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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 IMS vs. Casa dei Bambini
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IMS vs. Casa dei Bambini [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-7-14 20:01 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印

I just want to share with you my recent experience in putting my 18 mth old son to Casa Dei Bambini and IMS. I enroled my son to the CDB infant community (toddler class). While we are on CDB summer break, I also enroled my son to IMS summer program for one month in July.

Overall I like CDB much more than IMS. It's not only about the setup,but the teacher quality, the whole experience and the quality ofcaregivers. This is for toddler program only.

CDB has a much more spacious classroom (about 400 sq ft.), higherceiling, large window, much less student in class (about 6-7 studentsplus caregivers with one English and one Mandarin teacher), whereas forIMS we were squeezed in a tiny 200 sq ft class room with 16 students,16 caregivers and 2 teachers!!! Imagine a 200 sq ft room with 34 peoplein it! I felt like we were in a market - messy, noisy, congested andchaotic!! We couldn't even find space to settle down and play! But forCDB, it was very spacious and bright. What's good about IMS, however,is that there's an indoor playground where the children can playslides. For CDB, the whole class was just in the classroom. At IMSthere was 20 minutes allocated to playing at indoor playground.

Teaching materials:
In terms of teaching materials, both schools are comparable. I can seeNienhuis (authentic montessori materials) being used in both schools.IMS scored slightly higher as they have more variety of materials, suchas a table with mirror and combs, a tank with a turtle, etc.

Quality of teacher:
I think both English teachers at IMS and CDB are AMI qualified. Notsure about the Mandarin teachers. I initially thought that was veryimportant but after attending classes at both schools, I think thequality and personalities of the teachers themselves are far moreimportant.

When I first entered the IMS classroom, I must say I couldn't evenlocate who the teachers were because it was just way too congested!After a few minutes, I finally located the teachers and I told themit's our first day of class. All the teacher said was that my son need tolay a mat when my son plays toys in this area and take the toys to play atthe other table in another area. Then the teacher went away and no otherinteraction. I must say the 2 teachers at IMS didn't look to helpfuland cheerful. I felt like I was just playing with my son by ourselves.At singing time, I couldn't even see any smile on the Mandarinteacher's face!! Perhaps there were just way too many students to dealwith!

At CDB, both Mandarin and English teachers are very good and nice. Although I know most of the time it was me playing with the kid, the teacher would come and check up how we are doing and show how we should play. Ican see they truly enjoy the time there, and they can also quicklyremember my son's name.

Quality of caregivers:
No one would think quality of caregivers would be relevant but when Iattended both schools I think it's very important that the othercaregivers behave properly. At CDB, most students were accompanied byparents (mum or dad). I was really impressed because i seldom seefathers attending with their children at schools during weekdays at anyother schools! All caregivers at CDB knows exactly what they aresupposed to do (talk quietly, help children to work on their own,remind children to tidy up, etc.). But at IMS, most children wereaccompanied by helpers or grandmas. The helpers just sat togetherchitchatting (quite loudly), and the grandmas often talk very loudly incantonese to their kids. It was just very noisy and disturbing andannoying!! Another mother there was just busy taking pictures with thechild. In short, the whole classroom was just out of control!!! Thematerials were also not tidied up properly. You often see toys layingaround the classroom. Food half finished left on the table!

Time allocation:
Both classes are 1.5 hr class. For CDB, first 45 min is freeexploration at the classroom, then it's group snack time. Then it'sdancing and singing time. For IMS, it's 1 hour free exploration time,15 min of free play at indoor playground and last 15 min was circletime led by Mandarin teacher. I actually like IMS's time allocationbetter because my son is not a good eater and while everyone is eatinghe always run away. At IMS it's up to the child's will whether he wantsto eat at free play time. Also it's good to have some indoor play time.However, the circle time session was horrible. We were asked to sitvery still while teacher is singing and demonstrating! To my son it wasa disaster to sit still.

Perhaps it's not fair to judge IMS by their summer program. Perhapsthey do have better quality and are more organized at regular class. Ijust don't know. This is what I saw at the summer program. I would wishto hear from other parents who have experience (hopefully pleasant!)with IMS!!
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Rank: 4

發表於 09-7-15 14:20 |只看該作者
Thank you for your sharing. It was very detailed.

My daughter has joined the IMS (Wan Chai Campus) toddler class for 2 months just before the term break. I think the SH campus is too far from us, and so we didn't join their summer programme.

It is quite different for the time allocation with your summer programme.

First, parents can only stay in the classroom for just a few lessons and afterwards parents are needed to stay out of the classroom  Parents / or helpers are very cooperative and they just say goodbye to their child and then they sit outside and have sharing (that's great ).

Time allocation :About 1h 15 min free time. Child can choose when to have their snack or how much they eat. Usually the food is fruit, teachers will teach them how to serve themselves, or even cut the fruit(e.g. bananas). They don't force the child, sometimes my child even didn't eat any at all.

Last 15 min is circle time. They have theme. At that time it was counting, colours, vechiles, etc. Mandarin/English at a time alternately. My child can count 1-to 10 in Mandarin afterwards.

Ocassionally, they will bring children to walk around in the roof (playground upstairs) to look at the plants or to do exercise.

In the first few lessons, my daughter did cry but later she was ok to be in the classroom. Overall, I find it ok, but of course it was not perfect. Now I know the IMS has employed a new teacher.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-18 23:06 |只看該作者
I'm an ex-IMS parent.  I'm not surprise to hear your unpleasant experience.   Please check pm.  I would like to share my horrible experience in IMS.  

原帖由 jor_mankiu 於 09-7-14 20:01 發表

I just want to share with you my recent experience in putting my 18 mth old son to Casa Dei Bambini and IMS. I enroled my son to the CDB infant community (toddler class). While we are on CDB summ ...
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