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教育王國 討論區 高主教書院小學部 拔尖? 補底? anyone know?
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拔尖? 補底? anyone know? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-7 19:08 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
May I ask dear RC parents,
1. what are the choices of ECA at primary school here?
2. Are they held after school? or within classes eg in the afternoon session?
3. How much does it charge? expensive? or free of charge?
4. Is the learning of muscial instrument a must here? compulsory to go into the orchestra?
5. How about sport team?

[ 本帖最後由 littlemak 於 09-12-10 22:12 編輯 ]
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littlemak小麥 天行健,君子以自強不息!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-8 17:42 |只看該作者

回覆 1# littlemak 的文章

anyone know?
littlemak小麥 天行健,君子以自強不息!

Rank: 1

發表於 09-12-8 20:25 |只看該作者
There are plenty of ECA after schools, e.g. science workshop, football, music instruments... All of them need to be paid since they are held by outside organisation. If too many students applied, they will make lucky draw. No free of charge, even the gifted program. Gifted program need selection by teacher, e.g. Maths class and drawing. They will not force you to play any programs or music instruments. But the school will arrange school bus to send the children back home if you join the program at school ( I find it is very good). You can play ECA from Monday to Friday if you want and have quota.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-9 10:47 |只看該作者
Thank you very much for your kind reply and info.

Yesterday my hubby and I spent almost 4 hours driving and walking and looking around Central and Tai Hang and North Point areas inc Robinson Rd, Stubbs Rd, etc etc.

We would like to put our boy in RC. But the problem is we are living at KlnTong area. The nanny bus replied we have to get on the bus at 6:45am and reached home at 4:30. So the trip is too long to a young kid. Moreover, the nanny bus wont wait after ECA everyday to pick him up.

Hence we plan to move to HK Island side. But after searching around those region, we find that the school bus pick up time is still quite early. The school bus has to pick up kid from Tai Hang and Happy Valley (almost the nearest area) at 7:10am; Belchers garden at 6:50am and tai koo shing at 7:00am also. While the flat at Robinson rd is toooooooo expensive!

So any parents at Kln side can share your experience? do you let your kid join any ECA? how to pick them up after school?
How much are the ECA e.g. violin class? chess class?

Tks a lot for your valuable sharing!

原帖由 LGA 於 09-12-8 20:25 發表
There are plenty of ECA after schools, e.g. science workshop, football, music instruments... All of them need to be paid since they are held by outside organisation. If too many students applied, they ...
littlemak小麥 天行健,君子以自強不息!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-10 01:38 |只看該作者
原帖由 littlemak 於 09-12-9 10:47 發表
Thank you very much for your kind reply and info.

Yesterday my hubby and I spent almost 4 hours driving and walking and looking around Central and Tai Hang and North Point areas inc Robinson Rd, Stub ...

Did U consider Zenith at Wanchai ? It appears to be within walking distance to the school.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-10 12:43 |只看該作者
thank you!

尚翹峰 is a beautiful building. I just check its website.
it mostly provides 2-room flats, while 3-room flat is around 700-800 sq ft.

discuseed with daddy last nite. He said in the first year he may drive him to school everymorning, and let me/maid to pick him up right after school/ECA and then taxi back home. Every month the cost may be ~3K? may be cheaper than moving home?!

But I am not sure if there is usually traffic jam around 3:15-3:45pm after school? or traffic jam around 4:30-5:00pm after ECA? (suppose taxi going through HungHom harbour tunnel).

anyone know about the traffic condition within that time?

原帖由 waiwaibaba 於 09-12-10 01:38 發表

Did U consider Zenith at Wanchai ? It appears to be within walking distance to the school.
littlemak小麥 天行健,君子以自強不息!

Rank: 1

發表於 09-12-10 19:27 |只看該作者

My son is studying in P1.  We are living in Lam Tin which is near the eastern tunnel.  So, the pick up time of the nanny bus is 7:15-20.  And the taxi fee from home to school is around $120.  So, you can think about the Sceneway Garden or Laguna City.  But of course they are cheaper than 尚翹峰, no as high class as it.  

FOr ECA, actually they have activity class on the Friday.  It is the last two lessons on Friday.   SInce they are parts of lesson, so they are free of charge.  Thees activities are almost the same as those activities after school.  So, your son may not need to take those activities after school.

原帖由 littlemak 於 09-12-10 12:43 發表
thank you!

尚翹峰 is a beautiful building. I just check its website.
it mostly provides 2-room flats, while 3-room flat is around 700-800 sq ft.

discuseed with daddy last nite. He said in the first  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-10 22:09 |只看該作者

Thank you very much for your info. Really useful as reference!

LamTin is a good place to live. We have relatives and close friends living there.
Using the same amt of $, it is much more "worthy" to live at LamTin than Midlevel/Wanchai/HappyValley, as might be more spaceous flat with more club hse facilities for children.

I will discuss with my hubby for this new info.

How about any 拔尖 & 補底 help arranged from the school?

for the former: I know there is a "gifted program"

for the latter: I am not sure. Anyone know? to help the weaker students is the same important. anyone may somehow come across some difficult periods in their learning life, esp for boys, eg. suddenly can't catch up with the school works, or lost in interest in learning.
is there any thing the school will do to help these kids in these critical periods?

原帖由 sunshinekids 於 09-12-10 19:27 發表

My son is studying in P1.  We are living in Lam Tin which is near the eastern tunnel.  So, the pick up time of the nanny bus is 7:15-20.  And the taxi fee from home to school is around $120 ...
littlemak小麥 天行健,君子以自強不息!
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