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教育王國 討論區 蘇浙小學(全日) 06年9月入讀蘇淅幼稚園K1既家長, 入唻交流下啦! ...
樓主: GIPW

06年9月入讀蘇淅幼稚園K1既家長, 入唻交流下啦! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-7-26 00:08 |只看該作者
原帖由 十月媽咪 於 09-7-25 22:00 發表

聖保祿有兩間的, 一間響銅鑼灣, 銅鑼灣呢間係私校, 原則上, 你唔係讀佢地既幼兒園or幼稚園部既話, 好難可以入到去讀小學部...除非....你小朋友真係勁"口力"吧! 而另一間係跑馬地天主教聖保祿, 呢間係津校, 今 ...

Hi 十月媽咪 and sorb

I gave up central allotment because 港同and 播道 have given offer to us.  

Frankly speaking I personally do not like the Happy Valley St paul - comment is not so good esp I personally have friends study there.  So I know that it is not so difficult to get in but I still did not try.  Instead my 自行, I tried MaryMount ..... Failled.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-26 09:24 |只看該作者
其實都係架, 自行點解15分都會入到跑馬地聖保祿呢, 主要係因為絕大多數既港島人, 都會響自行嗰陣揀瑪利曼, 聖心, 聖方濟各等等...跑馬地聖保祿會比較次選...雖然有好多人話跑馬地呢間聖保祿比較多新移民之類, 但我眼見既係, 呢間學校出唻既女仔, D行為都唔錯呢!

如果只得15分, 自行走去揀瑪利曼, 無疑係等於張個OFFER自動放棄, 不過亦都兩睇, 如果本身有好好既OFFER響手, 亦不妨搏佢一舖!

原帖由 GIPW 於 09-7-26 00:08 發表

Hi 十月媽咪 and sorb

I gave up central allotment because 港同and 播道 have given offer to us.  

Frankly speaking I personally do not like the Happy Valley St paul - comment is not so good esp I pe ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-7-26 10:59 |只看該作者
原帖由 十月媽咪 於 09-7-26 09:24 發表
其實都係架, 自行點解15分都會入到跑馬地聖保祿呢, 主要係因為絕大多數既港島人, 都會響自行嗰陣揀瑪利曼, 聖心, 聖方濟各等等...跑馬地聖保祿會比較次選...雖然有好多人話跑馬地呢間聖保祿比較多新移民之類, 但我眼 ...

BINGO .  That is what I am having in mind.  I divided the offer in hand into traditional and 活動教學.  Then into the medium of instruction in English and Chinese.  


Rank: 4

發表於 09-7-27 11:14 |只看該作者
GIPW and October Mama, thank you very much for your valuable information......my picture is clearer now. The 1st task I need to do now is to train my girl not so shy when meeting strangers, this is the number one rule during the interview.

Do you gays know/hear anyone enter HYS primary in the 1st round with 15 marks only (October Mama, I remember the case of your friend's girl)? I cannot participate in the 2nd round as I am not living in that area.......I don't want to move first and then fail in the lucky draw......  

原帖由 GIPW 於 09-7-26 10:59 發表

BINGO .  That is what I am having in mind.  I divided the offer in hand into traditional and 活動教學.  Then into the medium of instruction in English and Chinese.  


Rank: 4

發表於 09-7-27 13:14 |只看該作者

Rank: 4

發表於 09-7-27 14:07 |只看該作者



原帖由 joeytcy 於 09-7-27 13:14 發表

Rank: 4

發表於 09-7-27 18:08 |只看該作者
原帖由 CanKan 於 09-7-27 14:07 發表


除左書未買哂之外,重有書包、白波鞋 ...



[ 本帖最後由 joeytcy 於 09-7-27 18:11 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-7-27 19:00 |只看該作者
原帖由 joeytcy 於 09-7-27 18:08 發表


係呀講起書包你地有無咩意見呀...我老公話想買有轆推個D...不過我話唔好 ...

Hi hi

I not bought anything yet.  But will try to buy it this week.  As for the school bag, I think I read an article that the one with wheel is no good as this will only make the school bag heavier.  Thinking of a girl only 6 years old, additional 1 kg is quite heavy to them.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-28 10:49 |只看該作者
我係你, 15分我一定唔會搏協恩的, 因為20分既小朋友, 都收唔晒, 15分, 原則上, 無可能首輪會派到啊!

原帖由 Sorb 於 09-7-27 11:14 發表
GIPW and October Mama, thank you very much for your valuable information......my picture is clearer now. The 1st task I need to do now is to train my girl not so shy when meeting strangers, this is th ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-7-28 11:37 |只看該作者
十月媽咪: 其實我都知道答案, 只是想有人告訴我讓我死心而已......還是死死地氣研究#16區的學校吧! Thank you!!!

原帖由 十月媽咪 於 09-7-28 10:49 發表
我係你, 15分我一定唔會搏協恩的, 因為20分既小朋友, 都收唔晒, 15分, 原則上, 無可能首輪會派到啊!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-28 16:50 |只看該作者

其實協恩我一直都好心儀的, 但情況同你一樣, 我只有15分, 所以放棄搏協恩, 改搏ST. MARY...唔係話ST. MARY得15就有機會, 佢同協恩一樣, 無20分都唔駛諗...但唔搏協恩係因為協恩有幼稚園, 佢地係絕對無叩門位的, EVEN自己學生, 都無得叩門, 只有等學校CALL面試, 而學校只會揀最TOP既二十個學生唻INTERVIEW, 街外人...真係...好難入得到!

原帖由 Sorb 於 09-7-28 11:37 發表
十月媽咪: 其實我都知道答案, 只是想有人告訴我讓我死心而已......還是死死地氣研究#16區的學校吧! Thank you!!!

Rank: 4

發表於 09-7-28 18:04 |只看該作者
"只有等學校CALL面試, 而學校只會揀最TOP既二十個學生唻INTERVIEW".....October Mama, the top 20 you mean only the students from HYS KG or also include 街外 applications?

For St. Mary, did you 叩門 after the lucky draw?

原帖由 十月媽咪 於 09-7-28 16:50 發表

其實協恩我一直都好心儀的, 但情況同你一樣, 我只有15分, 所以放棄搏協恩, 改搏ST. MARY...唔係話ST. MARY得15就有機會, 佢同協恩一樣, 無20分都唔駛諗...但唔搏協恩係因為協恩有幼稚園, 佢地係絕對無叩門位 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-28 21:11 |只看該作者
嗰二十人, 只係FOR協恩幼稚園既小朋友, 我FRIEND話係一個街外人都無的, 而呢二十個入面, 佢女係其中一個, 不過最後都失敗, 升唔到協小, 唔多唔少都有D失望啊! 而呢廿人入面, 佢話仲要有三個係已經畀女拔收左既, 學校CALL家長問有無興趣面試, 呢三個小朋友都有再IN的, 不過最後佢地有無被取錄OR最後有無揀番讀協小, 那就不知道了!

至於ST. MARY, 6月6日放榜當日, 我都有叫我佬再交多次PROFILE畀學校的, 但畢竟人家係天主教學校, D天主教徒排晒隊等住入喇, 人家一封神父推薦信已經撻C我了...所以...其實諗番轉頭, 揀ST. MARY放首輪&大抽獎既第一志願, 都係浪費左個選擇的...反而放天神嘉諾撒仲有少少機會, AT LEAST我見天神好多家長都有機會響大抽獎之後面試, 但ST. MARY呢? 真係唔多覺有人有得面試啊!

(P.S. 天神嘉諾撒小學 & 嘉諾撒聖瑪利學校, 呢兩間小學, 都係同嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院 (中學唻既) 結左龍的...而ST. MARY既中學部係頗有名的, 所以如果唔諗ST. MARY, 可以考慮下天神!)

原帖由 Sorb 於 09-7-28 18:04 發表
"只有等學校CALL面試http://ads.baby-kingdom.com/www/delivery/avw.php?zoneid=119&cb=12345645&n=adeb5136, 而學校只會揀最TOP既二十個學生唻INTERVIEW".....October Mama, the top 20 you mean only the students ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-7-29 09:33 |只看該作者
原帖由 十月媽咪 於 09-7-28 21:11 發表
嗰二十人, 只係FOR協恩幼稚園既小朋友, 我FRIEND話係一個街外人都無的, 而呢二十個入面, 佢女係其中一個, 不過最後都失敗, 升唔到協小, 唔多唔少都有D失望啊! 而呢廿人入面, 佢話仲要有三個係已經畀女拔收左既, 學校 ...


Rank: 4

發表於 09-7-29 09:43 |只看該作者
In conclusion, if you have no religious belief, better target those schools with no religious backgroud.  I really want to tell all those schools with religious backgroud:  You should also accept those students who are not Christian or Cathlic yet as they are the person who need you more to target and to spread the gospel.  

Actually, I know (insider information) 協小 is not very good now when compared with the old days as it cannot control the type of students it is accepting. Most 協小 students cannot compete with the students from outside after promoting to HYS secondary.  But in the old days, 協小 students were much much better than those coming from outside.

I like 協小 only due to some kind of 情意結 and higher chance of going to HYS secondary only. After your analysis, it is highly likely that I will give up 協小 lah and target HYS secondary again 9 years later.

原帖由 十月媽咪 於 09-7-28 21:11 發表
嗰二十人, 只係FOR協恩幼稚園既小朋友, 我FRIEND話係一個街外人都無的, 而呢二十個入面, 佢女係其中一個, 不過最後都失敗, 升唔到協小, 唔多唔少都有D失望啊! 而呢廿人入面, 佢話仲要有三個係已經畀女拔收左既, 學校 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-7-29 16:21 |只看該作者
原帖由 十月媽咪 於 09-6-10 14:56 發表
自行嗰part, for蘇幼升蘇小既學生唻講, 我地係響自行計分嗰part申請之前, 已經知道學校收唔收番的了...由副校長曾經響上年同我地講過, 今年K2升K3嗰班幼稚園生, 未必會好似今年咁直升的, 到時佢地可能都要面試, 不過 ...

You know what, the above was said last year too (My daughter is going to P2 in Sept). She is 蘇幼升蘇小既學生, too while her younger brother is going to K2 next Sept.  For me, I did not consider so much for my younger son when I pick SFCS for my daughter, it's a girl school but with 蘇小 as a back up what not do as 十月媽媽 said, relex apply for 蘇小& be aggressive with the "free school".  My believe is that there are more good "girl schools" than "boy school" unless, your girl gets into a co-ed otherwise, your younger son has no advange.  I was very luck that my daughter was accepted in Nov without having to go through "luck draw" & other test & interview hoewver I fully planned to do this with my son.  Sometimes, something good for your daughter may not be good for you son, too.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-7-29 19:34 |只看該作者
原帖由 TinHay 於 09-7-29 16:21 發表

You know what, the above was said last year too (My daughter is going to P2 in Sept). She is 蘇幼升蘇小既學生, too while her younger brother is going to K2 next Sept.  For me, I did not consider so  ...

Hi TinHay

Thanks for sharing.  Can I clarify sth?  do you have 2 kids - one girl and one boy and they both study in KCS.  

I am now decided to send my girl to P1 in KCS, any comment from the academic of the school and any extra thing shoud provide to the children?

Rank: 4

發表於 09-7-30 10:40 |只看該作者
原帖由 十月媽咪 於 09-6-15 12:21 發表
其實往年KCS既返學時間係九點既, 但自上年開始, 就改左八點LU! 放學時間亦提早番一小時呢!
The change was due to the overwhamming demanding of 蘇幼!!!

上午校只係for蘇幼升蘇小既學生架咋, 外來生一定要讀全日班的, 但究竟唻緊幾時至會全部轉晒全日班呢, 就唔太清楚了 ...

There used to have PM classes, in fact the result of getting into Band 1 Secondary schools were better for PM classes due to the lower teacher/students ratio!  I think they closed the PM class now thus all the Primary students start their school day early in the morning at 8am.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-7-30 12:57 |只看該作者
原帖由 GIPW 於 09-7-29 19:34 發表

Hi TinHay

Thanks for sharing.  Can I clarify sth?  do you have 2 kids - one girl and one boy and they both study in KCS.
Sorry to mislead you.
Yes, 2 kids both study at KCSK since 2 years old!!!  
My girl was so lucky that she got in SFCS in the first round but since SFCS is a girl school, I'll have to do alot of work for her younger brother who's gong to K2W in Sept!!!  
I just wanted to point out that if you were not able to find "your idea school", KCS is a very good choice espically if you believed in "Mandain".  As for English, KCS is one year ahead, K3 teaches P1 English book P1 teaches P2 English book.  Personally I think both the Chinese & English are upto Standard.  

I am now decided to send my girl to P1 in KCS, any comment from the acade ...

A VERY GOOD DECISION.  I may have to do the same for my younger son.
Out of 9 of 28 students from my girl's K3 classes of 2007/08 went on to KCS P1, they were assigned to the same P1 class.  Since they've classmates for 2 years, they were very close and were united to fright the "new comers".  Thier Parents told me they love the school, almost all school works were finished during school time and students are very "good standard & polite".  The only problem is the Secondary School 蘇浙公學 .........至於banding蘇浙經而上左band 2  不過一樣係尾啦,仲有 老師素質真係幾唔好下- -有部分教書很廢.  I know a P6 parent who told me that even KCS teachers do not recommend 蘇浙公學.  But if you do not have other better choice, they can help you to get into 蘇浙公學.  
沙田蘇浙公學, a better recommended school as it's 為香港蘇浙同鄉會創辦的四間學校之一, is something you may consider later on.  Since they are associated, when "knock door", KCS students have a better chance.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-7-30 22:18 |只看該作者
原帖由 TinHay 於 09-7-30 12:57 發表

A VERY GOOD DECISION.  I may have to do the same for my younger son.
Out of 9 of 28 students from my girl's K3 classes of 2007/08 went on to KCS P1, they were assigned to the same P1 class.  Since th ...

For the secondary school I have no planning to go back to  蘇浙公學 .. for secondary school.  The 派位 of KCS seesm to be very good for the last 2 years.  quite a no of the friends who studied here have good comment about this school, so I choose to stay with the school.  Esp from one of my friends who son went to 張祝珊英文中學 and the one who went to 拔萃.

   Hope my daughter could get into good secondary school as well.
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