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教育王國 討論區 資優教育 Help! Verbal IQ 142, but poor behaviour in "writing ...
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Help! Verbal IQ 142, but poor behaviour in "writing lesson" [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-25 23:35 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Hi, pls help and give me some suggestion.

My son is not willing to do the writing
(Repeat / similar excercise), sometime,
he left his seat and disturb his classmate,
even hit them, scream and making strange noise.
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發表於 10-6-28 20:59 |只看該作者
Same with my son before 10 years.
Don't worry! When my son K1 he will argue with the teacher an apple is green and refuse to drawing red.  The teacher punishment him stand outside class room, he will run always to other class room and sit down. Unwilling to writing any chinese word even just 5 word,  u see too bad behavious.  

You try less sugar, candy or juice for him, it can help him to control the mood stable.  Accepted all his completed writing even the writing not good.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-6-29 11:43 |只看該作者
原帖由 baseball 於 10-6-25 23:35 發表
Hi, pls help and give me some suggestion.

My son is not willing to do the writing
(Repeat / similar excercise), sometime,
he left his seat and disturb his classmate,
even hit them, scream and making  ...

Where did your son get assessed?  I think my son has similar problems and as he is excellent on oral but poor on writing, especially chinese.  His class teacher suspects that he is gifted and asks us to do assessment for him.

發表於 10-6-29 13:37 |只看該作者
You bring him to see family doctor and ask a referral letter to see the government pediatric doctor. Before u bring him to see government doctor you told his teacher writing a letter about his problem, after basic assessment they may be refer your son need to do the IQ test or pediatric psychology for treatment.  

Another method, go to private psychology to do assessment, but the result not all the school will be take action.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-29 22:44 |只看該作者
Thanks for yr adv & suggestion as we always
rec'd the complaint from this teacher.  Pls give me some more teaching method to this kind of
children.  Or anything can help him improve faster.

quote]原帖由 MGO 於 10-6-28 20:59 發表
Same with my son before 10 years.
Don't worry! When my son K1 he will argue with the teacher an apple is green and refuse to drawing red.  The teacher punishment him stand outside class room, he will ... [/quote]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-30 11:15 |只看該作者
check check讀寫障礙及ADHD的symtom

發表於 10-7-1 18:31 |只看該作者
I have teacher letter and completed government test and taken the result, but the government no any support for us, they suggest we wait for our kids to P6 and applicate the services again.  I think till to these moment same result.


He change to ESF international kindergarten, and told the teacher his problem, the teacher let him in the playground to run around before lesson, let him settled his mood and sit together with other children continues the lesson.
The teacher told me that must control his sugar taken, he cannot eat too sweet, such as candy, juice, soft drink etc.
Even he just 4 years old, I will treat him looks like a teenage. I let him learn the karatedo let him learning concentrate, control and settle him overactive. His maths is very good, so I let him joint standford university oversea course.  We not design too many thing to him study, because the psycho. Said too may thing will active his behavior problem, he need concentrate and stable mood.

Now he is 14 years old, everything are well, he last year completed university maths course, and karatedo he can join the international competition.

You try to find out his talent and make design.  And you must let him know his good and problem, such as my son, actually he will not eat sweet thing, except math examination.
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