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想報英華小學一問 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-10 00:19 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
小兒今年就讀K2, 想今年報考英華小學, 想問問如有小孩現就讀英華小學的家長以下的問題:
1. 你們滿唔滿意英華小學, 如校風, 學生質素, 教學方針. 等等
2. 老師對學生的態度如何
3. 學校有什麼特別的設備, 齊全嗎
4. 是活動還是傳統教學
5. 功課多嗎, 小一大約有多少份
6. 現小一學費多少 + 雜費
7. 放學後有興趣班嗎, 如有多少收費
8. 小一有名次排嗎
9. 學校注重小孩的名次還是其他呢
10. 中文是否普通話教學
11. 英文及數學的水平高嗎
12. 英華是男校, 對小朋友的異性或同性接觸有影響嗎?

對不起問題多多, 請幫幫我這位又係駝仔仔的大肚婆啦.
   1    0    0    0

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-17 09:44 |只看該作者
請各家長比D意見我啦. Thanks.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-4-17 17:25 |只看該作者
You are worrying too much as a pregnant mom.  My son is P.1 boy and only has eight months stay in the school.

My answers are bias.

1. 你們滿唔滿意英華小學, 如校風, 學生質素, 教學方針. 等等
ans.:校風 is good.  All kids are clean and well behave themselves.  Ying Wah Boys are family and will not fight to each other.  No foul words was heard while I pick up my kid at school.  All parents are well manner and their kids are not spoiled.

學生質素: Parent 質素 are good then I assume all kids are good.  Beside, it is a DSS now and all boys are selected(1 : 12).

教學方針: P.1 is really pushing, especially in the first term.  I found the pace was really fast during the P.1 first term.  The syllabus is intensive and little hard, especially English( I have compared it with test paper + exam paper with P.1 Le Salle and about the same).  P.1 boys are required to do simple composition(I learnt composition in Secondary School).

2. 老師對學生的態度如何
Love and care.  Principle hired good teachers and I did not see any unfair practices in school.

3. 學校有什麼特別的設備, 齊全嗎
YW is a school with lots of resources.  School is big and through train.  

4. 是活動還是傳統教學
It is tend to be a 傳統 school.  But the teaching method is really quite flexible with lots of innovative idea.  School Principal organized some games to student and not seen in some traditional schools.

5. 功課多嗎, 小一大約有多少份
Al lots..do prepare your kid has a fast hand and not dragged on doing the home work.  5 and up daily.  In March 2009, the school was suspended for a week for the Flu.  My boy was required to fininsh four book reports and 25 pages home works in one week.

6. 現小一學費多少 + 雜費
School fee is very competitve as DSS school.  Only 1,500.-HKD a month.  No  雜費.

7. 放學後有興趣班嗎, 如有多少收費
Every Sat has interest group.  Only few hundred dollars for normal activities.

8. 小一有名次排嗎
No such thing in Primary School.

9. 學校注重小孩的名次還是其他呢
No 名次 for examination or in their report.  But you may ask teacher on about position to your kid.

But interesting thing is the school encourage student academic performance in some interesting area.  My son told me that(I could not confirm the source) he can use the lift as he has scored 90 marks or above in examination.

10. 中文是否普通話教學
There are 普通話 teaching in Chinese.

11. 英文及數學的水平高嗎
English:P.1 boy writes composition, letter, note, diary, etc.  No a single line sentence and a short paragraph composed with 4 to 5 lines. English teacher delivered lesson in English(no Chinese) and a NET teacher teaching drama and Phonics.  Oral is OK for a P.1 boy.

Math.: YW another famous area is math.  They tailor made the subject and supervised by Professor in designing the syllabus.  

12. 英華是男校, 對小朋友的異性或同性接觸有影響嗎?
異性或同性接觸 :  It involves genetic choice for sexual perference.  My son has some playmates(both sexes) since kindergarten.  He also has churchmates(both sexes).  He had no problem in mixing with girls. School is just the plaform in learning.  All YW boys are brothers(the school said).

對不起問題多多, 請幫幫我這位又係駝仔仔的大肚婆啦.

No problem..Ying Wah is a very dynamic school.  It is not a English Primary School but the English standard is somehow higher than your expectation.  For the Chinese and Math, school teachers are also very patient too and my son enjoys both classes very much.  It offers indepth understanding to the subject and not just a drill in calculation/exercise.  

The above is my bias answers as  parent.

[ 本帖最後由 smartcar 於 09-4-17 17:31 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-18 12:11 |只看該作者
Thank you very much for your information.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-6-1 17:22 |只看該作者
原帖由 smartcar 於 09-4-17 17:25 發表
You are worrying too much as a pregnant mom.  My son is P.1 boy and only has eight months stay in the school.

My answers are bias.

1. 你們滿唔滿意英華小學, 如校風, 學生質素, 教學方針. 等等
ans.:校風 ...

好詳細, 唔該晒, 果然係一間好學校.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-5 23:33 |只看該作者

回覆 3# smartcar 的文章

I like Ying Wah very much.  My son will study K2 in coming Aug.  What student would be easy accept?  Is it the interview hard?  And now what should I prepare any course for my kids?

Rank: 4

發表於 09-6-6 12:59 |只看該作者
Read more books.

Cheerful kids,

Good manner and mix well with others,

Listen and attend to instruction,

Chinese, English, Math...



What else?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-7 11:27 |只看該作者
中學部暫時校風都幾好,因中二以上是以成績派位,他們都是band one 生。遲些一條龍直上有 band two, three 暫時未知有沒有影響。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-8 03:07 |只看該作者



Rank: 4

發表於 09-6-8 12:00 |只看該作者
I would occasionally drive and pick up my son..

For the allegation of new immigrant, I could hardly agree to label them as .....dirty backpack and riding bicycles

First of all, I am lucky and did not have such observation.

Second, less prudence in finance does not necessay relate to Dirty school uniform or school bag.

If I am poor parent, I would still keep my son school uniform clean.  If I could not afford the detergent, I would use a brush and more water to clean the uniform.  

Beside, YW is neither noble or blue blood school.  Parent with or without 1500 monthly could also send their kids to study.  Provided that you could pass the selection process.

Nonetheless, I have found a lots of private cars illegal parking thereat waiting for the children.
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