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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 嶺南幼兒園 - N1面試
樓主: sh_yip

嶺南幼兒園 - N1面試 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-19 22:37 |只看該作者
howardtomami  I am also waiting for So Chit result.  And got offers from Lingnan, Rosaryhill and Creative.  Wonder which one I should go for.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-20 05:40 |只看該作者
Just my own opinion:

RHS and lingnan accepted my kid.  Pending KCS result, and waiting for Victoria interview.  If all schools accept my kid, i will choose (1) Victoria first, then (2) RHS for N1 class.

I like KCS, but the problem for myself is that it is not "through train" to N1, so need to interview for K1 again.  Hearsay that a few kids in a class cannot get K1 offer.  Though chance to get into K1 is almost 90%, but after going through all these interviews this year, I don't want to gamble again.

RHS & Lingnan are through train from N1 to K1.  Between these two, rhs has larger campus, good balance between eng, cantonese, mandarin, whereas Lingnan doesn't have much English.  But Lingan is a good school too, heard it's teaching method is good, and their philosophy is that learning through a kid's first language is most effective therefore they mostly use cantonese as medium of instruction.  Just personal preferance, i want tri-lingual teaching environment so I will pick RHS and Victoria over Lingnan.

As for Victoria, honesely speaking, the cirriculum & comments of many schools are at least on the par with (or even better) than Victoria.  But what's good about it is that it's through-train to K1, no interview is needed and hence less pressure on parents' side.  It has primary & secondary school to back up (though expensive, and not all K3 students can get a seat in P1).  The school is up to standard, and won't fall far from expectation.  The drawback of Victoria Nursery and Kindergarten is that the fee is very expensive, and can't use goverment voucher to pay the fee.  So it'll cost a few thousands dollars per month from N1 up to K3.  Some parents may choose to save these few thousands dollars / month for other ECAs.

原帖由 A9109494 於 09-11-19 17:01 發表
Rosaryhill also accepted my daughter.  And pending liang nan interview on 28 Nov(perhaps planning not go...). Is liang nan really gd?  She also interviewed KCS on 14 Nov. I am also living in HK east ...

[ 本帖最後由 NatalieBaby 於 09-11-20 05:42 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-20 16:07 |只看該作者
原帖由 天賜小公主 於 09-11-19 15:24 發表
I am also the same situation with you because I live in Chai Wan.  In fact, the location of RosawyHill and Lingnan is not too good for us, however the result of 蘇浙 will be announced after two mo ...

我已經交咗嶺南留位費($660), 起碼有一間學校係手。 有朋友話嶺南, 小朋友讀得開心, 老師很caring, 不過程度淺, 但亦有人話佢地的老師唔好而退學, 老實講, 都係睇你彩數, 間間學校都有好同唔好的老師。我無報玫瑰崗”, 只係報咗北角衛理堂小西灣迦南”(明天衛理堂同迦南面試)蘇浙(下星期六面試)”西灣河明我(20103月面試)”, 仲諗緊報唔報”Victoria”(最近這幾年的口碑唔好, 好商業化, 老師無愛心, 學費貴

當然希望考到蘇浙”, 但真係要好好彩, 如果考到真係要買六合彩!
已經預咗要交1-3間學校的留位費, 到有齊結果再諗讀邊間, 無辦法啦

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-20 17:58 |只看該作者
Many mums here said So chit is v good.  They all want their kids to get into this school. Anybody can tell what are the gd pts of so chit kindergarten?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-2-24 14:47 |只看該作者

PS. 我個女讀緊嶺南PN全日班

原帖由 cccbaby 於 09-10-30 22:50 發表
I think the school teaches English as well and I found few foreign teachers there at the campus. Plus, the Chinese Teacher spoke impressively good english. So I doubt if it only focus on one language.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-2-24 14:51 |只看該作者
NO, 有人FAIL嶺南的

原帖由 sh_yip 於 09-11-19 11:42 發表

嶺南都收咗我仔仔(22個月), 但係佢地好似係人都收, 好易入 … 我有2個朋友的囡囡都收咗, 再見到好多BK媽咪都話收咗

真係心大心細, 因為佢地個location真係好唔方便, 一定要搭校車, 我住係小西灣, 肯定係 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-24 18:27 |只看該作者
原帖由 CoffeeCake 於 10-2-24 14:51 發表
NO, 有人FAIL嶺南的

Hi CoffeeCake – thanks for your sharing.
Can you tell us more about Liangnan PN class?
e.g. Any English/Mandarin session in their PN class.
Are the teachers caring to kids?
Do you find that their campus is well equipped?
BTW, where do you live?
Is your daughter go to school by school bus?
As I lived in Siu Sai Wan (
小西灣), hence the travel time is my main concern (guess at least take 45mins even by school bus).
Moreover, I’m a bit worries for my son to travel alone on school bus for such a long time.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-2-25 12:10 |只看該作者
佢地PN好似未開始教MANDARIN, 不過有英文堂,有教英文歌. 我個女讀左上學期, 都識一半英文字母 (好似係有個叫MS. TSUI教英文).
我知RHS教多啲,好似一個WEEK一隻字母,BUT 教左小朋友咪又係唔一定識, 因為又唔會考試比分.

個人覺得,PN最重要係比小朋友學自理,學群體生活,所以,佢就算N1後唔多識英文我都唔MIND (有好多小朋友無讀N1,咪又係K1先學!!) 嶺南都有部份學生係鬼仔/妹,佢地都專程黎想學下中文! 我就想我啲女打好中文基礎先, 因為中文比英文難好多.  

你一味諗佢要學咩學咩, 但佢去到K1重係瀨尿,唔同小朋友玩,咁學校教几多佢都唔吸收啦.

我本來住干德道,後來大肚,間屋唔夠大,搬左去九龍 (想遲啲搬番黎, TARGET 緊北半). 但係我從事金融工作, 睇日本市日日準時放4:30PM同響灣仔番工,所以我安排校車

校車安全既, 只要你唔好諗太多野.


原帖由 sh_yip 於 10-2-24 18:27 發表

Hi CoffeeCake – thanks for your sharing.
Can you tell us more about Liangnan PN class?
e.g. Any English/Mandarin session in their PN class.
Are the teachers caring to kids?
Do you find that their ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-25 15:43 |只看該作者
原帖由 CoffeeCake 於 10-2-25 12:10 發表
佢地PN好似未開始教MANDARIN, 不過有英文堂,有教英文歌. 我個女讀左上學期, 都識一半英文字母 (好似係有個叫MS. TSUI教英文).
我知RHS教多啲,好似一個WEEK一隻字母,BUT 教左小朋友咪又係唔一定識, 因為又唔會考試比 ...

Hi CoffeCake – thanks for your prompt responses.
You are so lucky that can pick up your daughter after school.

Did you apply other Kindergarten for your daughter for 2010 school term?
Do you plan to let your daughter studying in Lingnan Primary School?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-2-25 20:50 |只看該作者
我無再幫我大女報其他KINDER, 今年9月會直升K1.
我未必比個女去嶺小,因為我心水唔係呢間,雖然佢都係一間唔錯既小學. 聽聞每年只有好少人會直上,唔係人地唔比位,而係好多家長想去第二間小學.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-26 12:39 |只看該作者
原帖由 CoffeeCake 於 10-2-25 20:50 發表
我無再幫我大女報其他KINDER, 今年9月會直升K1.
我未必比個女去嶺小,因為我心水唔係呢間,雖然佢都係一間唔錯既小學. 聽聞每年只有好少人會直上,唔係人地唔比位,而係好多家長想去第二間小學.
嶺南KINDER既小朋友好受 ...

CoffeeCake – Thanks.
I do heard that some famous kinder like to pick student from Lingnan too.
I now have more confident for the school.
Thanks again.
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