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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 一條龍 vs 程度深
樓主: MoJoJoJo

一條龍 vs 程度深 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 10-7-28 17:53 |只看該作者
I guess your two options are quite different from ellmolly's two options bor!

I know which two kindergartens you are referring to so I don't see your option 1 is really that strict!  I think many children there are also very happy.  It's just that your option 2 may be a bit over-relax so the happiness effect will be more significant only.

The child's happiness is not only coming from their own schooling environment, but the family's as a whole.  If the parents feel more emotional stable knowing there is a better primary school backup, then there will be better harmony in the family!

I will suggest your option 1.  (Of course, if you get the call from the one you keep sending letter, then sure you will need to choose again!)  I do wish you good luck!


原帖由 MoJoJoJo 於 10-7-28 17:30 發表
unfortunately my option 1 here is not the one your daughter is going to.  i'm still sending letters... but no luck yet.  :(

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-7-28 17:54 |只看該作者
oops! sorry.... i thought it was that one....
原帖由 MoJoJoJo 於 10-7-28 17:30 發表
unfortunately my option 1 here is not the one your daughter is going to.  i'm still sending letters... but no luck yet.  :(

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 10-7-28 17:56 |只看該作者
I think what she meant was changing from option 1's pm to am successfully so now become more "apple to apple" comparison to consider am only.

原帖由 sheffield 於 10-7-28 17:54 發表
oops! sorry.... i thought it was that one....

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-28 18:00 |只看該作者
ian, sheffield,

hehe if it's SH, no headache for me, we'll just go!    

it's nearly aug already, so we'll try again as super big b for 11/12 K1 & also keep sending letters for K2.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-28 18:06 |只看該作者
thanks ian!   yep, agree that logically option 1 is the right choice.
now need to try to adjust my emotional mindset!  

原帖由 iantsang 於 10-7-28 17:53 發表
I guess your two options are quite different from ellmolly's two options bor!

I know which two kindergartens you are referring to so I don't see your option 1 is really that strict!  I think many chi ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 10-7-28 18:12 |只看該作者
Luckily you still have 1 month to do so (and give your daughter a haircut).  May be hold the haircut until end of August since SHCK does make calls around end of Aug/ early Sep if spaces do become available.  Just hope those parents who are less appreciated with their philosophy will release the spaces for others who value it more.

I guess what you can do now is to find time and bring your daughter to visit the new campus so she can establish more attachment to it and show her some campus life pictures from the kindergarten website.  I do think it is hard for kids to make transition (same for the parents too) but it will be a good one to make.

Looking forward to hear more good news from you!


原帖由 MoJoJoJo 於 10-7-28 18:06 發表
thanks ian!   yep, agree that logically option 1 is the right choice.
now need to try to adjust my emotional mindset!  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-29 07:05 |只看該作者
> May be hold the haircut until end of August
that's exactly my plan! my girl loves her long hair, so we're holding out for miralces with SHCK till the end.

and thanks for the good tips about transition!

發表於 10-7-29 09:27 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-29 11:40 |只看該作者
Let me 818.  After reading yr text, I think I know what is yr option 1, my daughter has just completed K3 there.  Just share my experience, the KG is really not as traditional as some people think.  Teachers there conduct class in a very professional manner.  Every kids love to go to school very much.  I am surprised to see my daughter learned much in this KG.  Don't worry too much the transition from Nursery to KG in another school, cause KG is totally different, as all kids are from different nurseries, teachers help a lot on the transition.  Also, yr kid can join the primary one allocation game after 3 yrs.  I know some of the kids go to other primary such as St Paul's, Sacred Heart, St Jo, St Claire.  Over half continue in their primary, so, this is a logical choice.  Anyway, hope you'll get your first choice offer - SH later.

原帖由 MoJoJoJo 於 10-7-29 07:05 發表
> May be hold the haircut until end of August
that's exactly my plan! my girl loves her long hair, so we're holding out for miralces with SHCK till the end.

and thanks for the good tips about t ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-29 13:07 |只看該作者

兩年前的今天, 我覺得細B好蝕抵.
兩年後的今天, 我覺得細B是走運.

**小女都是細b, 反而有機會入了理想的學校, 細B實際比其他人多一次選校的機會, 唔好唸住D負面詞彙(e.g. 留一年, 遲一年...等). 學習是漫漫長路嘛~

如果我是你, 會選option 1, 再看看有沒有更好的出路~

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-30 07:52 |只看該作者
with so many bs in 2007, and being a small b, i picked stability in the end.  hopefully as the above 2 mums said, option 1 would provide a happy environment for my girl too.

原帖由 ken9989 於 10-7-29 09:27 發表
I think the decision depends on your child's ability. If u think your child can attend band 1 schools rather than band 2, u may choose option2. However, if u think stability is more important than all ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-30 07:54 |只看該作者
thanks very much for your insights KK07!  it's great to hear about all the positive points about the school.  If you don't mind, I have some further questions for you and I'd like to PM u...

原帖由 KK07 於 10-7-29 11:40 發表
Let me 818.  After reading yr text, I think I know what is yr option 1, my daughter has just completed K3 there.  Just share my experience, the KG is really not as traditional as some people think.  T ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-30 07:56 |只看該作者
that's true, we small bs have an extra chance of trying for a second time!

would you mind sharing your wonderful experience please?  would like to learn from you on the small b aspect.  if it's too private, please feel free to PM me.  thx thx!

原帖由 Nov 於 10-7-29 13:07 發表

兩年前的今天, 我覺得細B好蝕抵.
兩年後的今天, 我覺得細B是走運.

**小女都是細b, 反而有機會入了理想的學校, 細B實際比其他人多一次選校的機會, 唔好唸住D負面詞彙(e.g. 留一年, 遲一年...等). 學習是漫漫 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-30 10:41 |只看該作者
原帖由 MoJoJoJo 於 10-7-30 07:52 發表
with so many bs in 2007, and being a small b, i picked stability in the end.  hopefully as the above 2 mums said, option 1 would provide a happy environment for my girl too.

good that you have made up your mind, remember to get some pure white panties for your sweetie

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-7-30 11:28 |只看該作者
原帖由 MoJoJoJo 於 10-7-28 10:05 發表
好頭痛, 請大家分享吓睇法.

option 1) 一條龍 (幼稚園 + 小學, 中學係聠系, band 1 尾, band 2 頭, 校風好). 幼稚園程度淺. 校風好, but may be also 嚴.

option 2) 程度深既幼稚園. 有自己小學. 已係學校讀 n1,  ...

option 1) or 2) 係唔係都保證可以上小學?  如果係我, 我會唔理中學果part, 老實講, 由n1到中學係講緊9年10年嘅事, 到時大b細b都唔會有咩差異, 反而家長同間小學點教同栽培個小朋友先係main issue, 如果兩間幼稚園都保證可以上到小學, 咁小學質素係點先係我會考慮嘅因素!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-30 11:41 |只看該作者
不過小學同中學有冇聯系都好重要 bor?

option 1 既小學係中文. 中學係英文, 校風好
option 2 既小學係英文. 中學係英文, 校風 so so

hmm option 1 more logical choice?

原帖由 lyhv 於 10-7-30 11:28 發表

option 1) or 2) 係唔係都保證可以上小學?  如果係我, 我會唔理中學果part, 老實講, 由n1到中學係講緊9年10年嘅事, 到時大b細b都唔會有咩差異, 反而家長同間小學點教同栽培個小朋友先係main issue, 如果兩間幼稚園 ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-7-30 12:37 |只看該作者
finally have time to join you guys la!  
i would go with option 1... don't regret once you make decision ah.  no one knows which one is the best, just try to get the most from you one you've chosen.  all schools have their strengths!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-7-30 13:49 |只看該作者
原帖由 MoJoJoJo 於 10-7-30 11:41 發表
不過小學同中學有冇聯系都好重要 bor?

option 1 既小學係中文. 中學係英文, 校風好
option 2 既小學係英文. 中學係英文, 校風 so so

hmm option 1 more logical choice?


um....我會咁諗, 你話option 2 無中學back up, 咁option 2 中學校風係點, 係唔係唔應該考慮呢?  而且宜家option 1中學校風雖然係好, 但當你真係讀到中學已經係9年後嘅事, 無人可以保證到時間中學校風仍然好, 甚至乎係唔係英文中學都未知, touchwood依段期間同你轉兩三次校長都已經可以改變好多野, who knows? 到時你一間中文小學出黎嘅學生, 再要搵英文中學, 又會唔會有麻煩呢?   我本人明白一條龍嘅好處, 但當中我亦對一條龍入面讀嘅學生質素有保留, 教育制度朝令, 再加上政府迫緊學校表態對聯繫/直資等一條龍嘅收生率, 我唔會將眼光放到咁遠!

[ 本帖最後由 lyhv 於 10-7-30 13:50 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-7-30 14:46 |只看該作者
原帖由 MoJoJoJo 於 10-7-30 11:41 發表
不過小學同中學有冇聯系都好重要 bor?

option 1 既小學係中文. 中學係英文, 校風好
option 2 既小學係英文. 中學係英文, 校風 so so

hmm option 1 more logical choice?


but sorry, 你講校風好 & 校風 so so, 係指小學定中學?  另外以我所知, 有些小學雖則話係中文教學, 但佢地嘅英文水平都唔底!  

如果你所講校風好, 係指小學, 而依間小學英文水平又唔底, 咁我或者會考慮option1.  不過點都好, 我都係覺得如果小朋友重係咁細, 應該睇小學而唔應該睇中學住!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-7-30 14:59 |只看該作者
lyhv, 我知你唔係保守人黎架啦,一定比我勇於嘗試或接受挑戰,睇你亞B個髮型就知啦!如果我係街到見到個小男孩子個頭髮係咁型,我一定會睇好耐!哈哈哈哈!

原帖由 lyhv 於 10-7-30 14:46 發表

but sorry, 你講校風好 & 校風 so so, 係指小學定中學?  另外以我所知, 有些小學雖則話係中文教學, 但佢地嘅英文水平都唔底!  

如果你所講校風好, 係指小學, 而依間小學英文水平又唔底, 咁我或者會考慮option1.   ...
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