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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 2008 Babies - Prepare for N1 2010-2011 (Chatroom)
樓主: ML_Ngan

2008 Babies - Prepare for N1 2010-2011 (Chatroom) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-14 15:56 |只看該作者
原帖由 Twinboys08 於 09-8-13 14:30 發表
最近BK好慢, 少咗上黎UPDATE...

My twin boys are now 18 months old, I let them join JW tumbles baby gym when they were 8 months old, then tried baby buddies and my music box. Then tried sun kids in Hap ...

Hi, 我個仔仔現在差不多19個月 (0801),家住小西灣。 嘩,你對仔仔參加過好多playgroup!請問你對Baby Bubbies (天后/上環) 有什麼評價?開始上Bambini未呀?好嗎?有無SunKids的網址/電話? 我都參觀過寶馬山的TT, 但覺得比想像中細,星期六的playgroupwaitlist, 而且由小西灣去寶馬山都好遠,搭8X再轉592/27, 45mins60mins, 所以最後無報寶馬山的TT。 紅山TT應該會近d, 但都要搭兩程小巴,你覺得紅山TT如何?值得推介嗎?幾多錢/堂一個月?因為唔會報兩歲班,所以想報d好的playgroup比仔仔玩住先.

你開始同仔仔報nursery未呀? 係時侯啦,有邊d好的港島區nursery介紹呀?我最近有迦南、康傑”, 再遠d有明我(西灣河)、蘇浙(北角), 維多利亞(康怡/寶峰園)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-14 17:29 |只看該作者
原帖由 Jupiter 於 09-8-13 14:21 發表
My girl was born in 0810.  I have called the Breamer Hill campus and they said I need to be put on waiting list.  Therefore I join the Red Hill campus already and will start in Sept.  Actually it take ...

Hi Jupiter,
Are you live in Siu Sai Wan?  My boy was born in 0801 (almost 19mths now).  Are you ride on mini-bus to TT Red-hill Campus at Chai Wan MTR Station?
How about return?
Is it difficult to get in the mini-bus on the street?
I understand that TT Red-hill Campus just renovated and should be much larger than their
Breamer Hill Campus.

Have you visited the Red-Hill Campus before join the playgroup?
Comments on TT are very positive, but a bit expensive to me.
Also, their location is quite inconvenience too.
Pls do share you comments once the playgroup started in Sept.

Any plan for 2010 N1 for your baby?
Which schools you will enroll for your baby?
Pls share ….

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-8-14 17:52 |只看該作者
Twinboys 08:

Hello, nice to meet you cause I am also a twins boys mummy. My boys are 16 months old now. They were born in 04/08.

I have exactly the same feeling for TT. I attened TT Kln Tong when they are nearly 1 years old & there are far too many free play time where no language will be learned. considering they are two times more expensive than the usual playgroup fee, we quited after two months. In fact one of my boys never attended any lession during the second month - there are two sat school holiday & anther two sat my boy was sick. - really wasting of money.

Please tell me if the one in Ting Hau is good cause I am moving to Tai Koo Shing & is trying to figure out which playgroup is good for my boys while not too far away.

How about the other twins girl mummy, how old are your girls?

I am thinking of Victoria harbour height for the N1 class, do you know how much is the school fee? I am now pregnant & expecting another baby girl coming Dec nei!

Rank: 1

發表於 09-8-15 08:42 |只看該作者
I have known two kids who are studying in the Red Hill campus but they are at least 1 year older than our babies :) and they attend twice a week so they probably won't be your daughter's classmates too la..
原帖由 Jupiter 於 09-8-13 14:21 發表
My girl was born in 0810.  I have called the Breamer Hill campus and they said I need to be put on waiting list.  Therefore I join the Red Hill campus already and will start in Sept.  Actually it take ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-15 17:11 |只看該作者
1/  May I know any parents have already started to teach their kids such as shape, colour, numbers, alphabets etc., in order to prepare for nursery schools (2 years class)?  
2/  Please share your experiences.  Any target or ideal nursery schools either on HK or Kowloon?  3/  Which nursery schools should be applied earlier?
4/  Any previous nursery interview experiences from your elder sons / daughters can be shared with us?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-17 10:22 |只看該作者
Any reply?  Let's chat!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-17 12:47 |只看該作者
原帖由 ML_Ngan 於 09-8-15 17:11 發表
1/  May I know any parents have already started to teach their kids such as shape, colour, numbers, alphabets etc., in order to prepare for nursery schools (2 years class)?  
2/  Please share your exp ...

Hi ML_Ngan, to answer your questions:
1. Yes, we started but they are still a bit clueless and attention span of 30sec.  We used the shape sorter and some books. No sign of success yet.
2. we live on HK Island side so will apply for: So Jit, SPN and Victoria for nursery
3. So Jit form available on Sept 1 so i think they are the earliest
4. sorry none

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-17 14:49 |只看該作者

回覆 1# twinsmummy 的文章

有個朋友想問一下, age 1 bb 飲那只奶粉紅呢 ? 可否介紹一下

Rank: 1

發表於 09-8-17 14:52 |只看該作者
原帖由 ML_Ngan 於 09-8-14 12:06 發表
HKPS is Hong Kong Pre School, one is located at Kowloon Tong and the other one is located at Shatin.  I intend to apply HKPS at Kowloon Tong.

Hi ML_Ngan, nice to meet you, my boy is 0807, i am going to apply the same shool as you. Another optional N1 you intend to apply?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-17 15:11 |只看該作者
原帖由 GAT 於 09-8-14 17:52 發表
Twinboys 08:

Hello, nice to meet you cause I am also a twins boys mummy. My boys are 16 months old now. They were born in 04/08.

I have exactly the same feeling for TT. I attened TT Kln Tong when t ...

HI GAT, congrats on the 3rd baby.  My girls are 19 months old.  I looked at TT too but felt too expensive and not worth it.  My girls are going to Montessori toddler program in Sept.  Also got a call from Victoria Harbour Heights that they have a space for my girls - 2x/week playgroup.  Very busy schedule for the girls in Sept.

[ 本帖最後由 twinsmummy 於 09-8-17 15:18 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-17 16:11 |只看該作者
Hi sh_yip,

我試過BABY BUDDIES 响天后嗰間, 價錢好平, 但個內容麻麻, 最主要係個導師D英文口音唔正, 同埋一斑好多學生, 個地方細到無人有...BAMBINI 等到8月29先返; SUN KIDS 網止係http://www.sun-kids.hk/

TT, 好似我之前講, 我覺得個$$唔值...有諗住報PN啊, 但香港好少選擇, 我會諗蘇浙, 迦南咁, VICTORIA都想但真係唔易, 我到依家PG都仲等緊啊 ~

原帖由 sh_yip 於 09-8-14 15:56 發表

Hi, 我個仔仔現在差不多19個月 (0801),家住小西灣。 嘩,你對仔仔參加過好多playgroup!請問你對Baby Bubbies (天后/上環) 有什麼評價?開始上Bambini未呀?好嗎?有無SunKids的網址/電話? 我都參觀過寶馬山的TT, 但覺得比想 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-17 16:17 |只看該作者
Hi ML_Ngan,

1/  Yes, have started a while ago, just found out my younger twin boy can recog all 26 alpabets now, they also know what is circle, triangle, square. For alpabets, I let them watch Phonics everyday, then buy them the alphabet board; shapes and colours....learn from Barney..plus some books to go along with...

2/  We live in HK island, for boys, not too many choices. Will target so chit, SPN, Victoria and Cannan

3/  So chit will start on 1 Sep while Canna on 17 Sep

4/  Not at the moment

原帖由 ML_Ngan 於 09-8-15 17:11 發表
1/  May I know any parents have already started to teach their kids such as shape, colour, numbers, alphabets etc., in order to prepare for nursery schools (2 years class)?  
2/  Please share your exp ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-17 16:59 |只看該作者
原帖由 Twinboys08 於 09-8-17 16:11 發表
Hi sh_yip,

我試過BABY BUDDIES 响天后嗰間, 價錢好平, 但個內容麻麻, 最主要係個導師D英文口音唔正, 同埋一斑好多學生, 個地方細到無人有...BAMBINI 等到8月29先返; SUN KIDS 網止係http://www.sun-kids.hk/

TT,  ...

Hi Twinboys08, when did you sign up at Victoria PG?  I sent the form in around Jan this year and just got a call on Friday they have 2 spots for Tues/Thurs class.  Your younger boy is very smart!  I'm not sure if my girls know the shapes - sometimes, they seem to know and sometimes not.  How do you keep them concentrated to learn?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-17 17:24 |只看該作者
Thanks for all your sharing!  My daughter is 14 months old now, I buy some books and toys about shapes, colours, alphabets, numbers and animals, but she is not concentrated on my teaching, she has not yet walked along and she doesn't know how to speak, she only knows how to speak some single words such as pa pa.  I am worried that she can speak and walk during interview this Dec.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-17 17:27 |只看該作者
Keen Mind will be my second choice.  How about you?

原帖由 luckysze919 於 09-8-17 14:52 發表

Hi ML_Ngan, nice to meet you, my boy is 0807, i am going to apply the same shool as you. Another optional N1 you intend to apply?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-17 17:41 |只看該作者
原帖由 ML_Ngan 於 09-8-17 17:24 發表
Thanks for all your sharing!  My daughter is 14 months old now, I buy some books and toys about shapes, colours, alphabets, numbers and animals, but she is not concentrated on my teaching, she has not ...

Don't worry.  My girls didn't really start to talk until 16-17months.  They are still lee lee lur lur alot.  Your bb is only 14mos so give her some time.  Just read more stories to her and talk to her.  I hope mine will concentrate more so they can learn better too.  Add oil!

Rank: 4

發表於 09-8-17 21:03 |只看該作者
HI ALL.... I need some advise too.  I dont know which nursery is good.. ai.......  

My son was born on 0811 but I've already send application forms to Wisley, SJS & Victoria both @The Belcher's.

As my son is attending infant class at TT from 7 months' old, if unfortunately...no school accepted, I think I will let him stay in TT first..

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-17 22:25 |只看該作者
Same as you, my daughter is still attending Tutor Time Wow at Kowloon Tong.  I intends to apply Hong Kong Preschool and Keen Mind, if she cannot be admitted by both nursery schools, I will let her at TT.

原帖由 杏李子 於 09-8-17 21:03 發表
HI ALL.... I need some advise too.  I dont know which nursery is good.. ai.......  

My son was born on 0811 but I've already send application forms to Wisley, SJS & Victoria both @The Belcher's.

As  ...

Rank: 1

發表於 09-8-17 23:26 |只看該作者
my son was born in Jun08. Start to think about N1. Dont know yet when these schools are open for application.

Some suggestions from my friends are:

keen mind

But could you all share if you intend to send your kids to local school or int'l school for primary school?

What factors you would consider when choosing N1 or K1?

BTW, i live at TKO....any good choices you learn for N1?

My expectation is "good language skills" plus "interactive learning"


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-18 09:19 |只看該作者
I applied the PG when the boys were 5 months old....the waiting list is very long as I specifically request on Sat only...as I want to take them there myself. So...keep on waiting and waiting.

About the shapes and colours...I bought those shapes with colour matching toys for the boys to play, they quite like it and just keep telling them what that it when they're playing. Also made some shapes with colours materials for them to flip at home lor ~ No worries, one day our kids will know anyway as they do learn fast !!

原帖由 twinsmummy 於 09-8-17 16:59 發表

Hi Twinboys08, when did you sign up at Victoria PG?  I sent the form in around Jan this year and just got a call on Friday they have 2 spots for Tues/Thurs class.  Your younger boy is very smart!  I ...
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