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Rightmind ? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-25 00:14 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Could anyone share your experience with Rightmind ?  Seems that there are different comments (good and bad) on this Kindergarten .... are their teachers friendly to kids/ are their teaching methods good ?  MIllion thanks !
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-25 16:29 |只看該作者
我小朋友讀PN班, 暫時覺得太部分的老師都很友善, 就我接觸過的對小朋友都OKAY! 就算是別班的小朋友或是已升K1的小朋友見到PN班的老師, 大家都會開心的打招呼~

至於教育方式很難說好或不好....每個家長的要求不一樣, 而且我的小朋友只讀PN班, 在讀寫能力方面的成果暫未觀察的到! 但聽講的能力是提升不少!我個人覺得它的課程教的東西很多, 主要是識字及句子, 至於學到多少是個人的能力, 像我的小朋友就還不太懂認字, 老師的評估亦認為他在學習的初段中...

課堂中會唱大量兒歌(歌紙都會貼在薄內給你), 會有一點小手工/塗顏色, 每天亦會有活動時間(爬隧道, 手腳活動等)及茶點

原帖由 mamel 於 09-3-25 00:14 發表
Could anyone share your experience with Rightmind ?  Seems that there are different comments (good and bad) on this Kindergarten .... are their teachers friendly to kids/ are their teaching methods go ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-26 00:50 |只看該作者
Debbieip.. Thanks a lot for your info :)

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-26 01:12 |只看該作者
My kid loves RM very much, including both the school and the teachers.  Academically, as mentioned by the parent above, RM teaches a lot of stuff mainly through flash card method.  

As I observe, RM kids like reading a lot b'cos normally they are quite sensitive to words.

My kid  has studied at RM since PN (now K1) and can recognise many English & Chinese words already.  For instance, the following excerpts from one of the books we read tonight before bed time were read by him:

"She was big enough to hop all the way around Stickleback Pond without stopping."

"Bean was even big enough to swing the highest of all her friends - so high, her giggles could be heard over and beyond Bluebell Wood, so high, her tummy tumbled as she flew up."

He also picked a Chinese book that contains a lot of wild flowers in HK.  He flipped through the pages and read along the names of the flowers such as:


[ 本帖最後由 cornelius 於 09-3-26 01:14 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-26 10:55 |只看該作者
哇! 你小朋友好厲害...唔知我仔仔到k1時能否自己讀到書?? 佢現在都是喜歡認圖多於認字...

原帖由 cornelius 於 09-3-26 01:12 發表
My kid loves RM very much, including both the school and the teachers.  Academically, as mentioned by the parent above, RM teaches a lot of stuff mainly through flash card method.  

As I observe, R ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-26 11:29 |只看該作者
Hi Cornelius,
That sounds really amazing how your boy can read the passages by himself. Just out of curiosity, does he comprehend everything that he is reading?

原帖由 cornelius 於 09-3-26 01:12 發表
My kid loves RM very much, including both the school and the teachers.  Academically, as mentioned by the parent above, RM teaches a lot of stuff mainly through flash card method.  

As I observe, R ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-26 12:47 |只看該作者
原帖由 debbieip 於 09-3-26 10:55 發表
哇! 你小朋友好厲害...唔知我仔仔到k1時能否自己讀到書?? 佢現在都是喜歡認圖多於認字...

The ability to recognise words is different from kid to kid.  The Glen Doman approach adopted by Rightmind helps to build a foundation of word recognition power since theoretically words that appear on the flash cards are "pictures" in the eyes of the kids.  That is to say, kids recognise these pictures and associate their pronunciations made by the NETs or native PTH teachers.

Try to instill in your boy a reading habit which will benefit him for the rest of his life.  Make reading a regular activity.  Read books to him, if he is not able to read by himself.  Reading before bedtime is highly recommended.

Another advice is keep your son away from TV and stuff like Playstation or NDS which carry a great deal of multi-media attractions.  A child brought up under such an environment will not be able to sit still and be attracted by written work.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-26 13:04 |只看該作者
原帖由 kohuei 於 09-3-26 11:29 發表
Hi Cornelius,
That sounds really amazing how your boy can read the passages by himself. Just out of curiosity, does he comprehend everything that he is reading?


Ability to comprehend a passage depends on the difficulty of the words and context of the passage.  For the book I quoted, I think he may not comprehend 100% even though he could read it (he just uses his phonics skills to read out the words).  

But since we use picture books, I believe my boy is picking up new vocabs as he reads along, coupled with the explanation of meanings as we sometimes give.  For example, I'm quite sure he knows the word "giggles" because when I asked him what it meant, he reacted by making short and silly laughs (I taught him this word some time ago).

As a side issue, I wish to say that he may not always respond to our request of reading aloud.  These days, I use the tactics of taking turns to read, e.g. I read a page and he reads the next.

[ 本帖最後由 cornelius 於 09-3-26 13:15 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-26 14:22 |只看該作者
Thanks for the tip. That makes sense to me now.

I think it is great what you are doing with your kid, not merely drilling him with the flash cards, but also spending time with him to ensure he really benefits from the skill at this tender age. Well done!

原帖由 cornelius 於 09-3-26 13:04 發表

Ability to comprehend a passage depends on the difficulty of the words and context of the passage.  For the book I quoted, I think he may not comprehend 100% even though he could read it (he just us ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-26 14:54 |只看該作者
好多謝你的分享, 可能我與仔仔讀故事書時, 該把部分的注意力放在文字上才行!其實每天晚上睡前, 我先生也會給仔仔讀故事書, 只是我先生都注重教他圖片中事物的名稱, 并沒有好好告訴仔仔上面的"名稱"就是這個字, 爸爸覺得他沒興趣看字, 亦沒必要讓他一定要看懂字, 反正就是仔仔知道那些名稱就很不錯了!

我個人不喜歡這樣....我希望仔仔明白每個 "字"都是有意思的....希望他明白很多 "字"組合成一起, 就會變成他最喜歡的故事....


原帖由 cornelius 於 09-3-26 12:47 發表

The ability to recognise words is different from kid to kid.  The Glen Doman approach adopted by Rightmind helps to build a foundation of word recognition power since theoretically words that appear ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-26 15:23 |只看該作者
原帖由 debbieip 於 09-3-26 14:54 發表
好多謝你的分享, 可能我與仔仔讀故事書時, 該把部分的注意力放在文字上才行!其實每天晚上睡前, 我先生也會給仔仔讀故事書, 只是我先生都注重教他圖片中事物的名稱, 并沒有好好告訴仔仔上面的"名稱"就是這個字, 爸爸 ...

Yes, try to point at the words when you or your husband read to him (so that he knows the words carry meanings) and then associate the meanings with reference to the picture.

You may also relate the meaning of words in daily life situations.  For example, involve him when making orders at a restaurant.  My boy loves to look at the menu and we let him order some dishes (of course we'll screen out those spicy stuff or so not healthy food) when dining out.

[ 本帖最後由 cornelius 於 09-3-26 15:24 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-26 22:17 |只看該作者
Cornelius thanks for your sharing.... I can see the time and efforts that you put in training his amazing reading skills.  I am really impressed.  Are you thinking of putting your son in an international or local primary school after studying at Rightmind?  do you know if Rightmind has good primary school allocation results ?  thanks :)

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-27 11:02 |只看該作者
原帖由 mamel 於 09-3-26 22:17 發表
Cornelius thanks for your sharing.... I can see the time and efforts that you put in training his amazing reading skills.  I am really impressed.  Are you thinking of putting your son in an internatio ...

I feel flattered when you said "I can see the time and efforts that you put in ...".  To be honest, I must thank my wife for coaching our kid.  I just follow her instructions - read stories to my son and be there when they need me.

For primary education, we have not made up our mind yet.  In view of his strong interest in Chinese (my son was flipping through a Chinese dictionary this morning after he woke up), we don't want to put him in a typical IS.  However, we may try RC for a year, and then apply to a DSS or private school such as CKY.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-27 11:12 |只看該作者
多謝你的意見, 讓他外出吃飯時能參與點菜真的是個好提議!

其實仔仔有看書的興趣, 現在希望能慢慢讓他對文字產生興趣~


原帖由 cornelius 於 09-3-26 15:23 發表

Yes, try to point at the words when you or your husband read to him (so that he knows the words carry meanings) and then associate the meanings with reference to the picture.

You may also relate th ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-27 11:29 |只看該作者
To debbieip,

Yes, hope your son will be excited to do so.

To mamel,

I forgot to respond to your question on the primary school allocation results.  We were told at the parents seminar that some graduates would go to EFS, St Paul's Co-ed, DGS, and some other DSS... some would go to subsidised or government schools such as 始南, 南官.

Rank: 1

發表於 09-6-20 21:57 |只看該作者
My kid study in RM 1 years ago, I personally did not recommend this school...

They pack up quite an intensive content during school time, but they are not much care if your kid actually learn about it... Kid might able to repeat after you of what they learn a day or two, but it doesn't mean they really able to pick up about it..

One terrible presentation from their founder say " Their kids from K2 are already able to read and completely understand all the content of SCMP without any problem, you are welcome to select any of them to test able it"... I have a big question about it...and he will be shameful if he finally discover the truth...

He try to set a high standard about the content of what the kids need to learn, without really monitor + control if the kid can really able to pick up those content.

What he / she is so skillful is to do lots of publicity to the media about how excellent are their own kids... in fact their own kids might be quite good in knowledge, but they are really poor in manner and have no respect to the others... we met with them in lots of school activities, and we have very negative about how they behave....

If the study in RM will brought up the kid like that, I do want it.

However. on the other side, quite a bit of the teacher are nice and friendly.

Rank: 1

發表於 09-6-20 22:12 |只看該作者
As what Debbieip say, what the kids learn is the relationship between " sounds and letter (or graphical icon)", but not really pick up the meaning.... I personally prefer the kids learn less word, but really understand it and able to use it bit by bit... scatter of sound + letter means nothing to the child...

Every vocabularies got its own meaning... you easily got tons of vocabularies right now (thanks for the internet...), but the important part is to use it in a correct way to communicate with the other in a sensible way.....

This is meaningless to tell the others how good is your child because of how many words they can spell and pronoun... this is only part of the self satisfaction, which is no good for the kids.
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