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劍嗚幼稚園 [複製鏈接]

發表於 10-3-7 21:35 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
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發表於 10-3-7 23:28 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-8 00:25 |只看該作者
原帖由 yuenmanwai 於 10-3-7 21:35 發表
假設劍嗚收咗你地的公主/ 皇子, 會唔會比佢地讀呀.   

唉~~講真,出名D的學校大多數都比人投訴過啦!!THINK在交申請表時,等了兩小時,在太陽下排到滿頭大汗,回家頭痛了兩日!!樂基仔仔IN8:30,我地8:15到,要在馬路等,學校一開門即叫即IN,全家人都未清楚發生咩事!!劍嗚我唔講大家都知道啦!! IN迦南時,人山人海,安排卻出乎意料的好!!如果只看安排面試來說,我當然會選擇迦南,不過經過細心了解學校教育方式之後,我選擇了THINK比仔仔!!當然如果KM也收仔仔,我也不會以面試當日學校的安排而打間學校死刑!!我會再細心考慮THINK和KM,到底邊間更合適仔仔!!!講真,朋友及好多網友都講到KM好好,所以又何必只看學校安排面試當日的表現而不信過來人的幾個月至幾年的感覺及分析呢??講真如果學校不好,那有機會人山人海??沒人山人海那有機會亂七八糟呢??唉~~這幾年我們做父母的都會比較辛苦,鬼叫出生BB多左甘多??所以我會冷靜及睇看D!!為小朋友選擇一所更合適他的學校!!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-8 00:49 |只看該作者
我覺得劍鳴最強的是遊樂設施極多:2x彈床,2x吹bubble機,2x波波池,2x滑梯,nx單車 and many things.絕對夠玩1hr,但我地通常要等1.5hr....仲好彩冇落大雨. BTW, 我阿女好少玩1hr冇停,只是唔玩唔知做什麼好.

[ 本帖最後由 BoBoFamily 於 10-3-8 00:53 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-8 09:48 |只看該作者
原帖由 luiflora 於 10-3-8 00:25 發表

唉~~講真,出名D的學校大多數都比人投訴過啦!!THINK在交申請表時,等了兩小時,在太陽下排到滿頭大汗,回家頭痛了兩日!!樂基仔仔IN8:30,我地8:15到,要在馬路等,學校一開門即叫即IN,全家人都未清楚發生咩事!!劍嗚我唔 ...

其實見到星期六果日咁, 都預左實比人鬧. 我舊年去in完都唔係好鍾意, 最後因為種種原因都係揀左KM, 可以話學校平日既運作, 課程編排, 老師, 嬸嬸等, 同interview果日完全係兩回事.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-8 09:53 |只看該作者
原帖由 elmolly 於 10-3-8 09:48 發表

其實見到星期六果日咁, 都預左實比人鬧. 我舊年去in完都唔係好鍾意, 最後因為種種原因都係揀左KM, 可以話學校平日既運作, 課程編排, 老師, 嬸嬸等, 同interview果日完全係兩回事. ...

What was last year's interview like?  Less crowded and more control in other aspect?   Actually the net teacher who read story in my daughter's interview is not that bad.  She wore a smile in her face and her name if I remember correct is Ms. Camilla.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-8 10:23 |只看該作者
原帖由 elmolly 於 10-3-8 09:48 發表

其實見到星期六果日咁, 都預左實比人鬧. 我舊年去in完都唔係好鍾意, 最後因為種種原因都係揀左KM, 可以話學校平日既運作, 課程編排, 老師, 嬸嬸等, 同interview果日完全係兩回事. ...

how come? do the principal or teacher insist to hold the session this way?

I personally think that school admin and teaching quality are two separate things. but honestly, totally disappointed lor, particularly when comparing with other kinders.

why don't they just hold interviews on two days? that would be a better arrangement for both sides.

I think they should take care of the little kids. I mean not their peformance (i just think even they don't need to wait, they still have a chance failing to give good responses), but their health! Children will be easily felt sick under such arrangement (e.g. overcrowded indoor and outdoor environment and cold air-conditioning). They are not thoughtful at all. We adults can bear to line up under hot weather for an hour and we know what do when we don't feel well. I know it's good that KM provides lots of games booth for the kids. but the no. of people waiting is just too big and when it rains, it would be extremely chaotic. The venue and the setting is perfectly good for spread of virus, especially among children.

I think at least a good kindergarten should know how to take care little kids, besides academic training.

[ 本帖最後由 Janbaby 於 10-3-8 10:27 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-8 12:10 |只看該作者
如果收我個女我未必讀, 好難唔將佢個日inteview時既安排同平時既教育方式一齊並論; 當佢收到成2000幾個申請表時早應該知點樣可以安排好啲, 概然以兒童為本, 起碼有啲有瓦遮頭既地方俾小朋友唔洗曬又曬死,落雨又冇地方企, 剩係整到成個兒童樂園, 講真邊個家長會俾個小朋友係interview前成個小時玩到癲左甘, 重攪到攰晒兼成頭大汗, 總知個日似open day多過interview day。

Rank: 2

發表於 10-3-8 12:39 |只看該作者
我淨係想知道, 5 分鐘既 interview, 點樣可以定小朋友既資格 ?  佢冇反應就 out, 攪掂 ... ?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-8 12:55 |只看該作者
我個女之前都IN 左3間九龍塘的學校....間間都話超過千幾二千份的APPLICATION FORM, 又唔見人地其他學校有咁既情況出現.....唉....失望之餘,亦無話可說. 聽到有些大人同小朋友因為咁樣而病左, 覺得好無辜. 大人生病都算了,但小朋友真係慘....又辛苦...又唔識講

原帖由 puffpuff 於 10-3-8 12:10 發表
如果收我個女我未必讀, 好難唔將佢個日inteview時既安排同平時既教育方式一齊並論; 當佢收到成2000幾個申請表時早應該知點樣可以安排好啲, 概然以兒童為本, 起碼有啲有瓦遮頭既地方俾小朋友唔洗曬又曬死,落雨又冇地 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-8 12:57 |只看該作者
完全同意......根本入到去都唔知做過D乜...又無獨立談過...就知道你的小朋友的能力去到邊? 真係不敢恭維了

原帖由 whoistheman 於 10-3-8 12:39 發表
我淨係想知道, 5 分鐘既 interview, 點樣可以定小朋友既資格 ?  佢冇反應就 out, 攪掂 ... ?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-3-8 13:15 |只看該作者
原帖由 whoistheman 於 10-3-8 12:39 發表
我淨係想知道, 5 分鐘既 interview, 點樣可以定小朋友既資格 ?  佢冇反應就 out, 攪掂 ... ?

唉, 老公話咁樣in法, 似係沙圈睇馬, 純粹睇毛色
(sorry, 純屬個人意見)!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-8 13:20 |只看該作者

原帖由 mianyang_99 於 10-3-8 13:15 發表

唉, 老公話咁樣in法, 似係沙圈睇馬, 純粹睇毛色
(sorry, 純屬個人意見)!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-3-8 13:25 |只看該作者
原帖由 hoyinghar 於 10-3-8 13:20 發表

梗係啦, 佢個日都不知幾嬲, in完仲食左兩粒panadol止頭痛呀:;pppp:

Rank: 2

發表於 10-3-8 13:32 |只看該作者
原帖由 mianyang_99 於 10-3-8 13:15 發表

唉, 老公話咁樣in法, 似係沙圈睇馬, 純粹睇毛色
(sorry, 純屬個人意見)!

我鐘意 e 個比喻, 99% 貼切, 但係一場馬唔只 5 分鐘行沙圈, 有 15 分鐘.  所以, 衰過睇馬 .

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-8 13:37 |只看該作者
原帖由 hoyinghar 於 10-3-8 12:55 發表
我個女之前都IN 左3間九龍塘的學校....間間都話超過千幾二千份的APPLICATION FORM, 又唔見人地其他學校有咁既情況出現.....唉....失望之餘,亦無話可說. 聽到有些大人同小朋友因為咁樣而病左, 覺得好無辜. 大人生病都 ...

My daughter is sick because of that............

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-8 13:49 |只看該作者
我都覺得好貼切, interview果陣, 除咗個老師講故事, 另外有幾個老師mark分之外, 仲有好多唔知係老師定assistant企晒o係度望住d小朋友, 講真, 小朋友咁細, 見到咁多人, 都唔知望邊度好!  果d老師又唔知企o係度做咩, 搞到課室好多人, 好迫!

原帖由 whoistheman 於 10-3-8 13:32 發表

我鐘意 e 個比喻, 99% 貼切, 但係一場馬唔只 5 分鐘行沙圈, 有 15 分鐘.  所以, 衰過睇馬 .

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-8 14:07 |只看該作者
原帖由 mamadadakaka 於 10-3-8 09:53 發表

What was last year's interview like?  Less crowded and more control in other aspect?   Actually the net teacher who read story in my daughter's interview is not that bad.  She wore a smile in her fa ...

it's more or less same as this year. my interview was in the afternoon, the queue at outside was shorter but we needed to wait a long time inside, overall it took over an hour for the whole process. I was the one who waited inside and my hubby played outside with my kid, and they came back inside from time to time.

when we went to pay deposit, it was very well organized and smooth, although the teachers didn't look very caring (not much facial expression) during the interview, I found they are indeed very good when school started.

this year's weather was terrible, hot in the morning and heard it rained in the afternoon. it was quite smooth when the interview first started, everyone in the school standed by and ready before 9. then from around 10 something many many families arrives and turned out chaotic.

many kids were waiting inside at the beginning, then the principal was worried that the condition was not good to kids' health so limited the number of kids inside, but caused the queue longer outside. I guess there was no choice but to let everybody get in in the afternoon as it was raining.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-8 14:29 |只看該作者
我個女都係km讀緊,佢in 左幾間.但個女自己話想讀km.(姓cat都收佢)

in 個日,我老婆話見到老師係外邊睇d細路玩緊個陣,已經靜靜打緊分數.我唔在場,祗係將聽到既同大家 "些牙"

[ 本帖最後由 joenjac 於 10-3-8 14:30 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-8 14:37 |只看該作者
so poor....hope your daughter will get well soon

原帖由 mamadadakaka 於 10-3-8 13:37 發表

My daughter is sick because of that............
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