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樓主: aloha_samuel

學之園result   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

發表於 12-4-13 21:01 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 retriever 於 12-4-17 09:49 編輯
tofu_mind 發表於 12-4-13 15:38
I think0) it depends on how the school presents the placement result, for LH, they show all good schoo ...

not really again ;)

LH has provided BOTH stats, the nos of offer and the final placement. as the graduates could get more than one offer but ended up to accept one offer only. so, the nos of offer from dss/private school could tell you a lot, whether their graduates are competitive and what the strength they 've got. from the stats, u could see high nos of offers in cky, tsl, and wkf, so we could believe LH's strength is in English... the school also posted the total nos of graduates for diff campus. one could calculate the percentage.

while KM has around 13% (if recalled correctly) graduates going to LS. so it should be less than 20 nos of boys. apart from LS the admission to other dss/private school could not be said brilliant at all. these 20 nos of boy may have got other offers, however, we could not tell if these boys got the admissions by lottery or pts adv.  bear in mind that near 80% of the places of any aided school shall be allocated by lottery or pts. do u think only these 20 nos of boys in KM got dss/private school offers but not many others?

don't get me wrong, KM is a good caring school and its curriculum is known difficult. however, in terms of stats there is no evidence that KM excels in dss/private school admissions than LH.

you could check the stat of LH from this link


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-4-13 23:08 |只看該作者


Well, I think most parents except those very rich ppl consider also the cost that if they got offers fr both top tier aided school and dss/private school which is at similar level, unless they prefer IB system or the flexibility of private schools, i believe they wud go for the aided one.

I agree with u that the placement results of LH showing high % of dss/ private schools indicates the competitiveness of the graduates to certain extent. However, if u look at the ratio of the offers of aided schools to the total, it is about 8.6%, for example, LH Tsing Yi campus hv 17 offers fr school among a total of 235.

On the other hand, because KM only shows the placements results but not the offer numbers and the high ratio of aided school could only tell that their students hv enough pts/ luck to get into this comparatively lower cost traditional top tier school but you cannot tell how many other dss/private school offers they got in here.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-4-13 23:27 |只看該作者


simple example, DBS and LS, both r good schools in terms of the quality of students, but in terms of cost, then LS is much cheaper. So, not many dss/ private school placements in KM does not mean they do not hv that, it may just bcoz they hv a choice to go for a lower cost aided/ gov't schools.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-4-13 23:52 |只看該作者

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-4-14 00:02 |只看該作者
回復 tofu_mind 的帖子

>>So, not many dss/ private school placements in KM does not mean they do not hv that, it may just bcoz they hv a choice to go for a lower cost aided/ gov't schools.

same here :  So, not many dss/ private school placements in KM does not mean they do not hv that, and also does not mean that they have that, right ?

My opinion : just not enough information provided by KM,  therefore not enough information to compare . suggest not to make comparison in this way since too many presumptions given by subjective  perception.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-4-14 00:02 |只看該作者
有關津校同直資\私校結果,我識人LS 同 CKY 之間就揀前者,唔係錢嘅問題 (因為佢中上有餘),而係覺得 turn down LS 100% 無回頭 ,而且可以帶埋細佬入名津,真係讀村校都入硬top tier

所以每個 Case 都唔同,試問又點可以用津校\直資結果作學校質素比較?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-4-14 00:11 |只看該作者


能夠諗通呢句話,悟出個道理, 就可以 :
1. 能夠返回事情本質去思考: 到底自己同埋自己的小朋友需要乜野學校
2. 唔會茫茫然跟住大隊走,隨波逐流就算走到好迷失好苦惱都被迫走落去,苦咗自己苦咗仔女
3. 做父母的壓力少一啲,個仔女也會因此開心一啲

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-4-14 00:43 |只看該作者


wat wud u consider for a suitable school? one of the major factors is their future. Good school is a good start and that is why placement/ offers results are shown. bcoz parents will check for this (demand), good kindergartens are willing to show (supply). good results in this yr is not a guarantee for next yr, but it does mean sthg. no matter how many advertisements/ PR done to promote the education style/ theories, unless u r an insider, only the results are telling the facts. and it also reflects the p schools preferences to their graduates. that's why parents mail to Ming pao and ask if a kinder has any connections to the preferred schools. Most of the parents hope their children will hv a happy childhood, and also hope they could be competitive in the future.. we hv to be realistic..

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-4-14 00:49 |只看該作者

引用:回復+tofu_mind+的帖子 +>>So,+not+many+d

原帖由 Christi 於 12-04-14 發表
回復 tofu_mind 的帖子

>>So, not many dss/ private school placements in KM does not mean they do no ...
you are right that it cannot tell the actual no of offers KM got bcoz of lack of info, but then it wud be true that LH grads got 8.x% of offers fr good aided/ gov't schools and so, they cud only go for the dss/ private..

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-4-14 01:07 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 bblyly 於 12-4-14 01:08 編輯
TKO_NANA 發表於 12-4-13 15:04
斋睇BK既topic,今年也有不少人同時got SC/LH/KM既offer,唔揀SC,讀咗其他學校,到K1又去考番SC收咗既,我睇大 ...

SC PN 只係今年先開始 (2011年6月先開始放風有pn, 仲只係一封信問有冇興趣)咁快有不少EXAMPLES 今年讀緊PN上年唔要SC PN OFFER而今年考K1又收左?

有冇多d post 睇下?

在VIC, THINK, LH 等等一堆PN , 家姐哥哥讀完PN走左, 細佬妹收返既機會係0,
而且係獨立個體, 無論面試表現點, 都必定唔收
咁你覺得佢地會唔會REFER返之前既紀錄?(咁sc一年收700人k1, 我就唔肯定sc了)

假設PN升K1 仲有一半學生留低讀K1, 大約120人左右比外來生, 你可能覺得好多可以好易入, PN唔讀, K1再入過都得
但事實上未必咁易, 我身邊好多人都考唔入, 求位信咩都出齊都無

無論點, 我相信SC, KM, YORK, ETC都係好學校(我從不批評其他學校, 因為我小朋友無讀過), 我只係想講出,
PN唔要個OFFER, 就預左K1人地唔會再CONSIDER你, 因為佢地有over 1000以上 (定2000? 3000? 唔知道) 個applications 而且佢地一定會有record

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

發表於 12-4-14 02:19 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 retriever 於 12-4-17 09:50 編輯
tofu_mind 發表於 12-4-13 23:27
simple example, DBS and LS, both r good schools in terms of the quality of students, but in terms of ...

agreed that if one got offers from both elite aided schools and dss, most would prefer the elite aided school in terms of costs. this is a general preference. however, when looking the stats you may have overlooked the following facts, and make the immature conclusion KM performed better in the admissions:

1. as said near 80% students of any aided schools will be admitted by luck or pts adv. Grab any 20 nos of student in LS, from stats 80% of them were admitted by luck regardless what other offers they had, same for those 20 nos of KM graduates;

2. taken 20 nos of students admitted by LS plus the nos of those going to elite school, assuming all these students 'd got offers from dss/private school. the percentage is not high as compared with LH;

3. the 8.7% or 13 nos of aided school offer for LH TY. pls note the stats were collected in mar. so, it has not included the offer from lottery... the stats just counted the offers admitted by pts adv.

what i believe is that the parents of KM students have good background, and a nos of them have got the pts for elite aided school admissions.

just checked again KM's placement results and noted an interesting pt. given the relatively high % of student going to LS and MK, they have no admission to DBS and DGS.

really strange...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-4-14 11:34 |只看該作者


actually, there is never a conclusion made whether KM or LH got better placement/ offer results. not to mention that their presentations are different, it is difficult to tell which p school rates higher than the other. the fact is that KM got more placements in aided\gov't and LH's offer results only hv 8% sthg in this grp and turn out to a high rate of dss/ private schools admission.. Parents can take reference to it and make their own decision..

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-4-14 23:30 |只看該作者
其實你有沒有諗過,Lh既家長可能對aided gov school沒咁大興趣?

點解dss private school 受家長歡迎,係因為唔受制於教育處。


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-4-15 22:16 |只看該作者
回復 tofu_mind 的帖子


to be realistic,是很好的.但係,to be really realistic, 就須知道就算KM好多人入LS,但係都有人入唔到的.LH好多人入CKY,但係都一樣有人肥佬的.我想講的是, 數字只是反映一般情況, 對於一些模糊的數字,更加只係反映模糊的情況. 數字展示出嚟的picture唔代表能夠反映自己仔女將來的去向(呢個就係我成日講,叫人唔好單單睇到個別學校的高入讀率,就自我感覺良好一番).


Rank: 2

發表於 12-4-16 10:27 |只看該作者
回復 sodajoanna 的帖子

Thanks all! after considering, and heard about the news last Sat, we decided to choose LH.

Rank: 2

發表於 12-4-16 13:00 |只看該作者
Hey, i can really understand it is really difficult to choose between offers, me as parents also think and re-think many times whether i have decided the right one for my kid and is so afraid to make the wrong decision.

So, there is always too much information to review but there is always not enough information to make a decision.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

發表於 12-4-16 14:10 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 retriever 於 12-4-17 09:53 編輯
sbux 發表於 12-4-14 00:02
有關津校同直資\私校結果,我識人LS 同 CKY 之間就揀前者,唔係錢嘅問題 (因為佢中上有餘),而係覺得 turn  ...

i think you really miss the pt when looking the stats. the stats tell u about the general tendency regardless what had happened in a particular case, personal preference and whether the same result would happen in your situation.

the stats did tell you the abilities and preferences of the graduates of a school. just be careful to look into the stats to find out what made up the figures. DSS/private school would only be admitted by exams and interviews, hence no of offers from DSS/private schools is really a marker of the graduates' abilities.

when we went to the interviews of KLT kgs, we could meet a nos of familiar faces. there are around 3000~4000 nos of pro-active parents who have been looking for better KGs. only the most aggressive parents would target  top tier schools. however, even the most conservative parents who are happy with local aided school would apply for a few DSS/private schools, just in case the lottery results are not good.

that's why the placement result could not tell the whole picture, however, most of the Kg would only disclose the placement final results.


shevachevy  no of offers from DSS/private schools is really a marker of the graduates' ability --- agreed, and that's how the efforts of the school and students can be objectively reflected  發表於 12-4-16 14:29

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-4-16 17:02 |只看該作者
回復 retriever 的帖子

唔理大家的取態如何, 我覺得retriever睇統計的角度比較理性.希望大家將來睇數字時,多啲理解數字本身講比你知啲乜,同埋講唔到比你知啲乜.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

發表於 12-4-16 23:09 |只看該作者
回復 retriever 的帖子


here is the link to the posts by a mum her daughter has been taking school bus to LH LP happliy...

for your ref



TKO_NANA  已經全部睇晒,多謝你的資料可是我還是下不了決定,希望5月前可以有最終定案啦,thanks again!  發表於 12-4-17 15:48

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-4-17 10:38 |只看該作者
我係LH LP Campus的用家. 首先恭喜入到LP分校既小朋友. 本來我一向都只係睇EK既討論, 不會回應, 不過今日在大雨下送女女番學之後, 對LP分校有感而發, 即管跟大家分享我既意見.

LP係一所好學校. 女女讀左一段日子, 好開心, 好鍾意番學. 學校課程恰到好處, 教材一流, 學術上絕對冇問題. 不過講真, 睇左EK咁耐, 其實冇話有一間學校真係好唔掂, 至少將軍澳好多幼稚園都可以教到小朋友好叻好乖, 小朋友又鍾意番學, 所以你話LP分校係咪真係教得最好, 說話又唔係咁講. 不過至少, 係一間令人滿意既學校.

不過最大既問題係地點. 家住將軍澳, 因為我同老公C6都番工, 所以女女搭校車番學. 校車司機同姨姨都好CARING, 我亦都對司機手車好有信心, 不過問題係通往學校既O個條大路. 條路好長, 冇乜燈位, 最WORST係成日整路, 又多泥頭車, 都幾危險. 今日放假送女女番學, 條路車速限制為50, 我行50, 啲泥頭車仲快過我, 都幾驚. 今日落咁大雨, 啲車都開好快... 有時我會同女女O係THE EDGE搭SHUTTLE入去, 去到領都之後仲要行一段路, 夏天就好熱好曬, 冬天就食西北風, 好似今日咁大雨就更加狼狽... 除非你有康城住戶證, 咁就唔係日曬雨淋. 仲有O係領都根本唔會截到的士, CALL的出將軍澳更加冇人睬你...

LP係一所好學校, 入到固然開心, 不過選址失敗, 如果放心俾小朋友搭校車都ok, 不過要親自接送就辛苦, 除非駕車... 上年女女讀PN, 佢o個班1/3小朋友退學, 一係出去九龍塘讀, 一係去左龍校. 我都爭扎左一段時間, 不過女女鍾意學校, 所以我都繼續俾佢讀. 不過黎緊仔仔都會出番去九龍讀PN.
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