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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 保良局蔡繼有學校 or 保良局陳守仁小學
樓主: sasayip

保良局蔡繼有學校 or 保良局陳守仁小學 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-29 17:49 |只看該作者


原帖由 flostangraphy 於 09-10-29 17:23 發表
自己學校.... 你意思是現在讀緊的kindergarten??!!

[ 本帖最後由 kyliema2006 於 09-10-29 17:51 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-29 18:24 |只看該作者
Very sensible sharing, Kunggi201.

Besides the school fee, IB was another concern for us when we were considering CKY.  It seems like IB students mostly will end up studying in universities overseas - that means additional funding which may cost over 1 million.  A friend working in university admission told us that the local places are mainly (>95%) for JUPAS (now) and 3-3-4 (after 2012) students.  IB students need to compete with mainland, associate degree, and overseas students for the remaining 5%.  Also those highly popular programs (e.g. medicine) will only admit 1 or 2 non-JUPAS/non-334 students.   

原帖由 kunggi201 於 09-10-29 11:41 發表

而她的exact wordings是:「佢地都考得幾好架!」
如果不是好學校,也 ...

[ 本帖最後由 gingerale 於 09-10-29 18:25 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-29 23:21 |只看該作者
原帖由 gingerale 於 09-10-29 18:24 發表
Very sensible sharing, Kunggi201.

Besides the school fee, IB was another concern for us when we were considering CKY.  It seems like IB students mostly will end up studying in universities overseas - ...

按城大資料,non-Jupas 佔總學生人數約25%,在CKY的seminar 裡提到香港各大學學院也大概是這個比例,還有上升的趨勢,大學在國際上的排名,其中一項就是收生的多元化和國際化,IB內容強調國際視野、種族和諧、與及培養領袖才能,在現今社會上,是有它的市場價值的。

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-30 17:18 |只看該作者
原帖由 gingerale 於 09-10-29 18:24 發表
Very sensible sharing, Kunggi201.

Besides the school fee, IB was another concern for us when we were considering CKY.  It seems like IB students mostly will end up studying in universities overseas - ...

Quite busy today.
I better use English coz I can type much faster.

My views could be offensive, and I must emphasize that it is based on my personal experience.
I have been hesitating to share my views because it may create discomforts of many people.
Apology for this.

Over the years I met with some 300 universities students due to my company’s projects with the Federation of Youths (青協).
And, my company assigns me one or two internship students every summer.
I graduated from a second-class university (
二流大學) in US, and regrettably, I don’t feel the same quality from the majority of Hong Kong universities students as I could get from my foreign classmates – in terms of vision, language abilities, creativity and leadership.
A few of them, maybe 10% were top HK students, who were great indeed, but mostly graduated from “very top local schools”, international schools or overseas high schools, exchange students from the Mainland (speaking good English too!) and other countries.
I sometimes visit China and meet Mainland officials, and found that they are picking up fast, and even speaking better English than we do (especially those young officials in Beijing and Shanghai).
I can recall that I visited a Guangzhou company some years ago, during which the CEO introduced some of his Chinese colleagues to me and my accompanying HK students.
Some of his Chinese staff could speak German, or French or other languages.
The CEO passed a message – why should he employ HK graduates, whilst Mainland students are much cheaper, with higher quality?
Such messages are repeatedly told by my other clients and business partners.
Even in my company, we started hiring young mainland executives 10 years ago.

Hong Kong people have been proud of our international vision/eyesight
國際視野and language ability, but it seems that we are losing our strengths and competitiveness.
Many people are still day-dreaming of being superiority, but I can tell you that we are actually looked down by foreigners, and even by mainland Chinese.
What’s wrong with our kids and our education system?

My job nature requires me to work with many HKSAR officials, so I trust I understand their ways of thinking.
What they are looking for is “measurable achievement” (number), no matter in the areas of trade and business development, environmental protection, education, and etc.
This implies, for examples, the Education Bureau – they are concerned of the “percentage” of young people entering tertiary education rather than the quality of these students, the “passing rate” of public exams to prove the success of the ever-changing policies.
The recent Policy Address has identified education as one of the six industries with high potential.
Could you see “how”? Do you believe so?
Where the senior education officials put their kid for high education? local or overseas universities?

As 15mentioned, I am a believer of “Things of one kind come together” (物以類聚).
With such quality of university students, could Hong Kong be the education hub?

I trust our local universities are well aware of this issue, otherwise they could have lost reputation in the nearly future.
If things are going to change, there is a need to revamp the whole education system in a longer term, so that our universities will not be filled with “stuff ducks.”
Not only the universities, but also schools like DXX, CKY, TSL and many other “new concept” schools have differentiated themselves with the traditional teaching mode (again, different kids fit to different schools).
The other shortcut is to increase the diversity of university students, and as kkpapa mentioned, there is a growing trend of accepting IB students to local universities.
Of course I would rather let my kid stay home and save money, but if things are not going to change and if my financial situation allows, I would use every penny to send him abroad.
Well, let’s see~~

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-30 17:50 |只看該作者
Sorry if my previous message made you feel offended.  I was only suggesting, based on what I know, that local universities are likely to still admit mostly mainstream local students in the years ahead.  The govt will be running into political troubles if the 3-3-4 system ends up with lower number or percentage of local students admitted by the publicly-funded universities.

Actually I agree with you on what you feel about the qualities of local university graduates.  Sadly there is nothing we parents can do about them.

So for IB students, I think it is wise to go overseas for undergraduate studies, as long as family support is not a problem.  Afterall, they should be better prepared for international studying environment.  

Unfortunately for families like ours, it may not be affordable to send our kids overseas for college.  So after 12 years of IB education in a good school like CKY, our kids may still need to compete for the limited local undergraduate spaces available to non-mainstream students.  And the chances of getting into the top programs in top schools are even slimmer.  

原帖由 kunggi201 於 09-10-30 17:18 發表

Quite busy today.
I better use English coz I can type much faster.

My views could be offensive, and I must emphasize that it is based on my personal experience.
I have been hesitating to share my ...

[ 本帖最後由 gingerale 於 09-10-30 17:52 編輯 ]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 09-10-30 18:06 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-30 19:45 |只看該作者
IB system is just a different delivery and assessment scheme only. It's far not concern with the future study path. The illusion is in the past, only very few IB graduate and even few are willing to stay in HK's U that make the acceptance rate very low. As we all know it is the concern of the HK's U to attract bright student both from local and oversea, they will find their way out. The only concern for us is how we can prepare our kids to face those coming challenge and not ask for the system to block those non-main stream student.

I personally get a feeling some parent always has a perception under IB system must leds to future oversea study. Why not focus on which system is suitable for your kids now under different family support?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-30 22:32 |只看該作者
Think kkpapa has presented a picture closer to the reality.

Take HKU as an example, there were around 800 first-year students admitted through the non-jupas scheme in 2008. The non-jupas scheme is not really restrictive as some may say.

原帖由 kkpapa 於 09-10-29 23:21 發表

按城大資料,non-Jupas 佔總學生人數約25%,在CKY的seminar 裡提到香港各大學學院也大概是這個比例,還有上升的趨勢,大學在國際上的排名,其中一項就是收生的多元化和國際化,IB內容強調國際視野、種族和諧、與及培養領袖才能 ...

Rank: 1

發表於 09-10-31 00:15 |只看該作者

Good discussion

I appreciate kunggi201's observation.   The HK government bureaucrats are only interested in 'measurable achievement".  The recent 'energy saving bulbs' is an example.  The secretary for environment wants to achieve a target of reducing carbon emissions. But actually the 'energy saving bulbs' are not environmental at all in its production and disposal and also could cause safety and environmental hazards due to its mercury contents.

Talking about IB.  Why worry about the university admission some 10 or 12 years away.  The world is moving fast.  What is more important for children are communication skills, perspectives and peer group influence, rather than memorizing many text.  So I think many schools are heading towards that direction.

I just have a concern that in new style of school, children have a relaxed school life.  While traditional schools may apply more pressure and demand more tasks.  Will children under traditional method be tougher and able to stand challenges and pressure? That is one of my concerns.  Otherwise, I would rather the child having less homework or tests, but more time to read, to learn other interesting things.

kunggi201, you should post your discussion in another column for more to read.

原帖由 kunggi201 於 09-10-30 17:18 發表

Quite busy today.
I better use English coz I can type much faster.

My views could be offensive, and I must emphasize that it is based on my personal experience.
I have been hesitating to share my ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-31 09:42 |只看該作者

thanks a lot for sharing!!!

原帖由 kunggi201 於 30/10/2009 17:18 發表

Quite busy today.
I better use English coz I can type much faster.

My views could be offensive, and I must emphasize that it is based on my personal experience.
I have been hesitating to share my ...
"Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me.... Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me."
    -Steve Jobs-

Rank: 1

發表於 09-10-31 13:55 |只看該作者
還有在香港死板官僚的教育的制度下﹐千萬不要存著10年8年後本地大學會大量收取IB學生的迷思。  反正本地大學生質素沒況越下﹐外國名牌大學也多的是。(難道你們真的相信那些排名榜﹐以為香港大學比史丹福更勁﹖)  

[ 本帖最後由 凱富路 於 09-10-31 13:57 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-1 08:53 |只看該作者
Different parents have different points of view.
It's an interesting topic about IB course.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-2 11:43 |只看該作者
原帖由 Anna-friend 於 09-10-31 00:15 發表
I appreciate kunggi201's observation.   The HK government bureaucrats are only interested in 'measurable achievement".  The recent 'energy saving bulbs' is an example.  The secretary for environment w ...

Secretary for the Environment Edward Yau is a nice and hardworking official, whom I highly respect. 他經常出席大小場合,不介意人多人少身份高低,用盡方法宣傳他的工作,以至,在公關及event management行業流傳一個笑話:「He has no market」。因為,他的暴光率太高了,人人都好多時見到佢,沒有明星效應~呵~!

The problem is, many senior officials had been trained as “implementation officials” during the age of British colony.
Therefore they lack of “policy version”.
Even the Chief Executive Donald Tsang, if you look at his Policy Address, it is just a homework summary, showing nothing what will we be in the next 10 years.
The promotion of six industries is a BXXX SXXX, just to buy time.
I met with the big 4 testing and certification companies people and was told by them that they were not consulted in the process of formulating this “six industries plan”.
Where the Task Force came up the ideas of six industries? Jesus!

Therefore, their mindsets are very “implementational”, focusing on tiny things like bag levy, no idling, light bulbs things. These are the work of the Environmental Director (署長), not the Environmental Secretary (局長)!

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-2 11:44 |只看該作者
原帖由 凱富路 於 09-10-31 13:55 發表
不要聽到子女回家和外出講到幾句流利英語普通話就覺得IB很成功。其實你去EK那些直資私小的分享站﹐大部份家長都話小朋友喜歡 ...



1] 語言能力:看得快,做得快(所以,外國很重視early childhood reading training
2] 轉數快:有人可以日理萬機,亦有人為一件小事優柔寡斷,分別何在?
3] 社交能力高,表達能力強
4] 能承擔責任


Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-19 16:10 |只看該作者
For parents who are interested in both schools, would that be nice to finish primary school at TSL then tranfer to CKY for secondary education ?    It saves quite a bit of money and buys you 6-years time to make money to pay CKY's expensive tuition.  

The funny thing is that when I looked at TSL's latest secondary school places allocation (avilable at TSL's web),  ZERO TSL students went to CKY's secondary section.    Any parents know why is it so ?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-19 16:58 |只看該作者
原帖由 kunggi201 於 09-11-2 11:44 發表



1] 語言能力:看得快,做得快(所以,外國 ...

Agreed. In fact the current 6 major businesses in H.K. are perhaps more aptly as:
1. speculation on properties;
2. speculation on stocks;
3. speculation on commodities and futures;
4. speculation on foreign currencies;
5. gambling on horse racing; and
6. gambling on ball games

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-19 17:25 |只看該作者
原帖由 yypapa 於 09-11-19 16:10 發表
For parents who are interested in both schools, would that be nice to finish primary school at TSL then tranfer to CKY for secondary education ?    It saves quite a bit of money and buys you 6-years t ...

Just passing by, as I know, TSL is very different from CKY, TSL is an English primary using traditional teaching method, while CKY is a bilingual school using activity IB-like approach.  TSL students will unlikely choose CKY secondary.  A lot of TSL students go to traditional type of PLK or other govt secondary schools.
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