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ESF 直升機會有幾高? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-15 09:43 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
What is the chance of getting a seat in P1 for ESF Kindergarten student?

[ 本帖最後由 可愛小肥媽 於 09-12-21 00:53 編輯 ]
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Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-20 13:01 |只看該作者
原帖由 可愛小肥媽 於 09-12-15 09:43 發表
What is the chance of getting a seat in P1 for ESF Kindergarten student?

Cat 1 - very high (unless Children don't speak at all)

Cat 2 - 50/50, higher or lower depends on which P1 ESF you want to apply.

發表於 09-12-31 23:34 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-3 01:33 |只看該作者
原帖由 puika_shop 於 09-12-31 23:34 發表
If apply Cat 2, which one of ESF is higher chance to get a seat ? and also which one is lower?

Thanks a lot.

What is the different between them? ... as they are all under ESF...

You didn't applied for Cat 2, your kid will be catergorized as Cat 2 if he can be able to suit in local school too.

Which one is easier? Can't comment here as many mom think their own school is the best..... XD

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 10-1-3 15:15 |只看該作者
原帖由 puika_shop 於 09-12-31 23:34 發表
If apply Cat 2, which one of ESF is higher chance to get a seat ? and also which one is lower?

Thanks a lot.

What is the different between them? ... as they are all under ESF...

You do not apply to a Cat, you are placed there by ESF. If you are a local family, there is a high likelihood that you are placed in Cat 2 even if you "claimed" that your child is English speaking.

So, I believe the majority of the applicants are still Cat 2 applicants. And we are talking about how to maximize the chance of getting a seat when you compete with other Cat 2 applicants.

Bear in mind that all ESF schools are basically quite similar (there are differences of course, campus, etc, but the curriculum is the same basically). So why should a parent make life hard by choosing an ESF school that is most competitive?

So which one is less competitive? Unfortunately, things change every year, because it depends on which school is less liked by local parents.

ESF schools are still mainly packed with local children. The more local applicants, the less chance you have. On the other hand, the fewer local applicants, the more chance you have.

Let me share what I saw during the past couple of years on Kowloon/NT side. A few years ago, SJ had lots of applicanys because it serves the largest area with most population and with a feeder secondary school right next door. And CWB was a lot easier because it is a small school and location is not exactly a popular living area of local families.

Somehow a couple of years ago, it got out: "there are more western kids at CWB". This is obviously what many local families prefers, so local families rushed to apply to CWB instead.
Last year (2009-2010), it was obvious that many local families chose CWB.

There is really no definite easy route. My advice: try to see which school is popular amongst local families now, and avoid them.

Yep, I know, this is something not what most people think you should do, right? People would not usually choose a school that many people prefer not to choose. But remember, there are no huge differences between ESF schools. I am not saying this out of nothing. We all know there must be differences. But the main thing is that if you do not get into the ESF family at all, the best ESF school would mean nothing to you. So make it easy for yourself.

So, identify which school is less popular amongst local families and put your bid on it. But unfortunately, it seems to change every year. Last year, CWB ended up slightly more popular than SJ. Who knows how local families are going to put their bid on next year?

I know, it is really crazy. But if you understand what I said, everything would start to sound logical.

BTW, there is no use to guess the actual popularity of a school by only reading BK. There are only very few ESF families here so we hardly represent the actual situation.

Good luck.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-1-4 02:30 |只看該作者
so how about BHS? is it popular among local families?

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-5 23:39 |只看該作者
原帖由 nintendo 於 10-1-3 15:15 發表

You do not apply to a Cat, you are placed there by ESF. If you are a local family, there is a high likelihood that you are placed in Cat 2 even if you "claimed" that your child is English speaking.

Sorry, I don't want to comment about other ESF, but:

1. You didn't choose any ESF to apply (Except RC & DC as they are PIS) as you will need to be in its placement zone to apply for that ESF, unless you move.

2. I don't know if some local families "rush" to apply for CWBS (we don't called it CWB), and I can tell you even a lot of local families go for CWBS, expat families will still have higher chances (as they are Cat 1 and can't go for local school), and imagine how many expat family live in Sai Kung or ClearWater Bay Area?

3. For 2009/2010, I can tell you the mix is still 70% up for expat / foreigner family

4. Last year some expat family can't get in CWBS.... and have to go for other ESF...

As I said, if someone comment on any ESF, its parent will jump out.... <- like me!
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