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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 如果RC 收 , 值得讀嗎 ?
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如果RC 收 , 值得讀嗎 ? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-10-4 16:42 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
I heard some ESF kinder mothers said RC is not good as ESF foundation primary schools. Is it true.  I applied ESF primary school and RC.
Please advise. Thanks.
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發表於 10-10-5 09:53 |只看該作者
Is RC really that bad?

Ah... I don't know but My Son is studying @ RC as 1st year. so far, i don't see any negative things of RC. The communication between Class Teacher and parents are so strong. but I also heard some of bad comment about RC mostly about discipline. From my  observation of my son's class, it is positive. Students are polite and gentle.  My Son is really happy with RC.

This is what i observe and i would also want to know more about RC. Parent pls share.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-10-5 12:01 |只看該作者
Nothing is perfect and people like to magnify bad points.  小朋友開心、学到野、就OK LA.  問10個人、有10個答案。
love you for you

發表於 10-10-5 12:02 |只看該作者
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發表於 10-10-5 12:25 |只看該作者
I am also RC parent.  I cannot compare RC with other ESf schools but i can only share that we are very happy with this school so far.  At least l like their teachers who are teaching with "heart", their resources and facilities and their chinese program as well.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-10-5 12:38 |只看該作者
kaka 1228,

I saw you raising your concern about RC secondary student's discipline in different occasions.  I do not know what you have heard about that but i have not heard about anything negative so far.  

If you are really worried, the best way is to observe by yourself.  I am also serious about picking a school for my kid.  I have tried to observe RC's students when they left school at the end of the day and when they were taking train.  I also tried to be a parent helper so that i could observe both the primary and secondary students during their school time at school. So far i cannot notice anything negative.  If you are really worried, you can do your own observation.   

I am not saying that RC is the best as different people will have different opinion and feeling.  Just try to observe more and see how you feel.

發表於 10-10-5 12:42 |只看該作者
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發表於 10-10-5 12:51 |只看該作者
I am also a RC parent but I think nobody is in a position to answer your question unless that person has children in both schools.  I really wonder why an ESF 'KINDER' parents can comment about the primary schools of either the Foundation school or its PIS?

Personally, I picked this school for many reasons but those might not suit you.  All I can say is that my child hated the 'no school' days and really enjoyed making new friends in school.

However, if at this early stage and you already have adverse feeling about RC, I would suggest you not to consider it.  Afterall, you want your child to be in a school that you have faith in.
原帖由 C.K.K.K 於 10-10-4 16:42 發表
I heard some ESF kinder mothers said RC is not good as ESF foundation primary schools. Is it true.  I applied ESF primary school and RC.
Please advise. Thanks.

發表於 10-10-5 14:05 |只看該作者
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發表於 10-10-5 17:26 |只看該作者
Hi Myjasmine

Thank you soo much for your reply.

Yes, those comment really do bother me. I heard that secondary students demonstrate overt physical affection in/outside school area. However, I also saw some secondary students were reading book or shared the notes while i am waiting to pick up at the playground.  

I have talked to my friends regarding to this issue and they think it happens quite popular in both local or international school. The difference is local students would do it secretly and IS students would more "open minded" with this.

This is my humble opinion. Pls share if ur views

Rank: 2

發表於 10-10-5 19:37 |只看該作者
Hi all,

I'm an RC parent, too.  My daughter is in Year 1.  I read numerous msg under the Internation School forum.  The only bad comment I saw is that someone saw some RC secondary students having intimacy outside the school after school hours.  Maybe there are more that I missed.  If this is the only bad comment, this school is really good !  I also heard from my friends that they don't like ESF schools because they could easily see those secondary students of ESF perform intimately, kiss in open areas, etc.  They even "label" most IS students are behaving that way.  From my point of view, secondary students are in the teenager age.  I'm wondering which school can guarantee 0% of this happening ?

I was studying in some band 1 secondary school almost 30 years ago.  At that time, I knew some schoolmates who are even triad's members.  Some of them were having bad results, but some of them were very smart and got very excellent HKCEE results.  They always grouped together somewhere in the street near the school and did bad acts like stealing, smoking, speaking foul loudly, etc.  So what ?  The general HKCEE results of the school were very good, and over 90% of students behaved very well.  I just want to point out that a good school should provide a good learning atmosphere for students.  If 90% of the students are behaving badly, that school is a bad school for sure.  But, remember that school can just provide education in school time.  In other after-school hours, parents need take the core responsibility to educate their children, including ethics.

I'd want to share my experience, though it's still very short, from RC.  The school emphazies on the communication between the teachers and parents.  This impresses me much.  I don't know other ESF primary schools, hence, I can't make any comparison.  But, I feel that the way they teach and the attitude of the teachers and other school's staff is very positive.  My daughter always shares her school life with us, and of course, she likes going to school very much.

It's not strange that a society (inside or outside school) contains both good and bad components.  This is very natural.  Maybe time can tell whether RC is a good school or not.  It is a challenge to the school management team and parents to make the school a good school.  Bringing up children should not always rely on the school's side alone.  Quality of the students is controlled by both sides.

I'd suggest those parents who want to send their children to RC but worry that might be a wrong decision should go to visit the school in the open-days.  As I know, RC organize open-day every month.  It's more effective to feel it and ask questions to school directly in person.  You know, even the school is good, it may be suit your kids.  Parents have the responsibility to find a suitable school for their kids !  There are many factors to consider when you find a school for your kids.  The ones who got the best understanding on the kids should be the parents themselves.

原帖由 kaka1228 於 10-10-5 17:26 發表
Hi Myjasmine

Thank you soo much for your reply.

Yes, those comment really do bother me. I heard that secondary students demonstrate overt physical affection in/outside school area. However, I also  ...

發表於 10-10-5 20:02 |只看該作者
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發表於 10-10-5 21:33 |只看該作者
Totally agree with erichkl and i am happy to see that all RC's parents can share rationally and peacefully here. Hope all kids will have a happy and fruitful school life in RC :)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-10-6 14:51 |只看該作者
thanks all RC's parents share positive opinion here, make me feel comfortable. One more question, some parents told me that student can speak Cantonese in school, isn't it ? how about the English standard of RC student ? if they speak Canonese in school, does mean their English accent is not native ?
Sorry to ask so many questions here.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-6 15:01 |只看該作者
原帖由 C.K.K.K 於 10-10-6 14:51 發表
thanks all RC's parents share positive opinion here, make me feel comfortable. One more question, some parents told me that student can speak Cantonese in school, isn't it ? how about the English stan ...

Yes. children can speak whatever they like outside classroom. In RC, I guess Hong Kong Chinese are the major population. It is not surprised that children are chatting in Cantonese during snack time / lunch time or even any time they are outside the hub.
Regarding accent, I don't know how to classify "native" or "non-native". (i only know mine is not native) Any comment from other parents?
I always have a question in my mind : Ban Cantonese=Native English? Is it true for every individual?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-6 16:25 |只看該作者
My child is in Year 1 and he told me that at playground, he speaks Cantonese to his friends, especially friends he knew from his kindy, but they won't speak Cantonese in Class as he thought that is rude to speak a language that the teachers don't understand.  I really loved his caring thought and I do agree with him.  

As I mentioned before, I have many reasons for choosing RC and this is actually one of them.  We are from a local Chinese family and I picked IS partly because I dislike the duck-feeding type education.  I really don't see why the mother tongue of the children should be BEN in school.  So that they can speak more English?? or parents are trying to avoid their kids learning Chinese? I really don't see the rationale there.  At home, I speak to my children in both languages and I am really proud of my children because they are able to switch from one language to another freely.  I guess some parents would think differently.

Regarding accent, yes, he speaks good English with an accent.  At the same time, he can also speaks good Cantonese.  I believe that most people who can really 'Master' more than one language will always have an accent in either one of the language, right?  Think about it, just like most of the people in this forum.

原帖由 C.K.K.K 於 10-10-6 14:51 發表
thanks all RC's parents share positive opinion here, make me feel comfortable. One more question, some parents told me that student can speak Cantonese in school, isn't it ? how about the English stan ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-10-6 17:10 |只看該作者
thank mums...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-6 21:45 |只看該作者
In RC primary, 90% are local chinese. It's not surprising to find students talking in fluent Cantonese but I assure you that they can also communicate with friends in English effectively. It is also common to find chinese kids talking to each other in English. Those kids have been doing so since their family members also talk to them in English when the children are very small.  

Regarding the accent, it depends on the family background and also the tv programs the children watch.

In fact, even though the teachers themselves have their own accents - they come from australia, britain, america, singapore...... all over the world! That's what we get in a morden school - diversity!

發表於 10-10-6 22:51 |只看該作者
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發表於 10-10-7 14:07 |只看該作者
I can see RC parents here r so responsible and care about of their child. So If we see anythings goes wrong or what, we shall raise our voice to school :)

For the language policy, I can't agree with RC anymore. IB student should be open minded to accept all kind of languages.  He tells most of them use english to communicate in his class, even during lunch or snack time. can't tell what kind of accent he carries as he is still young. But his phonic tutor told me that he got north american accent. I think it's nothing to do with the school, it something to do with what country's cartoon he watch?

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