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日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 05-1-6 17:02 |只看該作者

日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

【 明 報 專 訊 】 日 本 學 生 於 第 二 期 學 生 能 力 國 際 評 估 計 劃 ( PISA ) 的 成 績 急 跌 , 數 學 成 績 由 第 一 跌 至 第 六 位 ﹔ 閱 讀 排 名 則 由 第 八 降 至 十 四 位 , 令 當 地 教 育 響 警 號 。 日 本 政 府 承 認 學 生 學 術 水 平 下 跌 , 公 眾 歸 咎 於 近 年 強 調 「 無 壓 力 」 的 教 育 改 革 , 令 學 生 知 識 水 平 下 降 。 本 港 學 生 於 PISA 的 閱 讀 能 力 排 名 由 2000 年 第 六 跌 至 2003 年 第 十 位 , 引 起 廣 泛 關 注 , 但 未 知 是 否 與 本 港 教 改 鼓 吹 「 愉 快 學 習 」 有 關 。

國 際 評 估 閱 讀 能 力 跌 幅 最 大

全 球 共 41 個 國 家 和 地 區 的 15 歲 學 生 參 加 PISA 。 據 日 本 外 國 記 者 中 心 報 道 , 日 本 除 了 在 科 學 能 力 保 持 第 二 , 其 餘 表 現 全 線 下 跌 , 閱 讀 能 力 跌 幅 更 是 全 部 參 與 國 家 之 冠 。

報 道 引 述 當 地 報 章 指 出 , 2002 年 推 出 新 課 程 導 致 學 生 語 文 能 力 下 跌 , 在 「 無 壓 力 」 教 育 口 號 下 , 學 生 學 習 時 間 減 少 , 教 科 書 內 容 支 離 破 碎 , 「 上 課 像 是 在 遊 戲 」 。 當 地 學 者 稱 , 受 手 提 電 話 、 互 聯 網 科 技 影 響 , 多 於 半 數 日 本 學 童 沒 有 閱 讀 的 習 慣 。 日 本 學 童 每 周 自 行 學 習 僅 得 6.5 小 時 , 較 PISA 統 計 的 平 均 8.9 小 時 低 。

日 本 文 部 科 學 省 ( 教 育 部 ) 大 臣 中 山 成 彬 表 示 , 成 績 顯 示 「 我 們 要 鼓 勵 學 童 從 小 努 力 讀 書 」 。 當 地 教 育 部 又 解 釋 「 無 壓 力 」 教 改 希 望 提 升 學 生 獨 立 思 考 和 創 意 , 而 報 道 形 容 PISA 成 績 引 起 當 地 教 改 爭 議 。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-1-6 17:52 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

absolutely agree.

Children nowadays are over-protected.  It is politically correct and fashionable to talk about allowing the kids to learn happily but there is no progress w/o pressure.  Look at the downward movement of our standards since the abolition of the SSEE (remember what it was?) and you'll know why.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-1-6 18:32 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

我不認為 "愉快學習" 會導致閱讀能力下降, 現在小朋友接受新式科技聲光產品太多, 書本相對來說是較不吸引的, 有多少父母自己也能放棄一回家便看電視的習慣, 改為陪子女閱讀或做其他活動呢?

發表於 05-1-6 19:07 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 05-1-6 21:24 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

anxiousparent 寫道:
absolutely agree.

Children nowadays are over-protected.  It is politically correct and fashionable to talk about allowing the kids to learn happily but there is no progress w/o pressure.  Look at the downward movement of our standards since the abolition of the SSEE (remember what it was?) and you'll know why.  

While children are over-protected, they are also over-pressured in their school works.

Most primary kids get to do a lot of homeworks, supplementary exercises, attend private turoring, and have to engage in various extra-curriculum activities.  They also have to learn computer etc which we did not have to learn in our time when there was SSEE.  So far as I know, most parents only concern about marks, positions and treat reading lightly.

In such a backdrop, how can you expect children to have good reading ability.

Pressure and spoon-fed are twins.  When we prepared SSEE 30-40 years ago, most people accused the examination of too spoon-fed, voice for change was the mainstream.

I do think that the falling reading ability is closely related to the homework pressure and not the vice versa!

If you want your kids to have good reading ability, create a low pressure micro-climate against the high pressure macro-education environment!!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 05-1-7 00:17 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育


將心比己, 如果你個boss唔管你既office discipline, 幾點返工都得, 又唔睇你做野既quality, 你都會懶啦, 就好似舊式公務員一樣law, 做又36, 唔做又36, 人工又照收, 幾嘆呀....

但係而家既社會competition好大, 周圍都係"壓力", 你話第時呢班細路點面對社會?????

發表於 05-1-7 01:07 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-1-7 01:56 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

Dear Teresa,

There is pressure everywhere. At work, there are deadlines, reports due, meetings, presentations, bosses to please etc.

At school, like in anywhere else, there are exams for University admission and of course, student is facing pressure. As Stccmc said, you do not need to overly exerting pressure to a 8 year old kid. By inserting too much pressure, they will lose interest in studying and that is the last thing parents would like to see. Self-study is lifelong which sadly a lot of schools have been neglecting. To train a child to be a self-starter shall be the most important goal. With this, the child can handle pressure when he grows up.

Missions Statement of my son's current school is what touches my heart. I would like to share it with all parents:-
Our minds to Inquiry;
Our heart to compassion;
Our lives to serve and global understanding

The school does not pressure kids, the kids was inspired from their own self and voluntarily prepare themselves to exams and 90% of the students went to study abroad in USA and regularly some got enrolled in Ivy League Universities each year.

Pressure, there should be, but not necessarily from parents since there is already enough or even too much from school or the world. Go to school does not equal to get good score in exams!! There are more important things than that!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-1-7 09:41 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

Japanese children drop the standard then which countries kids get progress? Are those countries adapt 愉快學習 approach or vice versa

Which statement do you like your boss to say:
1. If you don't get the work done on time, your pay cheque would be deducted.
2. If you get the work done on time, you will get a bonus.

Pressure should come from positive way, not negative.

Would like to share:
One of my friends who was pretty hard-working and smart (always ranks as 1st or 2nd in class of a famous school), but she committed suicide once she broke up with her boy-friend at age of 23. It implies that the way we stand pressure is something to do with EQ, not too much with learning pressure.

In HK, when kids ask why they have to go to school, most parents usually reply by saying that you could work as a professional if you are educated well; otherwise, you would work as a worker in construction site.

Personally, I totally disagree with that. As parents, should we respect everyone’s contribution to the society? Why do we educate our kids to look down on others? It was pretty sad with those kids moral education.

Having a good marks kid is not hard but a well-moral kid is the toughest.

發表於 05-1-7 09:41 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

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發表於 05-1-7 09:49 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

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發表於 05-1-7 09:52 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-1-7 10:00 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-1-7 10:03 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

How much pressure is good ? How much pressure can your kid takes? Can't really measure or assess.  I think we have to let our kids know the reality, that they need to work hard to compete for better life, and need to accept certain pressure from work in form of tests/exams/ competitions.  The more important thing is teach them how to face pressure, know how to relax to relieve pressure.  

I won't support adding unnecessary pressure to our kids (such as asking them to do a lot more supplementary exercises or join more tuitions after class), I believe kids should enjoy more their childhood and spend time to develop more their social skills and all-rounded personality.  Afterall, 10As students may not have high EQ to lead them into successful career in future.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 05-1-7 10:38 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

Teresa 寫道:

但係而家既社會competition好大, 周圍都係"壓力", 你話第時呢班細路點面對社會?????


發表於 05-1-7 11:10 |只看該作者


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發表於 05-1-7 11:18 |只看該作者


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發表於 05-1-7 11:24 |只看該作者


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發表於 05-1-7 11:27 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 05-1-7 12:58 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

no pressure, time is used for playing game boy and watching TV, not reading or playing

我想,在這裹的一些小朋友,因為有高質素之家長之指導和感染,在"無壓力教育"下,的确可以能更自主地學習。但全港實行又如何? 討論此問題時,應以全部學生來考慮。我們如何令大部分學生在"無壓力教育"下,能不去玩game boy and watching TV 而去reading or playing。

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