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九龍塘多多 playgroup [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 09-3-29 03:02 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
有無 媽媽上過九龍塘多多 playgroup?? 如何?
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-30 12:22 |只看該作者

Txxtor time playgroup - my experience

I joined for one months but already decided to quit.

I was attracted by their bilingual structure (Eng / Phutonghua) & the big school campus with lots of outdoor playground & baby gym. So I joined even though it was almost the most expensive in town.

$1,680 for 1 weekend class for 1.5 hrs.(Infant class)

The reason I quited:

1. The Miss in class is an ABC, not native foreigner. The prounication tone is different.
2. There is one helper in class - but she doesn't speak in class. SHe only helps for passing the toys, etc.
3. There is no time to play in those playgrounds except in class. The class starts at 10:30am & finish at 12 noon. But the teacher ask you not to come too early citing the school not yet opened. I did see people holding their babies at the school entrance waiting for the door to be opened. After class, they say they need to clean the Gym immediately cause they are closing very soon.
4. The class schedule is what I observe somewhat like this:
20 min - free play in some play area / gym(English teacher is there sometime but don't expect she saying lots of English. She just expect babies doing free play.)
15 min - Circle time - Eng Teacher will sing songs with babies together & introduce one new concept per week - e.g. hot / cold.
15 min - Three group activities provided but no more English & guidance from the teacher. Just the parents play with their child.
15 min - snack time - biscuit / bread provided but no more teacher either - than the English teacher will leave.
15 min - Phutonghua teacher come & sing in circle time for around 10 min.
10 min - Activities time again with 2-3 group activities during which no more mandarin from the teacher - only play some mandarin music.
5. They are closed on Public holiday with no make up class. In April, there are two weekends on holiday. 2 classed that month but still on same price.
6. One time the Miss are on sick leave so they just combine two classed of babies together with no Phutonghua that day - no standby arrangement.

All-in-all, I don't think one day per week in this structural the baby will be able to have good exposure to English/Phutonghua.

So I quit & enrol for 3 days playgroup in other place - I cannot afford to enrol for 3 or more days in Txxtor time which is too expensive.

Hope this helps others who consider to join this.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-30 13:27 |只看該作者
咁妳会再返邊間,can you tell me
because I want change it

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-30 23:58 |只看該作者
Thanks for sharing and Let me know more....
原帖由 GAT 於 09-3-30 12:22 發表
I joined for one months but already decided to quit.

I was attracted by their bilingual structure (Eng / Phutonghua) & the big school campus with lots of outdoor playground & baby gym. So I joined ev ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-31 17:24 |只看該作者
What you want to know more?

I can tell you from my experience.

I already have another one in mind. But have to go for trial class first.

Now I got to know it is very important to have one trial class first, which is what the Txxtor time not willing to give.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-31 17:33 |只看該作者
Dear Mami GAT
Can you share which you your alternative playgroup/school?  Please PM.  Thanks.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-31 17:49 |只看該作者
T Time is not good. pls dont go la.   I am joining YWCA now, very good.  that is 紹邦幼兒學校 playgroup.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-31 23:12 |只看該作者
I don't have experience in playgroup, but to the pre-nursery school.  And I don't know about the Dorset campus. BUT... DON"T GO TO THE SUFFOLK CAMPUS. The Center Director there is horrible... very fake, no heart to children (although she always says she cares... but her action is opposite!!), not listening/care about the parents and what they say, just very unprofessional management. And I heard that since she came to TT last year, a few good teachers left JUST BECAUSE OF HER!  With her management, I don't think the school would be any good.  So... take this into your consideration...

原帖由 GAT 於 09-3-30 12:22 發表
I joined for one months but already decided to quit.

I was attracted by their bilingual structure (Eng / Phutonghua) & the big school campus with lots of outdoor playground & baby gym. So I joined ev ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-4-1 16:11 |只看該作者
i agree with GAT . i was happy with the lesson at REDHIILL. but it was too far away from my home . so i switched to TT at Suffork later on. i still remember how regret i were once i had finished the first lesson.

the class was supposed to last for one and a half hour. but the first 15minutes were playtime in a very small and indoor playground with almost no teacher's guidance. i would say it was only a buffer for late parents. then 15-20minutes snack time in the middle of the class. of the remaining lesson most of it were group activities with limited guidance from teachers.

to make things worse i don't think those assistance were up to standard. once i overheard from an assistance trying to communicate with a kid saying, ' oh XXX(name of the student) drink MILK MILK' i don't think that was proper english. that was CHIN-GLISH!!

each lesson costs like $400. i definitely don't think it worths.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-4-2 14:56 |只看該作者
My son was TT stn from 12months to 18 months & twice per week.
I feel it's quite good.
Ms Sandy is so patient and loves children.
The discipline is really developed even my son not studied there.
My son is 21months.  She still remember Ms.Sandy.  When I asked him miss Ms Sandy or not, he will say yes.
TT made my son loves to go to school and a happy beginning of school life.  I think it's important to let children loving to go to school.

Rank: 1

發表於 09-4-5 23:07 |只看該作者
My experience with Tutor Time (Suffork campus) is pretty good. 3 days a week in Teacher Andreas (Eng) & Teacher Nancy (PTH). Both are native. My son starts the playgroup since 16 months and he is now 22 months. He likes going to school and have learnt discipline.

My son doesn't feel like talking all the time. However, I have seen very significant improvement after studying in Tutor Time. At least, he would say "please", "thank you" whenever he wants and receives service. He can name a lot of animals, such as, monkey, elephant, dog, cat, etc. He can count 1-10 in English and Mandarin. He now would clean up the place before he goes, tidy up after meals. He is only 22 months old and I'm really thankful. We are not very pushy parents and would not do many flash cards at home, neither speak to him in English/ Mardarin with purpose. However, I do recognise that he has picked up quite good in Tutor Time.

I believe the quality does vary as the teachers. I attended another class with different teachers but requested to change it back to Teacher Andreas & Teacher Nancy's class.

Rank: 1

發表於 09-4-6 17:11 |只看該作者
My son has started to join TT's playgroup at Dorset Road since 8 months old. He is now (2.5 years old) studying the Nursey class 5 days a week.

I love the teachers and the environment. I am going to send my younger son to the playgroup next month as well. Most of the English teachers are ABC or BBC, but they are native speakers as well.

My elder son has learnt a lot there. When he was at the playgroup, he learnt how to behave e.g how to clean up the toys, how to say 'please' and 'thank you'. He liked dancing and singing very much. There were two adults in the classroom. One is the language teacher and the other is the helper. The helper stayed in the class for both sessions. How would you expect the helper to be good at Mandarin and English? It's a bit unfair as she was just a helper. I am good at spoken English as I was educated in the UK but I could not speak Mandarin.

I agree that teachers make a big difference. But my son has switched for 3 different levels of class since he was 8 months old but I found all of the teachers are very good and caring.

Hope that you might have a chance to get to know the teachers at Dorset campus.

[ 本帖最後由 bhapril 於 09-4-6 17:39 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-4-9 17:07 |只看該作者
1. The Miss in class is an ABC, not native foreigner. The prounication tone is different.
>> The teachers are 100% foreigners.
2. There is one helper in class - but she doesn't speak in class. SHe only helps for passing the toys, etc.
>> The helper speaks in English also.

5. They are closed on Public holiday with no make up class. In April,there are two weekends on holiday. 2 classed that month but still onsame price.

>> I agree that it is expensive.

6. One time the Miss are on sick leave so they just combine two classedof babies together with no Phutonghua that day - no standby arrangement.

>> They did provide substitute on Mon-Fri. Don't know if there will be any subs. on Sat.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-5-19 17:44 |只看該作者
Tutor Time is good!!!

My boy joined in Oct 08 and enjoyed the class with Mr Andreas and Ms Nancy so much.

He learns a lot, not just on academics, but manner, sharing.......

It is a good school although it is quite expensive.

發表於 09-5-22 16:57 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 09-5-24 04:24 |只看該作者
my son has been to the suffolk campus for nearly 3 months cos we waited for nearly 6mths....but i am going to finish off the june one and will not join again forever, cos everything is bad.

1) chin-glish.....the assistant's english is "superb"....she asked my son to "eat cake" or "drink juice", my god.....that is not proper english at all....then of cos i expressed the correct english to my son cos he is used to the proper ones at home.....but still...the assistant still repeated the same even heard my english....ai....not professional at all....cos we are paying so much, must be expecting better english atmosphere there..

2) mandarin----the teacher is ok, but feel that my son hasnt learnt alot from that, maybe it is my son's problem.....but the mandarin from the assistant.....same as her chi-glish.....so hk-mandarin....i can't describe her mandarin here cos it is as bad as her english...

3) the free time for soft playroom, no teacher/assistant and even one of the parents left the class after english session without the assistant's notice.....then we all told the assistant that that pair didn't go and play since playing time, she discovered her mistake....my god.....how could she find it out so so so late ar......that is not professional enough again!

4) the class is too big...my group was 9 bbs...

anyway, there is no trial, nor make-up class.....so i think you all should deeply consider whether to join or not.....good luck!
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