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Conquered Autism?Parents don't be panic for autism! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-8-24 16:03 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Just want to encourage you, parents.
Autism is defeatable.
(Sorry for not written in Chinese since my chinese wordprocessing is a mess!)
My little boy has diagnoses as 自閉症傾向 (US as PDD probably) by so-called CAC when he was 2 years old (mainly for poor speech & eye contact). The so-called "I seat" is casted to my son. After 2 and half years intensive care, treatment and training, most doctors, nurses and therapists have commented that my little boy has magical improvement. Hospital demised him from physiotherapy treatment when he was 4. Speech standard is now about 3 mths delay from non-autistic kids. Common people might not recognize he has any autistic features.  Friends from church has no suspect for what problem has been laid in my son since I never told. Teachers from kindergarten also commented his academic standard & speech level is not so differ from those of non-autistic kids. He is now close to 5 years old. I have spoken to teachers for letting him repeat its senior level in kindergarten in next year since he is the younger ones in the class. Teachers said it's ok as they like him a lot, but they wonder why since he could go straight to primary school as he has the standard. (which sounds so impressive to me and they seems not to say this just to throw my son out of their kindergarten as they loves him)
Remember pals! Your work will surely pay. The sooner you start your work, the better you pay. Not only you but also your kid. But of course, don't mention the pain and hardwork we have been through. And last but not least, thank God and bless you all.
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-24 19:41 |只看該作者
Could u share your training experience? THX

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-8-24 23:53 |只看該作者
Dear fatpam,
It could take me a few months to explain the work and the theory behind though I am not a pro nor a trainer.
However, I think the framework of bio-medical treatment, dietary control, OT, PT, ST, AIT, cardinoxxx therapy, music therapy, play therapy, ABA, floor time, sensory training... I have done most with my son. However, the kind of medication, therapy or treatment has its sequence, relativity & co-ordination. If you gals wants the details, I need some time to recall my work & assessment behind. However, a few tips I could remind you now
Time is very crucial. Early intervention has an absolute advantage. (Some treatment needs to be done in a certain time of course)
Medication is important not because it could cure your child, but it rectify the brain to grow in a wrong direction before it is too late. It's like turning a paper with dirt back to a plain sheet or rebuilding the base of a building.
If your kid has autistic behaviour (like repetitive behaviour. obsession over certain object, rigid thinking, etc) other than medication, playing is the 2nd important cure. I have spent a lot floor time (RDI I think is also applicable) with my son from 2-3 years old. Over 3 years, bring your child to playground which is a very very gd way to rectify autistic features. Playing in playground not only gives sensory training, training in coarse & fine motor, most importantly, the "toy" in playground is a fixture. Your kid might be repetitive in playing "Barbiie","Leggo", "Thomax train", but he won't be repetitive in playing a slide or swing (even he plays a thousand times) because he has no control over these fixture. If he wants to slide, he has to climb the stairs, sit down and slide. You see he could only follow the instruction of a slide, but not controlling it. It makes him more enviromental adaptive & less self-centred. One more thing, if he play happily & laughing in a playground, do you think he will remember the "fun" in staring at a rolling wheel at that moment?
Always remember love is the most important thing to your kid. It is unbreakable. 2nd thing followed by love I think is your own knowledge. I consulted to many specialist, doctor, therapist, professor, teachers, etc. I found each has only concentrated on a limited area. We parents has to trained up ourselves. Sometimes, we have to be even more professional than them. I guess you don't have to know the details of each treatment, but you need to know the reason behind the treatment and its effect. We need to assess when should we start a treatment, enough or not, when to stop. 3rd thing important I guess is time and money.
Happy to share with you fatpam.
原帖由 fatpam 於 11-8-24 19:41 發表
Could u share your training experience? THX

Rank: 4

發表於 11-8-25 12:05 |只看該作者
原帖由 LPYdad1 於 11-8-24 23:53 發表
Dear fatpam,
It could take me a few months to explain the work and the theory behind though I am not a pro nor a trainer.
However, I think the framework of bio-medical treatment, dietary control, OT,  ...

My son just started school "S seat" and I have more time.  I want to know more how to help my kid.  He will trun 3 next month~~

Can you also share the materials you read?  Any recommendation?  

My son is now having OT and ST.  And we are going to try RDI next few months.  

Sometime I feel sad and don't know what to do next~~~ But we have no time laid-back here and need to carry on~~~

Waiting for your sharing.

Rank: 4

發表於 11-8-25 12:10 |只看該作者
thank you so much for yr sharing. i hv some qtns and sent to u via PM.
原帖由 LPYdad1 於 11-8-24 16:03 發表
Just want to encourage you, parents.
Autism is defeatable.
(Sorry for not written in Chinese since my chinese wordprocessing is a mess!)
My little boy has diagnoses as 自閉症傾向 (US as PDD probably) ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-8-25 13:58 |只看該作者

回覆 2# autunmbb 的文章

Dear autumnbb,

I am glad to hear you attending RDI course.
I want to do so last yr but I am too busy. Anyway, teach me what you have learnt after the course, ok?
Let me know more about the current standard of your kid (speech, IQ, problems, urgent matter, etc) would be helpful to have some recommendation to you.
However, if 3 yrs old, one thing important but many parents & professionals denied is that you should play with him HAPPILY (you yourself and your kid). Floor time is a way, a RDI could be more advanced. I remembered my son has very poor speech level at 2-2.5yrs old. To force him to speak up, we played with him a game (very floor time style). My wife stand at the end of the house, I grabbing my son standing at the front door. Once my son speaks "1,2,3" even not clearly, I holding him run to my wife and hand my son to him. He laugh continuously and speak up. Later, we add "1-5" & "1-10", and going to be more picky on his pronounciation.
A few things are important. You dont have to follow my steps (esp if your kid is heavy). But if you want to follow, please pick a game that is very primitive (involves very little skills and involves a lot of body interaction) I heard a father as a bowling ball playing human bowling with his son who improves alot. 2nd - you yrself & yr kid must enjoy, otherwise, it's not effective.
The gd thing of this is involves not only in relationship (you are a fun to him, not just food & clothing) , it helps your kid in expressing his feelings (which would avoid him from some emotional & behavioural problem). He know what is going to make him happy in a right way. He also speak up in a happy way, at least better than using needle.
I remember at 3yrs old. My speech therapist told me that my son has so incredible improve in speech. Even a non-autistic kid needs perhaps 6 mth to learn, my son catch only 4 mths to catch the speech level.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-25 17:34 |只看該作者
Dear LPYdad1,

May i know more about RDI and floor time? what is the theory behind? My gal is three years old and has attended private "s seat" for eight months... though she improves a lot but still has a long way to catch up. Her main problems are speech and eyes contact....

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-25 18:16 |只看該作者

回覆 2# LPYdad1 的文章

Congruation, u know much about autism. I highly recommend you to join RDI if have time. From RDI, your objectives can be achieved: playing with fun, pay attention by himself, etc...Finally the kid will enjoy playing with others and pay attention to the right thing.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-8-25 19:16 |只看該作者

回覆 1# kelvin_hmlau 的文章

Dear Kelvin_hmlau,

I love to join the class if I have time.If u have attened the class, pls teach us the essence.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-8-25 21:41 |只看該作者

回覆 3# Hello101 的文章

Dear Hello101,

I only read article about RDI but have not attend RDI course, you better ask those having experience. I do attend talks and read books & articles about floor time. Key thing is relationship bring up a growth & learning and self-rectification, not by robotic teach & receive.  

It's my honour I have received quite a few people asking about bio-medical stuff & speech. I just new in edu kingdom. Do you gals mind me to answer u in public blog without mentioning name. I dont mind u ask in private or in chinese. ( I am a typical Hongie, but poor in chinese wordprocessing)

One people asks about books & materials, but I have read quite a few. Let me know which area you would like to know, in Chinese or English.

Rank: 4

發表於 11-8-26 09:39 |只看該作者
原帖由 LPYdad1 於 11-8-25 21:41 發表
Dear Hello101,

I only read article about RDI but have not attend RDI course, you better ask those having experience. I do attend talks and read books & articles about floor time. Key thing is relatio ...

Would you please give me the blog address?

You can send to [email protected]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-26 11:38 |只看該作者

回覆 3# LPYdad1 的文章

LPYdad1, You have read some books about RDI and browse web-sites and blogs. I think you have the concept and background of RDI.

RDI will focus on building the self-awareness and self-assessment of autistic kids, by means of slow-down, non-verbal, declarative language, spotlighting (point out the useful information), scaffolding (break down the tasks step-by-step). Other methods (e.g. speech, OT, congnitive, etc) may focus on building the competence of skills.

If an autistic kid can have self-assessment ability, he can know such thing is difficult to him and he can think the solution and may need other's help. Then he will not throw the temper easily.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-8-26 13:53 |只看該作者
Dear Kelvin_hmlau,
I have seen the websites, a book , some youtub enad blogs  for RDI. Also, I remembered I have received a handout in last yr when I was considering to join the parent's class for RDI. I want to know a few things about RDI.
What is declarative language & spotlighting, would you give us some examples?
I knew about non-vebral, such as facial expression, eye contact, pointing, body gesture, etc, right? which autistic are often lack of. When parents using these instead of words, kids would learn & express himself if i am not wrong.

原帖由 kelvin_hmlau 於 11-8-26 11:38 發表
LPYdad1, You have read some books,w. I think you have the concept and background of RDI.

RDI will focus on building the self-awareness and self-assessment of a ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-26 18:08 |只看該作者

回覆 1# LPYdad1 的文章

Declarative language, eg1. look! this is v funny, eg.2. Hurray, we got it?  and then wait the response, more like experience sharing style.

The opposite is imperative language, means prompt the kid to do thing: eg1. follow me, eg2. what do u want, apple, orange? Use imperative language too much may cause the kid to wait your question before talking / wait your instruction before doing.

Spotlighting helps the kid encode the important part of an experience. if I wanted to spotlight a shared gaze, I might freeze my face in a big smile for a while.
If relating to problem solving, e.g. cut a cake, I might tell him 'there is no knife' (if the kid does not know) and then wait the response.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-8-27 09:07 |只看該作者

回覆 1# kelvin_hmlau 的文章

Dear Kelvin_hmlau,

Thank you for your information.
That is very useful.
How long have you attend the RDI course, is it carry on now?
Did you just attend the lecture or join the training with your kid?
I knew they are different.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-29 14:30 |只看該作者

回覆 1# LPYdad1 的文章

Welcome LPYdad1. My son attend RDI social class for about 2 years. And we pay for RDI consultant for about 1 year. And I spend half an year to build up the good relationship with my son and to be a teacher to him. He is now willing to learn from me.
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