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教育王國 討論區 民生書院小學 2009/10 小一
樓主: Gordon0304

2009/10 小一 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-3 11:43 |只看該作者
原帖由 2boysmum 於 10-5-3 10:42 發表
Hi Adrian ma-ma,
My son told that few of classmates were crying too!!  My son got flu as it was cool in the swimming pool and the weather was not too shinning last Thu!

Thanks 2boysmum, 1 of them should be my son, ha ha !

Oh it's poor that your son got sick, yes the weather is cold that day. Actually I have suggested the teacher to consider postponing the swimming lessson, but the teacher said no. Hope your son has recovered now !

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-4 11:00 |只看該作者
I got the same feeling that the school should be considered to put swimming lession for P1/P2 to start in May rather than in April to avoid catching flu.  Noted from sr student that the swimming lession will be run on every Day 4.  

Will you enrol the summer courses at school for your son?

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-4 15:52 |只看該作者
原帖由 2boysmum 於 10-5-4 11:00 發表
I got the same feeling that the school should be considered to put swimming lession for P1/P2 to start in May rather than in April to avoid catching flu.  Noted from sr student that the swimming lessi ...

Hi 2boysmum,

We want him to enrol in swimming course, but my son refused. We need to persuade him la ......

I just received the call from 常識老師 to complain my son is so talkative in class.. Oh headache...I feel my son is much more naughty in the 2nd term. Maybe he knows more of his classmates. Do you have this feeling?

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-5 11:11 |只看該作者
My son is okay la as least I didn't received the call from the teacher so far!  The kids are quite naughty in the class compared with the other and sometime son will share his school life with me. My son also told me that your son is very good in ENG too.

I didn't enrol the summer course for my son as I don't have maid to bring him to school and also the outsider one is better than the one at school (for swimming / English course) .

I am afraid for the final exam comes and also the coming ENG is quite complicated.  Too many wordings to spell.  

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-11 11:09 |只看該作者
Yesterday received the memo of exam finally, oh we need to make better preparation. Seems the 2nd term is more harder!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-5-11 13:34 |只看該作者
各現小一家長, 可唔可以問下你地呀?

小兒現讀k2, 打算升讀原校(若收), 想知道由kg上小學是否很吃力, 功課多嗎? 有無壓力? 以往有人說kg課程太淺, 到小學跟吾上, 是否呢? 同埋我問過班主任, easter時的功課好多, 佢說因為要涵接上小學, 所以課程有些改變.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-11 14:48 |只看該作者
原帖由 MandyLau13 於 10-5-11 13:34 發表
各現小一家長, 可唔可以問下你地呀?

小兒現讀k2, 打算升讀原校(若收), 想知道由kg上小學是否很吃力, 功課多嗎? 有無壓力? 以往有人說kg課程太淺, 到小學跟吾上, 是否呢? 同埋我問過班主任, easter時的功課好多, 佢 ...

Hi MandyLau13,

My son studied in other kg before joining Munsang primary. So far the homework load is still ok, around 4-5 per day, but will be more, about 7-8 during long holidays.

Apart from regular dictations, there will be 2 tests and 2 exam each year.

I know many classmates studied in MS kindergarten before, and seems there's not much problem in them.

Perhaps other parents can supplement.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-12 09:34 |只看該作者
Dear Adrain ma-ma,
My son told that there are 6 people reported sick yesterday due got flu from swim in Day 4 (still swim even in bad weather!, my god!).

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-12 10:37 |只看該作者
原帖由 2boysmum 於 10-5-12 09:34 發表
Dear Adrain ma-ma,
My son told that there are 6 people reported sick yesterday due got flu from swim in Day 4 (still swim even in bad weather!, my god!).

Oh poor kids ! so many students got sick. I asked my son, but he said he did not know how many people got sick. I am also afraid that my son will be sick as he told me that the water that day was so cold that he was freezing during the lesson.

So if for next lesson, the weather is still bad, I might consider not letting my son join the swimming, as exam is coming, I don't want him to get sick. How about you?

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-14 16:41 |只看該作者
話口未完, my son got sick finally. He has high fever when he come back home yesterday. (103 degrees) Therefore need to take sick leave today.
When my maid go to collect homework today, the class teacher said there was 10 students absent today.

Oh too bad ! Hope all kids can recover soon.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-18 12:14 |只看該作者
Hi Adrian ma-ma,
How's your son? Is he fully recovered?  My son got coughing at night and still taking medicine. There is swimming class today.  Hope he is okay la..

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-18 14:58 |只看該作者
原帖由 2boysmum 於 10-5-18 12:14 發表
Hi Adrian ma-ma,
How's your son? Is he fully recovered?  My son got coughing at night and still taking medicine. There is swimming class today.  Hope he is okay la..

Hi 2boysmum,
Thanks, he has recovered already, and has returned to school yesterday. But since he just recovered, I have informed the teacher that he will not join the swimming class today.

Don't worry, it is sunny today so i think the water should be warm enough.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-19 10:59 |只看該作者
Poor my son!  He can't go to school today.  Coughing more and soar throat much more serious after swimming session.   I won't let him to swim anymore.   Besides, there is no hot/warm water for them to wash up after swimming.  I was told that the water is cold that made them easy to catch flu ...the facilities is really not good la...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-19 11:43 |只看該作者
原帖由 2boysmum 於 10-5-19 10:59 發表
Poor my son!  He can't go to school today.  Coughing more and soar throat much more serious after swimming session.   I won't let him to swim anymore.   Besides, there is no hot/warm wat ...

Hi 2boysmum,

Oh, what a pity. It's too cold to swim in school. My son told me that 11 students did not swim yesterday.

I really regret "encouraging" him to swim last week.
You know, the final exam is coming, I don't want him to get sick again.

Pls let your son have more rest, and hope he will get well soon.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-20 14:33 |只看該作者
Tks, Adrian-ma-ma,
Don't let them join swimming class in summer as the facilities and the location of the pool is not good!

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-20 17:05 |只看該作者
原帖由 2boysmum 於 10-5-20 14:33 發表
Tks, Adrian-ma-ma,
Don't let them join swimming class in summer as the facilities and the location of the pool is not good!

Hi 2boysmum,

Will you let your son swim in the PE class next week? If not, what is the excuse? It looks like there's still 2 or 3 PE classes before exam starts.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-24 09:57 |只看該作者
Hi Adrain-ma,
I will tell he is not fully recovery after flu. I think the teacher will understand as the exam come soon.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-5-25 16:53 |只看該作者

小一有多少班 ? 每班多少人 ?
民幼直升佔多少 ?
入申請表時, 需要入 portfolio ?

thanks !

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-26 09:47 |只看該作者
- around 37-39 per class and there are 6 classes.
- most of the K3 students will be accepted if you choose the Primary school.
- for us, no portfolio need to be done as we are from the same school.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-2 14:44 |只看該作者
請問給外來的小一學位有多少 ?
幾時開始招生 ?
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