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聖安娜幼稚園(太古城) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 11-10-18 13:10 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
有冇人知呢間點呢? 好似好少人提及.
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-10-18 23:59 |只看該作者
無人提因為唔方好。同st dominic (杏花村)同一個校長,姐妹校。

我兒子在st dominic 讀了幾個月PN 要change school. 老師很差,無heart,行政亂。投訴到教育局都叫我不如轉校。校長說好多事他是不知因要分擔倆學校職務。后來校長叫妹妹讀st Anna PN 我都話多謝啦!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-10-19 09:52 |只看該作者
原帖由 GAT 於 11-10-18 23:59 發表
無人提因為唔方好。同st dominic (杏花村)同一個校長,姐妹校。

我兒子在st dominic 讀了幾個月PN 要change school. 老師很差,無heart,行政亂。投訴到教育局都叫我不如轉校。校長說好多事他是不知因要分擔倆學校職務。后 ...


Rank: 2

發表於 11-10-19 10:45 |只看該作者

回覆 2# GAT 的文章

係呀, 可唔可以講多少少呢?
我阿仔讀緊聖安娜PN, 佢返學都仲喊緊, 所以我都好担心d 老師點處理佢, 點先知道老師有冇愛心呢?!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-10-19 23:04 |只看該作者
1. interview: no need to test the child whatsoever. He only play on the carpet on the floor by himself. No teacher talked to him. The supervisor just take the parent to tour around the school and ask for payment. Initially I thought this is only $660 registration fee. but they ask for immediate payment of book fee, school uniform and misc fee. Total over $2500. I asked for later payment but they said no. must pay on that date. Otherwise cannot proceed on the registration. They very much insist on this. Actually the school is not full for pm class. so they will not screen the child & accept as long as you are fine with the pm class.

2. One of my twins cannot study there for special reason. We ask for refund of the various fee and they said no. We then ask for the school books in Sept so that we can study on my own later. We waited for long time but the teacher did not respond. We asked another time to the supervisor and still nobody respond. Then I disclose this matter in BK and after two days the teacher suddenly called us (she never call us) saying our books are ready. But later discover the books are second hand. Two of the books even carry another kids' name label on the cover. We are do disappointed.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-10-19 23:45 |只看該作者
3. after school open in Sept, the teacher never call me for telling the school life of my kid. I waited for three weeks then I called. She just said everthing is ok. no problem. that's all. I asked about several specific things like potty training, eating the tea, discipline, etc. She just said the baby is still small. No need to worry on these things. 

4. I did not bring my child to school because of work. My maid told me that almost every other classmates are bought by their parents. Only very few is bought by maids. she said however the teacher did not talked to the parents at all. in three months I just called 3 times to the class teacher. but every time she said everthing is OK. She just don't want to talk more than a few minutes. She don;t want to tell me any details. I was very disappointed about her behaviour & attitude.

5. The NET  is a philipinno. I don't like this as well but we just learn this upon school opens in Sept. My maid is also unhappy about the class teacher's irresponisble behaviour. She saw my kid going to school and immediately lay his head on the table to sleep, but the other two teacher just stand at the entrance of the classroom and neglect him. They did not go and see what happens - is the kid felling unwell? I was surprised as I never see my son doing this at home or going out. I wonder why the school is so boring that makes him like this, and how come the teacher just let this happen without intervening. My maid saw this at least two times. She secretly talked to the Philipinno Net in their home language. The NET disclosed my son was always wondering here and there at school. But the class teacher just don't tell me. I asked to go for 觀課 to understand what happens in class and what is exactly my son's behaviour. I thought if I understand more, I can help the situation by counselling at home. But the teacher said no straightly - without even ask her supervisor. I got the impression that she just don't want anything happen which bought her more burden. I feel the teacher has no heart at all. She don't want to talk to me over the phone and she don't want to do anything extra to increase her work burden. I was very disappionted about the books incident and the way the teacher react to my enquiry. I just cannot imagine a KG where PN parents has no way to know what's happening at school.

I asked for the school timetable and teacher said it is not yet ready and never give it to me. I don't know what essons the son is having each day. Did he go to playground everyday? how often is music class? how much timing on Eng class? what is the tea time menu? I just cannot get these information from the school. 

6. My maid talked to the amahs and found out the class teacher is new. The NETis just one year like that. The supervisor is also new as the old one has some disagreement with the principal.

7. At around Nov, there is a notice asking for whether we will stay for K1 next year. If yes, we need to pay for half month's school fee which is around $1400. I was shocked as I never heard of any PN like this. Most do't ask for payment at all. Even if other school the registration fee is just $660. How come they ask for so much?

8. In Dec/Jan, I decided we cannot stay in this school anymore. I called the school and the supervisor picked up the phone. I told her we want to withdraw from school. Her immediate response is that we need to pay the next month's school fee. I said I will not pay anything more. She then argue on this point. The interesting thing is that she just don't ask for the reason. The most important thing to her is the money!

8.I called the education dept and complaint about all these. I got the reply that they said they somewhat knows some complaints on this school. The school is mainly targeted on the 中產 as the school fee is not cheap. ($2,800).She also told me the high staff turnover in this KG. She said she will investigate some issues like their asking for excess registration fee. She said if we cannot get along with the school the best way is to change school.

9. Finally the principal get aware of this incident and called me to say sorry. She argued that she is the principal of two KG so she is not fully aware of many things happening in St Dominic. I said the notice carry your signature. She still deny that she know the content of these things happening. She put the responsibility on the teacher who is new.

I will not recommend this school to others.  

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-10-19 23:59 |只看該作者
One more thing:

One day my maid was late for 15 minutes to pick up my son. She found him staying on the sofa over the reception(an open area) by himself with a frustrated look. There was nobody seeing him at all. Because he is much shorter than the reception counter. Nobody will notice if he run away. The teachers are gathered inside the teacher's room having their lunch. 
I was unhappy about this as nobody take care of the child who was picked up just little bit late. THE baby was just 2 years old!

The class teacher called (this first time she called us) and complained about hte lateness and reiterate we must pick up kids on time. 

But in another school my kid studied before. The class teacher will bring him into the teacher's room and even feed him the lunch the teacher bought for herselfwhile waiting. I think these are the things you can differentiate what is a loving and caring teacher. 

Rank: 2

發表於 11-10-20 10:49 |只看該作者

回覆 7# GAT 的文章

Thanks for sharing. Thank you!

Rank: 1

發表於 11-10-22 00:13 |只看該作者
點解而家無人提就係唔好呢?以前好多人話好你又睇唔到!唔通人哋話好就一定真係好, 人哋話唔好就真係唔好?不過我嘅感受就真係好好喇, 唔知有無人信呢?:) 我而家有幾位同事住東區都分別讀咗聖安娜同聖道明, 大家都覺得校長同老師好好, 好有愛心噃.
其實我個仔只係喺聖道明幼稚園讀N1, 之後舊年因為搬屋所以K1只讀到十一月就退學. 相比之下, 而家嘅校長同老師都唔及聖道明細心. 就係因為念念不忘校長同老師對家長,小朋友嘅關懷,照顧, 所以仲好留意聖道明同聖安娜嘅發展, 另外當然而家啲同事仔女亦係聖安娜讀緊啦.
記得仔仔讀N1時,因為我要返工, 所以係由婆婆陪坐校車返學, 開課頭兩個月仔仔返學仲喊, 又話好驚, 又話先生鬧, 攪到我哋頭都大晒!直至有 一日校長同我媽咪講叫佢放心交個仔比先生, 然後半小時後再到學校"裝"佢, 就知道佢嘅上堂情形, 我媽咪十五分鐘就返轉頭"裝", 真係見佢好乖上堂, 我媽咪立即打電話同我講個仔嘅情況, 校長見到仲話如果我想知嘅話, 可以代我拍仔仔上堂的DVD我睇, 我又真係有咁做, 之後校長主動打電話比我同我講小朋友嘅適應過程變化, 又教我哋點樣處理仔仔扭計嘅問題, 雖然佢都係聖安娜嘅校長, 有時打電話未必搵到佢, 但佢都一定會覆電話比我跟進, 而我啲讀緊聖安娜嘅朋友都話時時見到校長, 校長仲會記得小朋友啲名同知道小朋友發生過咩嘢事, 所以我同我啲朋友講起都唔相信校長應付唔到職務.  至於註冊費我都交過, 只係$660, 係新學期九月嘅學費扣番.

Rank: 1

發表於 11-10-22 00:16 |只看該作者
原帖由 頂住呀媽媽 於 11-10-18 05:10 發表
有冇人知呢間點呢? 好似好少人提及.

點解而家無人提就係唔好呢?以前好多人話好你又睇唔到!唔通人哋話好就一定真係好, 人哋話唔好就真係唔好?不過我嘅感受就真係好好喇, 唔知有無人信呢?:) 我而家有幾位同事住東區都分別讀咗聖安娜同聖道明, 大家都覺得校長同老師好好, 好有愛心噃.
其實我個仔只係喺聖道明幼稚園讀N1, 之後舊年因為搬屋所以K1只讀到十一月就退學. 相比之下, 而家嘅校長同老師都唔及聖道明細心. 就係因為念念不忘校長同老師對家長,小朋友嘅關懷,照顧, 所以仲好留意聖道明同聖安娜嘅發展, 另外當然而家啲同事仔女亦係聖安娜讀緊啦.
記得仔仔讀N1時,因為我要返工, 所以係由婆婆陪坐校車返學, 開課頭兩個月仔仔返學仲喊, 又話好驚, 又話先生鬧, 攪到我哋頭都大晒!直至有 一日校長同我媽咪講叫佢放心交個仔比先生, 然後半小時後再到學校"裝"佢, 就知道佢嘅上堂情形, 我媽咪十五分鐘就返轉頭"裝", 真係見佢好乖上堂, 我媽咪立即打電話同我講個仔嘅情況, 校長見到仲話如果我想知嘅話, 可以代我拍仔仔上堂的DVD我睇, 我又真係有咁做, 之後校長主動打電話比我同我講小朋友嘅適應過程變化, 又教我哋點樣處理仔仔扭計嘅問題, 雖然佢都係聖安娜嘅校長, 有時打電話未必搵到佢, 但佢都一定會覆電話比我跟進, 而我啲讀緊聖安娜嘅朋友都話時時見到校長, 校長仲會記得小朋友啲名同知道小朋友發生過咩嘢事, 所以我同我啲朋友講起都唔相信校長應付唔到職務.  至於註冊費我都交過, 只係$660, 係新學期九月嘅學費扣番.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-10-22 02:29 |只看該作者
My niece studied there for N1.  She liked the school very much and she was accepted by Sacred Heart for K1.  

I also have an Indian colleague (now located in Singapore) telling  me that when he worked in HK, his little one studied at St. Anna and he found the school quite good.
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