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SH vs SPK [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-7 14:42 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
These two schools are most of the parents' dream school. Does anyone know the advantages of them? Why do so many people want them?
Any advices?
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Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-7 15:20 |只看該作者
SH is closed to my home so I love it....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-8 18:39 |只看該作者
Compare to both schools, what the strengthen of them?

I found that ian (from bk)  who always share SH's matters with us. However, it is seldom to see others share SPK. I really want to know more about SPK. Anyone can share with us?

Thanks a lot.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-12-8 21:55 |只看該作者
I was planning to keep my mouth shut for this topic but since my name is being mentioned then I try to share some experience with you.

I think last year I notice the same situation where I can find many SHCK parents sharing their experience with SHCK but there are less information available for the SPK side.

The following may give you some insights of why there are more information from SHCK:

(1) Those parents who take the kids to SHCK will have more chances to meet the teachers and so more interactions with them.

(2) We have parents-teachers association in SHCK so lot more sharing and communication can be done with the school management.  The meeting minutes are distributed to all parents so information is very transparent.

Actually, I think many bk parents know last year I have raised a similar question to try to compare SHCK and SPK too.  At the end, I found myself quite stupid to raise such topic as I realize majority of parents would choose SPK over SHCK if they have offers from both.  I even done statistics to keep track since I know many parents who are lucky to have both offers and at the end, all those I know took the offers from SPK.  Certainly there are exceptions, but very few only.

Basically the two kindergartens are very different in style.  SPK is more relax and let children to enjoy learning, and not teaching phonics in K1.  SHCK has more assignments to do and start teaching phonics in K1.  Some parents who chose SPK over SHCK, they may prefer SHCK over SPK within their mind.  However, opportunity to get to SPCS is too good to give up and SPK is the path to reach it.  

One clear difference is SPCS (primary) is full-day and a English primary school, while SHCS are half-day and Chinese primary school.  I think I saw another parent raised this again and I think this is a distinct differences on nowadays parents' preference.  Most would prefers full-day primary school and using English as medium of instruction.

I try not to impose any of my personal view to you as much as possible so hopefully these information can help you.


原帖由 yin725 於 09-12-8 18:39 發表
Compare to both schools, what the strengthen of them?

I found that ian (from bk)  who always share SH's matters with us. However, it is seldom to see others share SPK. I really want to know more abou ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-9 10:07 |只看該作者
It's great that 'ian' attracts you giving some comments on it.

Now, I  know why it is difficult to find comments on SPK. But anyway, you gave a clear picture of SH to me . Thanks a lot.

原帖由 iantsang 於 09-12-8 21:55 發表
I was planning to keep my mouth shut for this topic but since my name is being mentioned then I try to share some experience with you.

I think last year I notice the same situation where I can ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-9 11:22 |只看該作者

Something about SPK

Ian is a very good daddy, he provides lots of valuable information in this forum.

I am one of SPK parents.  My daughter is K1 so I am still new to this school.  I would like to share as much as possible here:

1. Interview questions:

Some parents share their experience here:
http://forum.edu-kingdom.com/vie ... tra=page%3D1&page=1

One of parent mentioned following which I cannot agree more



2. Criteria:
It is true that SPK prefers big girls/boys.  One of the reasons is that SPK relies more on kids to communicate with parents, e.g. teacher always asks my girl to bring things to school, there is no memo.  If my daughter forgot but she saw others did, she will remember next time.  

SHCK has no such criteria, I know a small girl with birthday in December is doing well in SHCK.  I heard that since SPK and SHCK are catholic schools, so SPK will not take the kid who is K1 in SHCK but want to repeat K1 in SPK (to be a big girl/boy).  I know one of the disappointed mami.

SPK students are from different backgrounds.  So rich/average/poor family has equal chance.

3. School life
        -  活動時間:星期一至五: 上午班 – 八時三十分至正午十二時/下午班 – 一時至四時三十分
        -. School bus: my daughter takes school bus so she knows lots of friends from other grades, even from primary.
        - after arrive school, all the kids play in the 操場.  It gives even more chances for kids to make more friends.  
        - after sing “good morning” song, all kids go to the classroom.

4. Teachers:
In SPK, am teachers work in the morning and pm teachers work for pm section.  Each class has 2 teachers.  There is no NET or Putonghua teacher in SPK.

5. Facilities:
At K1, my daughter does activities in 活動室, 娃娃室, 音樂室, 視聽室, 遊戲室, 美勞室.  They will have chance to use swimming pool next year.

6. Academic:
Simple but enough for me.  If you are looking for a school that can train your kids to understand hundred/thousands of Chinese/English words, dictation everyday, then SPK is not your cup of tea.

7. Boys in SPK
Since SPC is a girl school, so there are only a few boys in SPK.  SPK arranges all the boy in the same class.  In my daughter’s class, there is no boy.  Every boy will receive reference letters from Sister when they are K3.  Some boys will transfer to St Joseph KG at K2.

8. K3 to primary
Around 90% of SPK girls will be promoted to SPC.  I heard 12 girls were accept by DGJS last year, a few got seats from St Paul Co-ed.  This year, one of K3 mami told me only in her daughter’s class, there are 5 girls got 2nd in chance from DGJS.

Overall, SHCK and SPK are good schools.  I am a very lucky parent.  One of the mami in this forum has said “School is only the hardware, parents play an important role to build in the software”.

I hope above helps.

[ 本帖最後由 Sumyeema1 於 09-12-9 11:27 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-9 11:42 |只看該作者
你分析得好好, entirely agree!

原帖由 iantsang 於 09-12-8 21:55 發表
I was planning to keep my mouth shut for this topic but since my name is being mentioned then I try to share some experience with you.

I think last year I notice the same situation where I can ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-12-9 11:57 |只看該作者
It's great to have the new generation SPK parents like Sumyeema1 so more information can be available about SPK.  The information is very detail so it should help you on deciding which one is closer to your expectation.  If you are interested to know the daily school life in SHCK then I may need to find time to write it since there is a detail schedule which they provide and quite a lot of activities in SHCK (trust me, really a lot ).

But I agree it is very resourceful that Sumyeema1 has list these for your reference, so let me know if you are interested.

Sumyeema1, if you don't mind I think there are two corrections on your message:

(1) Although SPK and SHCK are both Catholic, but they are not in the same organization so there are no conflicts to accept SHCK students by SPK.  In fact, I remember there is at least one SHCK K1 student repeating K1 now in SPK (too much assignments to do at SHCK).

(2) Concerning the part about boys in SPK, I believe the reference letters are no longer being distributed since few years ago.  It's better to check with current boys students at SPK to confirm.

At last, thanks for the compliment and you too is a great mother who are willing to share so much information with other parents.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-9 12:21 |只看該作者
Hi Ian,

It seems you know more about SPK than me.

I hope other SPK parents can share more in this forum.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-9 14:34 |只看該作者

成日都有人提到 DGJS / St Paul Co-ed.
好似 stepping stone 咁過彼岸, 對嗎?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-9 14:55 |只看該作者
Dear Ian,

讓我補充小小資料, 我最近問過一個k3男生的家長, 佢有收到學校出的reference letter. 所以今年都有信, 不過先幾年和過幾年我就唔知啦.

另外, 如果有幸同時被spk和sh取錄的人, 多數都會去spk, 可以想像.  (1)入咗spk, 到升小學時如果想轉去聖心小學, 還有些機會, 因為上下午校都會收生, 可以去考上午私校(雖然位唔多,不過仍會招生) 或者去抽下午津校.  但相對(2)入咗sh,到升小學想去spcc,機會係細好多.

原帖由 iantsang 於 09-12-9 11:57 發表

(2) Concerning the part about boys in SPK, I believe the reference letters are no longer being distributed since few years ago.  It's better to check with current boys students at SPK to confirm.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-9 15:08 |只看該作者
yes, 有好多家長都會騎牛搵馬, 有一間係手,會望再上一層樓. 但有些家長, 好清晰好清醒, 只會搵合適自己和孩子的學校. 我係比較迷糊, 唔知那間會較適合孩子....所以會行好多冤枉路..  

原帖由 lafayette 於 09-12-9 14:34 發表

成日都有人提到 DGJS / St Paul Co-ed.
好似 stepping stone 咁過彼岸, 對嗎?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-9 16:01 |只看該作者

Thanks a lot. You gave us many detail information. It is really very difficult to find someone give comments on SPK. Before, I just know it is a good kinder. But, how good is it? Which aspect?

Can you share more about it?

原帖由 Sumyeema1 於 09-12-9 11:22 發表
Ian is a very good daddy, he provides lots of valuable information in this forum.

I am one of SPK parents.  My daughter is K1 so I am still new to this school.  I would like to share as much as poss ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-9 16:06 |只看該作者


原帖由 invitation 於 09-12-9 15:08 發表
yes, 有好多家長都會騎牛搵馬, 有一間係手,會望再上一層樓. 但有些家長, 好清晰好清醒, 只會搵合適自己和孩子的學校. 我係比較迷糊, 唔知那間會較適合孩子....所以會行好多冤枉路..  


Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-12-9 16:14 |只看該作者
1. 聖保祿學費比聖心貴, 跟據教育署資料, St Paul 老師人工比聖心高, 91%教師有7年以上經驗老師流失率非常低. St Paul 將每一班分+五人一組, 分兩位老師分開教.
聖心 50% 老師有 7 年以上經驗, 18% 4-7 , 32% 少於4 , 低年班一位老師, 一位助教, 助教通常經驗比較少, 有時控制幼兒有少少困難, 但基本上都充滿愛心及有教學熱誠.
2. 聖心用出版社出的書, 有學習困難可自己買 CD 温習. St Paul 用自己篇寫的書, 小朋友耍上堂非常留心, 因不會預先派自制書所以派回來的成績可充實反映小朋友的程度.
3. 聖心上堂文具公家一齊用, St Paul 每年都要買一套文具, 每一件都要貼上自己名字,K1已開始要自己看管自己的文具. 跟小學生一樣但三年後屋企會多了很多套木顏色,水彩筆及其他文具.
4. 聖心星期六有興趣班, 家長教師會有小圖書館可借玩具及書. 聖保祿放學後及星期六無興趣班. 無家長教師會
5. 聖保祿放學在課室門口放, 家長有心接放學應該每日都可以見到老師. 聖心應該是學校大堂接放學(搭校車不太肯定)
6. ST Paul 小學是一間私校, 中學是一間直資學校, 耍交學費. 小六巳不參加派位, 所以小五, 小六已不用呈分, 小朋友只需考試合格便可升班. 小朋友及家長無考試壓力, 學校可因材施教, 不用重覆教學大綱.
聖心小學分私校及津校部, 中學是津校. 由於耍參加派位, 到小五家長及小朋友要努力溫習, 保持名次, 到小五及小六會跟其他津校家長一樣要保持小朋友水準. 所以到小五及小六家長及小朋友壓力會比較大
7.St Paul小學 返全日, 大部份功課及線習會在學校做完, 放學後非常少功課. 聖心返半日, 放學後比較多時間用.
8. 聖心小學+多年前巳有計劃全日, 但到今年仍未轉, 有小小前境不明朗.

因畢業多年可能不是最 update 資料

[ 本帖最後由 weisscarton 於 09-12-9 16:15 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-9 16:43 |只看該作者
weisscarton, very informative.

原帖由 weisscarton 於 09-12-9 16:14 發表
1. 聖保祿學費比聖心貴, 跟據教育署資料, St Paul 老師人工比聖心高, 91%教師有7年以上經驗老師流失率非常低. St Paul 將每一班分+五人一組, 分兩位老師分開教.
聖心 50% 老師有 7 年 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-9 16:49 |只看該作者
hi yin725,

as you said, different people have different standards.  a school which your kid can fitin well is the good school for her/him.

we all know the good school's names, but i don't know which one is the best.

once again, school only provides hardware, as parents we need to build in the software.

原帖由 yin725 於 09-12-9 16:01 發表

Thanks a lot. You gave us many detail information. It is really very difficult to find someone give comments on SPK. Before, I just know it is a good kinder. But, how good is it? Which aspe ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-9 17:13 |只看該作者
Sumyeema1, invitation and weisscarton,

Can you share about 'SPK prefer big kids'? Really none of kids born in Nov/Dec in class? Or still a few exceptional (outstanding) cases?

原帖由 Sumyeema1 於 09-12-9 16:43 發表
weisscarton, very informative.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-9 17:28 |只看該作者
hi eggmama,

in my daughter's class, 2 girls celebrated 4 year old birthday in Oct.  The youngest one, her birthday is in July (means she will turn to 4 next year).

There are some kids born in Nov/Dec but they are big kids.

原帖由 eggmama 於 09-12-9 17:13 發表
Sumyeema1, invitation and weisscarton,

Can you share about 'SPK prefer big kids'? Really none of kids born in Nov/Dec in class? Or still a few exceptional (outstanding) cases?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-9 17:55 |只看該作者
你好厲害呀, 資料好詳細, 好清楚...... 勁呀!!!!


原帖由 weisscarton 於 09-12-9 16:14 發表
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