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York vs Creative Primary KG ~你地點揀呀? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-24 00:18 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Hi, as subject, may I have some comments? other than the school fee of Creative Primary as we may not let our kid study at their Primary school due to the expensive school fee.  if only compare their programme, York or Creative is better?
Many thanks!
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Rank: 4


發表於 09-11-24 10:07 |只看該作者
原帖由 LamSaSaBB 於 09-11-24 00:18 發表
Hi, as subject, may I have some comments? other than the school fee of Creative Primary as we may not let our kid study at their Primary school due to the expensive school fee.  if only compare their  ...


Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-25 00:19 |只看該作者
原帖由 Tamama527 於 09-11-24 10:07 發表

想問下係咪又係啟思小學收左你個囝囡呀,我都係呀,唔知留唔留位,我已留又一村,究竟啟思小學英文係咪真係好好,學校係咪真係好好,有mami講話呢到兩文三語好好 ...

Yes ar! I've received an offer from York and Creative Primary. Now, I am thinking which one I more suitable for my kid or which one is better.  As I understand they are teaching the "language" is really good, English, Chinese even Mandarin.  So, really "headache", I think I might pay the registration fee to both school and gathering more information and comment before making a decision next year......

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-25 11:25 |只看該作者
exactly same as yours, I also pay registration fee for 又一村,but a bit doubt whether their curriculum is too easy. Also, though the application arrangement is very good, the teachers appear a bit "fake" for the politeness.

I also want to compare for York and Creative.

原帖由 Tamama527 於 09-11-24 10:07 發表

想問下係咪又係啟思小學收左你個囝囡呀,我都係呀,唔知留唔留位,我已留又一村,究竟啟思小學英文係咪真係好好,學校係咪真係好好,有mami講話呢到兩文三語好好 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-25 12:34 |只看該作者
原帖由 蚊蚊PIG 於 09-11-25 11:25 發表
exactly same as yours, I also pay registration fee for 又一村,but a bit doubt whether their curriculum is too easy. Also, though the application arrangement is very good, the teachers appear a bit "fak ...


Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-25 14:16 |只看該作者
原帖由 share123 於 09-11-25 12:34 發表


Sorry! What do u mean by "啟思就唔arm喇"? du u mean 啟思 will not 谷個小朋友?  By the way, I went to Creative and York for the payment today.  Creative gave me a really good impression as the teacher is really nice and polite to say "good morning" to the kids.  And I saw a teacher has a causal talk with a kid and I felt the teacher really care of the student from their conversation.  They gave me a really warm school enviorment.  So nice!  For York, the teacher also stand in front of the gate and say 'good morning' to the kids, but they look like just doing a "usual and daily work", one of the western teacher is still chewing a gum and some of the teacher's outlook is not so professional, just like "MK (Mong Kok) look", just wear a sporting suit and have "gold colour" hair!.  Anyhow,  the first impression the 2 school gave me being that Creative is more professional, warn and the teacher 有心.  Meantime, I am still awaiting the result from St Cat and KV, and let see .  I think all mothers are so "headache" to select a school to their kids, "got offer and no offer" both let us "headache"...... Good luck to all mother..... Add oil!!!!

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-25 16:15 |只看該作者
Yes, I guess Creative won't have too much homework for kids as compared to KV, at least not that kind of handwriting homework.

I remember when attending the talk at York, the teacher (I am not sure maybe just administrator) is wearing a short short skirt and high boots. It's really not so appropriate in a kindergarten. As I attended Creative, I like the teachers are wearing sportwears, which is casual and friendly.

So maybe this is also one point to consider.... ha..ha.....

原帖由 LamSaSaBB 於 09-11-25 14:16 發表

Sorry! What do u mean by "啟思就唔arm喇"? du u mean 啟思 will not 谷個小朋友?  By the way, I went to Creative and York for the payment today.  Creative gave me a really good impression as the teache ...

Rank: 4


發表於 09-11-26 00:10 |只看該作者
原帖由 蚊蚊PIG 於 09-11-25 11:25 發表
exactly same as yours, I also pay registration fee for 又一村,but a bit doubt whether their curriculum is too easy. Also, though the application arrangement is very good, the teachers appear a bit "fak ...

咁請問蚊蚊PIG 你唸住點揀呀?會唔會去 Creative 交留位費呀?我仲未決定到呀,我怕 Creative 太過活動教學,個小朋友第時好難適應傳統的小一呀。

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-26 00:28 |只看該作者
原帖由 蚊蚊PIG 於 09-11-25 16:15 發表
Yes, I guess Creative won't have too much homework for kids as compared to KV, at least not that kind of handwriting homework.

I remember when attending the talk at York, the teacher (I am not sure m ...

Thanks for your comment!!! 蚊蚊PIG , I will see the result from St. Cat, KV, and KM, if one of them give me an offer is perfect, otherwise, I have to try to seek more advice for the comparison of Creative and York lu......!!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-26 09:07 |只看該作者
原帖由 蚊蚊PIG 於 09-11-25 16:15 發表
Yes, I guess Creative won't have too much homework for kids as compared to KV, at least not that kind of handwriting homework.

I remember when attending the talk at York, the teacher (I am not sure m ...

都唔係wor,我個小朋友K2, 依家每日寫一版中文,一版英文/數目字,比聖心d功課多.如果你要跟KV比,全港無咩學校及得上啦.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-26 09:11 |只看該作者
原帖由 LamSaSaBB 於 09-11-25 14:16 發表

Sorry! What do u mean by "啟思就唔arm喇"? du u mean 啟思 will not 谷個小朋友?  By the way, I went to Creative and York for the payment today.  Creative gave me a really good impression as the teache ...


Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-26 12:24 |只看該作者
我仍然煩惱緊讀邊間,所以今朝去左交留位費喇! 今早問左校務處,除了學費,書簿費大概$1,800-$2,000 一個學期,茶點費就大概$150一個月。



原帖由 Tamama527 於 09-11-26 00:10 發表

咁請問蚊蚊PIG 你唸住點揀呀?會唔會去 Creative 交留位費呀?我仲未決定到呀,我怕 Creative 太過活動教學,個小朋友第時好難適應傳統的小一呀。

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-26 12:28 |只看該作者
after interviewing from KV, my impression to this school is not that good. There is not much color in the school and as my friend said, her son does not have any outdoor activity or travel / school pinic during 3 years kindergarten school life.

But undoubtedly, KV's academic result is very good and the students need to do a lot of homework and writing. Since my daughter is kind of active type and can't sit down for long, I wonder if KV fits my daughter too.

One important point, my daughter didn't answer any questions during interview. So I can expect she will be rejected by KV.

原帖由 LamSaSaBB 於 09-11-26 00:28 發表

Thanks for your comment!!! 蚊蚊PIG , I will see the result from St. Cat, KV, and KM, if one of them give me an offer is perfect, otherwise, I have to try to seek more advice for the comparison of Cr ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-26 12:29 |只看該作者
if study KV, parents need to have preparation. Being adult, they will have high pressure too and the relationship with kids maybe stressful, coz' parents need to push kids for homework / dictation etc.

I don't think I can stand for such high pressure myself after working whole day in office.

原帖由 share123 於 09-11-26 09:07 發表

都唔係wor,我個小朋友K2, 依家每日寫一版中文,一版英文/數目字,比聖心d功課多.如果你要跟KV比,全港無咩學校及得上啦.

[ 本帖最後由 蚊蚊PIG 於 09-11-26 12:30 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-26 12:31 |只看該作者
it's good there is homework, I just worry the kids are too relax and no homework at all. ha..ha....

原帖由 share123 於 09-11-26 09:07 發表

都唔係wor,我個小朋友K2, 依家每日寫一版中文,一版英文/數目字,比聖心d功課多.如果你要跟KV比,全港無咩學校及得上啦.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-26 12:49 |只看該作者
原帖由 蚊蚊PIG 於 09-11-26 12:31 發表
it's good there is homework, I just worry the kids are too relax and no homework at all. ha..ha....

其實都差不多,我個細B SC,依家學緊畫短直線短橫線,一星期兩版功課,比大b K1既時候仲少! 大b K1每次週末有3張worksheet

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-26 14:08 |只看該作者
原帖由 蚊蚊PIG 於 09-11-26 12:29 發表
if study KV, parents need to have preparation. Being adult, they will have high pressure too and the relationship with kids maybe stressful, coz' parents need to push kids for homework / dictation etc ...

Recently, I checked the forum every night and saw some many comments.  Some parent said KV is really suitable for 'working parent' as the school can train their kids have a good self dicipline and do their homework by themselves.  Even the dictation,  the parents no need to help their kids as they have well preparation during the leasson.  So, really don't know ar.  May be we have to try every school to see which one is sutiable for our kid, but know it is impossible.  Really hard to say which school is the best, actually, we have to take a risk even we select St. Cat and KV.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-26 14:14 |只看該作者
原帖由 LamSaSaBB 於 09-11-26 14:08 發表

Recently, I checked the forum every night and saw some many comments.  Some parent said KV is really suitable for 'working parent' as the school can train their kids have a good self dicipline and d ...


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-26 22:47 |只看該作者
My little boy has also been admitted to York and CPSK.  We are going to pay for both first, then decide because we find it really hard too.

At the same time, we are waiting for result from Kentville, Victoria and Cannan.

I really like CPSK too, i think the teachers are great, very nice and i am sure my son will have a really happy 3 years at kindergarten.  But not sure whether should let him continue on primary school or not at this point.

I think the school fee is not too much difference if you join the cambridge english and stafford maths course at York.  But because it's optional- you don't necessarily have to join gei, but i think most people will?

And yes, i saw that post that says KV teaches them really well at school so don't have to worry about their academics after finishing work etc... but i dunno also, cos my son is very active, so hard to believe he can sit still and learn, and also i don't want him to have an unhappy kindergarten life.  Also, i think it depends on individual child as to whether they are good naturally in academics, otherwise he might not be happy or may need extra classes outside to keep up.

Are your children admitted to AM/ PM class at York and CPSK?? Mine is AM for both schools :)

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-26 23:35 |只看該作者
原帖由 kenoism 於 09-11-26 22:47 發表
My little boy has also been admitted to York and CPSK.  We are going to pay for both first, then decide because we find it really hard too.

At the same time, we are waiting for result from Kent ...

Me too! am class for both schools.  Yes kenoism, you are right! Being a mother, I really hope my kid has a happy and enjoyable kindergarten life.  As she has a very long long school life (primary, secondary, may be university) after kindergarten.   But, when I think about the linkage of traditional primiary school.  Then I really feel "headache".  How to chose the best school to my kid????????

[ 本帖最後由 LamSaSaBB 於 09-11-26 23:37 編輯 ]
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