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請教 "Midi Player" [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-3 15:50 |只看該作者

請教 "Midi Player"

最近看一些樂譜網站,有些要有Midi Player 才可發聲。請問:

1 有冇免費軟件可供 download 令可以聽到?

2 除了部份數碼鋼琴,有乜廉價 keyboard 形式

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-3 16:18 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 "Midi Player"


1. Many software can play midi files. You can try by downloading a midi file from the web. Then go to "my computer" and click the file, see if you computer has such software to open it. As I know, most computer can play midi file.

2. If you want to have a keyboard which can play midi file, you have to check at the back of the keyboard, whether there are "midi in" & "midi out" plug. But you'll need a midi-usb cable to connect the keyboard to the computer.

Can you tell me what you want to do with the midi? I'm a freelance music arranger and I know a bit about midi. Let see if I can help.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-3 16:45 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 "Midi Player"


很多謝你的快速回應。事緣,我在網上找免費樂譜,偶然找到一些喜歡的,有些要用 overture,有些用sorcsh (可能串錯)。通常都有 link download 那些 software。但一次在一大陸網站,一些很好的流行曲(簡化版,o岩我用)。試聽要用有 midi output。 未能發聲其實不太要緊 (最好有)。

但忽然發覺原來可以(仲係估緊) 用 midi player 彈奏,便可在電腦自動打譜,(對不對?)。又可重播,修改等。所以便有點興趣。兒子有時在音樂課要作曲(2,3 個 measure 姐,唔駛驚)。好似好好玩,自已都好有興趣,所以問下。

請問哪兒會有各式 player 呢?(其實有甚麼形式我都不知。)星光行?168?or TomLee? 有冇D 輊巧小小既呢?(同埋平 )


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-3 17:02 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 "Midi Player"


can you show me the web site, so that I can understand what you mean?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-3 17:15 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 "Midi Player"


I can't remember at the moment, let me search the history (in my home computer) and tell you later.

But maybe I mislead you. I can read everthing from the site. But when I want to listen to it. The software (actually I download already) required me to input the software to run it. Without any concept, I use the auto search and the computer told me I don't have any midi output device so sound could not be played.

First, I guess whether I need an output device or not, as you said, most computers can deliver midi files.  Maybe it only due to my lack of knowledge in computer's driver.

But it inspires me the funful of a mide player, so I ask for some information of it. Can you tell more?

I'm sorry I have to leave the computer now. Please forgive my late response until lately tonight.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-3 17:37 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 "Midi Player"


I think most computer can play midi files. You can download media player or real player if you din;t have.

If you buy a keyboard, you also need some software if you want to have more fun. For example, "Finale" is a popular software for typing scores. If you connect the keyboard to your computer, with relevant software as well, what you play in the keyboard will be shown in Finale as 5-staff score. That is, you can use these devices to compose. On the other hand, if you download some midi music from web, Finale will help you to change the midi file to score for you to play.

You can download Finale trial version here:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-4 11:01 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 "Midi Player"


其實是一個叫 overture 的打譜軟件,實在查不出在那個網站 download 下來。每次啟動,便說沒有 input 和 output device。這樣便聽不到自己的嘗試。

你提供的 Finale 未有時間看,看完後再請你指教。

但可否介紹下有甚麼 midi player 可做嘗試及在哪兒有得賣?我遲點再看看那部電子琴有沒有 midi in/output device 先。

無論如何,Thanks for your help!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-5 14:54 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 "Midi Player"

Overture is a notation software of Cakewalk company:


But Finale is more common and easier to use.

Usually we use the computer to "play" midi and use keyboard to "input" midi. As you say, " there's no midi device" when you open the Overture. Maybe there's something wrong with the setting. Let's trythe follow procedures:

1. Go to 控制台 and choose 聲音及音訊裝置
2. choose 音訊, then midi 音樂播放
3. choose your sound card to play midi music, in my computer, I choose "mircosoft GS wavetable..."

Then you can play your music in Overture through your computer's sound card. A keyboard isn't a must in playing the music of overture. You can also input the note by just clicking the mouse.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-6 13:16 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 "Midi Player"


I try your tips but still not work! But it doesn't matter now. Since I download the finale you provided. It seems more user friendly and can output sound!

It is good enough to me at the moment! Thank you!

Is there any midi keyboard that with a smaller size? A 56 keys casio even seems so big at home use. If so, where to buy?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-6 14:14 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 "Midi Player"


You can try 拍斯or some smaller piano shop for smaller keyboard. I saw some in Tom Lee.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-12-7 15:12 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 "Midi Player"


我看, 現在有兩個問題: 1. midi player, 2. midi controller (data input)

1. 我估計, kywong 所指的midi player 其實只是一般的midi 播放程式, 例如windows xp 本身的windows media player, 其實winamp, real player, quick time player 都可以播放midi file 的, 這些是"播放工具"。

要注意的是, midi 本身是沒有聲音的, file 本身只是一些data, 用來控制"音源" 在甚麼時候發聲, 發何種樂器的聲音等等.  所以同一個midi file, 在不同的電腦播放, 會有不同的效果.  近年的電腦都用上了onboard sound, 以軟體的形式 (電腦常駐程式) 產生"音源".

一個小結: midi data ->用midi 播放工具 ->call out 音源 ->你聽到的樂曲

如果你覺得電腦產生的"軟體音源"不好聽, 簡單又平宜的做法是買加插一塊PCI (甚至usb) 的sound card.  這時候, 音源就不再是電腦產生的"軟體音源", 而是sound card 的音源, 越貴的sound card, 聲音質素就越高, 價錢由一兩日至千幾都有.

另外一個做法是買一個音源器 (sound module), 是專業音響用的東西, 價錢貴很多, 三兩千至過萬也有.

2. midi controller (data input)

一般的電腦打/印譜都會用上midi input, 其實是電腦透過一個midi 介面 (interface), 連接一個midi controller (一般是指keyboard).  這個midi keyboard (彈琴) 的作用與電腦keyboard (打字) 相似, 用keyboard 輸入midi data, 而電腦印譜軟件 (例如finale) 就會接收, 變成音符.

Finale是一個很專業的印譜軟件, 但並不易用.  網上可download 的是Finale notepad, 但它只可用電腦keyboard 或mouse 輸入音符, 而不能用midi input. Finale 很受歡迎, 流通性很強, 學起來會好一點, 多一點人教.  可考慮購物它的入門版, 如smart music, 價錢一千左右.

sibelius 是後起之秀, 易學而專業, 但未有入門版, 而且在香港的流通性, 跟finale 還有好一段距離. 價錢大約四千.

cakewalk /sonar 這些是sequencing 軟件, 是編曲用的, 它也可以印樂譜, 不過樣醜一點吧.

說回midi keyboard, 一般來說, 有部有midi in/out port 的手提電子琴已經可以跟電腦連接, 如果是yamama, 要千多元 (幾百元那些是沒有midi port 的).  而casio, 有一款MA-150 , 很細很短的mini keyboard, 只有midi out port, 價錢不記得了, 大約五百元以下, 在柏斯有售. (見http://www.parsonsmusic.com/www/products/content.php?clientid=12&lang=ch#4)


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-8 16:50 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 "Midi Player"


Thank you for your comments. Maybe I could not express very well.

There is no problem in listening to a midi file.

Your breifly described in various sofeware enrichs my knowledge very much. But since the demo finale (free download) is good enough for me at the moment.

The one you mentioned ($500 casio), you said it only has output port only. So does it mean that the keyboard output to the computer. Then to the computer, it should be the input device. If so, that really what I want. I can try playing on the keyboard and the computer could note down into sheets. (sorry for that I don't know much in muscial terms)
So I can compose my own music, it is amazing.

Thank you for your information, please let me know more.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-9 11:13 |只看該作者

Re: 請教 "Midi Player"

MA150 看過了,$499 但要号買midi 線及 adaptor,(除非你的 soundcard 有 midi port) 要400多元。不如買部更高級的 Roland。1700 幾,USB 直入。

現有一新問題,它們全都沒軟件跟,若我買了,可否在那些免費的 download software, such as finale or overture 記綠下來,即自動打譜?

Oh, garytse already said that it couldn't be for finale demo notepad. How about overture?
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