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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 St. Cat, 簡直不知所謂!
樓主: BJ媽

St. Cat, 簡直不知所謂! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-18 17:11 |只看該作者

Re: St. Cat, 簡直不知所謂!

學費貴唔貴, 見仁見智. 你又唔同耀中呀, "Kingston"果d compare.  

有d local school 表面收費好似好平, 但佢地收12 個月+ 茶點 + 生日會...etc +起來都差不多.

你 buy 佢地, o米 覺得值law.
:-? ;-) 8-) :-P :-? ;-) 8-) :-P :-? :-P

Rank: 2

發表於 04-11-18 17:18 |只看該作者

Re: St. Cat, 簡直不知所謂!


I wonder why primary school like La Salle can be entered by selecting the kinder. but not thro' the "lucky draw".

Your child can enter La Salle is only because of "luck" or may be of "god" but not the matter of "kinder", am I right????

I also want to know how many  Kentville / SC student (over thousand students) in % (not total number) can enter La Salle or other so call "famous school" per year.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-18 17:22 |只看該作者

Re: St. Cat, 簡直不知所謂!

學費貴唔貴, 見仁見智. 你又唔同耀中呀, "Kingston"果d compare.

有d local school 表面收費好似好平, 但佢地收12 個月+ 茶點 + 生日會...etc +起來都差不多.

你 buy 佢地, o米 覺得值law.


Rank: 2

發表於 04-11-18 17:30 |只看該作者

Re: St. Cat, 簡直不知所謂!

我同其他就讀SC's媽咪有同感, 我囡囡係SC讀緊K2, 佢好開心,老師對小朋友很好及有禮貌,無論辦學經驗,課外活動,學校透明度及教學方法,我亦十分滿意。  我亦相信父母對子女培養及教導,是很重要的。 我囡囡K1時由另一間學校轉讀到SC,相對地我可以比較,SC教學形式會令小朋友在開心環境下學習,這點是非常重要。現在囡囡對學習亦當是一種遊戲,唔覺得有壓力,多數壓力來自父母對小朋友過度要求,本人亦唔例外,小朋友本身能否識應校園生活怎為重要。
Hi, 你們好!我囡囡叫 Peony,今年4歲呢,請多多指教。 :wave:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-18 18:15 |只看該作者

Re: St. Cat, 簡直不知所謂!

I didn't say that my son can be accepted by LS because they know which kinder he's studying. I just hear someone working in the school has a common acknowledgment about the 2 kinder we've just mentioned.
Of course he has accepted because of luck and as a parent would be much concern on if he has enough paparation for the coming academic year. Somehow we will know that kids coming from those kinder can be more easy going and of course they have to keep up themselves for the coming future.
If you want to choose a Goverment school from the lottery, there is no different which kinder you choose but in my experience, if you want to get a seat in a private school or DSS, the school itself will choose.
And don't forget there is 3rd round for goverment school.
I don't mean that only those 2 kinder we've mention before were the only 'good' kinder, maybe you can tell me which kinder has a good academic level.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-11-18 18:31 |只看該作者

Re: St. Cat, 簡直不知所謂!

HA! HA! Government School = poor, Private School = best

HA! HA! HA! Kent is the BEST OK!!!!!

HA! HA! HA! HA! You are the BEST OK!!!!!!!!

I understand why and how "famous" is important now!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-18 20:06 |只看該作者

Re: St. Cat, 簡直不知所謂!

My daughter is also studying in St Catherine K.3. I think all kindergartens have its good points & bad points, it is no point arguing which school is better.

In my opinion, I think the most important point is that the children enjoy their school life, and their academic standard should match the basic standard so that they will not have too much difficulties when they study primary.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-18 20:51 |只看該作者

Re: St. Cat, 簡直不知所謂!

上左BK都有3年, I don't know why 每年o尼段時間特別鍾意批評Kenville and St.Cat           

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-18 23:11 |只看該作者

Re: St. Cat, 簡直不知所謂!

講句公道說話,Kenville and St.Cat兩間都係好多人報考,老師們要in.咁多小朋友,仲要係in.兩日,可能已經疲倦到無晒表情,咁就比人一個口黑面黑的感覺,平時應該唔係咁o既.

發表於 04-11-18 23:20 |只看該作者

Re: St. Cat, 簡直不知所謂!

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-19 13:31 |只看該作者

Re: St. Cat, 簡直不知所謂!

message copy from 小學雜談 :-

To all parents:

I received an email from Insider, hope share with you all.

各 位 家 長 :

近 日 , 在 互 聯 網 上 又 出 現 什 麼 ; 這 間 [ 名 校 ] 名 不 副 實 , 那 間 [ 名 校 ] 的 老 師 學 歷 偏 低 ; 這 間 [ 名 校 ] 的 學 生 害 怕 老 師 , 那 間 [ 名 校 ] 的 功 課 繁 重 , 壓 力 超 出 想 像 般 大 。

試 想 想 , 現 在 是 什 麼 時 侯 , 正 值 大 家 在 為 自 己 的 兒 女 找 好 學 校 , 而 所 為 好 學 校 , 正 是 那 些 [ 名 校 ] 。 而 那 些 [ 名 校 ] 的 學 位 又 不 能 滿 足 全 部 家 長 , 有 些 人 士 便 使 出 渾 身 解 數 , 希 望 值 互 聯 網 的 力 量 , 減 小 人 數 報 名 那 些 [ 名 校 ] 。

故 此 只 要 你 認 為 是 適 合 你 兒 女 的 , 請 不 要 道 聽 塗 說 。 Insider 提 醒 各 位 家 長 , 請 小 心 其 他 競 爭 者 的 心 理 戰 , 不 論 認 識 或 不 認 識 的 , 都 要 加 倍 小 心 。


Rank: 2

發表於 04-11-19 15:44 |只看該作者

Re: St. Cat, 簡直不知所謂!


Rank: 2

發表於 04-11-20 04:05 |只看該作者

Re: St. Cat, 簡直不知所謂!

The following were what we experienced during the interview at SC.

There are 2 merits; 1) The interview arrangement is very good, our kid waited only about 10 minutes before the interview.  It means their system or top management is very good at big project.  2) The assistants are, in general, very nice to the kids and parents. Eg: Open to questions, Willing to show us around, helping kids go up and down.

Ok, now are the 8 SINS; 1) Staff are rude at the gate; shouting impolitely for the entrance reason on me(will they be polite to kids when they are not with parents? ), 2) Teacher requested our kid to stay in line for the interview without questioning why the kid wants to wandering around. (My kid was checking why another baby was crying and wanted to comfort him), 3) Teacher showed no interests/patients to answer my kid's questions (Noise in next room, and my kid asked her what was happening.  The teacher didn't answer my kid's question even my kid keeps on asking for 2-3 times, 4) 2 out of 3 teachers were BLACK-FACE in the interview room all the time, 5) Not interested in listening to my answer to her questions on how to teach my kid, 6) Teacher didn't tell me (understand?) SC's teaching policy and methodology when I questioned, 7) When I walk around, I noticed kids cannot flush the toilet (old design with the long string).  When I ask the assistant, she told me they will do the flushing for the kids - what a kind consideration to avoid kids from playing with the string! (Do you want your kid to pee without flushing by himself? Just like a lot of maids like to feed the kid instead of letting the kid to learn because they don't want to clean up the mess afterwards), 8) When my kid played with their toys in the playground, he was stopped by the teacher because of the reason that they were not responsible for any liability (I thought the safety not the liability is the top priority???)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-20 09:18 |只看該作者

Re: St. Cat, 簡直不知所謂!

I have the same feeling with you when I took my child to had a interview there last year. The bad feeling is really staff are very very rude and black face.

StellaBB 寫道:
The following were what we experienced during the interview at SC.

There are 2 merits; 1) The interview arrangement is very good, our kid waited only about 10 minutes before the interview.  It means their system or top management is very good at big project.  2) The assistants are, in general, very nice to the kids and parents. Eg: Open to questions, Willing to show us around, helping kids go up and down.

Ok, now are the 8 SINS; 1) Staff are rude at the gate; shouting impolitely for the entrance reason on me(will they be polite to kids when they are not with parents? ), 2) Teacher requested our kid to stay in line for the interview without questioning why the kid wants to wandering around. (My kid was checking why another baby was crying and wanted to comfort him), 3) Teacher showed no interests/patients to answer my kid's questions (Noise in next room, and my kid asked her what was happening.  The teacher didn't answer my kid's question even my kid keeps on asking for 2-3 times, 4) 2 out of 3 teachers were BLACK-FACE in the interview room all the time, 5) Not interested in listening to my answer to her questions on how to teach my kid, 6) Teacher didn't tell me (understand?) SC's teaching policy and methodology when I questioned, 7) When I walk around, I noticed kids cannot flush the toilet (old design with the long string).  When I ask the assistant, she told me they will do the flushing for the kids - what a kind consideration to avoid kids from playing with the string! (Do you want your kid to pee without flushing by himself? Just like a lot of maids like to feed the kid instead of letting the kid to learn because they don't want to clean up the mess afterwards), 8) When my kid played with their toys in the playground, he was stopped by the teacher because of the reason that they were not responsible for any liability (I thought the safety not the liability is the top priority???)

Rank: 1

發表於 04-11-20 16:47 |只看該作者

Re: St. Cat, 簡直不知所謂!

我絕對明白間學校好唔好真是見仁見智, 我只不過是講講自己的經歷.

"講句公道說話,Kenville and St.Cat兩間都係好多人報考,老師們要in.咁多小朋友,仲要係in.兩日,可能已經疲倦到無晒表情,咁就比人一個口黑面黑的感覺,平時應該唔係咁o既.

如果因為疲倦就無晒表情,咁呢啲工作態度佢真係要檢討, EQ超低.    換轉係我,就算長時間工作之後, 總之係工作時間,我絕對會保持專業工作態度, 放工後點黑面都無人理你.

:evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-20 23:54 |只看該作者

Re: St. Cat, 簡直不知所謂!


就你三位小朋友的經驗,如想子女能入讀名校,如DBS, Maryknoll,是否還需要自己多參加課外活動,不能單單靠Kindergarten?  那麼,如就讀St. Catherine's,有那方面需要課外活動以補不足?

發表於 04-11-21 01:56 |只看該作者

Re: St. Cat, 簡直不知所謂!

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-21 11:54 |只看該作者

Re: St. Cat, 簡直不知所謂!

Interview當日呀仔喊到豬頭咁; 因他要找daddy (daddy在門口等).
當入到waiting room, 有工作人員叫我們在門口等, 其實可以理解; 因不想影响其他小朋友. 之後我好似儍婆咁安慰住呀仔;一邊排隊去interview. 因其間呀仔無停過喊; 唔知有心定無意; 我被工作人員點返去出口. 我跟住問他們在門口的老師是否因我仔喊所以不獲接見, 而他們表示只是誤會而且有查問阿仔點解喊, 當他們知道因阿仔要找daddy; 都批準比daddy一起入去interview.
因阿仔心情巳變差; 所以十問九唔應; 而老師都叫我們再座响一邊比阿仔平覆下; 如是者3次呀.最後都係我哋唔好意思叫老師由他吧!!
而2位interview過他的老師都沒有黑面而且比足機會..... 學校唔收阿仔都無怨了  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-21 12:24 |只看該作者

Re: St. Cat, 簡直不知所謂!

My son went for interview on Nov 13 too. He is a Dec child so he couldn't answer most of the questions, he could only answered his name, touched his nose and named 2 of the pictures. any chance of getting in? I just wonder if St. Cat's interview is particularly difficult or all other kinder are the same? I have only been to 2 interviews so far.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-24 22:01 |只看該作者

Re: St. Cat, 簡直不知所謂!

Not only St. Cat., I found that Kent's interviewer were also black face on 14/11.
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