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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 小四數學很差,應用題不懂,真煩!
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小四數學很差,應用題不懂,真煩! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-22 01:33 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
We have been trying our best to review the questions for him.  He's a slow learner and cannot understand the questions in detail.  Feeling very tired and frustrated, what to do???   Pls help!!   Besides, he's very careless in doing the work, whenever he faces the mid-term or final exam which includes a lot of topics, he's got everything in a mess!!
Please help, or should I find a private tutor to him on a 1 to 1 basis, any good reference?


motherotk  if possible, take sometime to understand basics, step by step understanding...  發表於 12-3-22 19:00
motherotk  that's difficulit, my daughter has same situation. understand what's his barriers, or curriculum is too stressful to him? Maths need conceptual understanding, tutor may not be good..  發表於 12-3-22 18:59
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waiyuktsoi  我單親.平時我自己教  發表於 12-3-22 11:25

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發表於 12-3-22 11:34 |只看該作者
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waiyuktsoi  學林邊道可以買?  發表於 12-3-22 11:39

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發表於 12-3-22 11:44 |只看該作者
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waiyuktsoi  thanks  發表於 12-3-22 11:57

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-22 18:58 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 motherotk 於 12-3-23 00:33 編輯

學林 exercise is good
My experience: if the kids are not good at Maths, don't try tutorial class or tutors unless the tutors understand your child's situations, maths need to teach one by one by parent, with patience and understanding of kid's level, and step by step concepts should be consolidated

My experience:

1) Observe what are the difficulties, e.g. don't undrestand the wordings or don't understand the concepts..

2) Understand the concept first, then select some of the questions that she repeatedly wrong to provide similar questions to practice..

3) accept the fact that some of the questions will never be understood by the kid, then just give up these few questions and focusing on what she  can understand...don't get her frustrated, get her some learning satisfactions, to keep her going on with the learning, to have a sense of control that she is able to master...


leungchai  I know parents should be the best teachers, however, we both need to work, so can only teach him after school or during the weekends....  Or should I stop thinking too much and just try my best first.  發表於 12-3-23 23:44
leungchai  Thanks very much for your long explanation.  He's poor in understanding the question and applying the concept.  He's a "straight" boy.  He's OK in pure calculation but not the long questions.   發表於 12-3-23 23:43

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-22 20:09 |只看該作者


leungchai  Thanks very much!  發表於 12-3-23 23:56

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-3-22 21:21 |只看該作者
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發表於 12-3-24 14:09 |只看該作者
"He's poor in understanding the question and applying the concept.  He's a "straight" boy.  He's OK in pure calculation but not the long questions"

Similar situation with my girl

I suggest you go to be basic concept first, do exercise with every concept, then deal with the problem solving...

Check PM

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-24 14:20 |只看該作者
sometimes may lower the expectation, probably this is the limitation, then try to foused on other strengths to make up the marks..

For my girl, complicated maths will be difficult for her, whatever tutorial will not help, because of the limitations, but with my intensive training on the workable areas, can minimize the damage or chances to be failed, or if lucky, will have above average results sometimes..

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 12-3-24 17:06 |只看該作者
我女呢, 所有基本野都識, 都明, 但唔夠純熟, 數感亦唔夠d男仔強(直到而家p6喇, 100除4都幾乎要用直式至知係25), 當學校d題目鐘意"炒埋一碟", 我女就c得喇, 打個比喻: 四方型周界16cm, 現在邊長增加1/4, 新周界是多少? 我女唔識做, 我問佢, 四方型周界16cm, 咁邊長幾多呀? 佢答我4lor, 我再話, 咁新既邊長增加1/4, 又即係幾多呀, 佢答: 5lor, 我又問: 咁新周界係幾多呀, 佢識答我20了!


你可以試下買d坊間最基本既練習返黎, 叫你女做一版, 睇下佢識唔識, 如果佢輕鬆解決到, 就可以慳返d時間o係基本操練(無謂反覆做到佢都無心機啦), 而可以直接跳去解題/列式/高階思維, "學林"出版社d數學練習有一個系列叫"應用題及解題思路", 係專訓練小朋友step by step去解題的, 不妨一試, 如果問題係連基本野都未攪得掂, 而你自己又操練得好氣餒, 我會建議你搵專人教啦, 而家我女p6, 搵上門補數都係$100/hr, 我死少好多細胞..............

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-25 09:42 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 motherotk 於 12-3-25 09:56 編輯

My girl has learning difficulties, very different learning process from son, so have to understanding and accept this difference:

I) getting marks strategies:
1) work on the workable areas;
2) practice and practice to get the high marks on workable areas; usually i can get 40-45/50 marks in test, for those difficult ones, you just let go..

II) getting the concept right (need more time and you need to know what concept he does not know, so if for tutorial, you may not know him well, use long holidays to work on these)

1) go back to P3 or P2 concepts (during long holidays) , to check what are the solid understnading level, start from there, teach him one concept, consolidate, then go to another step..

2) for learning difficulties kids, one small step at one time, then learning build up on these small steps.. repeat and repeat the same concept, come back to the previous concepts.....all these I am working, tutors cannot do this.

III) supports from parents and teachers
1)  enormous patience, understanding from parents, understand that this is not the child's fault or the child's "laziness", it's some types of "limitations", just like when a child have visual difficulties, you cannot force him to see clear pictures without eyeclasses, and based on these to say he is incapable. As paresnts, you need to prepare a glasses for him, to teach him to learn within his limitations, and to use alternative ways of learning strategies. These cannot be done by tutors, unless you have an excellent tutors who understand these types of children, otherwise, another source of stress for the kids.

2) Motivate his learning, avoid emotional stress, get him a sense of control over learning.

3) To assess carefully the school envirnoment, if this is facilitating or limiting his learning, connect with teachers to accoomodate him, like special exam arrangements if possible.

4) Do not compare with children without learning difficuties, but never under-estimate the potentials if with good support

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-3-25 12:17 |只看該作者
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發表於 12-3-25 13:01 |只看該作者
"驗證小學階段的數學並不需要與生俱來的天分" - why need validation..?

My purpose of learning - understand children's potential, as well as their barriers and limitations. Expand the potentials, develop them, accept the barriers and limitation (every kid's differnt)...

For children with special learning needs, special issues need to aware. that's why if parents feel ok to accept, it's better to teach by ourselves, as wehn you teach, you know what's happening to them...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-25 13:03 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 motherotk 於 12-3-25 13:28 編輯

I do believe that level of IQ related to Maths problem solving...Children with special learning needs, if child got higher IQ, less difficulties, average IQ (not low, not high e.g. 120 or up,  but average 8x-100) + other difficulties and limitations, then you have to take spcial attention, to understand carefully and detailly about his/her limitations, and work on these limitations,

知己知彼百戰百勝!! No one will be caring and understanding than you on your kids. get a detailed understanding on children's potential and limitations through detailed assessment reports. you know how to work with them realistically.

If IQ high (say 120-140) with maths problems, then it's about the learning habit, or problems in the parent-child interaction or teacher-student interaction,  can work on the habit, work through the relationship, or this can be done by tutors. Kids will achieve quickly...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-3-25 14:44 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 access 於 12-3-25 15:04 編輯
motherotk 發表於 12-3-25 13:01
"驗證小學階段的數學並不需要與生俱來的天分" - why need validation..?




Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-25 14:53 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 motherotk 於 12-3-25 14:58 編輯

Parents can learn, if you believe that children can learn, why parents cannot learn!!

My personal experience: I never concern my son's homework as he is soo independent and I hate to teach children myself in the past as I was crazy at work. However, this is a challenge for me when the daughter  come to have learning challenges. I believe that I can learn, only you learn, you know your child can learn.

Primary school math is simple, most of the parents can handle. we share experiences here, this is the platform to learn

I do think that sometimes if too stressful, you can have others help...but as parents, we have to handle our emotion before we can go on to teach our children...children are children, they are not mini adults, we need to really understand them, to learn to communicate with them....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-3-25 22:46 |只看該作者
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