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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 聽完真道簡介會, 有點失望
樓主: bamama

聽完真道簡介會, 有點失望   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-3-23 17:54 |只看該作者
回復 YanKanMom 的帖子


Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 12-3-24 05:15 |只看該作者
回復 funbeauty 的帖子

1)想比小朋友入真道是否一心讀IB, 如不是那其他直資都可以?
(但又不是全數學生可入IB, 咁咪好CONFUSE)

2)一心讀IB是否一心plan出國讀大學 , 如不是那 IB有咩優惠 (是著數d?)

I am not a LA parents, but an IBer's father.

1. It's not LA's problem, it's the ruling of DSS from EDB, most of DSS students take local curriculum. You can refer the EDB website related to DSS. Unless the school takes CKY's approach, as private school and you can offer 100% IBDP in Garde 11-12.

Also, don't take IB as fancy and trendy topic, it needs commitment and better planning for it. The kid as the key stakeholder needs to sacrifice and works extremely hard to learn and get good grades (求學不單是求分數).

2. Go local or overseas, it's your choice and base on different consideration, like exposure and financial affordability...... If you prefer IB, you should go to IBO website and study their mission and vision, the learner profile. I would say its 101 for parents to really understand IB's philosophy.

Back to the question, after 19 months as IB student's father (Pre-IB + IB yr 1), I can see my son has the following improvements:
a. better time management;
b. significant improvements on both Chinese and English - independent oral presentation, writing skills......
c. shaped by the experienced teachers and just like an university student (Sorry to downgrade the IBers.), good essay writing skills, self initiative, self motivation, depth of knowledge, time management, global thinking......
d. better career and future studies planning among the group with full support from the school;
e. TOK is an interesting subjects to develop his critical thinking and knowledge acquiring templates.......
f.  work long hours .......

I hate to use this word in education "著數" (I prefer 優勢), he really acquires life long learning skills with IBer profile or attributes. He is more ready to embrace the new challenges in his future life. It sounds appealing to me anyway!!!
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 12-3-24 05:33 |只看該作者
回復 TansonMa 的帖子


Just take IB alone can satisfy his/her requirement. He needs to work harder in TOK's critical thinking or internalize the model answer.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 12-3-24 05:51 |只看該作者
tko-parent 發表於 12-3-22 20:03
回復 ziyi 的帖子

DBS 基本上把 DP 和 IB 完全分開,有各自的簡介會及申請程序,就好像兩間學校一樣。
I am not sure what's your meaning as highlighted above in red color. PD is primary division for G1 admission, G10 for Pre-IB, G11-12, IBDP.

My 2 cents.....

DBS is not an fully accredited IB through train school.
In primary division, a local DSS school, local curriculum, 6 years, G1 admission.

In secondary division, also local curriculum from G7-9.

In-house students need to decide to take either IB stream or NSS stream in G9, the school organised seminar for students and parents. The IB admission based on competition, if they opt for NSS or not accepted by IB, they will take HKDSE with your electives.

For external students, DBS organised a separate IB admission seminar for them, of course, some parents and students are from DBS's junior grades. In the seminar, they addressed what is Pre-IB and IB, why IB? students from different grades to share their experience, parent's sharing, university offers and boarding arrangement, then Q&A for an hour this year.


ziyi  not my word...I also confuse,   發表於 12-3-24 07:52
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 12-3-24 08:03 |只看該作者

I know, I addressed the clarification to tko_parent only.

I hope the clarification of IB admission talk meet your need.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-24 10:46 |只看該作者
回復 ANChan59 的帖子


"Also, don't take IB as fancy and trendy topic, it needs commitment and better planning for it. The kid as the key stakeholder needs to sacrifice and works extremely hard to learn and get good grades (求學不單是求分數)."

天父很眷顧你, 有一個聰明好學的兒子.  聰明是一份恩賜, 但勤力好學更重要, 這也是我最希望我的子女可做到的.


ANChan59  Thanks  發表於 12-3-26 00:20

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-24 10:50 |只看該作者
回復 ANChan59 的帖子

It just a quoting mistake.

I mean DBS (not DBSPD) offers both HKDSE (or 3-3-4) and IB course. They have separate admission procedure, just like 2 independent schools.

DBSPD is a English local primary school offers only the local course (Syllabus).


ANChan59  No problem, I guess so.  發表於 12-3-24 15:34

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 12-3-25 08:22 |只看該作者
回復 daisy17772 的帖子

I guess .......如有類同,實屬巧合
Fxnny was impressed by PY's education philosophy and encouraged him and the sponsor institution to start LA under DSS. PY's idea was in good intention to translate the IB methodology into local DSS with reasonable cost, may have blessing(s) from the EDB senior official(s) for certain flexibility in curriculum.

When Fxnny was out of EDB after series of reforms, other EDB officials will follow the DSS rule strictly, all DSS schools must follow "majority of students need to study NSS and then take HKDSE". What PY can do either follow other IB schools like DBS and SPCC or like the current arrangement for compliance,

(I assume all are 1/3)

It means 2/3 students taking IBDP and 2/3 taking HKDSE and complied to DSS ruling, also satisfy most parents' needs.

In DBS, only 1/4 IB quota from EDB.... max 60 for IB. 180 for NSS. The original plan was 100 IB quota after the completion of the IB building. IB has separate classrooms, labs and POSH library in the IB building. It means 無牙力 just bullshit.

As PY was out last year, we need to be fair, patient and sympathetic to the new administration, give them some time. They work extremely hard to clear up and fix those problems ......

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 12-3-25 08:51 |只看該作者
DSS and IB approach together is the new phenomenon in HK, we should be more open mind and patient to those school, let those schools to trial and error..... it's an uncharted territory. As all pioneers face challenges, changed environments, not as planned results...... they move on based on their vision and mission.

I will be more sympathetic to them, if not, everyone will pull back and no more innovative ideas and changes......but they need to be honest and transparent to themselves, parents and the public.

Personally, I prefer IB; but not suitable for all kids, not because of academic capability and language proficiency, also need to consider their character and their personal learning methods. As no ones-fit all type of curriculum, certain flexibility within the school is good enough to cater all kids' diversity. I don't say IB or NSS which one is better. I would say IB fit my son better, without knowing his grades in IBDP,
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-25 11:54 |只看該作者
I don't think its his "PHILOSOPHY", he is not such great. I think its just a little idea of him to continue his career. No need to retired after 60 in DSS school, can give himeself a much more salary than in a Aided school, can be a Principal of both a secondary school and a primary school which cannot be realize in Aided schools. And the most important point is no one can control him to do anything in the first few years, the School Board cannot, EDB cannot, he make himself a King in LA.


ANChan59  Don't take it too personal....  My CSI type guess may not right but sounds reasonable. Over is over, give the school sometime....  發表於 12-3-25 21:44

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-3-25 20:05 |只看該作者
tko-parent 發表於 12-3-25 11:54
I don't think its his "PHILOSOPHY", he is not such great. I think its just a little idea of him to c ...
Is there any evidence to prove your points? If what you've said were true, there would have been plenty of schools for him to 'continue his career' and 'earn more'.


ANChan59  Is there any evidence to prove your points? I will claim the copyright....  發表於 12-3-26 11:29

Rank: 4

發表於 12-3-26 09:18 |只看該作者
回復 ANChan59 的帖子

Dear ANChan59,

Thanks a lot for your sharing regarding IB.  I am so lazy that having not get through all details regarding IB, still I prefer its concept and put my elder son into this direction. I think his style fit this and he enjoy much.  Now my younger son will go to P1 soon but he is different style.  He likes follow instructions.  But i hope that he can be more proactive in learning and in his life hence I decide to go for the same direction.  It is risk taking but i hope that we can make it together.    Any advice for me?


Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 12-3-26 11:25 |只看該作者
回復 catyoyo 的帖子

The risk is low as for primary, I would say go for a try, but also consider the back up plan for just in case.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-3-26 13:54 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 stseng 於 12-3-26 13:55 編輯

回復 tko-parent 的帖子

tko-parent 難道你認識PY 或是PY肚裏條虫, 否則你從何得知?  如果估估吓, 冇根冇據而甘講, 好似系人身攻擊或誹謗喎.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 12-3-26 17:20 |只看該作者
littlefaith 發表於 12-3-25 20:05
Is there any evidence to prove your points? If what you've said were true, there would have been ple ...


相反...區內另一學校的校長..卻在簡介會批死LOGOS沒有可能辦得成IB DP.我聽落有些不舒服的



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-31 16:58 |只看該作者
係咪FOR 2012年9月入學之學生?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-4-1 00:03 |只看該作者
回復 bobbi 的帖子

FOR 2013 9月入學的

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-4-3 17:29 |只看該作者
Bobbi, 第三輪小一簡介會在4月27日舉行,先打電話預位喇!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-4-7 16:28 |只看該作者
bamama 發表於 12-3-22 16:47
就我自己的考慮 :

1. 我確想小朋友讀IB課程, 但因想小朋友多學一點中文, 所以不選國際學校;
在香港,根本沒有直資小學提供IBPYP課程,私校中也只有滬江維多利亞學校提供 (MYP & DP也有),其餘都是國際學校。
直資中學中,也只有啟思中學提供IBMYP課程 (也有DP),男拔、男女保羅、真道都只提供IBDP課程,另有私立中學蔡繼有也提供IBDP課程。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-4-7 20:14 |只看該作者

回覆:cstchan 的帖子



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