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旅港開平中學面試 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-22 20:24 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
請問有冇人20/3/10去旅港開平中學面試完, 請問
1.  難唔難?
2. 大多數考甚麼?有冇考時事新聞?
3. 有冇考中英數問題?

如有今年或上年問題可否email 給我  [email protected]

Thks & Rgds
   1    0    0    0

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-23 16:13 |只看該作者
same to me.  please PM the information to me, many thanks.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-25 10:31 |只看該作者
My son is currently enjoying his Form 1 life in Hoi Ping. Just want to share our experience. Last year the interview contained:

(1) In English.
Read an English passage. In the passage, there are some mistakes. Students are required to correct the mistakes while they are reading aloud.
Based on the topic of the passage, some extended questions (not necessary directly related to the passage) will be asked. e.g. if the passage is about studying abroad, the questions may be like "do you like studying abroad? why?"

(2) In Chinese
Group discussion on topics more around learning and major happenings, e.g. how to enhance the reading habit in school. Students are required to share thier ideas amongst a group of 4 to 5.

I guess, proficiency in English and confidence in discussion is definitely a plus. Hope this can be of help.

By the way, gathered that this year many applicants fail to get interview opportunity. Congratulations to your kids and wish them all the luck.

Hope to see them as the 學弟學妹 in Hoi Ping.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-25 11:01 |只看該作者
原帖由 delimama 於 10-3-25 10:31 發表
My son is currently enjoying his Form 1 life in Hoi Ping. Just want to share our experience. Last year the interview contained:

(1) In English.
Read an English passage. In the passage, there are  ...

Dear Delimama,

    Tks so much for your inf , it's useful for my son, he has a interview this Sat.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-25 11:25 |只看該作者
Dear delimama,

The information is very useful.  Thanks for your sharing.

原帖由 delimama 於 10-3-25 10:31 發表
My son is currently enjoying his Form 1 life in Hoi Ping. Just want to share our experience. Last year the interview contained:

(1) In English.
Read an English passage. In the passage, there are  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-25 22:55 |只看該作者
Dear Delimama,: :

    Sorry for late reply!  Because I am busy for my daughter's examination at school.  Anyway, thks so much for your inf , it's useful for my daughter, he has a interview this Sat.


Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-25 23:13 |只看該作者

回覆 4# delimama 的文章

Sorry for late reply since I am busy for my daughter's exam at school.  
But I am really thk for yr information.

Can I ask some questions :

1. How long the exam takes?
2. Is this traditional school?
3. How many exams, tests?
4. Are there many homeworks?
5. What comments for that school?

Awaiting yr reply!  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-26 18:21 |只看該作者
原帖由 ne6za 於 10-3-25 23:13 發表
Sorry for late reply since I am busy for my ...

>>1. How long the exam takes?
I guess you mean the interview. It takes about 15-20min. But as the students will meet at the hall first, the entire session lasts for around 45 min.

>>2. Is this traditional school?
Yes and no.

Yes when it comes to the syllabus, learning, exams, marking etc and to the expectation on students. I think the school priority is on student academic performance. For example, lunch and after-school detentions are given to anyone who fails to submit homework. And it is non-negotiable even for the first-time offender!

No, it is not a traditional school when we look at its student activities, teacher-student relationship, etc. For example, everyday during lunch break, it is easy to find students and teachers playing basketball / football together happily. And I learned that the teachers are taking students to watch the Rugby7 match!

>>3. How many exams, tests?
2 exams and 2 tests

Unlike some other schools which have Integrated Humanities as one subject, Hoi Ping has EPA, History and Geography. So the exam/test week may be longer than some schools.

Also worth noting, Hoi Ping offers English Liberal Studies for senior form students. Some EMIs offer LS in Chinese.

>>4. Are there many homeworks?
Not really. In terms of quantity, it is much less than in primary school, although it requires longer time to complete one piece of homework.

>>5. What comments for that school?
I'm afraid I cannot provide a fair answer, as I'm a Hoi Ping parent. It's too easier to be 賣花讚花香   But let me try to answer it by sharing my change of feelings in the past months.

I picked this school because I like its good performance in both academic and sports. My son is lucky to be admitted, and he loves this school from tip to toe.

I started wondering my decision when many of my friends didn’t share my happiness as they never heard about this school. I was not happy.

After the school started, I started to regain my confidence on my decision in choosing this school.

And now, I’m very glad that my son is studying in this school.

So, if you are looking for a school that can give you the fame (ie. 響噹噹名校), Hoi Ping may not be the choice.
Hoi Ping can be a right choice for those who are serious about his/her school works with good academic results, and want to have a balance school life with different kinds of activities.

One more thing to share… I think Hoi Ping is a school with harmony. My son said the 大哥哥們are very nice and always talk to the 師弟proactively. For example, during a recess, the senior form prefects in the class saw my son and his friends doing Maths, then said,細路, d 數唔駛咁做架
(then picked up a pen and write) , 咁咪得囉. 第時d數勁煩, 你地仲用咁嘅方法就死得架喇”.

The last to share… it is almost unbelievable but it does happen.
Students can get back their lost wallet / lost pencil case in the school office?! This happens! My son left behind his pencil case in the canteen and could take it back the next day. And the wallet case happened the same with another school mate.

Sorry for the long note. I hope this comment isn’t too bias.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-3-26 18:40 |只看該作者
原帖由 delimama 於 10-3-26 18:21 發表

>>1. How long the exam takes?
I guess you mean the interview. It takes about 15-20min. But as the students will meet at the hall first, the entire session lasts for around 45 min.

>>2. Is this trad ...

  I share your feeling about HPCCSS. My daughter also studies in this school. And what you said about the school is more or less my observation. One point you mentioned about particularly echos with mine, that is, if you want the so-called elite school then please spare hpccss from your radar. If you want the well-being and development of your kid, then hpccss wont disappoint.
  My daughter used to rely on me heavily on the studies in the primary school stage but now she studies proactively and seldom asks me for help and yet her studies doesn't derail.
  The school may be far from the best but if your kid is enrolled in this school you can be at ease.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-26 19:41 |只看該作者

回覆 1# dadylee 的文章

Thanks for answering my questions, and they are so useful for me.  Hoping that my daughter can be enrolled.

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