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Baby Buddies - I wish I had never been there [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 10-8-5 18:12 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
I took my 1.5yr old baby there but we decided to stop the playgroup after joining for 1 month because the place is very dirty and my baby doesn't like to play there. So we asked for deposit back. During the process, the owner and her husband have made up a sequence of lies and excuses. They lied that my baby is very happy at the class, but in fact they don't even know how my baby looks like. After a long discussion, they agreed to give me back the deposit and my baby won't go there again ever. I went there to pick up my baby and to get the deposit back according to their instruction. But they do not have the deposit for me. Up to now, they still have not paid the deposit back to me. So I am planning to go to their classroom to ask for the deposit back. And also I told them I would put the truth on internet so other people would know. They then threatened that they would get their solicitor to sue me if I do that. They owe me $1200 deposit and I really want to let other parents know how bad this baby playgroup is. I do not believe law is there just to help those who can afford a solicitor.
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Rank: 4

發表於 10-8-5 22:28 |只看該作者
Sorry to hear that.
You went to the Tin Hou or Sheung Wan Centre?
My experience with them is pretty good so far.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-8-5 22:58 |只看該作者
I go to the Tuen Mun class. The teacher is not bad, but the carpet and toys are a bit old and dirty. The owner initially was nice, but when I tried to withdraw from the class, I had to deal with the owner's husband, who is very rude and told us a few lies. I told him on the phone that my baby is not that happy in the class, and he said he saw him playing happily outside his office at the moment. But then I later found out that he wasn't in the office at all (the phone line was diverted). Really terrible....

Also have to be very careful with play groups because I called the Education Department, and they said playgroups are not regulated at all. So there is nothing they can do with the bad ones....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-8-6 01:00 |只看該作者
禁衰 bad list

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-8-6 19:42 |只看該作者
oh.. i am so sorry to hear that... my baby went to Tin Hau class.. it was good, clean and teacher was very nice.  Anyway, i always see the owner's husband in Tin Hau as everytime i brough my baby to Tin Hau campus!  so.. i don't think he would always in Tuen Mun lor!  I like the school at Tin Hau.. but.. LIE to parents is not good anyway!  I support YOU!

Rank: 1

發表於 10-8-6 20:23 |只看該作者
Thanks for your support. But feeling very depressed at the moment. They finally say I can go to their centre to collect the deposit back tomorrow. But they sent an email to insult me..... here are some quotes:

"as parents was it not your responsibility to go to a class with your child and see how he was getting on? Do you as parents think your child is old enough to decide where he should go to school, or your helper in this case? Surely it is the responsibility of the parents."
--> I need to go to work so my helper goes to class with my baby. I feel terrible that I can't spend more time with him, but they are definitely not in a position to blame me on this. There are many other helpers in their classes, why they blame only me after I withdraw?

"Do you not think as parents you should of read clearly the registration form that you signed? It quite clearly said that it is one full calendar months notice."
--> I gave them notice on 2-Aug to stop on 2-Sept. Is that one month? They said according to contract I need to stay till END OF September. That is what they meant by "one full calendar month"? I need an English tutor or lawyer to help before I join a playgroup.

I have never dealt with people who are so rude and not reasonable....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-8-6 22:44 |只看該作者
so mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   oh ... unbelievable!  I am so so so sorry for you!  The letter is too mean!  Parents want to let their child quit.. this is our choice.. they don't need to say that mean stuff in the letter!  so mean! I am so sorry for you! anyway! mama! Cheer up! you will find a better playgroup in the future!

Rank: 2

發表於 10-8-7 16:25 |只看該作者
sorry to hear that.  I tried the Sheung Wan one.  Its ok and teacher is nice but everything just a litte bit old. Also, you just share your experience (surely its a bad experience) with other parents and it is the fact.  I dont think their lawyer is able to sue you.  Anyway, hope you find a better place for your kid very soon.  Support.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-8-7 17:08 |只看該作者
我上年都試過向消委會投訴過 Baby Buddies,但最後都攞唔返 deposit. 其實佢哋平時會好似好nice,但如果你上幾個月堂後話要走,佢哋就會變晒樣,又惡又衰。
不過諗真消委會個哥哥都講得啱,無啦啦上playgroup 都要比上期同按金,你估租樓咩!!話無問題都唔信啦。

Rank: 2

發表於 10-8-7 17:21 |只看該作者
That is true, is the course very cheap? how much is it per session.

原帖由 keano_keano 於 10-8-7 17:08 發表
我上年都試過向消委會投訴過 Baby Buddies,但最後都攞唔返 deposit. 其實佢哋平時會好似好nice,但如果你上幾個月堂後話要走,佢哋就會變晒樣,又惡又衰。
不過諗真消委會個哥哥都講得啱,無啦啦上playgroup 都要比上期同按金 ...

Rank: 1

發表於 10-8-7 17:24 |只看該作者
$150 per class
$1200 deposit
$100 admin fee

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-8-8 14:25 |只看該作者
I also enrolled my girl into Baby Buddies Sheung Wan Centre, paid the deposit of $1,200 (from next month, class fee will increase to $650/4 classes, and deposit to $1,300).
Personally, I also agree the centres (no matter the Tin Hau, or Sheung Wan one) are comparatively not as clean as that of the other playgroups. However, as long as my girl doesn't get any problem from the 'untidiness' (touch wood), I am OK.

I choose BB because they are the cheapest native speaking playgroup, $150/2 hours. But, when you read through their contract, you will know the effective class fee is much higher, e.g. you still need to pay for the whole month for school holiday, no make up class for sick leave or public holiday - plus the troublesome in getting deposit back (learnt from New_MaMa_2008). Also, the so-called 2 hours is in fact quite loose, taking out the free playtime, snack time, break etc. the effective class time maybe less than an hour.

Having said all that, since my objective for letting my girl to this playgroup is to spend her boring days in a more interesting way. So, I will still let my girl going there for the price.

Btw, the man on the hotline is Alison's husband? I think his English is not good - I always can't quite understand him.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-8-9 11:02 |只看該作者
My boy attended BB sheung wan since Nov 09 and we quitted in May.  The refund was somewhat smooth - of course I did give one full-month notice for withdrawal.  I also got an assessment report from them though it's not that useful.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-8-9 12:31 |只看該作者
I have just enrolled my baby to a small playgroup (only 4 babies) in my club house. He had ear infection 2 weeks ago (twice already in the past 2 months), and the doctor said nowadays parents take baby to playgroups too early. Their immune system is not well developed yet, so they would just end up taking medicine which ultimately is not good for their long term health.
Problem of Baby Buddies is, they have boxes of small pieces of toys, carpet, fabri equipments, which are all very hard to be cleaned, and they are old. It is just not suitable for babies which are so small. Hence I chose this small playgroup in a simple and clean activity room, covered with plastic floor.
Nothing is more important than baby's health.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-8-9 12:44 |只看該作者
And the man on the line is called Sven Euler, he is Alison Euler's husband. Looking at his name, I believe he is Swedish, hence English accent is a bit weird.
I think everyone needs to deal with him when you quit. If you stay there for close to a year, they probably will let you go more smoothly.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-8-9 14:59 |只看該作者
同意呀,我去過 Baby Buddies trial 一次,都唔敢比個女玩碌地同扮向地下瞓覺,怕污穢,學乜嘢同錢都其次,小朋友健康喺最緊要。咁細個病咗可大可小。宜家返緊尖東 little gym,唔錯。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-9-5 21:23 |只看該作者
I also went for trial class one time. Don't want to join. Too many babies. No use at all. The one I went is Tin Hau. No space for parent and babies to wait outside. But they don't allow us to go inside below the exact class time. No other playgroup is like that.
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