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To CKY parents: please help clarify some "rumors" [複製鏈接]

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發表於 12-1-15 13:23 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Dear CKY parents

We just received the CKY offer for our daughter. We are very excited as CKY has been our top choice. However, our main concern is CKY's implementation and lack of track record on IB exam results. Afterall, good implementation is quite key to even the best philosophy. For example, we have heard some rumors about CKY - would appreciate it if existing parents can help clarify:

1) Language: I've heard that the students don't really have such good level of English, especially the upper years students. Some of them don't even compare well with the English level of a very average traditional school.

2) High turnover of teachers: I've heard that a lot of the good teachers leave CKY very soon to say international schools because of reputation or pay. Wonder how true that is.

3) Workload: this I don't really mind, but I've heard that the workload of CKY is actually quite heavy and students need to do projects that are beyond their abilities. Therefore, parents need to either hire tutors or spend a lot of time helping their kids with school work.

4) Outside tutoring: heard that more and more CKY students are getting outside tutoring help on various subjects. One main reason I like CKY is I thought that this is not necessary...

Thanks much in advance!

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Rank: 4

發表於 12-1-17 12:39 |只看該作者
We also got an offer and maybe I can share my views on your questions after my research in the past few months:

(1) CKY certainly has a good English environment but it doesn't guarantee all students have good level of English.  A no. of my friends studied overseas since young age but their English is not good either. Bear in mind CKY only has 10 years, they are improving in all areas these years.

(2) I haven't heard about this and doubt if that is true.

(3) CKY has project assignment and parents have to assist their kids particularly when they are at P.1-P.2.  However, the teachers actually encourage the students to participate more so it is just the parents' attitude not to let go.  If you trust the curriculum of CKY, you should not use the "local way" to make your kid's assignment perfect as this is not what CKY expected.

(4) Again, this is only the parents' attitude.  CKY never asks or encourages students to have outside tutoring help but how can they stop the parents from doing so?  It is very OK if you don't follow those parents.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-1-17 13:52 |只看該作者
回復 人地既阿媽 的帖子

Thanks for sharing. I've also done some research myself, and I believe what I've heard are in line with what you mentioned. I've shared this in another thread, but will just copy and paste it here for the benefit of other interested parents:

1) the language level might vary, esp. for the upper class students, but that applies to all schools and CKY already has an excellent language environment
2) for project work, it's expected that the young students in early years would need support from parents, but they also learn a lot through the process. Then upper class students will be doing projects all by themselves.
3) I also can't agree more that whether outside tutoring is needed very much depends on the parents' availability and philosophy, rather than the school itself. For CKY, this is definitely not necessary/required.

Rank: 2

發表於 12-1-30 17:26 |只看該作者
My girl is now at P2.  I just want to share some experience.

1)  At P2, my girl told me that usually she communicates with classmates using English or Mandarin, no matter in class or recess time.  But she spoke Cantonese at P1 since they are allowed to do so.

2) For project work, of course parents have to assist the kids at this stage but the truth is that the kids also learn a lot through the process.  Like my daughter, she is doing the project right now. Topic: Human Body.  She chooses "How to breathe?".  During the process, she learns a lot of knowledge compared to our age at P2.  She always asks questions about the surrounding environment - why this? why that? since they have science lesson starting from grade 1.  The kids loves science.  They have funs during the lessons.  

3) For tutoring - I also put my daughter in tutoring center but I just want to find a place to force her to finish the homework before I arrive home. It is not easy to find a good tutor for CKY's students since their homework is not copy and paste.  They have to write journals or reflections after some activity.  How the tutor can help? It's really depending on the parents & the character of the kids whether they need outside tutoring.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-1-30 18:40 |只看該作者
Thanks Lunamom for sharing. Do you think the teachers do a good job in helping kids a solid foundation in language? I understand they have a good environment for oral English & Mandarin. How about writing ability and grammar?

Rank: 1

發表於 12-1-31 11:13 |只看該作者

回覆:To CKY parents: please help clarify some "rumors"

Thanks lunamom for sharing.  It's so reassuring to understand how the school nurtures the children by making them ask questions.  This is the best way to learn and I don't like kids just memorize memorize and memorize.  Can you share more about what kinds of activities your child does for our reference?

Rank: 2

發表於 12-2-4 23:37 |只看該作者
Dear Bunnyma06

At P2, teachers explain how to structure an essay like setting paragraph.  
For gramma, unlike local school, a lot of exercises.  In CKY, most of kids have good foundation of English and love reading and it's not a big concern.  During the Christmas, the kids have to write an English story book and the teacher requests them to work out a draft in class and make sure it's done by their own.

Dear Prelude

There is a class observation day every year and the parents can go into classroom and observe their learning.  Most of the kids are love to raise hand to answer questions no matter which lessons.  That is what I want to see.  We can feel they enjoy the learning process so much.

My girl joined Chinese Dance, swimming and Japanese clay flower in the first term and learns piano and violin.  For 2nd term, she joins Science Workshop, lego and Chinese dance.  It's the first time she choose sci. and lego.  It's so lucky she has science lesson every week and do different experiment and sometimes brought back some experiment tools.

Hope the info. is helpful!  


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-2-6 19:13 |只看該作者
回復 Lunamom 的帖子

Hi Lunamom
Thanks for your feedback. Just wanted to clarify: so CKY does not have much exercises that focus on grammar right? And the kids mainly learn that from reading then? Do you think the school has enough exercises on writing to train up writing skills?

Along the same line, can you also share your thought on Chinese learning? I imagine CKY doesn't have much homework on copying/writing Chinese words. Would the kids have enough practice on learning difficult words and writing Chinese?

Thanks again

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-3-29 16:30 |只看該作者
Hi Lunamom and others!  Could you please let me know if they teach Chinese with traditional or simplified characters?  Thank you!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-3-29 22:39 |只看該作者
回復 delirious 的帖子

CKY use Chinese readers with traditional characters.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-3-30 09:30 |只看該作者
回復 Hihiha 的帖子

Thank you for the answer!

Rank: 2

發表於 12-4-28 22:22 |只看該作者
My view:
When my son was Year 1, it was 3 English class teachers replacement during the year.  
In first year, I thought that private tutoring was not necessary studying here.  But the reality is that everyone gets extra classes to keep up to teacher's requirement.  Otherwise, class teachers would have a word to you and ask you to give more support to the kids.
The language requirement is high.  But this is very pragmatic for the kids to prepare for IB exam.  The school life is full of joys but it does mean you don't need to work hard.  My son works till 10:30 every night.   Compared with traditional school, CKY is a heaven though.   My son love this school and same do I.

發表於 12-5-4 21:36 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 12-5-8 11:25 |只看該作者
Just want to share my experiences.

My daughter is now in Year 2.  I agree that the school life is full of joy, and my daughter copes with her classmates and the teachers very well.   The teachers are friendly and caring, and so far there is no switch in my daughter's class teachers.  She loves to go to school very very much.  

I like the way they communicate with the parents.  They usually write down comments on the handbook about their observation, strength, and weakness. (not just a few words)  The intention is to help students to improve, instead of warning, or 照肺。

The language requirement, particularly English, is very high.  I didn't have any chance in writing an English poem in my twenty-year school life, but I learnt that in her homework.   When I was in secondary school, I just needed to do reading comprehension in English class.  However, I was very surprised that they had already been taught how to analyze the opening, setting, resolution, climax, etc.   I learnt it only in Chinese class and / or Chinese literature in secondary school.

The level of math is quite similar to the local curriculum. My daughter is not very good at math, and so I sent her to tutorial class.  

Don't expect that the parents don't need to do anything to help the kids to learn better and more efficiently.  However, the pressure of 精英班/評分試 is much reduced.   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-5-8 17:15 |只看該作者
回復 fatgoat 的帖子

Many thanks to all the existing parents for their helpful feedback. I am so looking forward to my son starting at CKY in September.

Rank: 2

發表於 12-5-14 14:05 |只看該作者
My son is currently having extra classes:
Violin (Instrument class in school but it is just once per week with around 6 students per class)
English Writing

My son can still have time to join some interested classes:

Not too much indeed compared with other schools....
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