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教育王國 討論區 香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學 浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學 1C 班家長報到!!!! ...
樓主: Esther-Hailey-J

浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學 1C 班家長報到!!!! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-3 18:19 |只看該作者

Billy 今日話 "好好食 !"

其實我都係十吓十吓, 係另外個媽咪話比我知, 訂飯紙上寫住 "飯盒供應商 : 美心"

總之有改善就最好啦 !


原帖由 makfr 於 09-3-3 16:29 發表

Yes, 係個"好"字,所以好開心gar!

By the way, 我個仔之前都話d lunch 5 好食,d 反好乾&硬,成日話要帶反 (但我冇比ar).....昨天問過佢,佢話d反好食咗d wor....原來轉咗supplier......我都5知tim.....張cheque的 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-3 19:17 |只看該作者

Billy 今日話 "好好食 !"

其實我都係十吓十吓, 係另外個媽咪話比我知, 訂飯紙上寫住 "飯盒供應商 : 美心"

總之有改善就最好啦 !


原帖由 makfr 於 09-3-3 16:29 發表

Yes, 係個"好"字,所以好開心gar!

By the way, 我個仔之前都話d lunch 5 好食,d 反好乾&硬,成日話要帶反 (但我冇比ar).....昨天問過佢,佢話d反好食咗d wor....原來轉咗supplier......我都5知tim.....張cheque的 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-3 20:48 |只看該作者
Emerson 今日都話 "好好食 !" , 佢食波蘿肉片但佢話唔見有波蘿wor, 但d汁好好味!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-5 09:42 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-6 16:50 |只看該作者
今日比ar 仔激C, 比佢帶反學校嗰$100買圖書錢5見咗,佢話一早放在drawer內,去完reccess反黎就5見咗la!

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-6 22:43 |只看該作者
Dear Billy Mum and Emerson Mum,

多謝你們的安慰,上星期六已見了班主任,大概已知兒子的問題,我會再慢慢教導他,今天特意去接他放學,Ms Lin已說他有進步了

Thomas Mum

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-6 22:48 |只看該作者
你比$100 咁多錢佢....


你有無打電話返學校問吓老師有無見過, 可能揾得返呢 !

原帖由 makfr 於 09-3-6 16:50 發表
今日比ar 仔激C, 比佢帶反學校嗰$100買圖書錢5見咗,佢話一早放在drawer內,去完reccess反黎就5見咗la!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-6 23:00 |只看該作者
Thomas mum,

我地大家都係朋友, 有共同目標呢 !

咁快有進步, Thomas 都 ok 呀 !

billy mum.

原帖由 GoodOldMum 於 09-3-6 22:43 發表
Dear Billy Mum and Emerson Mum,

多謝你們的安慰,上星期六已見了班主任,大概已知兒子的問題,我會再慢慢教導他,今天特意去接他放學,Ms Lin已說他有進步了

Thomas Mum ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-7 23:11 |只看該作者
Hi, makfr,

Nestor 尋日已經同我講話 Emerson 同老師講唔見咗d買書錢,我仲唔知佢講真定假?咁你同連老師講聲好d喎,睇吓會唔會有人執到?

原帖由 makfr 於 09-3-6 16:50 發表
今日比ar 仔激C, 比佢帶反學校嗰$100買圖書錢5見咗,佢話一早放在drawer內,去完reccess反黎就5見咗la!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-8 21:26 |只看該作者
Thomas Mum,

I am glad to hear that Thomas is improving, keep it up!  
原帖由 GoodOldMum 於 09-3-6 22:43 發表
Dear Billy Mum and Emerson Mum,

多謝你們的安慰,上星期六已見了班主任,大概已知兒子的問題,我會再慢慢教導他,今天特意去接他放學,Ms Lin已說他有進步了

Thomas Mum ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-8 21:35 |只看該作者
Billy mom & Nestor mom,

In fact that Ms. Lin called me on Friday telling me about the lost of money.  Emerson told me that he put the envelope (sealed and with name & amount on it) in his drawer, after recess, he discovered that the envelope was missing, then he told Mr. Wu (VA teacher) as they had VA lesson right after recess.

Emerson also claimed that he didn't take the envelope out and play with it, maybe he dropped it when he took out other books in his drawer.  

Ms. Lin said that she will try to check again in the classroom.

Anyway, this is a lesson for Emerson, I told him that this is his responsiblity to take a good care of his money.  If Ms. Lin cannot find the money, I told Emerson that I will deduct from his red pocket money since he needs to bear his own fault.

原帖由 ts07an 於 09-3-6 22:48 發表
你比$100 咁多錢佢....


你有無打電話返學校問吓老師有無見過, 可能揾得返呢 !

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-9 22:36 |只看該作者
Hi makfr, I have similar case as you, I gave $100 to my son on last Fri, he bought 2 story books back,  the change has less $24 as he said his classmate borrowed the money to buy stationary.
But today, he forgot to ask the boy. I told him to do it tomorrow, otherwise, I wl deduct from his pocket money also and let him know how to manage the money.
Do you think I should call the teacher to follow this issue if nothing back?
Marcus mom

原帖由 makfr 於 09-3-8 21:35 發表
Billy mom & Nestor mom,

In fact that Ms. Lin called me on Friday telling me about the lost of money.  Emerson told me that he put the envelope (sealed and with name & amount on it) in his drawer, aft ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-10 09:53 |只看該作者
Hi, Macrus mom,

Do you know who borrow the money from Macrus?  I would suggest that maybe you can just give a call to the kid's parents to solve it as it is easier for us to solve it by ourselves.

Edward's mom had helped my son to buy story book on last Friday and I have called her to solve that issue.

By the way, Ms. Lin didn't call me yesterday and I think that HK$100 凍過水la.  However, I think it is very strange that my son discovered that he lost the money after recess, I am wondering if there's any higher form student can get into their classroom freely ????

原帖由 lily0720 於 09-3-9 22:36 發表
Hi makfr, I have similar case as you, I gave $100 to my son on last Fri, he bought 2 story books back,  the change has less $24 as he said his classmate borrowed the money to buy stationary.
But toda ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-10 13:43 |只看該作者
Hi makfr, yes agree, I may call his parent tonight if the kids cannot solve by themselves. (not sure if I can find the tel. on the emergency list). Anyway, thanks again.

For your case, I think it's hard to find out as there is no distinguish on the money.
Let's think a better way to have our children keep the money more safe if any similar activities on next time.

原帖由 makfr 於 09-3-10 09:53 發表
Hi, Macrus mom,

Do you know who borrow the money from Macrus?  I would suggest that maybe you can just give a call to the kid's parents to solve it as it is easier for us to solve it by ourselves.

E ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-10 16:21 |只看該作者
Hi, Marcus mom,

I'm sure that you can find the contact no. in the emergency list (I did the same aldy).

I agree that we must find a better way for our kids to keep the money........also, I hope the school can assist the kids if there's similar case in the future, i.e. collect all the envelopes and distribute them back to the kids just before the function - it will minimise the risk of losing money.  Since the school requested us to put the money in the envelope this time, I therefore didn't ask my son to keep the money in his wallet.

原帖由 lily0720 於 09-3-10 13:43 發表
Hi makfr, yes agree, I may call his parent tonight if the kids cannot solve by themselves. (not sure if I can find the tel. on the emergency list). Anyway, thanks again.

For your case, I think it's h ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-10 22:40 |只看該作者
Hi! all!

I just want to share what I saw in the bookfair on that day as I was there, I saw most of grade 1 students don't know how to buy the books and just checking around and play, it seems no one specially take care of them to buy books even there have teachers at the hall, some of students bring along their wallet but not all of them, when the bells was ring, 1C students thought they need to go back to classroom and line up at the door, but actually they still have time to shop around and no one notified them about this after 10 mins!!

That's what I saw on that day, luckily I was quite free at the office that day, so I could went to the school! otherwise, Hailey also don't know how to buy the books as well!! haha!!!!


原帖由 makfr 於 09-3-10 16:21 發表
Hi, Marcus mom,

I'm sure that you can find the contact no. in the emergency list (I did the same aldy).

I agree that we must find a better way for our kids to keep the money........also, I hope the  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-10 23:08 |只看該作者
Hi, Esther,

Thank you for your sharing.  I think that A-school need to improve when organising this kind of activities in the future.
原帖由 Esther-Hailey-J 於 09-3-10 22:40 發表
Hi! all!

I just want to share what I saw in the bookfair on that day as I was there, I saw most of grade 1 students don't know how to buy the books and just checking around and play, it seems no one  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-11 22:36 |只看該作者
I also been there.  I didn't think the G1 students could manage to buy the books themselves.  They just give the money to the cashier and don't know how much will be the change.  Moreover, I don't even think that it is something worth for them to do during lesson.   They are just playing in the hall.  

Some schools arrange the bookfair during parents day, so that the parents could accompany child to choose the book.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-12 17:10 |只看該作者





Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-12 20:19 |只看該作者
Math - Supp. Ex. Ch. 5 & 6
Chin - 詞語: 白雲、玩耍、演出、模仿、繞着、山腰、追逐、天空
Eng - my group (Purple) - Journal
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