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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 好Down,好似跌左落深淵 ...
樓主: 2LittleMonkey

好Down,好似跌左落深淵 ... [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-2 11:52 |只看該作者
我是過來人.  好幸運, 最後都有位伯樂收左我個囡.  幸運是突如其來, 本來打算去普通津校了.

仲有, 家長們不要以為上"說話技巧班"就可以解決, 親自教是最理想的.  親子時間是十分寶貴的.

希望幸運會突如其來探望你地!  有了間好學校, 也要讀得來, 合得來, 希望我囡囡也可以合得來啦! 讀書真係好長遠.

原帖由 2LittleMonkey 於 10-11-2 11:37 發表
"唔係架, 有不錯的家底&家庭狀況&父母職業都一樣always rejected, 小朋友成績好, 名幼稚園出身的一樣rejected." ..... 贊同

"說話能力是首要的" ... 絕對贊同


Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-11-2 12:11 |只看該作者
原帖由 CHP 於 10-11-2 11:10 發表
唔係架, 有不錯的家底&家庭狀況&父母職業都一樣always rejected, 小朋友成績好, 名幼稚園出身的一樣rejected.  真係唔知小學想收咩學生, 可能佢地睇得出小朋友性格合唔合自己學校. "夾"係最重要.  所以, 大家隨緣.   ...

thx!!! 希望在明天!!
大家加油!!! good luck!!!

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 10-11-2 12:25 |只看該作者
我仔都係"問題兒童", 細個GLOBAL DELAY, 大遠視, 扁平足, 口肌弱, K3發展專注力差, 懷疑ADHD, 細個收社署信叫"弱能兒童"而家要排精神科, 聽埋D專家難聽既說話.....我地既打擊比一般家長仲要多, 未試過好難明白
我仔其實係聰明仔, 不過心散起黎, 老師的確要花多左時間o係佢身上, 我都好抱歉, 興幸佢入到間好學校有老師關顧, 做媽媽既都係想咁姐, 有人錫, 學到野, 我心足了
希望你小朋友都有愉快既校園生活, 加油!

原帖由 olima 於 10-11-1 07:18 PM 發表

我個囝早產,大小肌弱過人,又有外斜視(已做了兩次手術,將做第三次),手眼協調差,佢已經有training跟緊,但佢英數好,劍橋考到15個盾,但就體能差,佢曾經同我講某間直資英小要行平衡木,佢行唔晒,跌左落黎......而家考 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-2 12:32 |只看該作者
我囡上了小學, 以為唔洗再訓練說話技巧, 放鬆之際, 原來小學有中文說話能力評估, 你地話讀書的路是否漫長?  考小學只是一件事, 時間過了便有結果, 只是呢段時間唔知"得唔得"的心情真考起父母EQ.  家長當上了人生一課啦!

原帖由 2LittleMonkey 於 10-11-2 11:37 發表
"唔係架, 有不錯的家底&家庭狀況&父母職業都一樣always rejected, 小朋友成績好, 名幼稚園出身的一樣rejected." ..... 贊同

"說話能力是首要的" ... 絕對贊同


Rank: 4

發表於 10-11-3 11:16 |只看該作者
Charlotte_mom, 你好堅強, 我可以想像到你當時所承受既壓力, 因為我個仔K2時佢先生都講左D好難聽既說話 ....

你同 olima 都係偉大既母親, 唔怪之得歌唱仔都有得唱 ... "世上只有媽媽好, 有媽的孩子像個寶 ..."

原帖由 Charlotte_mom 於 10-11-2 12:25 發表
我仔都係"問題兒童", 細個GLOBAL DELAY, 大遠視, 扁平足, 口肌弱, K3發展專注力差, 懷疑ADHD, 細個收社署信叫"弱能兒童"而家要排精神科, 聽埋D專家難聽既說話.....我地既打擊比一般家長仲要多, 未試過好難明白
我仔 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-11-3 11:58 |只看該作者
謝謝您!! 你比左好多過來人既經驗比我!! 希望幸運會突如其來探望我啦!!


原帖由 CHP 於 10-11-2 11:52 發表
我是過來人.  好幸運, 最後都有位伯樂收左我個囡.  幸運是突如其來, 本來打算去普通津校了.

仲有, 家長們不要以為上"說話技巧班"就可以解決, 親自教是最理想的.  親子時間是十分寶貴的.

希望幸運會突如其來探望你 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-3 12:09 |只看該作者
after reading the posts here, i really want to share my thoughts as well...

just like some moms, i plan for my girl from day 1 since schooling. lucky enough, she was admitted to one of the famous kinder even she was a very small girl (born in nearly end of Dec 05). she was doing well at school, and she also loves to learn. so i have also prepared a lot of activities for her after school. before joining the "P1 admission game", i am totally satisfied with our lives...

however, it is really a nightmare after the start of P1 admission process. my girl is really a shy girl who takes long time to warm up before interacting with others. so i'm always worry if she can express herself in full during the interviews. we even let her join some lessons (not P1 interview class) to train her up to express herself before strangers. however, our efforts are useless.  The rejected letters from different primary schools (i received 4 already) hurt me much. i never have doubts on my girl's ability (no matter on languages or logistics, even some teachers asked me to bring her to test if she is a gifted child or not). however, i'm really surprised that none of the schools grants a 2nd round interview to her. being a mom, i'm really hurt as i've put so much effort to raise my child. finally, i did cry in front of my hubby and blame myself of giving insufficient time and effort to my girl.

btw, i'm so down that i didn't go to work in these 2 days. i dare not tell my daughter that no DSS or private schools accept her. i'm still waiting for another private school and 2 more interviews. but i do not have much hope in the coming interviews...

so far, my feeling towards the P1 admission is that
1) famous kinder is nice to have, but it's not a definite key to a famous/good primary school
2) even the child is bright in academic, the personality is also an important factor that affects the result
3) the age of the child may also be another factor which affect the chance of admission (so far, i learnt from my fds and the posts here that most of the small children did not have many offers.)

thank you for the moms here gives me some positive energy. although i cannot 100% resume my spirit at this moment, i will try my best to learn from u all to do more and better for my children during this difficult period.

i'm so happy that there are quite some moms here having 2 children at the age around 5 and 2. hope that we can continue to share the philosophy of taking care our little ones.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-3 12:10 |只看該作者
message is deleted.

[ 本帖最後由 wasabi-cat 於 10-11-5 17:37 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-3 12:11 |只看該作者
message is deleted.

[ 本帖最後由 wasabi-cat 於 10-11-5 17:37 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-3 12:12 |只看該作者
message is deleted.

[ 本帖最後由 wasabi-cat 於 10-11-5 17:38 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-3 12:15 |只看該作者
message is deleted.

[ 本帖最後由 wasabi-cat 於 10-11-5 17:38 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-11-3 12:43 |只看該作者
Actually you should be glad that your daughter was born in Dec, as you have 1 more chance next year if you don't mind letting your daughter repeat P1. Plus you learn the experience this year and you will have 1 year for your daughter to practise talking with strangers. Some kg actually do not accept children born after Aug.  

原帖由 wasabi-cat 於 10-11-3 12:15 發表
after reading the posts here, i really want to share my thoughts as well...

just like some moms, i plan for my girl from day 1 since schooling. lucky enough, she was admitted to one of the famous kin ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-3 12:50 |只看該作者
Hi all, read the news and think how lucky you are!!!!  It's enough!

http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/re ... amp;art_id=14613433

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-11-3 13:05 |只看該作者
I can't help wondering, are the schools projecting what society wants, i.e. outspoken, smart, quick-witted, bright, etc.?  

Schools have their own considerations in deciding who to accept.  I hate to admit this (as my child is a bit shy and reserved), but more outspoken and polite children definitely get more attention - just imagine if you face other children, you will be impressed more by these children than the quieter, shyer ones.  

I am sympathetic to you.  My son did not have a chance for 2nd interview of our favourite school, after which he claimed to have tried his best and was very happy about it.  I am grateful that a good private school has given him an offer and 2nd interviews of 2 other schools are on the way.  

Please don't blame yourself in this painful P1 admission process.  Every child is unique and failure to have an offer from one of the prestigious schools only means she will have better development elsewhere.   Prestigious schools may sound good to study in, but they can be a burden too from another perspective.  

Maybe your daughter is destined for a happy learning process rather than the competitive and breath-taking schools.   The kindergarten and P1 admission process constitute just a fraction of your daughter's life experience.  Try not to over-emphasise its significance.
原帖由 wasabi-cat 於 10-11-3 12:15 發表
after reading the posts here, i really want to share my thoughts as well...

just like some moms, i plan for my girl from day 1 since schooling. lucky enough, she was admitted to one of the famous kin ...

[ 本帖最後由 thomasha 於 10-11-3 18:49 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-11-3 17:12 |只看該作者

Add Oil!!

原帖由 thomasha 於 10-11-3 13:05 發表
I can't help wondering, are the schools projecting what society wants, i.e. outspoken, smart, quick-witted, bright, etc.?  

Schools have their own considerations in deciding who to accept.  I hate to ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-3 21:55 |只看該作者
[img align=right]http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_67.gif[/img]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-11-3 23:13 |只看該作者
原帖由 2lovelykids 於 10-11-1 16:04 發表
我係過路人, 兩年前經歷過一樣嘅失落... 我女兒很痴身, 很多個面試都係喊住考, (因為我唔可以陪佢入課室).., 當然冇一間好學校收啦.  我好唔開心, 做咗咁多嘢, portfolio, 小一面試班, 課外活動等等都做到足, 她卻不 ...

很好的分享, 非常感謝!

Rank: 1

發表於 10-11-4 00:33 |只看該作者

回覆 2# Zata 的文章


Thanks for all mum's sharing and encouragement.
My son was rejected last week by a first choice school. I felt very dissapointed and depressed a few days as my husband and I paid a lot of effort. I have doubted the ability of my son. Is there anything wrong?
After read all mum's sharing and encouragement, it makes me feel much better.
Anyway, I won't give up. I will pay more attention/ time to my son. I even consider to quit my job to take care of him since I go back home at least 9:30pm daily. One day just spent one hour with him or even less.
It is my luck to read these message and hope all mum be positive to face the challenge. Hope all of you can enter your favourite schools.
Try our best!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-11-4 00:35 |只看該作者
I'm not a mum but I still try to brighten up the air a little bit here. :)
原帖由 hohowong 於 10-11-4 00:33 發表

Thanks for all mum's sharing and encouragement.
My son was rejected last week by a first choice school. I felt very dissapointed and depressed a few days as my husband and I paid a lot of effort ...

Rank: 1

發表於 10-11-4 00:43 |只看該作者
THANKS for the sharing... sometimes during these days my focus has been placed in the wrong spot, and forget what matters most to me.

Our kids have been also going through a lot lately, let's give them big hug!

原帖由 CHP 於 10-11-3 12:50 發表
Hi all, read the news and think how lucky you are!!!!  It's enough!

http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/realtime/art_main.php?iss_id=20101101&sec_id=6996647&subsec=6996645&art ...
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