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直資叩門 : 英華vs NPL vs培基 vs崇真 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 10-6-15 01:19 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
直資叩門 : vs NPL vs培基 vs崇真
Any chance for a boy brand 1尾 to brand 2?

Any comment on those schools?
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-15 12:32 |只看該作者
原帖由 francomama 於 10-6-15 01:19 發表
直資叩門 : 英華vs NPL vs培基 vs崇真
Any chance for a boy brand 1尾 to brand 2?

Any comment on those schools?

英華書院     傳統男名校
NPL           Band 1 中至尾直資英中
培基           Band 1 尾至band 2 頭直資英中
崇真           Band 1 中至尾直資英中

Rank: 1

發表於 10-6-15 13:08 |只看該作者
Thanks yolandamama!  Understand it's almost no chance for Yan Wah.  Do you know how about 校風of NLP/培基/崇真? Thanks a lot!

原帖由 yolandamama 於 10-6-15 12:32 發表

英華書院     傳統男名校
NPL           Band 1 中至尾直資英中
培基           Band 1 尾至band 2 頭直資英中
崇真           Band 1 中至尾直資英中

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-15 14:12 |只看該作者
band 1 尾 英華 no chance unless your son is good at sports or music. The rest can try.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-15 19:57 |只看該作者
No idea about Pui Kei.  I'd prefer NPL.

原帖由 francomama 於 10-6-15 13:08 發表
Thanks yolandamama!  Understand it's almost no chance for Yan Wah.  Do you know how about 校風of NLP/培基/崇真? Thanks a lot!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-15 23:35 |只看該作者
原帖由 francomama 於 10-6-15 13:08 發表
Thanks yolandamama!  Understand it's almost no chance for Yan Wah.  Do you know how about 校風of NLP/培基/崇真? Thanks a lot!

1.活動多元化  多遊學團
2. 老師友善
3. 學生除了本地人外, 仲有南亞裔學生
4. 升大學率ok

1. 校長出名
2. 活動都多 有遊學團
3. 老師比較年輕
4. 功課不少 老師"谷"得緊  新學校第一年已經有會考生拎28, 29 分   
5. 升大學率高

兩間都唔錯, 都係收歡迎的學校

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-16 09:31 |只看該作者
My kid attended the interviews of NPL and "Tsung Chun".  Our initial observations were the students of NPL were polite and mature.  The interview arrangement was ok.

原帖由 francomama 於 10-6-15 13:08 發表
Thanks yolandamama!  Understand it's almost no chance for Yan Wah.  Do you know how about 校風of NLP/培基/崇真? Thanks a lot!

Rank: 1

發表於 10-6-16 10:41 |只看該作者
Thanks for all of you told me above. From NPL’s website, I also saw their public exam results are good especially AL and think this may be better.  We have gone to find out where they are.  It’s pity that the location is really not convenient to us (we’re in Tsuen Wan).  For me, of course l consider a good school more than their transporting.  But, for my son, just worry it’s problem for him in case he needs to go/back by himself for school activities (already assume I can find school van for daily). Anyway, we will apply on July 6 if we’re not lucky in the Draw.

We visited Pui Kei during their open day and felt their school mission is not bad.  But, I felt they don’t have good track record in public exams. For Tsung Chun, just saw parents’ comments here and thought it should be good also.  CKW1500, which stage did your child go to interview? Got result yet?  What is your decision if both accept your child?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-16 11:49 |只看該作者
From Tsuen Wan to NPL, you could take the mini bus, it takes aournd 15-20 mins.  Moreover, NPL also provide school bus for the stduents.

原帖由 francomama 於 10-6-16 10:41 AM 發表
Thanks for all of you told me above. From NPL’s website, I also saw their public exam results are good especially AL and think this may be better.  We have gone to find out where they are.  It’s pit ...
Tomorrow is better

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-16 11:52 |只看該作者
NPL has school bus service.  But you need to check with the service provider coz they will work out the bus routes when they know the demand for parents & students.

My kid attended the first round interviews in Nov (Tsung Chun) and NPL (in mid Feb).  Luckily they accepted my kid.  But finally I registered in another DSS coz my kid liked it most.

Good luck!!!
原帖由 francomama 於 10-6-16 10:41 發表
Thanks for all of you told me above. From NPL’s website, I also saw their public exam results are good especially AL and think this may be better.  We have gone to find out where they are.  It’s pit ...

Rank: 1

發表於 10-6-16 12:16 |只看該作者
Elona, thanks for telling me that here is mini bus to NPL. I never knew this.  May be cos no need to go Tokawan before and not familiar in there.  Need to check it out.

ckw1500, congratulation your kid already registered and no need to worry for July 6.  Can you tell which DSS you’ve chosen finally?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-16 12:30 |只看該作者
My kid will study at St Stephen's College.

Before she was accepted by SSC, we planned to stay with NPL which was recommended by her teachers.

原帖由 francomama 於 10-6-16 12:16 發表
Elona, thanks for telling me that here is mini bus to NPL. I never knew this.  May be cos no need to go Tokawan before and not familiar in there.  Need to check it out.

ckw1500, congratulation your k ...

Rank: 1

發表於 10-6-16 12:38 |只看該作者
SSC, good! Guess your daughter must be Band 1 Top. Did she tell whether the interview of NPL is difficult or not?

原帖由 ckw1500 於 10-6-16 12:30 發表
My kid will study at St Stephen's College.

Before she was accepted by SSC, we planned to stay with NPL which was recommended by her teachers.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-16 12:46 |只看該作者
She's not so smart.  Her classmates (who are really in Band 1 "top") are going to excellent DSS like DBS, DGS, St Pauls ... etc.  I guess she's just lucky but need to admit that she prepared the interviews quite well (that's the merits of her school coz they had tailor-made interview course for P6 students).

The interview of NPL lasted for about half an hour.  My kid told me that it was a group interview.  The questions were not academic-related: (1) self-introduction in English (2) self-introduction in Putonghua (3) group discussion in Cantonese.  But your kid has to be out-spoken and take the lead in the discussion.  There's a discussion topic here about NPL, which should have more information.

Good luck again!!!

原帖由 francomama 於 10-6-16 12:38 發表
SSC, good! Guess your daughter must be Band 1 Top. Did she tell whether the interview of NPL is difficult or not?

Rank: 1

發表於 10-6-16 13:06 |只看該作者
Thanks for your info and blessing.  I would say good luck to my son too!
原帖由 ckw1500 於 10-6-16 12:46 發表
She's not so smart.  Her classmates (who are really in Band 1 "top") are going to excellent DSS like DBS, DGS, St Pauls ... etc.  I guess she's just lucky but need to admit that she prepared the inter ...

Rank: 1

發表於 10-6-16 16:08 |只看該作者

2009 年,顏寶鈴中七學生入大學(學位)只有25位同學,全級有64人,真正入U 率係39%

2009年 讀副學士、高級文憑(非大學學位)有17位同學

yolanda媽媽: 兩間學校都係受歡迎學校,唔係「收」歡迎的學校

franco媽同ckw1500: 祟真英文名係Tsung Tsin 唔係Tsung Chun


顏寶鈴係唔係真係咁好? 好到令francoma 同 ckw1500 一問一答,一唱一和咁唱好顏寶鈴? (講笑咁講: 唔知佢地係唔係同一人呢? 哈哈)

各位老豆老母送自己仔囡去呢間學校讀書,請注意埋校園欺凌、校園暴力的問題。小心仔囡俾「小數族裔」/其他同學蝦或暴力對待。做人老豆老母要醒目,多d 關心自己仔囡,發現「唔對路」就要求助,甚至要嚴正投訴,不可讓學校、校長偏袒 / 包庇「小數族裔」


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-16 20:53 |只看該作者
Firstly, the no. of graduates of NPL going to local universities and post secondary institutions is fair, having regard to the fact that it is a new DDS.

Secondly, teachers of my kid did recommend us to consider NPL having regard to various factors including but not limited to the development of NPL, my kid's character and academic performance.

Thirdly, I went to the briefing and attended the interview with my kid.  What I mentioned here was just my personal feeling and observations.  Those who're interested in applying for a place at NPL undoubtedly do their own research and consult their kids' teachers.

Fourthly, if you're (or your kid) is NPL student.  Please respect your school.  If you don't like it, just quit.  And please also respect the non-Chinese students of NPL.  You're already in breach of discrimination ordinance.  I also reserve my legal right to sue you.

Last but not the least, I am not Francomama.  Don't insult any one of us.  
原帖由 unknownxp 於 10-6-16 16:08 發表

2009 年,顏寶鈴中七學生入大學(學位)只有25位同學,全級有64人,真正入U 率係39%

2009年 讀副學士、高級文憑(非大學學位)有17位同學

改正下各 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-16 20:58 |只看該作者
Besides, I admitted that I didn't remember exactly the English name of Tsung Tsin.  But thanks for others who could understand which school I was talking about instead of criticising my spelling mistake which was superfluous.

In addition, please be polite.  We're parents, not "老豆老母".  Mind your P's and Q's!

原帖由 unknownxp 於 10-6-16 16:08 發表

2009 年,顏寶鈴中七學生入大學(學位)只有25位同學,全級有64人,真正入U 率係39%

2009年 讀副學士、高級文憑(非大學學位)有17位同學

改正下各 ...

Rank: 1

發表於 10-6-16 22:33 |只看該作者


第一: 我稱各位「老豆」「老母」絕無對大家不敬! 因為我平時都是稱呼我父母親為「老豆」「老母」「老媽子」,引起誤會,十分抱歉

第二: 至於糾正yolandamama、francomama、ckw1500 打錯字,是我一時貪玩,對不起對幾位長輩不敬!

第三: 我並沒有侮辱大家的心,也沒有歧視非中國藉的同學,引起誤會,十分抱歉


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-16 22:51 |只看該作者
Your apology is accepted but please extend it to NPLs.

原帖由 unknownxp 於 10-6-16 22:33 發表


第一: 我稱各位「老豆」「老母」絕無對大家不敬! 因為我平時都是稱呼我父母親為「老豆」「老母」「老媽子」,引起誤會,十分抱歉

第二: 至於糾 ...
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