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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 家長已經取消了學費自動轉賬嗎?
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家長已經取消了學費自動轉賬嗎? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-25 13:27 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-25 13:50 |只看該作者
如果卑鄙些的做法, 當然是停了autopay, 到學校追收再算, 反正也不在此校升學. 但當然不建議使用.

較好的做法是, 你盡快, 最好今天, 即刻寫封退學信給學校, 一般退學是一個月通知, 那麼你的學費也只需交至7月24日, 不用交足七月份, 甚至八月份(如有)的學費. 如自動轉賬在月初已扣全數, 學校在最後應該要退還部份學費給你.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-25 15:14 |只看該作者

原帖由 bebegirl 於 09-6-25 13:27 發表
我 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-6-25 16:09 |只看該作者
same case as mine, but school will have function for my son, from 7/2 - 7/16, 1 hour per day, so i will pay July school fee - $4380.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-25 16:27 |只看該作者

回覆 1# KarenKwan 的文章

我已經cut咗喇! 因為下年我已經唔喺度讀, 無計啦! 如果係喺度讀既話, 焗住都要俾...

1)學校: 其實學校最緊張就係收到錢啫! 既然可以收到錢,係8月頭會開始俾d細路上playgroup又點話, 反正d老師係咪都要返架喇! (妳估佢哋真係可以放暑假咩!)   

2)政府:話停校啫, 不過無話停playgroup. 所以學校呢招真係高明, 真係"上有政策,下有對策"喇! 今次我哋又要睇我哋既政府點"拆招"喇!   

3)家長: 坦白講, 出面上playgroup洗麥 (咁貴)用到HK$4xxx啊!既然學校諗到解決辦法, 咁咪算囉 (好黎好去)!唔通真係唔交咩(企硬)?!話晒(無計啦!)個細路仲要喺度學落去,好好醜醜,焗住都要俾...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-6-26 00:25 |只看該作者
原帖由 ioi 於 09-6-25 13:50 發表
如果卑鄙些的做法, 當然是停了autopay, 到學校追收再算, 反正也不在此校升學. 但當然不建議使用.

較好的做法是, 你盡快, 最好今天, 即刻寫封退學信給學校, 一般退學是一個月通知, 那麼你的學費也只需交至7月24日,  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-26 01:18 |只看該作者
My situation is the same.  My daugther is attending N class and will promote to K1 in another kindergarten in Sep 09.  

The existing school called and informed that the class (something liked a play group mode) will resume in early Jul 09 to mid-Jul.

Quite a dilemma!  On one hand, I'm very concern about the Swine Flu that I may put my girl exposed to the illness if I let her go to school.  On the other hand, it seems not very appropriate to just cut the autopay and the resumption of class seems to be an alternative to justify my continued paying the school fee for Jul (around $3,200) and let her spend her time in a more meaningful way.

Would you share your views?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-26 07:56 |只看該作者
原帖由 jm1874 於 09-6-26 00:25 發表

oh... 那我又不知幼稚園是否可以計得那麼準確, 但指明是一個月通知, 應該計得清清楚楚才是. 不過現在都月尾了, 就算佢計清楚都只是慳少少錢.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-26 17:00 |只看該作者

原帖由 bebegirl 於 09-6-25 13:27 發表
我 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-26 17:22 |只看該作者
i really couldn't believe there are moms who will cease to pay the school fees for July.  This is an irresponsible act.  they just make themselves so cheap in saving the little money.

i will continue to pay even the fee is $4xxx and my son will graduate this year.  the school still needs to operate and teachers still need salaries.  besides, u never know what you will need from the school in the future.  "good start good end"

發表於 09-6-26 21:07 |只看該作者
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Rank: 1

發表於 09-6-26 23:18 |只看該作者
原帖由 wlmom 於 09-6-26 17:22 發表
i really couldn't believe there are moms who will cease to pay the school fees for July.  This is an irresponsible act.  they just make themselves so cheap in saving the little money.

i will continue ...

Sorry wlmom but I don’t agree with you. Many private KGs like the one my son goes to put money ahead of education. The did not offer any help during school closure and even discouraged parents from taking their kids back to school, even on some days we were so busy that no one could watch him. Now they urge us to pay July fee ($4,xxx) but only offer exercise books in return (it’s true. They offer nothing else)

I agree with you that we should give everything a good start and a good end. But why should the parents be the only side to commit to this, and to suffer? Why can’t the KGs and teachers share our difficulties? Why can’t the gov. offer help, since they are the ones to order school closure. The schools have normal expenses during closure, and so do the parents. Perhaps you are financially affluent. But to many families the school fee is a big part of their expenses. Now we even have to spend extra money to hire someone to watch our son, or send him to other play groups. Why will help us? I don’t believe if parents not pay for one month, the schools and teachers will be broke. (If so, the headmaster must have problems in dealing with finances.)

If I tell my employer that I won’t do anything
(or do 10% of work) for him for 2 months but he has to keep paying me, do you think he, or anyone that is not crazy, would do that? Many private schools are being run like a business, like the one my son attends. Education to them is just a way of making money. I don’t see they will share our difficulties and offer help when we need.

So I cut my autopay and don’t plan to pay for the July school fees.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-27 00:28 |只看該作者
For those parents who have already cut the autopay, will you attend the parents' day or just ignore everything from school?
Though I strongly agreed that no pay for no services received, but it's not the schools who intentionally closed that make us headache. I think that's a case which really requires the government to intervene and compensate for parents but not in terms of salaries from teachers. Sigh...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-27 10:19 |只看該作者

這一刻我們的政府是不會再為停課而出來講野. Why? 因為再講就會牽涉金錢(學費). 所以, 佢哋依家仲唔係做"縮頭動物", 有几遠就"閃"几遠喇!

至於學校, 一定要諗下d新(好)"計仔". 否則就係對d家長們好不公平, 條氣難順, 又點自願俾錢啊!

原帖由 bebegirl 於 09-6-27 00:28 發表
For those parents who have already cut the autopay, will you attend the parents' day or just ignore everything from school?
Though I strongly agreed that no pay for no services received, but it's not ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-27 15:29 |只看該作者

原帖由 cheng713 於 09-6-26 23:18 發表

Sorry wlmom but I don’t agree with you. Many private KGs like the one my son goes to put money ahead of education. The did not offer any help during school closure and even discouraged parents from ...

發表於 09-6-27 15:59 |只看該作者
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Rank: 1

發表於 09-6-27 16:19 |只看該作者
原帖由 靚太太 於 09-6-27 15:59 發表
況且如果9月開學都仲有H1N1,唔通大家又會cut左自動轉脹,會唔會其實係因為大家來年都唔讀反正見唔到所以索性cut左去呢??? ...

Why can't school be "好來好去" by offering discounts or simply resume classes in small groups like some schools do? Again, the point is, why this whole H1N1 thing the parents seem to be the only side to sacrifice and suffer? Why the gov. not doing anything? Why can't the schools and teachers share our difficulties? Why?

Rank: 1

發表於 09-6-29 03:24 |只看該作者
To cheng713 & siusung

OkOk, 拿,以後逢係紅黑暴雨,3 號8 號風球幼稚園需要停課時,你班師奶就出黎遊行叫政府或學校Pro-rata退返一日兩日學費備你地咯,哦,仲有吾好吾記得退埋個十蚊八蚊校車錢喔。

發表於 09-6-29 09:55 |只看該作者
Ha .. the goverment didn't intentionally make you suffer ... .....hahaha

原帖由 cheng713 於 09-6-27 16:19 發表

Why can't school be "好來好去" by offering discounts or simply resume classes in small groups like some schools do? Again, the point is, why this whole H1N1 thing the parents seem to be the only sid ...

發表於 09-6-29 10:06 |只看該作者
Guess your kid would not study in this school next year ?!... if you hate this sch sooooo much and you really think that the sch / teachers / other staff has nth to be appreciated of ... gd that you've cut the autopay.. or else you will be furious all the time...

原帖由 cheng713 於 09-6-26 23:18 發表

Sorry wlmom but I don’t agree with you. Many private KGs like the one my son goes to put money ahead of education. The did not offer any help during school closure and even discouraged parents from ...
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