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出售中一至三書本低至三折(全部新書買返來好新淨) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-7-16 16:13 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
本帖最後由 myip1995 於 12-7-31 10:57 編輯


Mathematics Books(有包書,有寫、highlight過)

1) New Trend MathematicsS1A (Traditional Binding) Chan, Leung, Kwok / Chung Tai $50

2) New Trend MathematicsS1B (Traditional Binding) Chan, Leung, Kwok /Chung Tai $50

3) New Trend MathematicsS2A (Traditional Binding) Chan, Leung, Kwok /Chung Tai $50

4) New Trend MathematicsS2B (Traditional Binding) Chan, Leung, Kwok /Chung Tai $50

5) New Trend Mathematics S3A(Loose-leaf Binding) Chan, Leung, Kwok / Chung Tai $50

6) New Trend Mathematics S3B(Loose-leaf Binding) Chan, Leung, Kwok / Chung Tai $50


1) Step& Skills 1 – Integrated Listening, Reading& Writing (Paper III) with CD

(有包書,只有寫頭幾版過)John Potter / Witman $40

2) PerformancePlus Task-based Listening Level 2 (with Data File & CD)

(有包書,只有寫頭幾版過)Diana Esser / Pilot $50

3) Bookworms Club Gold Stories for Reading Circles (有包書,100%) MarkFurr/Oxford $25


1) 初中中國語文新編中一上 附光碟 初中中文編寫委員會/香港教育圖書 $30

2) 初中中國語文新編中一下 初中中文編寫委員會/香港教育圖書 $30

3) 白話聊齌誌異 趙炳南 / 商務 $20


1) HKDSE Biology - a modern approach Book 1CChan, Ng, Sy, Fung, Ngan/AristoEdu $40


1) 新理念中國歷史(第二版)中三 杜振醉/香港教圖$70

E. & P.A. (有包書,有寫、highlight過)

1) Hong Kong in Focus 3A Eddie Cheng, E Kong, Simon Ng/Manhattan $50


1) Issue Enquiry Series: Section 8(有寫過、highlight過)Mark, Tsue, Siu/Aristo $20

2) Mini School Atlas (2005 Ed.) with CD (有包書,99%) Ling Kee $110

Visual Arts(有包書,100% 全新)

1)Arts and Design Book 1C Kwok & Wong / Macmillam $30

2)Arts and Design Book 2B Kwok & Wong / Macmillam $30

3)Arts and Design Book 3A Kwok & Wong / Macmillam $30

4)Arts and Design Book 3B Kwok & Wong / Macmillam $30

Design & Technology

1) Creative Design & Technology Book 1 (2005 Ed.) Lam & Chan/ChineseTechnical Press $80


1) 通識教育(身份認同,梁秉恩,朗文香港教育 $30

2) 通識新天地(初中)學習技能手冊,馬敬文,文達出版 $20

3) 通識新天地(初中)健康生活由我創,通識教育科編輯委員會,文達出版 $20

4) 現代通識世界,認識真我 送全新工作紙,現代教育研究科 $20

5) 初中中外歷史文化透視單元五(中古時期中國與西方的歷史變遷)課題1

(中國統一帝國的再現)文達出版 $20

6) 初中中外歷史文化透視單元五(中古時期中國與西方的歷史變遷)課題3

(中國統一帝國的更替)文達出版 $20

7) 初中中外歷史文化透視單元七(東方帝國的衰落與西方向近代邁進)課題1

(明清帝國的興衰)文達出版 $20

8) 初中中外歷史文化透視單元二(東西文明發展與帝國的出現)課題2

(秦漢帝國的出現及興衰)文達出版 $20

9) Issue Enquiry Series Section 20 –Introduction to History Study,

     N Kan, M Tang / Aristo Edu $20

10) Issue Enquiry Series Section 24 – Life inancient Rome,
     N Kan, M Tang / Aristo Edu $20

11) IssueEnquiry Series Section 26 – The Renaissance,

     N Kan,M Tang / Aristo Edu $20

12) Issue Enquiry Series Section 27 – The Ageof Revolution,
     N Kan, M Tang / Aristo Edu $20

13) Issue Enquiry Series Section 29 – East –West Encounters, N Kan, M Tang / Aristo Edu $20

14) Issue Enquiry Series Section 1 - How do we know wherewe are?

      Mak KB,Tse SF, Siu WL / Aristo Educational Press $20

15) Issue Enquiry Series Section 8 –Collapsing Slopes,
      Mak KB, Tse SF, Siu WL / Aristo Edu $20

16) Issue Enquiry Series Section 11 – The Unstable Earth,
      Mak KB, Tse SF, Siu WL / Aristo Edu $20

17) Issue Enquiry Series Section 14 – Saving OurRainforests, Mak KB, Tse SF, Siu WL / Aristo Edu $20

18) Liberal Studies in Life – Government and I, LiberalStudies Editorial Board / Manhattan Press $20

19) Liberal Studies in Life – Energy and Technology, Lee Pui Fun, Chan Hin Wai / Manhattan Press $20

Chemistry (Elective)

1)New 21st Century Chemistry Book 1A(LHM Chung/ Jing Kung) $30 (有包書,有寫、highlight過)

2)New 21st Century Chemistry Book 1B(LHM Chung/Jing Kung) $40 (有包書,有寫、highlight過)

3) New 21st CenturyChemistry Book 1C – Metals (LHM Chung/Jing Kung)  $40


4) New 21st Century Chemistry Book 2A – Acids and Bases (LHM Chung/JingKung) $50


5) New 21st Century Chemistry Book 2B - - Redox Reactions Chemical Cells & Electrolysis

(L.H.M.Chung/Jing Kung) $50(有包書,有寫、highlight過)

6) New 21st Century Chemistry Book 2C- Microscopic World II (L.H.M.Chung/Jing Kung)
100% 全新,有包書)

Chemistry 參考練習

1) HKDSE Chemistry A Systematic Approach Book 1 – MultipleChoice Questions

(For Chemistry/Combined Science) with Full Explanationsto Answer (有包書,有寫過)

   1    0    0    0

Rank: 3Rank: 3

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