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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 救恩派位理想嗎?
樓主: im_csb

救恩派位理想嗎? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-11-1 09:59 |只看該作者
好煩惱~~小一都未讀,又要諗定中一.... 天呀!!!

Rank: 4

發表於 11-11-1 10:16 |只看該作者

回復 1# invitation 的帖子

Afterall, I think secondary allocation is one factor only, as a parent, we have to think what are important for our children and which teaching philosophy we believe in, and strike a balance between idea case and reality.  I think in HK it is hard to find a school which emphasize on individual growth, nurturing zeal and motivation for learning, yet with excellent secondary allocation result where everyone go to the top top school in sec schools.  Afterall, the existing banding system just count on the academic scores.  

To me, I feel that Kau Yan is quite good in striking the balance, and sees every child as an valuable individual.  If your children is academically good, the school will help to unleash his/her potential, if not, then the school still helps with remedial actions and perhaps nurture the children's self-confidence in other area, not just value him/her academically.

So it is a very personal choice at the end.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 11-11-1 10:59 |只看該作者
我姪女係 p.2, 根據我嫂所講, 匯基所以留 20-30 個位比救恩, 係因為匯基校長同救恩前校長係兩公婆, 但匯基校長幾年後會退休, 新校長接手會否繼續留位比匯基, 就係未知之數了.

Rank: 4

發表於 11-11-1 12:29 |只看該作者
原帖由 im_csb 於 11-10-31 23:25 發表
I agree and I hope the result will be better and better.
However, my friends just reminded me that 升中係一個看過去學校成績的遊戲 , that's why I have concern on it.


發表於 11-11-1 13:14 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 11-11-1 13:38 |只看該作者
"升中無出路"...這未免太誇張狹窄了吧, 言則全港官津大部份沒有top band 1聮系中學的都是死胡同?

原帖由 tattc 於 11-11-1 12:29 發表


Rank: 4

發表於 11-11-1 14:05 |只看該作者
原帖由 Nique 於 11-11-1 13:14 發表
選得救恩好大程度都係認同佢教學理念, 就係著重啟發, 而唔係死谷, 而要明白, 咁一定就有trade off, 就係短時間內唔會好top, 即係唔會個個派到top band 1學校, 但如果放眼將來, 就會明白呢種教學模式係令個學生終生受 ...


Rank: 4

發表於 11-11-1 14:17 |只看該作者
原帖由 ngsmum 於 11-11-1 13:38 發表
"升中無出路"...這未免太誇張狹窄了吧, 言則全港官津大部份沒有top band 1聮系中學的都是死胡同?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-11-1 15:03 |只看該作者
To add onto your points, 著重啟發 doesn't necessary mean not getting good result. 著重啟發 has to be supported by motivated to learn, learn the way to learn, understand the concepts and also do the actual work (e.g. exercises, collect info, analyze info, understand and memorize the facts etc.). In this case, why wouldn't they get good results in a few years time?

The main reason for not getting good result, I think, is parents in general quite 'hea' and think 'do the school work will be ok. The school says my boy/girl is ok and I think it is ok', without actually cultivating the learning culture and leading the children forward.

In short, for KY, even parents are quite lay back, the students still learn sth which last for life vs for other traditional 谷 schools, apart from the hard-core factual info from the books (note:I do not use the word knowledge here), there seems to be very little left.

It is you, the parents' ultimately choice.

If you are not secure and think only 死谷 schools will => lead you to band 1 secondary school => lead you to good university => lead you to top company and have a good life...then, I feel very sorry for you... I think in reality, the world doesn't operate like this these days.

原帖由 Nique 於 11-11-1 13:14 發表
選得救恩好大程度都係認同佢教學理念, 就係著重啟發, 而唔係死谷, 而要明白, 咁一定就有trade off, 就係短時間內唔會好top, 即係唔會個個派到top band 1學校, 但如果放眼將來, 就會明白呢種教學模式係令個學生終生受 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 11-11-1 15:57 |只看該作者

- project : 是有的, 要家長支援, 因孩子仍細
- 有spelling exercise and assessment. 你放心, 一定有的, 有時做完之後會給你看
- 功課多少, 不同家長的意見不同, 我倒覺得不是多, 是深. 好的方面, 是要求孩子思想, 不要只記得文字; 但若孩子未懂思考, 家長便要幫忙.
- 英- 放心啦, 校長極鼓勵reading. Kids have to try hard in listening and speaking in English in the lessons.  For some teachers, they still talk to the students after lessons.
- 普教中. 很多practice
- kids really enjoy a lot on the projects.  They talk a lot, write a lot, think a lot.  And at the end have reflection.  
- I think Kau Yan is a very good school but they seldom `sell' it too openly.  So, not many people know that.  Besides it is a private school, a lot of people would like the government or subsidized school.
-  I have experience with the previous headmistress and the present one.  Both are very good.  Some parents will think they are good at different aspects.
- In a word, I think if your kid is in general ok in 語文, 父母可以有些時間跟進他們的功課, 是非常值得考慮的.     

-至於高些班時, 聽說功課很深, 我都有些驚.

[ 本帖最後由 tattc 於 11-11-1 15:59 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-11-1 19:54 |只看該作者

thanks for the info.  However do you know if the school will now put more emphasis for the P3 TSA as this will determine the qualification of the school ?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-11-1 19:59 |只看該作者
原帖由 Nique 於 11-11-1 13:14 發表
選得救恩好大程度都係認同佢教學理念, 就係著重啟發, 而唔係死谷, 而要明白, 咁一定就有trade off, 就係短時間內唔會好top, 即係唔會個個派到top band 1學校, 但如果放眼將來, 就會明白呢種教學模式係令個學生終生受 ...

Agreed with this.  啟發 is important - I am just thinking if at young stage if the child has the capacity to explore - this will be very wonderful.  Maybe this will be a life time benefit.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-11-1 20:29 |只看該作者
No. I talked to the Principal directly. She said they will not train students for TSA.
I think if they focus on the children, the children will be equipped well for the test and no need to 'gok'!

原帖由 GIPW 於 11-11-1 19:54 發表

thanks for the info.  However do you know if the school will now put more emphasis for the P3 TSA as this will determine the qualification of the school ?

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 11-11-1 20:48 |只看該作者
原帖由 GIPW 於 11-11-1 19:54 發表

thanks for the info.  However do you know if the school will now put more emphasis for the P3 TSA as this will determine the qualification of the school ?

1. What is the rationale for implementing the TSA?

The main purpose of the TSA as seen by the Education Commission is to provide the Government and school management with information on schools’ standards in key learning areas of Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics for the purposes of school improvement so that the Government would be able to provide support to those schools in need of assistance and monitor the effectiveness of education policies.

The primary design of the TSA is to assess students’ performances at the Basic Competency level. Schools could then make good use of the assessment data of the TSA to improve the learning and teaching effectiveness in their schools.

2. What are the advantages of the TSA?

Participating schools will be provided with the overall assessment results at the territory-wide level and at the school level so as to improve learning and teaching in their schools.

In the process of participating in the TSA, teachers could thoroughly understand the requirements of the current curriculum and enhance their professional knowledge with reference to this standard-referenced assessment.

The Government will be provided with objective data so as to assess the effectiveness of the education policies.

The public will be provided with an overall territory-wide percentage so as to understand the general performances of Hong Kong school students in three major subjects: Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics.

3. How is the TSA conducted?

The TSA is conducted at the end of Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 (i.e. Primary 3, Primary 6 and Secondary 3 respectively).

4. Will the TSA data be used in the allocation of Secondary School places?

The TSA data will not be used in the allocation of Secondary School places.

Rank: 4

發表於 11-11-1 22:05 |只看該作者
原帖由 GIPW 於 11-11-1 19:54 發表

thanks for the info.  However do you know if the school will now put more emphasis for the P3 TSA as this will determine the qualification of the school ?


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-11-2 04:41 |只看該作者
Thanks for clarifications but there is point that I still do not understand.
My friends told me that there is no such thing as band 1 school but only classified band 1 student , so the band 1 school is the result of accepting all the band 1 students.

Then according to the TSA result, the school will classified your banding. Last year my friend'son who was in P6 told me that because of the tests, school ask her not to apply Band 1a but to apply band 1b school.  

Can you explain more on this type of game ? If TSA is not a matter then how should the child equip to get to band 1 secondary school.   Many thanks

Rank: 4

發表於 11-11-2 08:49 |只看該作者

回復 1# GIPW 的帖子

五丶六年級的校內考試成績要呈上教育局, 再加上同校前1至2年的師兄姐在中一入學前考一個學科測驗的成績(例如,2009年的小六生, 用了2008年及2010年小六生的中一入學前成績), 來決定小朋友的2 個 banding, 一為全港性, for 中學第一階段自行收生用, 二為小學所在校網內之banding, 作為第二階段中學派位用.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 11-11-2 09:16 |只看該作者


原帖由 GIPW 於 11-11-2 04:41 發表
Thanks for clarifications but there is point that I still do not understand.
My friends told me that there is no such thing as band 1 school but only classified band 1 student , so the band 1 ...

救恩是概念學校, sell嘅係vision, 對學生長遠是好的, 但遠水不能救近火, 應對教育局這個升中遊戲也必須適當地妥協, 做到平衡當然要考學校、校長、老師等功力, 就目前來看, 我覺得最受惠應該是最前列的少數優異生.  所以如果只求升中派位理想, 中西區有直屬中學的例如聖心、聖士提反女校等是最好而穩陣的選擇, 沒有直屬中學的聖彼得派位成績也不錯, 你們為何去讀救恩?  既然讀了又埋怨其派位成績並不突出, 都要俾啲時間學校, 辦教育並不是煑快餐.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 11-11-2 09:19 |只看該作者


原帖由 GIPW 於 11-11-2 04:41 發表
Thanks for clarifications but there is point that I still do not understand.
My friends told me that there is no such thing as band 1 school but only classified band 1 student , so the band 1 ...

[1] 師兄師姊考得的中一入學前香港學科測驗(Pre-S1 Hong Kong Attainment Test)成績
[2] 學生於呈分試的校內全級名次

取決於學生的Banding, 甲部Banding 取決於全港學生的[1]+[2], 乙部Banding 取決於學生所屬校網的[1]+[2].

取決於學生的territory-wide rank order([1]+第一次及第二次呈分試的[2]), 面試表現, ECA, 操行.

有家長話: "好煩惱~~小一都未讀,又要諗定中一.... 天呀!!!"

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 11-11-2 09:24 |只看該作者

Band1 中學

原帖由 GIPW 於 11-11-2 04:41 發表
My friends told me that there is no such thing as band 1 school but only classified band 1 student , so the band 1 school is the result of accepting all the band 1 students.

你說衹有小六學生有Banding, 中學無分Banding, 全對!  收較多小六Band1學生便叫Band1中學, 你也可以這樣說, 我有時也會寫「所謂Band1中學」, 以表明我理解, 但當你發覺對牛彈琴時, 便不會再多此一舉, 而且如果一間中學要收全部Band1才叫Band1中學, 我相信十隻手指可以數得晒.  況且, 你會否質疑皇仁不是所謂Band1中學?  一些例子像聖保羅書院、九龍華仁, 收嘅大多數是Band1生, 成績就年年跌, 當跌到連Band2中學的成績也不如時, 這個Band1中學的定義又是否被錯誤理解?
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