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伯樂音樂學院-playgroup [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-4-14 18:41 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
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Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-14 12:29 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-6-14 13:03 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-6-14 20:31 |只看該作者

Rank: 2

發表於 11-6-15 21:12 |只看該作者

發表於 11-6-16 23:09 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-6-18 02:57 |只看該作者
really? do you mean there 12 class, Little Green Todders for 1.5 to 2.5 Y.

I have enrolled for 1 wk pass for summer course, and they offer free trial class for Little Green Toddlers tomorrow, so I will go and see if it is good, as it is not low price, $265/lessons, only 45 min, but they said they will have specialist studying your kids personality and their interest, and will give u class photos, and report with words from precident and the teacher in charge on my kids performance.

If it is good, I will enroll tmr, as it says only 2 or 3 vacancy left for Sat afternoon class.

Can you tell us more how bad it is, otherwise we can't figure out why.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-7-2 16:07 |只看該作者
我個女讀左差不多半年, 我覺得幾好喎。
佢依家讀緊3歲半班, 識左好多唔同既樂器, 返到屋企仲教識我乜野係clarinet, oboe, trumpet...
每堂放學老師都會同我講返個女既進度, 我覺得真係唔錯喎。今日又俾左12堂錢喇...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-7-4 09:29 |只看該作者
This is the second course of my girl's 2.5-3.5 yr class.
Ummm..... I find it average. Not that much learnt in the class but my girl enjoys it. They have lots of dance, singing etc. though.
They allow parents to be in the class even for >3 yr-old students. They have a psychologist in one of the classes studying the child's performance etc. and will make comments in the report.
We continue going and see it as a parent-child activity....

Rank: 4

發表於 11-7-4 13:17 |只看該作者
我認為個導師很有問題, 第一, 他們叫我個女沿住條線LOOk地下, 跟住我個女無做, 他竟然叫我個女自己在個墊的另一面自己LOOk, 叫他唔好阻住其他同學LOOk, 身為老師的, 見我個女唔肯lOOk,就冷言地對待他, 我即時己經很不滿意
第二, 跟住, 由於我地係試堂的, 他玩收埋條蕉, 他唔肯比我個女, 而另外個個join左的, 都有一次找蕉的機會, 分明係discriminate我地係trail lesson,
第三, 他叫他爬tunnel,跟住我個女又係唔肯爬, 我問個老師, 你係未可以教下他點爬, 或怎可以引導他爬呢, 他說,,,不用了, 他唔爬由他唔爬啦, 叫他自己玩下其他野,
我想問下大家, 我來試堂, 所有野你都無教, 只係叫他自己do, 那我來上堂為什麼呢,
叫你教下她, 你說,,不用了, 不做便可以了,
唔係呀, 我如果真係join了, 我百幾二百元一堂, 你叫他自己做動作,,,,,,,,,,,

Rank: 4

發表於 11-7-4 13:20 |只看該作者
我仲有幾個example, 你地想知我先再說,我已經對此導師, 他們說,導師只係得一位而己, 即係我唔會再有機會再上他們的班, 一個完全唔負責任的老師, 我上來做什麼,,

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-7-5 03:10 |只看該作者
we did the trial class by my hb, as he didn't attend any music class before (all previous by maid on weekdays morning) so he said he can't compare but says they are doing very simple things, nothing special; and I ask my maid what did the teacher teach in the music school we are having (I need to change to Sat class as my son will go to PN, cannot go to weekday class in previous school), it seems more interesting, more teaching tools and musical instruments compared with Baron. But the teacher is very polite to my hb, and she can speak fluent English.

So good that as I originallly plan to enroll both summer course & Sept term at the same time, but after the trial class, and too hot weather by walking from MTR to Arts Centre (as we don't have a car and worry if my son will get sick, feeling hot outside but cold in A/C room), I decide to wait and think for a while. At last, my friends recommends some music schools to me, though very expensive, but in the trial class, we can see their method of teaching is really different and sophicated, and if you complete 36 class in 1 yr, there will be a cerificate from Viene music school..haha, but I just want to let my kid to continue his music class between the gap between Sept to Nov (last lessson in My Musik Box by end June, summer course in July, and Parons in Dec), as it is too expensive, more than $4xx even getting 15% discount for paying 12 classes in one go....but it is really good and Parson is not, I may consider to continue.

So lucy that I see this thread right before the day I went to trial class jar, otherwise, I have enrolled already.

And yes, I enrolled the summer course and they gave me the time table, never mentioned they will change time schedule. Today I got an email, change all the time slots for the week we have summer course (different time slots for difffent classes everyday, from Monday to Friday),.....but I have used it as firmed schedule and enroll other summer courses, so how can I change the time slots for other class?

And they even leave at the bottom of the page in small letters, they reserve the right to change the time schedule if needed....sth. like that.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-7-5 16:26 |只看該作者

回覆 12# momo627 的文章

hi momo627,
do you mind telling me which music school is the one you think is a really good one? i would like to collect info and let my child try later! thanks a lot!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-7-6 07:28 |只看該作者
Before my son goes to PN this Aug, I bring him to go to My MusikBox as there is a monthly pass of $800 for having 3 lessons max a month but need to confirm exact time and date you want (just change policy). Though it is at very low price, I do think it is ok as my son, who didn't enjoy music when he was small, now loves it and play with musical instruments and sing and dance when he hears songs. As it so happens meet with his language class schedules, so he can go to have both class in 3 or 4 weekdays.

But now, as it is not very special but cost $2000/10 lessons, I try the one my friend recommend, it is Wiener Klang, but cost $5100/12 sessions, if pay 12 sessions in one go. If you take 36 sessions within a yr, you will get a certificate which is recongised by Viene Music (you can seach in website in yahoo). I just let him try 3 months before having Parson started at Dec (so bad, some said not good, but I enrolled in April when the staff told me there will be new class in Times Square), otherwise I will stay at Wiener Klang even paying more if it is good...but really very expensive....or may just take 3 months this yr, then Parson, then back to Wiener next yr as the certificate may be good for enrollment for P1.
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