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學之園面試問咩呢? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-29 12:19 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
之前見到話有parent discussion, 咁小朋友主要會in 咩呢, 故事形式定one to one 問野呀
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-29 13:50 |只看該作者
去年N班interview (估計in K1 可能參不多)
Session 1: Group Story time - around 6 students sat together, a net teacher told a story and ask children to respond in some part, e.g. invited children to shake hand with the doll

Session 2: One-to-one interview - children will be assigned randomly to see a cantonese speaking / English speaking teacher (accompanied by 1 parent) - teacher ask children some general question like what's your name, ask the children to pick a particular fruit from a basket such as apple and ask him/her to match it with the picture with same fruit. Ask children to play the wooden puzzle (very simple one)..etc. Ask parent general questions like who take care the children? what's the children's daily activites...etc.

Session 3: Parent group discussion - around 10 children's parent sit together and see the headmaster - different group will have different topic - e.g. what will you do if your children 發脾氣? or what will you do if children 偏食? ..etc

Hope it's helpful..

[ 本帖最後由 EggEgg08 於 10-10-29 13:52 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-29 17:34 |只看該作者
我小朋友11月中要去 IN. 不過佢到時未夠 2 歲.

都係唔去啦. 哂時間. 反正對任何問題都唔會有反應

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-10-30 00:34 |只看該作者
during the parent session, who will take care of the child? is the child be allowed to stay with the parent during parent session?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-31 17:26 |只看該作者
child are allowed to stay with parents

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-31 23:56 |只看該作者
Yes, two parents can go together in session 3. One parent join the discussion and the other one look after the kid

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-3 18:54 |只看該作者
We went to LH Tsing Yi last year for the interview of their nursery class.

Part 1: Q&A
teachers asked my daughter questions, and asked her to do simple tasks (distinguishing shapes, stacking up building blocks etc.), then asked both parents questions (who takes care of the kid, why you chose this school etc.)

Part 2: Group story-telling (4 children in our group)
A foreign teacher told a story in Eng & asked the children questions related to the pictures, e.g. children please point to me where is the rabbit, what color is this etc.  Finally she asked my 1.5 year old daughter to do a simple puzzle (but still a puzzle, I'm not sure how many 1.5 year old can do this)

Part 3: Parent discussion with the headmistress.
10 parents with their children were asked to sit in exact order (so that the "observer" teacher could mark down which parents asked questions, who asnwered the headmistress etc.)  It was very obvious that for parents who have no response, their children would not be considered.

My daughter answered half of the questions but completed all the tasks in part 1.  Was able to point to the correct animal & color, completed half of the puzzle.  I felt very awkward when the observer was marking the performance of the parents, and wanted to keep silent.  However, all the other parents were very proactive and suddenly I realized that I was the only one who gave no response and I was like "killing" my child's opportunity.  I therefore asked a very nonsense question before leaving.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-3 19:04 |只看該作者
BTW my daughter was put on their waitlist.  Then we moved our home in May but I am now receiving regular emails from the school about their school arrangements so I believe my daughter was finally admitted, because I saw from the recipient list : N1 class parents.

We did not call in to check after moving because we got another offer (one which has K1 class but not demanding academically but what do you expect for a 2 year-old?) & personally I did not have a good feeling about the school during the whole interviewing process (just my own personal feeling & may not apply to others so LH parents kindly excuse me)  The foreign lady who told the story definitely had a poker face & had no expression at all, even when she was telling a story to the lovely children (all 1-2 yrs old).  The marking system by the observer during Part 3 was also weird and I could not feel any care nor warmth nor kindness from the teachers to the children they way they look at the little ones...

Anyway, good luck to your child, since K1 competition this year is incredibly high..

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-3 20:16 |只看該作者
I have interviewed for 10 pre-nursery last year and to be honest, the LH one is the most stressful and tiring one. I also feel a bit "crazy" to have such difficult interview. But eventually my bb was admitted to this school and I think this is a very good school not just becoz my bb is very happy when going to school (though most parents think that bb happy = good school) but also many reason:-
- good curriculum - the school has its own curriculum design team to review the curriculum, use Letterland Phonics, 1 cantonese class teacher and 1 NET class teacher for each class, so they have sufficient chance to speak Eng every day, Two 30-min PTH lessons every week, my bb studies in PN class for 2.5 months but can speak quite gd Eng and simple PTH. She learns 1-8, A-G phonics sound and a few chinese words already (remember my bb is in PN class but not K1 class)
- the school upload children's pictures during the class for parents' FREE download every week, like in Oct, the school has helped my bb to take about 90 pictures, this helps me have great understanding what has my bb does at school - no need to guess!
- the school also upload the song / exercise video which they have taught at school every week and parents can simply play the video at home to sing the song and do revision with chidren
- teachers are very nice and helpful, they call me every Friday to report children's progress and they really understand well my bb
- since Aug, the school has already held 3 parent's seminar to help parent understand children development, curriculum and even P1. This Friday will  be another parent's day.
- Gd result in applying admission for DSS / private primary school - simply refer to their website, it's very transparent.  Last year, 27 students are admitted to 蔡繼有, and quite a number entered 陳守仁  as well....

So overall, I think it is a very good school and not sure if it's becoz of the "harsh" interview procedure, I feel that the quality of parent and students for this school is quite good. So though I will still try some "one-dragon" KG for my bb this year, I feel it's also a gd choice to stay at LH as they have Eng-PTH class available...

Hope this helps lar..

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-5 09:34 |只看該作者
thx all ar, 亞女對於以上的問題係屋企完全做到, 但到時佢肯唔肯做係另一回事, 有時真係好唔甘心, 明明識晒, 易如反掌的問題, 佢可以一d反應都冇, 考崇真個日就係咁, 只係問眼耳口鼻, 佢好早已經識晒, 係唔啋你呀, 我舉高佢隻手摸眼喇, 佢居然同我作對, 特登㩒低隻手唔係我舉, 真係激死架

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-5 09:41 |只看該作者
thx all ar, 亞女對於以上的問題係屋企完全做到, 但到時in唔知肯唔肯做, 有時真係好唔甘心, 明明識做又唔做, 好似個次in 崇真, 只係問眼耳口鼻, 真係易到不得了, 佢係唔啋老師, 咁我舉起佢隻指住隻眼喇, 佢居然㩒低隻手唔俾我舉, 個刻真係好激氣, 希望下星期佢乖乖地喇

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-5 10:20 |只看該作者
may i know which LH are u in? which campus?

原帖由 EggEgg08 於 10-11-3 20:16 發表
I have interviewed for 10 pre-nursery last year and to be honest, the LH one is the most stressful and tiring one. I also feel a bit "crazy" to have such difficult interview. But eventually my bb was  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-5 13:13 |只看該作者
我個女都係, 我地俾佢試下in st cat (雖然自己讀緊o個間留左位), 點知今朝interview老師問佢, 你叫咩名呀? 唔答o係度攪張檯..你幾多歲呀? 唔答淨係望住老師, 我o係旁邊就又肉緊又激氣但又無計, 最後問你個鼻o係邊呀, 都要問左4-5次先指下, 老師都無奈...  今次梗係唔得啦. 旁邊d小朋友不知幾合作!

原帖由 soscho 於 10-11-5 09:41 發表
thx all ar, 亞女對於以上的問題係屋企完全做到, 但到時in唔知肯唔肯做, 有時真係好唔甘心, 明明識做又唔做, 好似個次in 崇真, 只係問眼耳口鼻, 真係易到不得了, 佢係唔啋老師, 咁我舉起佢隻指住隻眼喇, 佢居然㩒低 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-6 10:49 |只看該作者
LV 海逸校

原帖由 manba 於 10-11-5 10:20 發表
may i know which LH are u in? which campus?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-6 13:36 |只看該作者
Some more info for ur reference: the school has cantonese-eng class and PTH-Eng class starting from K1 - difference is PTH class has 1 native PTH + 1 native Eng teacher while Cantonese class is 1 Cantonese + 1 native Eng teacher + 3 PTH lessons per week. The principle mentioned that normally students can speak fluent Eng (+PTH) and can even do some simple translation between 2 languages when they graduate.

They use school base curriculum and so can tailor made/adjust the level. The character in textbooks "wear LH uniform" and students feel more 親切感。My BB loves them a lot!

-School offers 小一啟迪班 to students incl teaching student the manner of attending interviews (even how to answer questions or 禮儀)
- LV 校K2開始有全曰班,offer Japanese class for them or even cooking class
- during last parent seminar, principle mentioned that many DSS like to accept LH graduates coz the school has similar 教育理念 with them

Hope the above helps

[ 本帖最後由 EggEgg08 於 10-11-6 14:01 編輯 ]
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