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教育王國 討論區 香港靈糧堂幼稚園 選香港靈糧堂的原因?
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選香港靈糧堂的原因? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-30 13:21 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
My daughter got a seat in the AM session but heard a lot of negative comments recently such as ....this school is not as good as it was 10 years ago, too simple and easy syllbus, a very playful school,.... May I know what's the reason why you choose this school. Any good comments of this school if you heard of it, pls tell me. I need more positive support... thanks.
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-5 09:41 |只看該作者
I don't know how LLC is ten years ago.  My boy is now studying in K1.  Both of us like LLC.  

Yes, the syllabus is simple.  However, I think it can help students to have a good foundation.  Also, I think ability is far more important than knowledge at this moment now.  LLC provides programme to train the students abilities.  For example, there's a programme called to train kids to speak to people with Cantonese, English and PTH, instead of just learning the characters or words.  There are opportunities for kids to speak or perform in public.  Even K1 students have a chance to perform on stage in Christmas!

Yes, it's a playful school.  No written homework for my boy until now.  There are many chances for kids to play.  But all playing are with purpose.  The kids even have a chance to see, to touch and to cook a chicken!

The school provides a lot of opportunities for parent-kid activities, but not compulsory.  The school also provide a lot of learning materials where parents can teach kids to learn more.  To me, I'm not mainly focused on academic knowledge, especially at this stage.  So I'm very impressed by LLC.

I think you have to understand your focus first.  If you want you kid to have a very good academic knowledge, LLC is not your tea!  If you want a balance curriculum and hope your kid enjoys going to school, LLC will be a good choice.

Rank: 2

發表於 10-4-18 01:01 |只看該作者
I believe chlidren can learn much more from games than just sitting there to read or write.
Also, for me, I think helping my child to build his interest in learning, enlightening his creativity are much more important than pushing him to learn characters and writing.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-6-15 01:41 |只看該作者
我仔仔現時已小四, 幼稚園讀LLC. 在我小朋友那三年幼稚園生活是大人小朋友都開心. 老師校長都有愛心.
但現實歸現實, 我覺得要配合佢將來小學讀邊類型學校(傳統/新思維教學). LLC 出來的小朋友一般比較好動. 如讀傳統小學唔係唔得, 媽咪是全職湊會比較好D, 咁樣媽咪可以多D時間陪小朋友伴讀. 因LLC冇書本學習, 你唔知你小朋友在校學咗D乜, 如小朋友講到比你知最好. 但好多時佢哋唔能夠話到你知.課程太空泛. 相比同區其他幼園, LLC的程度真的太淺對將來入讀傳統小學的話. 雖然LLC每星期都有閱讀之星, 是問如你要返工有甚能陪佢返學校讀比老師,uncle, auntie, 更何況在家搵親戚/鄰居?  
我有個細囡都冇比佢讀LLC (讀緊K1細女), 我覺得現時差不多每間幼稚園都採用活動式教學, 好似我囡學校活動得來亦得知佢每星期的學習進度, 佢學校有書本, 我可知佢每日學咗甚麼, 可在假期同阿女重溫一遍. 咁樣我又可以知道阿女己識咗D乜.   

原帖由 MAL 於 10-3-30 13:21 發表
My daughter got a seat in the AM session but heard a lot of negative comments recently such as ....this school is not as good as it was 10 years ago, too simple and easy syllbus, a very playful school ...
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