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Stressed - Victoria CWB vs Rosaryhill Kindergarten [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-12 02:57 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
I am stressed on choosing the right kindergarten for my little boy.   Here are the facts about him:

  • -          Very young in his year
  • -
    Active, good at music, dancing and drawing
  • -
    When meeting strangers, needs short time to warm up
  • -
    Likes reading

Our Goal:
  • -
    Happy learning
  • -
    Be a ceative, analytical and outgoing person
  • -
    Independent and polite
  • -
    Good language skills, esp English
  • -
    Preferred primary school- local schools, e.g. Wah Yan, St Joseph, St Paul Co-ed
  • -
    We plan to send him to overseas at his teenage            

He luckily received few K1 offers this year.  Among them we are struggling between Victoria and Rosaryhill.

CWB, English + PTH class, K1

K1 Trilingual class – 2 days English + 2 days PTH + 1 day Cantonese per week
If cost is not a major concern, and both schools are equally far from home, which one do you think is more appropriate for him?

Thank you very much in advance for sharing.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-12 23:08 |只看該作者
for sure Victoria

my daughter is studying in Victoria CWB K2, she really enjoys the school, now she can read simple English story by herself.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-14 18:29 |只看該作者
If you are targeting local school like famous DSS of SPCC ( i mean your kids need to fight with others in order to get a place), DBS, then I believe  both Victoria and Rosaryhill may not be very good choices. If you are targeting to get allocated to Wah Yan and St Joseph under govt central allocation scheme, it doesn't matter on either choices.

For Victoria, you can read the BK discussion in 小一選校 or their own website on P1 allocation. The result of kids being admitted by famous DSS is not high. For Rosaryhill, my friend got 3 kids studying there before. All cannot get admitted by famous DSS, At the end, she has to rely on govt central allocation. She told me most students went to primary school through the allocation.

However, what I am saying does not mean both Victoria and Rosaryhill are not good school. It think the reason is just thier styles do not fit the local famous DSS. In fact, both have high English standard and have more active teaching which are unlike other local traditional tough kindergarten. Rosaryhill kids seem to have better discipline and more homework, based on my discussion with my friend.

One more thing to bear in mind is if your kid is admitted by local traditional school, your kid may be put extra effort to cope with the pile of workload.

My kid was admitted by both Victoria and Rosaryhill three years ago and we chose Victoria just because it is more famous and it has linked to its primary school.

原帖由 happymum1 於 09-12-12 02:57 發表
I am stressed on choosing the right kindergarten for my little boy.   Here are the facts about him:

-          Very young in his year
Active, good at music, dancing and drawing
Whe ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-15 00:51 |只看該作者
Thanks very much AliceBB and OKPLEASE.

May I know if your child is still at Victoria?  Are you planning to send him/her to Victoria Primary School?  I don't know anyone at Vic Pri so would love to hear some comments about it as well.  Thanks a million!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-15 00:53 |只看該作者
I also wonder which kindergarten on the Hong Kong Island has high percentage of kids being admitted by famous DSS.  Thank you!

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-15 10:36 |只看該作者
Sorry that I cannot share as my kid has gone to an IS from K2 onwards. This is also our plan when we choose Victoria.

However, you may see this link in BK:
on discussion of Victoria Primary.

原帖由 happymum1 於 09-12-15 00:51 發表
Thanks very much AliceBB and OKPLEASE.

May I know if your child is still at Victoria?  Are you planning to send him/her to Victoria Primary School?  I don't know anyone at Vic Pri so would  ...

發表於 09-12-18 10:30 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-18 23:55 |只看該作者
According to my family member, who was a primary school teacher, the English standard of Rosaryhill Kindergarten graduates are on average higher than those graduated from Victoria, in terms of both spoken and written English.  Of course this is her own experience la.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-19 00:07 |只看該作者
Actually, my son is studying in Rosaryhill Kindergarten PN class, but I don't think that their English is taught in an old-fashioned way.  They have 2 full day of English classes per week, and on those days, the learning activities are led by native English teachers.  They teach English by various activities, including singing and games.  They would also teach phonics, and they will of course also teach them A for apple, B for boy, etc.  

Like all the other Catholic schools, Rosaryhill will put more focus on children's discipline, and their syllabus is aimed to support the children to study in local primary schools.

I do think Victoria is also good for developing student's language skills, but I think many parents there may target international schools after their kids graduate.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-1-12 17:00 |只看該作者
如你 Preferred primary school- local schools, e.g. Wah Yan, St Joseph, St Paul Co-ed

victoria 未必合適, 你睇一睇bk小一選校果邊會更明白.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-26 13:41 |只看該作者
Hello feiji,

請問玫瑰崗幼稚園裡面係唔係有度叫"幼兒中心"?? 係唔係有分別咖? 你囝囝讀緊的PN class係邊邊呢? 請指教, thank you!

原帖由 feiji 於 09-12-19 12:07 AM 發表
Actually, my son is studying in Rosaryhill Kindergarten PN class, but I don't think that their English is taught in an old-fashioned way.  They have 2 full day of English classes per week, and on thos ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-2-5 13:11 |只看該作者
我囝囝而家都係讀緊RHS既PN, 係屬於"幼兒中心" 但除左無學卷之外, 其他同"幼稚園"部都係無分別!
我見囝囝都好enjoy返學, 返來都有唱番學校既歌(英文&普通話), 同埋phonics方面學校都教得唔錯! 用歌仔型式來學phonics, d小朋友會好易入腦!
至於邊間好d真係好難一概而論, 只係知道上到k1之後rhs既程度真係會比維記深, 因為維記既主打係輕鬆學習, 但rhs就會比較著重academic, 所以取向唔同, 反而要睇家長想小朋友上小學係讀邊類型既學校!
不過我個人會認為如果諗住將來小朋友會入國際學校又或者入番維記小學就緊係讀維記啦! 反而如果想入番d傳統學校就rhs會適合d! 但如果想考直資既話就真係兩間都無所謂啦! 因為小朋友既interview表現先係最重要啊!

原帖由 vivienbilly 於 10-1-26 13:41 發表
Hello feiji,

請問玫瑰崗幼稚園裡面係唔係有度叫"幼兒中心"?? 係唔係有分別咖? 你囝囝讀緊的PN class係邊邊呢? 請指教, thank you!

[ 本帖最後由 sasa_p 於 10-2-5 13:19 編輯 ]
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