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Contingency plan [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-5-6 21:26 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Any parents would like to share their contingency plan if the Year-1 place not being offered by ESF?
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2005年9月1日出生的Ryan重2.95kg, 係飲全人奶到21個月大的。而家已經有29磅5安士重喇!
9月1日 2.95Kg / 9月 10日 3.12Kg / 9月 15日 3.3Kg / 9月 17日 3.46Kg / 9月 24日 3.75Kg / 10月7日 4.44Kg / 10月20日 4.99Kg /11月18日 6.50Kg / 12月03日 6.62Kg / 1月17日 7.31Kg / 9月12日 9.50Kg / 10月28日 10.00Kg / 1月2日 11.00Kg / 4月20日 12.00Kg

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-5-6 21:44 |只看該作者
Except ESF, apply other schools (both IS and local).

原帖由 tvoincy 於 09-5-6 21:26 發表
Any parents would like to share their contingency plan if the Year-1 place not being offered by ESF?

[ 本帖最後由 Yau_Cheung 於 09-5-7 08:38 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-5-7 09:49 |只看該作者
原帖由 Yau_Cheung 於 09-5-6 21:44 發表
Except ESF, apply other schools (both IS and local).

Yes, but I'm worry the other IS is much more diffcult to get in than ESF.
2005年9月1日出生的Ryan重2.95kg, 係飲全人奶到21個月大的。而家已經有29磅5安士重喇!
9月1日 2.95Kg / 9月 10日 3.12Kg / 9月 15日 3.3Kg / 9月 17日 3.46Kg / 9月 24日 3.75Kg / 10月7日 4.44Kg / 10月20日 4.99Kg /11月18日 6.50Kg / 12月03日 6.62Kg / 1月17日 7.31Kg / 9月12日 9.50Kg / 10月28日 10.00Kg / 1月2日 11.00Kg / 4月20日 12.00Kg

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-5-7 10:16 |只看該作者
原帖由 tvoincy 於 09-5-7 09:49 發表

Yes, but I'm worry the other IS is much more diffcult to get in than ESF.

At least some of other IS do not categorize applicants into Cat. 1 and Cat. 2 as ESF and Cat. 2 applicants without any priorities (ESF kinda, siblings...) are always at end of the queue. It is the rule of the ESF game.
Worrying of choosing which offer is much much better than worry of no offer. Right?
So, spending more application fee is the only way out.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-5-7 11:25 |只看該作者
原帖由 tvoincy 於 09-5-7 09:49 發表

Yes, but I'm worry the other IS is much more diffcult to get in than ESF.

Any school can be difficult to get in.
Any school can be easy to get in.
It all depends on whether, in the first place, you meet the basic admission requirements.

For ESF, because of the history of the group, they need to stick to the "category" thing.
For other schools, they probably would have their own way of giving out priority to students.
And then there is the interview that a student has to pass.

So, I would not say which school is easier to get a place, or which school is difficult. But in any case, like the old saying, never put all your eggs in one basket. Anything can happen. It is not wise to apply to just one school. That's it.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-5-7 13:40 |只看該作者
I think that all good IS are difficult to get in.  ESF is also not easy to get in.

原帖由 tvoincy 於 09-5-7 09:49 發表

Yes, but I'm worry the other IS is much more diffcult to get in than ESF.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-5-7 17:23 |只看該作者
Make sure that you also apply for RC and DC, in addition to ESF regular schools.  I didn't.  But come to think of it, I should have done that.  I heard from a kindergarten that all their students got admitted to RC while many of them failed their regular ESF.  If I knew more about RC's Chinese curriculum, I might have changed to that, instead of the regular ESF.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-5-9 10:26 |只看該作者
原帖由 Onsen 於 09-5-7 17:23 發表
Make sure that you also apply for RC and DC, in addition to ESF regular schools.  I didn't.  But come to think of it, I should have done that.  I heard from a kindergarten that all their students got  ...

As RC & DC are ESF PIS (Private Independent School) so they don't need to follow what normal ESF school (as they got annual subsidy from Gov't while PIS is only one off at the beginning) so they don't have Cat 1 / Cat 2 requirement. So most students will have a chance for interview (if they meet requirement) once they apply. For normal ESF, they will need to interview and accept Cat 1 first, then Cat 2, so Cat 2 students normally will have lower chances, or may finally get in an ESF not in their area like this year. So apply both ESF & ESF PIS is the right strategy. Rumor said if you apply PIS you will have no chance for normal ESF, but I can tell it is not correct.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-5-9 11:53 |只看該作者
原帖由 popolung 於 09-5-9 10:26 發表

As RC & DC are ESF PIS (Private Independent School) so they don't need to follow what normal ESF school (as they got annual subsidy from Gov't while PIS is only one off at the beginning) so they don ...

Dear popolung, I must correct u that eventhough no Cat 1/Cat 2 categorization is applied in RC & DC, they do have their own priorties.
Parents who applied DC should receive such information by email in Oct 08 regarding priority for interview: DC siblings/ESL kindergarten students/Returning Students[Overseas]/Children of former DC students(An two years old school have former students with children eligible to apply Year 1 this year??? amazing...) Not every Year 1 applicant has been granted an interview by DC up to this moment.
For RC, it seems they interviewed all applicants in the first round.
However, If more and more parents apply RC next year, will the same interview priority as DC apply in RC as well?
My conclusion is that the combo of ESF Central Application + RC + DC is not too " safe" unless you are a student from ESF kindergarten.
To play safe, Non-ESF kindergarten students should apply a few more IS even though ESF schools are their primary target.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-5-9 17:25 |只看該作者
原帖由 popolung 於 09-5-9 10:26 發表

Rumor said if you apply PIS you will have no chance for normal ESF, but I can tell it is not correct.

Why are you still so obsessed with spreading rumors. Rumors and rumors and it is really no help spreading them around.
So, let it go. OK?
I have friends who have applied to both ESF and an PIS and have got offers from both.
Of course, there are also people that got offer from only ESF or only an PIS. Some probably have no offers. These are probably some upset parents but that does not prove anything at all.

[ 本帖最後由 almom 於 09-5-9 17:27 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-5-11 10:06 |只看該作者
Almom, please try to be polite.

[ 本帖最後由 Onsen 於 09-5-11 12:55 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-5-11 13:25 |只看該作者
原帖由 almom 於 09-5-9 17:25 發表

Why are you still so obsessed with spreading rumors. Rumors and rumors and it is really no help spreading them around.
So, let it go. OK?
I have friends who have applied to both ESF and an PIS and h ...

I have to state clearly that I am not spreading any rumor. Just both ESF & PIS has a little bit different admission criteria, so this is why they have setup PIS. I am just telling what I know from my experience of what I faced and ESF staff told me this year when I go via all the tough task of Y1 admission. If you think there is mistake please point it out, not need to be annoying. And once again, I think all ESF school are good one, no matter they are PIS or not. RC & DC is good as they teach IB since day 1, and then other ESF is following now.

And have chance of interview doesn't mean anything, whether you can get in RC / DC or not still depends on your kid talent. I want to say I actually hate the Cat system in normal ESF, so some students in Cat 2 will only have chance to interview in 2nd round. So what PIS is using now is much fair to everyone who apply. This is the fact, as I have many Cat 2 ESF student (according to normal ESF) has interview in first round in RC this year, including my daughter and her classmate. While we are all waiting for the 2nd round in ESF.

It is "lucky" that I am not living in Shatin so I "only" think RC is too far away for me, otherwise I will have big headache between choosing RC & other ESF as I think RC course structure is very good.  

And even someone said I post too many ESF news, I will say it is among one of the best. And I care about ESF too. Pls don't mis-understand.

[ 本帖最後由 popolung 於 09-5-11 13:35 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-5-11 13:57 |只看該作者
原帖由 popolung 於 09-5-11 13:25 發表

I have to state clearly that I am not spreading any rumor. Just both ESF & PIS has a little bit different admission criteria, so this is why they have setup PIS. I am just telling what I know from m ...

Popolung. Probably, your speech was not precise and concise enough.
I would said that is not a rumor. That is "false information".
Parents thinking of dual applications should go to the link:

According to the website, dual applications to ESF school and PIS are allowed.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-5-11 14:56 |只看該作者
原帖由 Onsen 於 09-5-11 10:06 發表
Almom, please try to be polite.

Thanks, Onsen.
I am glad someone finally pointed out "what" kind of messages are not welcome here.

I am really fed up with someone constantly posting false information here, and got away with it by simply claiming it to be rumors.

But it does not matter anymore. I am glad I now know the rules.

As long as the information suits someone needs, then it is welcome. And pointing out this someone is wrong is not right, and that is considered impolite.

Thanks, Onsen. I now understand the culture or "rules" here. And other parents would certainly try to be "polite" then.

Please do not bother to reply. I do not think I want to waste my time coming back here.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-5-11 14:59 |只看該作者
原帖由 popolung 於 09-5-11 13:25 發表

I have to state clearly that I am not spreading any rumor. Just both ESF & PIS has a little bit different admission criteria, so this is why they have setup PIS. I am just telling what I know from m ...

You are still obsessed, aren't you?

It has never been a war, if there has been any, at all between RC and ESF.
It has always been in YOUR mind only.
The problem is you have been spreading wrong information.

But it does not matter anymore.

I now know the rules here.

Thanks, anyway.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-5-12 23:28 |只看該作者
原帖由 oooray 於 09-5-11 13:57 發表

Popolung. Probably, your speech was not precise and concise enough.
I would said that is not a rumor. That is "false information".
Parents thinking of dual applications should go to the link:
http:// ...

No No. Of course you can make dual application. What I mean is: "rumor" (as no one said in B&W, but someone in our kinder told me) said that if you have applied PIS, other ESF will not take your kid. But I am the one who don't believed this rumor, and try, and finally my kid admit by both ESF School & ESF PIS. So to play safe when you are not able to know where you will end up in, one should apply to both ESF & ESF PIS. That is it. Both ESF & ESF PIS are good schools.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-5-12 23:34 |只看該作者
原帖由 almom 於 09-5-11 14:59 發表

You are still obsessed, aren't you?

It has never been a war, if there has been any, at all between RC and ESF.
It has always been in YOUR mind only.
The problem is you have been spreading wrong inf ...

Please tell me accurately what kind of wrong information I am spreading, and if I have, I will apologize. Otherwise, please stop accusing me here.

I know you like RC, and as a big family of ESF, I treated all ESF school are good one, no more no less. But their admission requirement are actually a bit different. This year, this case is even more clear. You may know all kind of insider info of RC as an existing RC parents, but you will not know what happend this year for Y1 admission, unless you are a K2 parents like me, and I have talked to many staff in RC, CWBS & ESF center. I want to share some experiences, so by luck if K1 parents can see here, they will not follow what I have been doing wrong this year.

Hope this can answer your question why you think I am obsessed. But I guess you are actually obsessed by the goodies of RC, and that is not a bad thing. I said again, if I lived closer to RC, I may take RC instead of CWBS, that is it.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-5-13 00:03 |只看該作者
wrong posting....

[ 本帖最後由 dontdont 於 09-5-13 00:08 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-5-13 00:10 |只看該作者
原帖由 popolung 於 09-5-12 23:28 發表

No No. Of course you can make dual application. What I mean is: "rumor" (as no one said in B&W, but someone in our kinder told me) said that if you have applied PIS, other ESF will not take your kid ...

So, what is your conclusion?
1. U didn't believe such rumor and u made dual application and then end up u got offer from both. So, rumor is just a rumor.
2. But through your "personal experience" and "somebody" (of course details cannot be disclosed, right?) in Abacus told u something (not in B&W). So, the rumor is not a rumor.
Your statement is not spreading but mutating the rumor unintentionally.
Sorry for being directed but I have to point out something that was "confusing" (at least I felt).
Elaboration is welcome.

發表於 09-5-13 00:35 |只看該作者
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