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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 擔心有自閉症
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擔心有自閉症 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-2 15:23 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
我留意到個仔有以下徵狀, 擔心佢有自閉傾向, 有無家長知道佢似唔似係呀? 定係我擔心得太早呢?
1) 13個月 - 未曾發過一個有意思的單字, 最多閉口發音"咕, 咕,咕", 或者唔知咩音既bb話
2) 唔識手指指, 想要d嘢淨係識喊同發脾氣
3) 去到邊度都鍾意望燈, 而且望好耐, 唔燈多過望人
4) 佢玩緊嘢時好轉注, 叫極佢都唔睬你
5) 你指住d物件叫佢望, 佢唔識按你所指方向去望
6) 玩玩具鍾意玩車"look", 鍾意不停轉佢地
7) 對新物件會不停反轉再反轉
8) 好多時發脾氣會就趴係度舔地下
9) 鍾意自己玩, 對其他小朋友興趣唔大
不過我見佢有以下表現, 又好似唔係有問題, 請大家幫我分析吓:
1) 識得對自己名有反應, 不過唔係成日應你
2) 會望人, 會對人笑, 不過對陌生人就好cool
3) 會聽指令, 例如: give me five (唯一一個動作係經常聽的)
4) 會做動作, 例如: bye bye, 拍手, 請請, 不過係佢鍾意自己做就做, 你叫佢唔做
5) 會同我地玩, 鍾意hide & seek
6) 係屋企亦會嗲人抱的
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-2 15:49 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-2 17:13 |只看該作者
如果真係擔心, 你可以帶仔仔去上下playgroup, 好似幼潛, 樂天, 協康所搞的playgroup, 佢地的導師好專業的, 可能會解答到你的問題呀.

原帖由 CCCM 於 10-3-2 15:23 發表
我留意到個仔有以下徵狀, 擔心佢有自閉傾向, 有無家長知道佢似唔似係呀? 定係我擔心得太早呢?
1) 13個月 - 未曾發過一個有意思的單字, 最多閉口發音"咕, 咕,咕", 或者唔知咩音既bb話
2) 唔識手指指, 想要d嘢淨係識 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-3 14:47 |只看該作者
i've got the same worry too, my son is just 1 yr old and seems have limited interaction with people.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-4 12:08 |只看該作者
我報左幼潛哪, 協康會就full左, 希望幼潛導師可以解除我疑慮啦, 我希望真係自己嚇自己, 但見bb發展有d落後, 真係擔心

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-4 12:22 |只看該作者
I called 協康會 too, and they are full already, but where is 幼潛 ?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-4 13:40 |只看該作者

原帖由 kathy貓 於 10-3-4 12:22 發表
I called 協康會 too, and they are full already, but where is 幼潛 ?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-4 13:41 |只看該作者
我都明白你所擔憂的, 你小朋友還少, 進步空間可以好大的. 搵多d 訓練俾佢啦.

原帖由 CCCM 於 10-3-4 12:08 發表
我報左幼潛哪, 協康會就full左, 希望幼潛導師可以解除我疑慮啦, 我希望真係自己嚇自己, 但見bb發展有d落後, 真係擔心

Rank: 2

發表於 10-3-6 22:16 |只看該作者

回覆 8# CCCM 的文章

Oh, i think your baby is ok ah, he is just 13-mth years old!!!   When my son was small, at around this age, he was exactly the same with your son.   He likes wheel, things turning around and around (even the sign of hair salon).   He has bad temper, likes crying very much.   When he was playing car, he ignored everyone.  He even not yet knew bye bye, 拍手, 請請 etc when he was that age.   He hasn't talked a word until around 2 years old, when he brought him more to playground, playgroup.  Now he has changed a lot and can do what he should do.   His temper is better (even still easy to get angry) and can discuss with you why he was angry.   So, I just want to say, they take time to learn, especially when they saw eldest children play around.   I suggest you to bring your son to more playgroup, even to playground (free of charge )   And don't worry too much, they knew what we were talking about and you should give him more faith and encouragement.   

[ 本帖最後由 Gigikiwi 於 10-3-6 22:18 編輯 ]

發表於 10-3-12 11:53 |只看該作者
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Rank: 1

發表於 10-3-24 20:59 |只看該作者
Dear CCCM,

Don't be worry as my son which is now almost 14 mths is exactly the same as your son. Initially I have the same worry as you but my wife (I am the father), my mom, my mother-in-law and all my friends who know my toddler all said that he has no problem.

Than a few days ago I'm really lucky that I have the chance to discuss the problems with a consultant doctor who is specialized in child psychiatry(who is handling austism & ADHD). He talked with me for 1/2 hr. It's a personal time and I didn't have my boy with me but he asked me many details and then said that my boy probably is not autistic. I was so relieved and I would like to share with you what he said corresponding to some of the points your listed:

2) the consultant child psychiatric Dr said that some baby really don't point thing. If you communicate with you in other way like looking at the object and yelling at you, then it's already ok (just like my boy)

6) spinning wheel itself is not a problem provided that he could be stopped and most importantly he would also play other kinds of toy but not just focus in the wheels (so called restricted interest).

1,9) many children don't acquire these abilities in this age

And it's so great to hear you that for the "good lists" you have mentioned points 5) & 6). My boy also has these "good points" which to the consultant is very important to them as autistic children, who don't like to play peekaboo and don't like to be comforted

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-25 10:02 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-25 10:15 |只看該作者
My boy likes peekaboo so much started from 8 mths, but he finally diagnosed has autistic feature too.

原帖由 cool-cool 於 10-3-24 20:59 發表
Dear CCCM,

Don't be worry as my son which is now almost 14 mths is exactly the same as your son. Initially I have the same worry as you but my wife (I am the father), my mom, my mother-in-law and all ...

Rank: 1

發表於 10-3-25 11:27 |只看該作者
原帖由 Capricorn2521 於 10-3-25 10:15 發表
My boy likes peekaboo so much started from 8 mths, but he finally diagnosed has autistic feature too.

Dear Capricorn,

How old is your boy now? Where is your boy to have autistic feature diagnosed? It make me a little bit worry. Might me the doctor who spoke to me also considered other factors (as he seems to be quite sure that my boy has no problem and even didn't ask me to bring my son to his clinic to see).

However, he did tell me that toddlers commonly have some features which cause alarms but the diagnosis of autism needed to be summed up from the whole pictures.

To 丞丞BB & CCCM,

I also notice the problems one month ago when I have holiday and watched my son who is taken care by my mom & the maid all along. Then I tell them don't let my son spin the wheel so much and don't let him turn over the bike and rotate the wheel, also we try to "tell" him that it's wrong. It works and my son seems understand us and initially he will watch our face before he spin the wheels of the toy cars. Now he know we are not happy with him and play the car in the proper way and if he spins, he would just spin for a short while and then play the cars normally or play other toys. Also, he no longer turnover the bike even I let him manipulate the bike freely.

Besides, one month ago, when my wife and I go out to work he would like to look at the lights of the corridor instead of looking at us (in the past he would cry when we leave). We kept on waving him and say bye bye to him and in this week we found that he no longer like to look at the lights in the corridor and stare to us in turns until we enter the lift.

I think social stimulation works and just in one month he shows difference and answer to our calls more readily than before. May be the toddler is still so young and could change a lot.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-25 12:06 |只看該作者
my boy is now 3 n he has been diagnosed at the age of 2y3m at CAC.

Sorry, I don't want to scare you.... just want to say.... we should consider the whole picture instead of individual actions. I always think toddlers are with plenty of room to improve, with the love and care from parents.

原帖由 cool-cool 於 10-3-25 11:27 發表

Dear Capricorn,

How old is your boy now? Where is your boy to have autistic feature diagnosed? It make me a little bit worry. Might me the doctor who spoke to me also considered other factors (as h ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-26 18:21 |只看該作者
多謝Capricorn, Cool-cool的細心回應.
我而家一路觀察緊阿囝, 不過唔知所謂whole picture即係睇d乜, 唯有積極d幫佢發展同搵playgroup, 希望佢對多d人同事物會好d.
我終於報到協康會playgroup哪, 報名果日係特登請假去兼早到半個鐘罷位, 先至有位, 重係尾二果位, 都叫好彩.
我捉住左佢個主任傾, 好好彩佢都好helpful, 同我傾左幾個字, 佢話我個case值得留意吓, 尤其係我個仔發脾氣果陳鍾意撞頭(自我剌激)呢種行為, 我唔知阿囝脾氣大定點, 總之佢向後撞頭我就好擔心, 不過好彩佢有樣唔似, 就係唔太抗拒人地幫佢抺臉, 不過就係有d似又有d唔似, 先至令我苦惱.
總而言之, 主任建議我觀察多d, 同佢玩多d, 傾多d計, bb重細, 唔可以簡單幾樣嘢就話係定唔係, 可能幾個月後無晒問題都唔定, 如有懷疑, 可以去私家醫生度睇, 叫佢地寫referral去CAC做assessment, 通常幾個月就可以排到見姑娘做初步評估, 再按緩急排期見醫生, 不過排期見醫生就會耐d, 除非嚴重個案. 如果有錢, 可以搵私人做評估, 另, bb唔識望你所指既方向, 有時要幫佢"定位", 而家我阿囝試過望到哪, 不過唔係次次得.
阿囝上左一堂playgroup, 個個細路好投入咁望住老師, 同同學老師玩, 佢就一味望住牆上佈置的星星, 真係比佢激死, 好彩最後自由活動時間佢都肯玩吓, 果度d資源真係幾好吓, 值得推介.
丞丞媽, 你可以自己湊就好啦, 自己教總會好d, 唔使咁灰, 加油呀! 好過我, 我唔做唔得, 重要供樓供幾十年

Rank: 1

發表於 10-3-27 10:53 |只看該作者
Dear CCCM,

During the discussion with the child psychiatry doctor, I have told me many details about my son and he also asked me many questions. Actually I don't know how they judge the children but it seems that the psychologist or the psychiatry doctor try to spot "clues" from the details to see whether our children would "interact" with us. I never realize how complex a child's mind is!

For example, he asked whether my son would ask me to hold him and he actually like to open his arms widely and run to us for hugging when he is placed in his baby bed. Also the doctor asked me if my son would play with himself quietly when he gets up in the morning and I said whenever my son gets up every time (even after a nap) the first thing he would do is to see if anybody here, and would cry if there's nobody. The doctor said that it is also good to hear this. Besides, I also told him my son would watch us every time when we use the phone or going out, and I later found from the TV program that the psychologist may use the phone deliberately in front of the autistic children to test if he would look at their actions.

My son is the same as yours in the playgroup and keep on looking around with great curiosity. My son is the youngest one in the playgroup and the other parents told my wife it is normal for these age to be like this. The only exceptional occasion was the playgroup teacher once play a game by telling the children to run through a narrow tunnel. My son don't like it and hold me tight and finally cry out when I tried to get him inside the tunnel. Then the teacher opened the music loudly and clapped in front of my son and look at him only, after which it's the first time he paid attention to the teacher and stop crying.

Lastly, the psychiatry doctor told me that my boy may too curious to the surrounding world but on the other hand too shy to the stranger. Later I found that it might be true as my son would readily look at and play with "strangers" (friends and neighbors who seldom visited us) at home, which is a more familiar place to him (which he feels safe to interact with the stranger) and there is less interesting things than on the street to distract him. Later, another mother with a child delay in social development also taught by the 協康 trainer to do the same (inviting people to their home) and using the home as the starting point to initiate their interest in interacting with the strangers. Bring him to playground and playgroup would also help.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-4-7 16:31 |只看該作者
cool cool,
多謝分享. 你令我想起阿囝係屋企的熟悉環境係醒d, 出到去就唔肯玩, 除左玩熟左既樓下公園. 佢去playgroup, 玩音樂ge淨係睇無表情, 老師唱唱吓停左等小朋友期待的反應, 個個bb都會淨晒, 好開心等老師再唱, 佢就停左之後驚到喊, 去玩gym, 人人忘我咁就圍玩, 見到波波池唔願走, 佢唔肯玩, 抱佢入去波波池就不安, 帶佢玩新嘢又唔肯, 淨係追住我就最開心. 最近睇報紙, 知道有感知統合失調, 其中一個徵狀就係係屋企就開籠雀(雖然佢暫時未講嘢, 不過起碼係屋企係開心bb), 出去就怕事, 焦慮, 完住應晒, 點算, 又要留意多一樣

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-4-8 15:06 |只看該作者
原帖由 CCCM 於 10-4-7 16:31 發表
cool cool,
多謝分享. 你令我想起阿囝係屋企的熟悉環境係醒d, 出到去就唔肯玩, 除左玩熟左既樓下公園. 佢去playgroup, 玩音樂ge淨係睇無表情, 老師唱唱吓停左等小朋友期待的反應, 個個bb都會淨晒, 好開心等老師再唱, ...

你係咪已經返緊協康會既pg?個度d導師個個都係職業治療師, 對感統失調有專業既認識, 如果你擔心, 可以同佢地講, 佢地會特別留意你小朋友, 同佢訓練下.
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