自己教開佢中文, 中文一睇個字, 識就係識, 唔識就係唔識. 英文要佢每個字母拼出來, 佢唔耐煩. 佢都係剛四歲八個月.

其實我想分享一下, 因為我有兩個. 大女個陣時我都好似大家咁, 可能佢又唔係咁醒, 有d野, 我後來發覺, 唔係你比佢學多d, 佢就有相應嘅進步.  太細嘅小朋友, 連身邊好多事情都仲係摸索中, 學一d太academics嘅野吸收能力, 自制力都一定冇大小朋友咁好. 到我家老二, 我就冇咁緊張.  佢冇學物野同學術有關課程, 只有中英文係我自己係屋企教.  其他都係一d運動班, 亦都唔係諗住參加物比賽, 考物試, 純粹係想比佢玩下.  游水我都打算五歲半六歲先學, 因為大個d, 識教練指令好d, 而且身體各肌肉能配合d, 仲快上手. 否則一早學, 時間學得耐, 咪仲浪費時間金錢.  呢d都係我係大女身上得出經驗.

我覺得如果想早d開展學語文, 三歲後都唔遲.  我個女仲遲, 五歲半到佢入國際學校時, 佢只會拼讀3-letter words, 因為我教佢, 佢唔肯學.  唔洗一年時間, 佢已睇緊chapter books, 當然中間我都出左唔少力, 同佢多d讀書.  三歲前 (即使到阿女而家六歲), 最緊要係讀多d書比佢地聽. 就算我個女, 大部份都可以自已讀到, 但有d字唔明, 有d字會拼錯, 有d字根本不能拼 (如aisle, bouquet, 呢d字, 係冇得跟phonics拼), 咁我讀故事嘅過程中佢都可以學到好多.

發表於 12-9-14 14:47 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-9-20 00:36 |只看該作者

回覆:elmostoney 的帖子

i came acorss several threads u posted, really apprecite yr effort on teaching yr kids. i hv a 19 mth girl. can u pls share yr exp how to teach eng is better?
1)do u mean reading books aloud to her? yet she dont quite interested n always turn over pages herself. she loves singing though, is playing dvd gd? ps we speak cantonese at home
2) is flashcard work?
3) a bit far from topic: i found montersseri class is expensive. cannot afford? do u think read books myself and teach at home work? my main purpose is encourage her to hv motive n interest in learning, academic is not major focus.
Sorry for so many qn, hope u can help. ths.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-9-20 10:53 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 elmostoney 於 12-9-20 11:11 編輯


What direction you take will depend on many factors:

1.  Do you plan to send your child to local or int'l school?  If you plan to send your child to int'l school, then reading English may be of less concern.  Speaking and listening will be more important at interviews.

2.  If you plan to teach your child at home, it will also depend on your own English ability.  If you have a reasonable understanding and command of English, it suffices for you to buy simple phonics material.  There is no need to splurge out thousands of dollars.  I use this book in conjunction with the Peter and Jane series to teach my son and it's not even US$20:

http://www.amazon.com/The-Readin ... +read+in+20+lessons

3.  Every child is different.  Don't set high expectation.  My daughter refused to let me teach her.  I can see that she benefited less from going to a Montessori school than my son.

4.  I don't prefer flashcards for English if you plan to just "flash" them.  Personally, the child will find it easier if he has some understanding of English.  We speak both English and Cantonese at home.  When you start teaching phonics, it will make more sense.  Flash cards are good for teaching them the concept of word families/rhymes at this age (e.g. came, lame, fame) so that they understand the word pattern easier.  Just imagine that you are trying to teach a 2-year-old 鬼仔 Chinese by teaching pinyin first while he has not been exposed to the language.  I just don't think it makes much sense.

The interesting thing is, once your child can read to a reasonably age appropriate level, his interest may guide him to some interesting grounds.  My son is 4 3/4 years old.  Since he loves maps, he can now actually read country names such as Afghanistan - no kidding! Of course, he can read it because he has heard it before.  So he listens, reads the word and learns it.  Now I find it worth my effort to write out flash cards with country names for him.  For him, it's a combination of memory and phonics. However, if you ask him to read other long words which he is not interested in, he may not even care to sound it out. He has read simple words such as "bigger" as "burger"!  He can be lazy to sound it out and the shape of the two words do have some resemblance, but upon repeatedly pressuring him to sound it out, he can read it.

5.  My suggestion for a 19-month-old is keep reading aloud to her.  My daughter has always been very easily distracted, but even she loves reading.  Don't give up.  Rome was not built in one day!

6.  I wasn't into DVD/CD teaching.  I think some may help, but I won't rely on it.  I did try it when my daughter was of similar age as yours, but I just didn't like it.  Until 2 weeks ago, our TV time at home is 2 hours in one month.  Only 2 weeks ago I started letting the kids watch one movie over the weekend - broken down into 2 parts.  They spend their spare time to play, go outside and read (especially now that my daughter can read by herself).

7.  You can practice basic Montessori at home. Home teaching books are available.  However, teaching Montessori academics at a higher level at home is something quite different.  But yes, encouraging the spirit to explore and independence are all possible.

8.  I don't know about your budget for Montessori school.  Best Concept, imho, is probably one of the best Montessori preschool in HK.  I don't know how much they charge for toddler class now, but probably not over $4000 for 5 days? My kids went to their casa class (age 2.5 or above) 5 days for $4800, while all other 1/2-day Montessori Casa schools charge at least $6000+ with larger class size.


bbtammy  thanks for sharing   發表於 12-12-3 10:48

發表於 12-9-20 13:59 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-9-20 19:43 |只看該作者

回覆:elmostoney 的帖子

thanks for yr detailed advice n info. i plan to let my girl study in local school only. yes, kids r different, maybe i will need to try what is suitable for her. ths again.

發表於 12-10-9 10:56 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-10-9 11:35 |只看該作者
回復 elmostoney 的帖子

nice sharing

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-4 03:49 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 monkeydiary 於 12-11-4 03:50 編輯

回復 elmostoney 的帖子

我上博學坊睇過, 發現有Hurray English和Story Bombom, 請問呢2套書有什麼分別呢? 我囡囡剛滿1歲, 搵緊教材俾佢學英文同日常知識, 但我好唔鐘意ybcr和dwe, 因為2者都要睇電視, 而呢套唔駛, 而且我睇過youtube的示範短片, 好似都幾好玩, 但我想知呢2套駛唔駛一齊買呢? 其實你地suggest小朋友應該幾時開始學英文?
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