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陳守仁英文程度如何 [複製鏈接]

發表於 12-1-31 23:24 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
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發表於 12-1-31 23:50 |只看該作者
i don't hv kid that attend to TSL. However, i hv student from that school.
And  I think that their English level meets up to IS.
A funny thing is that my student actually holds a British accent, that's why I am interested in TSL, and would love to send my son to this school.
Pls can you let me know what was the interview like.
I am hoping to enrol to this school in April, since I missed the 1st interview.

發表於 12-2-1 00:04 |只看該作者
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發表於 12-2-1 08:16 |只看該作者

回覆:sushiwwasabi 的帖子

It all depends on your kid.
Basically the student usually talk in English in the school bus.
No text book, but many work sheet.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 12-2-2 10:41 |只看該作者
sushiwwasabi 發表於 12-1-31 23:24
囡囡現讀K3,已獲TSL收了,但同時也有國際學校收.  知道TSL英文好,但好的定義每人不同.

想請教English/ Chi ...

每個小朋友口音都唔一樣喎, 要睇你小朋友本身有冇語言天份, 會唔會模仿外國口音。有d點學都係中國人口音, 咁冇計啦。我大仔(p3)講英文冇我細女(p1)咁好聽, 聽女較似美國口音(呢個係外面教英文既老師講既, 唔係我自己講)。兩個都係陳守仁讀, 出黎都會有唔一樣啦。

我兩個小朋友都冇補英文, 我覺得陳守仁係傳統教學, 但老師比較鬆, 唔會push得小朋友好緊, 同埋冇咩功課。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-2-2 19:41 |只看該作者
1) 想請教English/ Chinese stream的家長,小朋友英文口音是屬本地還是較外國人呢?
ANS: 屬本地

2) TSL NET 只得數名,其餘老師的英文水平時怎樣?
ANS: NET teachers not very impressive. But the curriculum design is very good. Other English teachers depend...since the curriculum is good, you have quality assurance.

3) No extra class for English outside school curriculum. The exisitng curriculum is good enough. I like the curriculum very much, even without NET teachers, they will be doing fine.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-2-2 19:55 |只看該作者
One more discovery:

We speak Cantonese or Mandarin at home, not English. At the begining, I found my son's verbal English was really terrible "Chinglish", in P1-P3.

Starting from P4, his verbal English improved a lot, now at P5, I felt good about his verbal competence, much better than before. Probably he interacte more actively with French Steam students, so peer learning is impressive.

發表於 12-2-3 00:41 |只看該作者
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發表於 12-2-3 04:42 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 motherotk 於 12-2-3 04:51 編輯

ANS: The exisitng curriculum is good enough.
French stream students speak native english because of their cultural background
Chinese stream students speak local accent also because of their cultural background
If your child is active enough to interacte more with French Steam students, the English will improve from "Chinglish" to near "native" English. However, u know kid's learning is a result of interactive factors, even in International schools you cannot gurarantee with good learning. Native accent not necessarily = good learning, just part of the english learning.

These parts of language environment = good!

NET teachers --unstable sometimes, sometimes good, sometimes not, I think most NET  teachers in other schools are unstable, as they just treat HK as "traveling place" However, TSL has a very good english curriculum design in English, even if the teachers are "unstable", the quality is still there.

發表於 12-2-3 10:33 |只看該作者
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發表於 12-2-3 16:22 |只看該作者
回復 sushiwwasabi 的帖子

I used to hire native speaker for story telling at 3 or 4 for a year, just very relax playing and reading at her home as a friend. Then at around grade 4, trying to find a grammar intensive class, yet I can't find a good one and try one lesson at one centre, found out too boring. Then I discovered that no need to do this as TSL's curriculum is already good enough and if your child is a child with self-motivation, definitely no need for extra tutoring. You can buy some Singaporean published English usage and grammar exercise, good enough.. TSL's creative writing exercises were good training for my son. All you need is a bit parental support.

Time after school depends on parents. He used to join some school team and extra school classes as recommended by teacher at P3 & P4, but it's too busy, so I cut off all the  activities and leave him some fun after school at P5.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-2-4 14:41 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 kaifu 於 12-2-4 14:45 編輯

sushiwwasabi - it appears that the so called "native language" is the single most important thing you desire for your child, so just don't pick TSL.  i am sure you are going to be disappointed there.  for me, i am happy with the school and my kid speaks fluent and understandable english and putonghua.   

發表於 12-2-5 08:36 |只看該作者
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發表於 12-2-6 19:54 |只看該作者
sofar, it is hardly to find any kids studying in TSL transfer to other school in this forum.   Apart from Chinglish, better to consider the secondary school curruliculm or  IB if you choose internatonal school

發表於 12-2-8 00:11 |只看該作者
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發表於 12-2-8 11:28 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 kaifu 於 12-2-8 11:29 編輯

sushiwwasabi - Perhaps you and your husband should ask yourselves again why it is so important for your child to speak "native" English.  Probably you can only achieve this goal by sending her to a truly international school (not even some local schools with an international session) where there are no local Chinese students.  By the way, what kind of "native" English do you want her to pick up?  American, British, Australian, etc.?  That may complicate your decision as well.   

發表於 12-2-8 12:12 |只看該作者
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發表於 12-2-8 12:51 |只看該作者
sushiwwasabi - You need to get real.  Students in local schools don't speak in a native accent.  Speaking of America, we spent over 7 years there studying and working but did not suffer anything as a result of our accent.  You guys probably over-reacted when you were there and are now worrying too much.  If I were you, I would put more focus on the local curriculum especially the new 3-3-4 system.  To us, parents should pick schools based on curriculum, not accents.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-2-8 14:58 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 Bluestar 於 12-2-8 15:04 編輯
motherotk 發表於 12-2-3 04:42
French stream students speak native english because of their cultural background
Chinese stream students speak local accent also because of their cultural background
If your child is active enough to interacte more with French Steam students, the English will improve from "Chinglish" to near "native" English. However, u know kid's learning is a result of interactive factors

Exactly !
My kid went from a CMI Nursery to TSL,
didn't speak Engl in P1
but by P6 can converse in Engl with me !

Interaction with Fr students + watching Engl movies and cartoons
= OK by now,
Often changes channel when chatting with me at home.
Even sleep-talks in English !

Let's be frank -
how good is your English after spending so many years in USA ? (I don't mean you, motherotk)
Can't you converse in Engl with your kid more to help her along ?

People in USA don't speak English -
they speak American English with a heavy local accet and slur.
Proper English (accent) = King's English and Queen's English,
not English as spoken in the villages.

The major problem faced by most kids in secondary school
is the Chiniese subjects (Chinese Language, Chinese History)
not English.
If your kid is going to study in HK instead of overseas,
better put more emphasis on Chinese !

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-2-8 17:25 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 motherotk 於 12-2-8 17:30 編輯

回復 sushiwwasabi 的帖子

Don't worry, I stayed in States for some years and my husband stayed there as well. We are both "non-native" speakers. No worry on our job seeking, we both work in settings with international exposure, your accent is not the only factor that decide our fitting into the job or the promotion opportunities. This is no longer British Colonial Rule Era, you would not be discriminated against by so called "elites" only because of your accent in Hong Kong, as far as I know. In the past, I do think this was a serious issue in Colonial time in the government offices or even in some "elite" schools.

As long as your "Chinglish" is not terribly sounded, and you have confidence, you have good language foundation and you love who you are, that will be ok.

We should not be shameful or feel bad about ourselves because of our non-native accent, as we should be proud of who we are and this is a reality that English is our second language....

By the way, my experiences in the States taught me that whatever "native in your English speaking", you still have opportunities to be discriminated because of your skin color or your ethnicity..I have a lots of "ABC" friends could not find a good job, who speak perfect and beautiful "Native English".

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