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Should I change the piano teacher? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 04-12-2 09:24 |只看該作者

Should I change the piano teacher?

I have a headache problem and please share ideas with me!

My girl who is now 6 years old and has started to learn piano 1 year ago from a piano center with the same teacher.  The teacher is a middle-aged woman with kids and who is a very quiet type.  The teacher seldom takes initiative to tell me how bad or good of my girl’s performance unless I approach her directly and she is willing to speak more.  She commented that my girl was still small but she was clever and her overall performance was already a bit above average.  She further commented that learning piano was the long term investment and should focus on the skills rather than the exam songs.  The progress of learning would perhaps be faster later when she has grown up with better comprehension ability.

I agree with her about the above points but I am puzzled recently…….

All along, the progress of piano learning I feel is a bit slow to my impression.  I don’t know piano.  Personally, I want my girl to enroll Grade 2 exam in 2005 since she has started learning in Dec 2003 but the teacher said that she only could enroll Grade 1 subject to her performance.  Now my girl is practising the song of Quiet Wood and she seems to find it with difficulty.  2 years for one Grade?  Furthermore, my girl is currently resisting to practise piano after P.1 and she seemed got less interest to attend the class with the teacher.  Recently I talked with my girl in details and want to know what has happened.  She said that she did not understand since this February.  The teacher would practise the song in front of her once and then asked her to play for her immediately for learning a new song.  My girl said that she found the songs more difficult than the previous those.  One day, we have a substituted class with another teacher and my girl liked the new teacher very much as the new one would teach her every note.  After the substituted class, the teacher commented that my girl should have a bit faster progress and she still was not too familiar with and confident in reading notes.  The new teacher suggested that I should talk to the piano center about her progress.

What should I do?  Should I discuss with the old teacher about her method of teaching?  Or change to the new teacher immediately?  Actually, I like the background of the old teacher as she is experienced and with kids whilst the new teacher is the University student this year but I have had a very bad experience with a young tutor before!  

Later on, I discussed with the piano center and the staff there replied me that it was quite normal and common of changing teacher to find the suitable one for our children.  But the staff expressed her views that the old teacher was experienced more than the new teacher.  Finally, we made a deal to have 2 more lessons with the old teacher to see how it would be after expressing our comments about the teaching method.

Should I change the old teacher?

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發表於 04-12-2 10:47 |只看該作者

Re: Should I change the piano teacher?

道不同,不相為謀。理念不同。應轉 !

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發表於 04-12-2 13:16 |只看該作者

Re: Should I change the piano teacher?

My personal opinions,

For a 5 years girl, not too slow in progress, especially to those without talent.

Young tutors always please the kids. My recent experience in learning violin (2 young student tutors and one middle age tutor). Progress was very fast but after changing the new tutor. I found the basic posture is totally wrong. But the new one is more boring.

So, you have to decide, whether make her learning happily or keeping good foundation. Different approaches and choices. Or find a tutor good in both.
I believe it must have, but usually not in music centre.

But if you concern the progress mainly, (learning music as an value added for competition in future). Then you should change another tutor. But they will only train the kids in exam pieces.

My personal view is that learning music is for fun and self-enjoyment, appreciation and knowing more. The most important is to keep the interest. A good but boring teacher will finally make her not interest anymore. Playing badly in grade 5 is better than that playing good in grade 2 but quit at 3.

But you must note that most of the experience teachers will say: you could not achieve high standard if your foundation is too bad. then it goes back to: what actually you want for letting her learning piano or any other musical instrument.

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發表於 04-12-2 13:32 |只看該作者

Re: Should I change the piano teacher?


Thank you for telling me it is not too slow of progress for a 6 years old child.

My principle of learning music is to explore her interests, enhance her perservance and persistence and strengthen her using 2 sides of brain.  

I think I will observe 2 more lessons after changing of teaching method from this old piano teacher as it is also the major problem for my consideration that my girl seems not benefited much from her way of teaching in the recent months.

By the way, also thank you for a response from 4 kids' mom Msma.

Rank: 1

發表於 04-12-2 17:59 |只看該作者

Re: Should I change the piano teacher?


let me give you some advice, (i hope i can help you a bit)  

1     can the current teacher raise up her interest in music?
2    have you discuss with the current teacher in detail?  (i mean what you want your girl to archieve)
3    do you know the teacher's approach?  (esp about the piano exam)

some teachers like to take Grade 1, 3, 5, 6, 8
and some teachers like to take Grade 2, 5, 7, 8...etc
there are many combination.... due to the ability of the students... i think you better ask more about...  

發表於 04-12-3 14:11 |只看該作者

Re: Should I change the piano teacher?

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Rank: 2

發表於 04-12-3 22:49 |只看該作者

Re: Should I change the piano teacher?

If your child finds it hard to follow the music, she is having trouble with reading notes and rhythm.  Maybe you should check her note-reading skill first.  Can she answer you back all the notes, or she has to wait for you to tell her the answer.  Does she write all the letter names above the notes?

If so, she definitely is having trouble.  Sooner or later, she will want to quit.   A student should not rely on the teacher to teach her every note in the piece.  If the substitute teacher is doing that, she is not teaching her how to play piano.  She is only teaching her how to play that particular piece.

My child was having this problem before.  So I know how frustrated you are.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-4 09:40 |只看該作者

Re: Should I change the piano teacher?

Thank you for so many responses from all of you by open discussion or via PM to me.

I really feel headache about this issue!

a)        I would like my girl to pick up her interests in piano since she urged me when she reached 2 years old and until age 4, I got her start to learn.

b)        I am not so eager to want her achieve grade 3 or 5 in P.1 as per one mommy said to me but I would have my own expectation to her that she could reach Grade 2 level at P.1 since she has been learning piano for 2.5 years in 2005.

c)        Both old and new teacher will write the notes i.e. d, e, f, g on her piano book but I cannot cross check with ability as I only like singing but hate to read notes.  I am handicapped in note reading!  This is the problem to support her practising piano at home.

d)        At the beginning, I have employed a young tutor at home to teach my girl.  So far so good until she entered into the University because all of her time schedules was totally in mess.  In addition, sometimes she has difficulty in expressing with a good & easy way about note definition to my small girl of age 4.

e)        Today my girl will attend class with old teacher again and I will try to approach the teacher after the lesson for detailed discussion.  I want to observe 2 more lessons and get the feedback from my girl in order to decide the final solution.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-4 10:13 |只看該作者

Re: Should I change the piano teacher?

I just read yr message in this topic.
I agree w ming2, yr girl didn't understand since this Feb, that means total 10 mths, she didn't know what to learn & how to play. The old teacher really had problems. Changing piano teacher is quite normal, choose a best and suitable one for yr girl.  May not be this old and new old, or the 3rd, 4th one, u can choose a suitable one until u find the best.
My girl's piano teacher is quite young but have much tolerance.  So I agree that their age not so important, their tune, communication and attitude are all my concern point.  I have met some old and experienced piano teacher 'home-teach', I feel their attitude was bad and 要你就晒佢,認為自己多學生,反而唔係咁care一個兩個跟唔上既. changing time又唔想,要你就佢時間.
Nevertheless, hope u can make a proper decision asap.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-12-4 10:52 |只看該作者

Re: Should I change the piano teacher?

Note reading is very very important.  My child was having trouble reading until I bring him to this teacher of mine.  She firsted check my child's reading capability and sight-reading.  Then she spent time chatting with me stating out the problems.  She explained to me that note reading is the basic and the most important element in any music lesson.  Without it is just like picking up a Japanese book and not knowing how to read it.

She has a way to make sure that my child knows the music.  Now he can pick up any music at his level and play it on his own.  My son kept telling me that piano playing is easy.  

If you like you can first go to her for a proficiency test, and try to understand how she teaches before you enroll.  I can ask her if I can leave her number on this discussion board.  I will know by tonight since I am seeing her this afternoon
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