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教育王國 討論區 啟思小學 Can we share what the kids learn in schools?
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Can we share what the kids learn in schools? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 11-9-14 09:35 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
My daughter at 1A5:

1) Chinese lesson- one teacher teaches Chinese and Mandarin, in Mandarin language. She read the books in Mandarin, learning to write and play card games in mandarin.

homework - she have chinese homework every day, for reading or writing or both. She bring home the play cards with Mandarin phonics and we can play at home, following the teaching plan of the teacher.

I found it very good system for learning Chinese in terms of good foundation in phonics and volals
and readings... I like the ways they teach the Chinese language, very systematic and follow the needs of children. My girl learn it and be able to read and write.

2) English lesson - two teachers sometimes, one teacher some times, the child was not able to describe the system of English learning.

They do some writing, but what I concern is that they watch movies everyday (I think the Iceage), and since the kid was not able to describe fully about what she has learned, it is very difficult to understand the teaching methods and curriculum system by now.

no homework, I hope she can get a little bit homework in English everyday.., hopefully it will be done in the coming weeks.

3) Maths - teaching the basics and homework at home as well..
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發表於 11-9-14 10:48 |只看該作者

回復 1# motherotk 的帖子

Hi motherrotk

I found that chinese Homework is a bit more than English as well.  But my son selfdom tell me what he had learnt in school,  I also found that sometime the 手冊 homework is quite different from what i saw on the 電子通告 most of the time.

[ 本帖最後由 YamaBB 於 11-9-14 13:19 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 11-9-14 13:38 |只看該作者
Hi Motherotk,

I totally agree with your comments. It is good that your daughter can describe what she learnt in school. My son just tells me a little about what he learnt in school. I am satisfied with the Chinese teaching method so far as my son is able to read Chapter 1 and 2 by himself and he likes to read it. He is able to recognize the words and dictate the 5 words in the exercise book. However, I think they are only requested to write 5 words in every chapter is not enough. The 識字光碟 provied is very good as my son can learn the words by himself.

As for the English lesson, my son said the teacher let them watch Madagascar in the class and my son likes it very much(this is one of his favorite movies). There is no English homework so far and I don't know what he has learnt yet. But I believe CPS has its own teaching method, let's wait and see.

As for the Math lesson, not much homework and it is quite simple.

I also have some concerns about the teaching methods, curriculum and the accessments in P1. I will attend the seminars in the coming 2 weeks, hope I can get more info after that.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-14 13:48 |只看該作者
Hi Vinvin,

yes, the kids love madagasca
and the CDs are useful tool for learning Chinese. They are good at motivating the kids to read Chinese and to write Chinese.

原帖由 vinvin1024 於 11-9-14 13:38 發表
Hi Motherotk,

I totally agree with your comments. It is good that your daughter can describe what she learnt in school. My son just tells me a little about what he learnt in school. I am satisfied wi ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-15 12:54 |只看該作者
Hi YamaBB,

Yes, we have the same situation here, but most of the time is consistent.

Yesterday, she got the Englsih homework -writing only..no movie yesterday.

Chinese, is also some writings.

She told me the dictation was ok, no worry on that.

ask me to buy music journal and 18-color color pens instead of 12 color (she said told by the teacher), but we have already bought the 12 color, so I insist will not buy a new one until it is used...

原帖由 YamaBB 於 11-9-14 10:48 發表
Hi motherrotk

I found that chinese Homework is a bit more than English as well.  But my son selfdom tell me what he had learnt in school,  I also found that sometime the 手冊 homework is quite differ ...

Rank: 1

發表於 11-9-15 15:12 |只看該作者
My son, Aiden Liu, he is in 1A1.

He brought an English Journal from the school this week. I think this is from Ms. Lam, the local English teacher. They basically have 2 English classes everyday, which is very good. And I'm sure the two teachers emphasis in different areas. I am not too worried about the movie in the class. I am sure they have to do some conversation, or something else after the movie(although Aiden has not shared anything about what he's learned from the English class..)

Chinese - Looks like he's very into it! Happy to see the improvement he's been made. And I like  the method that CPS uses which emphasis on accumulating the vocabulary. And I like the text book they use!

Math - Although I don't see the text book from school, but looks like their approach is step by step.     

Other classes -

EQ:is Aiden's most favorite class. He told me there are different games were played during the class.

Music: hmmm, he think the teacher is very beautiful.

ARTS:He brought home a piece of painting from the class this Monday.

社會與科學:no clue

Has any parents noticed there's a chart on the school's website. It's under "學習概況“。 it's called "參與龍虎榜”。 there are 6 categories underneath.. but not sure what are these..If anyone knows, please share!

Overall, Aiden likes the school very much. According to him, all the teachers are very nice to the kids!

Right now the biggest challenge to us is the commute time on the school bus is too long. He gets up 6:00 in the morning, and by the time he's home is already 4:45. It is hard to do any other activities with him.  

Glad that we have a space that can share different thoughts, experience!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-15 17:08 |只看該作者

回復 1# talktosophialiu 的帖子

Hi talktosophialiu,
nice to meet you. i have just met few parents of senior class and have breakfast wth them this morning. but very few p1 or 2 parents. like to know more p1 parents to share more or to have some supports..

they all shared the school bus issue, same as your situation. i live nearby school (but still need to pick up by minibus), is really terrible in afterschool hours at oxford road, takes long time to be out of the road as too many cars and too many students rushing out of school at the time..

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-16 08:38 |只看該作者
interesting to share:

1) my daughter takes her own lunch box everyday to school and the lunch box is a small one, I am not sure why she have not completed the box for two days. I wrote to the teacher on the handbook to have her taking care of the issue, it works as Agnes said, I will listen to the teacher, I will complete all my food everday..

that's good that the teacher is taking care of that...

2) They change seats yesterday. more boys in class than girls. she is good in interacting with both girls and boys and started to know their names..

3) Teaching is doing good in preparing them to know each other, through games and all ineractive activities...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-19 09:09 |只看該作者

useful for learning Chinese writings


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-19 11:42 |只看該作者
Thanks for sharing!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-23 07:53 |只看該作者
Yesterday, my daughter shared the learning the Chinese poem through acting out the poem, on tiger, deer and so forth, that's really a lovely way to teach Mandarin. She grasp the language very fast, when compared with the traditional way of learning in her kindergarten, where she felt boring and dull.

For the English learning, she is learning basic phonic words and grammar on pronounces.

My daughter is taking a camera back to school today and said that they are going to have a project to explore school buildings and people in schools.

She is excited about this and will see what happened then...

[ 本帖最後由 motherotk 於 11-9-23 07:58 編輯 ]
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