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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 蘇浙國際部 OR ESF Shang Wan
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蘇浙國際部 OR ESF Shang Wan [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 05-1-13 23:03 |只看該作者

蘇浙國際部 OR ESF Shang Wan

My kid is 2 years and 9 months old.  We already got offers from 蘇浙國際部 and ESF Shangwan.

Which one is better?

Is 蘇浙國際部 kind of related to Taiwan?  I am worried to have my kid go to 蘇浙國際部 in a city (Hk) in PRC.  Is there any bad reputation for it?

For ESF Shangwan, I know that they only have K1 and K2 and there is no guarantee my kid could get a space in K3 and primary school of ESF.  Where do ESF kindergarten students normally go to for their K3 and primary school?

Personally I think 蘇浙國際部 may be better as it has good Chinese lessons and there is through-train to primary or even secondary schools.  But is it related to Taiwanese or does it have other bad things for this school?

On the other hand, ESF has good reputation.  Would it be too wasteful if I turn down an offer from ESF?  

I am really having a headache now.  could anybody help asap, as the deadline for the ESF offer is tomorrow.

Please Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

many thanks for any advises from you.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-1-14 10:20 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙國際部 OR ESF Shang Wan

Well, it's a really a difficult decision. It's hard to turn down a ESF offer but 蘇浙 seems to have a very good training in Putunghua. It really depends on how much Chinese you want your little one to learn and if you have a strong desire to let your kid to study in ESF.Once the kid studies in ESF, I think parents will propably keep on speaking English in daily life for preparation of the ESF primary school interview.

蘇浙 have Taiwan connection?????I have  never heard about it? What source do you hear this from?

I suggest you ask 蘇浙 to let you have a school visit. They can certainly arrange. You can also talk to the headmaster and  see how you feel about this school.

At the same time, I suggest you pay for the ESF reservation fee to 'pay safe'. After the payment you still have 8 months to decide which kindergarten is the best for you child.

Sorry for not giving much constructive comments.  

Rank: 1

發表於 05-1-14 13:03 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙國際部 OR ESF Shang Wan

Hi, I suggest you having a school visit of 蘇浙 as my friend said the school environment is not very ideal for kids.....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-1-18 14:34 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙國際部 OR ESF Shang Wan

Dear leevictor

First of all, you must ask yourself what do you expect from the schools.  If you want your kid to learn good English, ESF is a very good choice.  If you want your kid to learn good Putonghua,   蘇浙Primary School is a good choice.  As far as I know 蘇浙國際部 is a part of the Primary School.  It is different from the Primary School.  Its primary teaching media is English.   It teaches Putonghua only half of an hour per day.  You better check it carefully with the school before you make a decision.   



Rank: 1

發表於 05-1-19 18:28 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙國際部 OR ESF Shang Wan

thanks very much for all you advises.

I already gave up ESF, as I think my kid could learn both good mandarin and english in 蘇浙

many many thanks.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-3-31 13:25 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙國際部 OR ESF Shang Wan

Dear Leevictor,

Your kid can get both offers from蘇浙國際部 and ESF Shang Wan. How do you do that? I also target to both schools. Can you give me more suggestions:

1) when should I help my son apply for both schools? Should I wait until my son truns 2 yr old?
2) Any interview conducted by both schools?
3) How can you get the ESF form? By email or in person?
4) Did you visit both schools? How's the envirment and facilities. Is the ESF Sheung Wan campus very small ?
5) Any other suggestions to me?


Rank: 1

發表於 05-4-22 16:33 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙國際部 OR ESF Shang Wan

Dear Waiwai32804,

the following are my reply to your questions

1) I think you could submit the application when he is around 2 years old or even earlier.  For ESF, I recommend you to apply asap, as historically there are many applicants (although as far as I know, if you don't mind taking the PM lesson, it could be easier)

2) No there are no interviews.  The key is to apply earlier.

3) I got the ESF form in person.

4) Yes, I did visit both schools.  蘇浙 international section shares the same campus with the local school.  I think for Kindergarten, they occupied around 5 rooms.  As they are actually inside the local school, the renovation and facilities are not new or as fancy as Victoria.  However, I am aware that they are doing some renovation and set some new playground particularly for international school students.  Overall, the school environment is not perfect, but still acceptable.  For ESF, the school is pretty small and does not have big outdoor playground.  However, the facilities look a bit new.

5) In terms of facilities, both schools do not have advantage over the other.  I think the key is firstly the path to primary school and secondly, the language.  I chose  蘇浙 because it could guarantee a through-train to its primary school.  And according to my understanding, its primary school is not bad.  Vs ESF could not guarantee my kid any seat in ESF primary school.  The other thing is that I want my kid to recognize that she is a Chinese, although she studies in an international school.  As far as I know, 蘇浙 is probably one of the few international schools, which could offer good Chinese and Mandarin lessons (without compromsing on the English skills).  On the other hand, in ESF, I don't really think you could cultivate a good Chinese language learning environment for your kid.  

I hope the above could help you.  I know as a mom, you have lots of headache with your kid's education.  Don't hesitate to let me know if you want any help from me!!!   :  :  :

Victor    :wink:  :wink:  :wink:

Rank: 2

發表於 05-4-23 14:14 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙國際部 OR ESF Shang Wan

Thanks, Lee Victor. I think I will write to ask the form immediately.
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