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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 讀緊龍校既家長請進
樓主: yoyokaka

讀緊龍校既家長請進 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-12 23:28 |只看該作者

其實每次讀到各位家長對該新幼稚園的發表(如我沒估錯學校的話, 我亦是該校的家長), 都不是味兒,因學校真的不差,樣樣都很好,只是課程不如家長們期望那般深而已,為什麼會有那麼多家長不滿。我自己想過以下問題:

1) 為什麼要跟九龍塘那些幼稚園比較呢? 大家認為她的課程淺, 但有否想過是九龍塘某些幼稚園太深, 而她其實是適中呢? --- 我也仍在思索中....其實我覺得課程加深一點是可以, 取得平衡。不是要學多,而是深化已教的東西。

2) 很多研究已証明過早催谷, 小朋友在將來會對學習失去興趣, 我們不相信嗎? --- 我相信。

3) 又是否因為沒有學卷, 所以覺得不值得呢? --- 在培育上,我沒有limit或計較,只要能負擔得到,就沒問題。

4) 幼兒教育, 是否只要顧及課程深淺及能涵接小學便可呢? --- 我認為絕對不是。

5) 幼稚園好壞/排名, 是否用課程深淺來量度呢? --- 我不是,但樓主甚至普偏家長都以此來量度。

6) 出名的幼稚園內, 所有老師都好好人? 如黃大仙般, 有問必答呢? --- 以我所知,間間學校都有好有壞。我女班主任都不是常常打來,大概1個月1次吧,上個月無打。如有要事,我會寫在手冊,她一定會回覆。

7) 學術比品德重要? ---絕對不是。常常遇見高學歷但“衰格”的人,好討厭。最近新聞有報導過類似新聞,遲到仲駡地勤人員那個報導。

8) 我囡囡是否從這間學校一無所得呢? --- 不是。一般幼稚園課程包括的都有。例如每次主題課都回來跟我說,日常遇到主題課裏內容,都主動“教”我或提出疑問。與同學們相處愉快,常把學校發生的事情告訴我。亦會把老師們讚賞或教訓都告知我。由此可知道大概學校學習時的內容及情況。

9) 那間龍校課程像九龍塘那些幼稚園? -- 據我了解,應是沒有,因多數龍校幼稚園多數有學卷,我想樓主或部份家長因此有不滿吧。

最近, 我看了一個BLOG, 內容提及香港家長喜愛課程要"快,多,深", 要小朋友學習快過人、多過人、深過人。小朋友及學校有這樣的要求嗎?講到尾,只是家長們喜歡與別人的小孩比較吧!




原帖由 icbb1230 於 11-1-12 15:55 發表

[ 本帖最後由 icbb1230 於 11-1-12 23:56 編輯 ]

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-1-12 23:59 |只看該作者
Hope you don't mind but are you over-reacting?

I have re-read the thread for a few times and cannot find where yoyokaka has tried to bad mouth the school (especially the name of the kindergarten was never being mentioned).

Also notice yoyokaka stated the "complaint" of the curriculum as a lower priority......  it is not the core of the issue that the thread was posted.....

Anyway, I believe it is no perfect world.  Obviously this is often the down side of a one-dragon school as the choices and options are limited, they want you to continue into their private primary schools.

The importance is whether the so-called "backup" is a "real" back-up, meaning is it a school which you are happy to send your daughter to if no lucks at all afterall?  If the answer is "yes", then don't think too much and stay.  The choices are so limited that having a good back-up is already something to be thankful for.  If the answer is "no", then the whole situation will need to be re-consider.  It is because we are talking about 2 and a half more years to go in a kindergarten which didn't serve your initial purpose.

At the end, if this is indeed the new kindergarten, I guess it would be not fair to them since the administration and curriculum will need years to finally be organized and settle in.  So, parents shouldn't set their expectation too high since it is really not an easy task at all.

原帖由 icbb1230 於 11-1-12 23:28 發表

其實每次讀到各位家長對該新幼稚園的發表(如我沒估錯學校的話, 我亦是該校的家長), 都不是味兒,因學校真的不差,樣樣都很好,只是課程不如家長們期望那般深而已,為什麼會有那麼多家長不滿。我自己想過以下問題 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-13 01:00 |只看該作者
Hi Ian,

I didn't  over-react, just feel quite frustrated with some nowadays parent, they don't care or consider other & not evaluating in different aspects,, just concerning about their own needs!  Finally, I may go for some activity-based private or DSS primary school, rather stay in a very traditional one.  I believe that would be good for me & my daughter, at least less competition & comparison.  

The reason I feel 樓主 "bad mouth" the school is because if she/he is talking about the same school as mine, I don't agree with 行政亂,老師heart, 唔覆call.  I only agree with 課程淺, but not agree with not Iorganized.  樓主 said the school is repeating the knowledge that already taught from pn, I think it is not appropriate coz not every kid will go pn b4 K1, right?   

You said syllabus need years to become smooth, I have another thought.  I believe the school must have taken reference of some dragon kinder (maybe ur daughter's one  is one of themon, haha), content more or less will be the same.  Only reputation of it's kinder section needs time to build up.

Maybe I 對號入座 only,樓主 isn't talking my school!

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-1-13 01:44 |只看該作者
I can see your frustration really and I share similar concern with you that more and more parents not be able to make fair comments on education.

Unfortunately for the case of your daughter's kindergarten, I guess some parents would have treated attending it, and paying for the tuition is like paying for the entrance to the private primary section.  When the parents would have this thought, then they are not thinking of education already.  Just feel sorry for you to stand up against these unfair situation only.

Concerning my comments that the curriculum needs time to build, it does take time to develop and cannot be copy from others and put into place as simple as one may thought.  At least for my daughter's kindergarten, they are still under going improvement in recent years and by witnessing the changes, I realize it is more complicated than I though a kindergarten curriculum would required.  Just a sharing.

At the end, no need to change to other activity based schools as that's just creating another problem to solve your current problem only.  There may be new issues for you to encounter so it is better to stay focus on what you want to path the way.  I wish you all the best!


原帖由 icbb1230 於 11-1-13 01:00 發表
Hi Ian,

I didn't  over-react, just feel quite frustrated with some nowadays parent, they don't care or consider other & not evaluating in different aspects,, just concerning about their own needs!   ...

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 11-1-13 08:42 |只看該作者
原帖由 icbb1230 於 11-1-13 01:00 發表
Hi Ian,

I didn't  over-react, just feel quite frustrated with some nowadays parent, they don't care or consider other & not evaluating in different aspects,, just concerning about their own needs!   ...

Hi icbb1230,

Don't get too frustrated.

I agree with you the syllabus is a bit easy doesn't mean it is not a good school.

However,  when yoyokaka felt 行政亂,老師 no heart etc, these are her subjective feelings. I think we should respect her feeling because that seems true from her heart. And also the wordings of her is very gentle, she just raised her doubt and did not really bad-mouth the school. I think her comments were rational (compared with some other mama in the forum using foul language to complain trivial irrational issues). It is sensible to be "a bit" worried about the syllabus. You and her child might have 2 different classmistress. Somehow different parents have different opinion on the school, this is normal.

Therefore, don't get upset by other parents getting bad feeling on the school. Every school must have strong and weak points, just that yoyokaka experienced more on the bad side. I am sure your school give very good moral education to your child. And I am glad you like and support your school.

Let's support each other and share more information to see how we can good education to our children.


Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-13 08:57 |只看該作者
Morning Ian,

Thanks for sharing.  U don't have to feel sorry for me, I am ok and my daughter is performing well at school, just want to voice out that i think is wrong or unfair.  

You are right, even a kinder with long history still need to modify the syllabus to line up with current education trend, so we should be open up our mind & more considerable.

Activity-based school, I mean primary, not kinder.  I will stay here until go to primary.  Recently, I heard something about the traditional school life, especially those elite schools, some of the cases for me are quite non-sense and too harsh for kid & parent.  I want my daughter to have happy school life and learning through a more meaningful way (not only 抄、寫、背、默、model answer, etc).

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-1-13 09:18 |只看該作者
take it easy!!

其實樓主連學校名都唔肯講,我地都係自己估係邊間啫,都冇bad mouth吖!如你所說,或者唔係講緊小朋友讀果間呢!

學校要有家長支持同配合至能進步得快,希望你囡囡間學校可以盡快pick up到要改善嘅地方,其實大好多人都睇好呢間學校,對佢地有期望架!
原帖由 icbb1230 於 11-1-12 23:28 發表

其實每次讀到各位家長對該新幼稚園的發表(如我沒估錯學校的話, 我亦是該校的家長), 都不是味兒,因學校真的不差,樣樣都很好,只是課程不如家長們期望那般深而已,為什麼會有那麼多家長不滿。我自己想過以下問題 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-13 09:38 |只看該作者
原帖由 icbb1230 於 11-1-12 23:28 發表

其實每次讀到各位家長對該新幼稚園的發表(如我沒估錯學校的話, 我亦是該校的家長), 都不是味兒,因學校真的不差,樣樣都很好,只是課程不如家長們期望那般深而已,為什麼會有那麼多家長不滿。我自己想過以下問題 ...

"測試他們的麻煩指數有多高!"<--- 我鍾意!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-13 10:22 |只看該作者
原帖由 icbb1230 於 11-1-12 23:28 發表

其實每次讀到各位家長對該新幼稚園的發表(如我沒估錯學校的話, 我亦是該校的家長), 都不是味兒,因學校真的不差,樣樣都很好,只是課程不如家長們期望那般深而已,為什麼會有那麼多家長不滿。我自己想過以下問題 ...


[ 本帖最後由 Cutemom0808 於 11-1-13 10:48 編輯 ]

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

醒目開學勳章 貢獻勳章

發表於 11-1-13 10:39 |只看該作者
原帖由 sheffield 於 11-1-13 09:18 發表


我諗~ 唔係龍唔龍嘅關係, 之前都見過有家長話同班主任唔夾 (其他學校啦) 所有大家唔好咁敏感啦!

[ 本帖最後由 小曳人 於 11-1-13 17:19 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-13 14:17 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-13 16:14 |只看該作者

回復 31# 國家 的帖子

我都樂意證明,依家K3 d課程其實系唔淺,英文用PEARSON既Supertot,加埋幾本故事書每本都有200字or above,阿女竟然一下子識讀曬,真系唔知學校點樣教到. 每日寫既字,最近寫cardigan, mittens, 之前要串police officer, fire fighter,你話系咪真系甘淺? 中文每日都寫詞語同句子,另外每週做仿句同埋親子習作,寫d字都幾深架.


Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-1-13 16:42 |只看該作者
Hi icbb1230,

It's good that you can take it easy!

There are certainly time to explore on what sort of programs would be suitable for your daughter.  May be there are even something between traditional and creative way that you can also consider too!

Again, all the best and your daughter is one lucky girl!


原帖由 icbb1230 於 11-1-13 08:57 發表
Morning Ian,

Thanks for sharing.  U don't have to feel sorry for me, I am ok and my daughter is performing well at school, just want to voice out that i think is wrong or unfair.  

You are right, e ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-1-13 16:43 |只看該作者
This is what I heard too as a key criteria from a retired private school principal (not my daughter's school)!  

原帖由 buddaau 於 11-1-13 09:38 發表


Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-13 17:15 |只看該作者
其實就算St. Cat. / HKPS 的K1也是一樣淺. K1 到K2會是一個 GAP.

K1 讓小朋友適應一下也是好的.

Rank: 2

發表於 11-1-13 23:43 |只看該作者
請大家唔好亂估, 我唔想影響人地學校, 因為真係唔係大家以為果間.

而我想講既, 亦都唔係淨係針對課程深淺, 請大家唔好over-reacted. 小朋友返學, 除左學術上, 仲有好多, 自問唔係無了解過一條龍學校既特質, 只係除左有backup外, 都想好好地反思下小朋友起學校可以有咩得著. 當然我知道係我個人既expectation可能真係同實際地況有出入, 始終針唔"吉"到肉唔知痛.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-14 09:52 |只看該作者
Hi share123,

如果你話依家K3 英文用PEARSON既Supertot,加埋幾本故事書每本都有200字or above, 你阿女竟然一下子識讀曬, 每日寫既字,最近寫cardigan, mittens, 之前要串police officer, fire fighter....

咁又真係唔淺wor... 請問你女女係咪讀緊新龍校幼稚園既K3? 我聽朋友講話有個女仔K3由SC轉左去哩間學校, 但小學offer要waiting, 係咪有D咁既事?
另外, 請問學校有冇 reading scheme俾學生? 我超級鍾意佢地幼稚園個圖書館。= )

Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-14 13:18 |只看該作者

回復 2# yoyokaka 的帖子

咁, sorry先, 會錯意。但我諗我寫嘅嘢都值得大家思考一下。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-14 15:46 |只看該作者

回復 37# 國家 的帖子

咁又真係唔淺wor... 請問你女女係咪讀緊新龍校幼稚園既K3?

=> Yes, 其實仲有一本Longman Phonics

我聽朋友講話有個女仔K3由SC轉左去哩間學校, 但小學offer要waiting, 係咪有D咁既事?

=> 最初有20%無Offer,但後來隨住自行公佈後,無位既陸陸續續都有位,依家最後有無人無就唔知. BK都有d媽媽本來好谷氣,後來已經攞到位,仲系度討論讀邊間好添. 基本上學校應該好有誠意收翻既.

另外, 請問學校有冇 reading scheme俾學生? 我超級鍾意佢地幼稚園個圖書館。= )

=> 甘又無,圖書館系好靓,但現階段藏書量唔夠,不過d小朋友好鍾意去圖書館,但唔清楚去既頻率有幾高.


Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-14 17:23 |只看該作者

我幫細女註冊時,見到有位女仕坐喺counter, 以為已經運作緊tim。
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