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SKH (Central) vs St Paul Church [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-1 22:23 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
My boy was lucky enough to be accepted by both SKH (Central) & SPC, he is a January boy, and most likely we are going to let him study in a private or a DSS primary school.  Which kindergarten do you think is better?  

How do you compare the two kindergartens in terms of:

1) Teachers' quality/passion & attention to the kids;
2) Academic level & amount of homework;
3) All-rounded development to the kids?
   2    0    0    0

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-2 09:51 |只看該作者
原帖由 Rary 於 09-3-1 22:23 發表
My boy was lucky enough to be accepted by both SKH (Central) & SPC, he is a January boy, and most likely we are going to let him study in a private or a DSS primary school.  Which kindergarten do you  ...



[ 本帖最後由 spmok1999 於 09-3-2 09:52 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-3 00:14 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

spmok 1999,

Thanks for the reference.  In fact, in addition to the primary school results, I'm also interested in the way they "educate" my boy.  Are they very traditional?   Do both kindergartens have a lot of homework?

For St Paul Church, the teachers were very nice during the interview, and seemed to be very caring.  

For Sheung Kung Hui, I remembered that when I was waiting for interview, I saw that K3 pupils already have 毛筆字貼堂, isn't this a bit tough?  Also the questions the teacher asked during interview also seemed to be considerably harder than other kindergartens that we've interviewed.  Does this mean that SKH has a higher academic level?  

Anyone has any comment on my observations?

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-3 00:45 |只看該作者
原帖由 Rary 於 09-3-3 00:14 發表
spmok 1999,

Thanks for the reference.  In fact, in addition to the primary school results, I'm also interested in the way they "educate" my boy.  Are they very traditional?   Do both kindergartens ha ...

According to my understanding from the parents of St Paul's Church, their home work is more than SKH.  Also, their English lesson is more "difficult" than SKH as SKH only teachs phonics.

As for the 毛筆字貼堂 you saw during interview, they were only part of the class activities as the topics for that month was 認識中國.  The teachers taught the children that 毛筆字is the traditional Chinese writing.  It is not homework but rather a piece of artwork.

發表於 09-3-3 09:36 |只看該作者
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-3 10:04 |只看該作者
如 Rary 一開始就講想小朋友將來想入私立或直資小一的話, 唔洗諗聖公會一定係首選, 根本唔需要考慮咁多, 但並不代表聖保羅堂唔係好得, 只可話兩間幼稚園走o既路係有分別, 依數字顯示聖公會升私立或直資小一的比重係比聖保羅堂大, 而聖保羅堂在派位方面亦唔差, 從過往經驗收生難度來講聖公會係比聖保羅堂難很多~
在另一方面睇若果在沒有任何特殊關係的情況下聖公會係收o左你小朋友的話又可講話他們賞識你的小朋友係有很好的潛質, 至於聖保羅堂很多時只係家長們的次選, 其實最緊要就係小朋友開心, 總括來講我覺兩間都係好好o既幼稚園o黎, 重點係你想小朋友將來條路點行 ....

發表於 09-3-3 11:04 |只看該作者
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-3 13:24 |只看該作者

回覆 #7 的文章

兩間唔同的, 網頁上有寫兩間創校分別在 1945 及 1950 年, 可能只係你睇漏o左o者~

難唔難入係要視乎可提供學位同有幾多人o黎 interview, 我覺得基本上幼稚園收生都有一定的準則, 或多或少某些幼稚園可能會涉及一些額外的因素, e.g. 宗教, 關係, 家庭背景等等 ....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-3 23:23 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章


Thanks for the clarification.  Sounds like that you have kid(s) studying in SKH.  If that's true, do you mind sharing how you feel about the school?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-3 23:56 |只看該作者

Thanks for the analysis.  I too heard that SKH has a good reputation, yet from the websites, I see that SPC has a 師生比例:1:12, while SKH is 1:15.  Would this mean that the teachers in SPC can take care of the children better, or in fact there is not much difference?

I also heard that students from SKH have greater chance to get into St Paul Co-ed while those in SPC have greater chance to get into St Paul College Primary Section.   How true are these statements?  

原帖由 spmok1999 於 09-3-3 10:04 發表
如 Rary 一開始就講想小朋友將來想入私立或直資小一的話, 唔洗諗聖公會一定係首選, 根本唔需要考慮咁多, 但並不代表聖保羅堂唔係好得, 只可話兩間幼稚園走o既路係有分別, 依數字顯示聖公會升私立或直資小一的比重係 ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-4 01:17 |只看該作者
小朋友 interview 時咁多人之中已經揀剩的好o既, 麻煩不受控的應該都唔會入圍, 入圍的大多數都係醒目聽教聽話的, 就算係師生比例去到上限 1:15, 但都係佢地o既掌握之中, 一間名幼稚園辦學多年依然咁出名梗係會有佢o既獨特之處的 ...
入 St Paul Co-ed 係比入St Paul boy's 難好多, 相對入 St Paul Co-ed 難度還要比男拔高呢! 若果聖公會有小朋友入到 St Paul Co-ed 的話, 咁入 St Paul boy's 當然都唔係問題啦~
我 friend 個仔今年都有 in. 呢三間小一, 只得
St Paul Co-ed 唔收, 我諗如果佢o係聖公會出o黎應該三間都收晒呢~

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-4 23:10 |只看該作者
Wow, sounds like studying in SKH gives you a ticket to good primary schools!  

Talking about the interview, in fact I was quite surprised that SKH took my son.  I remembered on that Saturday 3 interviews clashed - Kentville in the morning, SPC in early afternoon, and SKH in late afternoon.  The first two went quite well, so I wasn't surprised that the first 2 kinders took my son.  When interviewing SKH, my son has already lost his concentration (probably too tired, well at least I and my wife were), and the fact that the questions were also considerably harder made him unable to answer correctly quite a few questions.  After the SKH interview, both my wife and I had little expectations......so we were really surprised to receive SKH's acceptance letter.  Wonder how they assess the kids!?

原帖由 spmok1999 於 09-3-4 01:17 發表
小朋友 interview 時咁多人之中已經揀剩的好o既, 麻煩不受控的應該都唔會入圍, 入圍的大多數都係醒目聽教聽話的, 就算係師生比例去到上限 1:15, 但都係佢地o既掌握之中, 一間名幼稚園辦學多年依然咁出名梗係會有佢o ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-5 01:18 |只看該作者
一間幼稚園收一個學生係有佢地o既準則, 普遍都唔係能夠咁容易理解的, 因為他們辦學多年對於每小朋友o既能力都應該大致可以分辨得出, 好多時就算答o岩晒o的問題都未必會收, 好似你咁o既 case 我諗亦唔多, 其實問題難可能都預o左小朋友係唔識答的, 但係如果敢嘗去答或者有創意o既答案反而可能令他們另眼相看?
e.g. 宗教, 關係, 家庭背景, (年齡)出生月份, 住o係邊, 父母職業...等等...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-5 22:40 |只看該作者
Thanks for the sharing.

BTW, as SKH seems to be quite popular amongst parents, how come there doesn't seem to have a topic on SKH (Central) in 幼稚園一覽?

原帖由 spmok1999 於 09-3-5 01:18 發表
一間幼稚園收一個學生係有佢地o既準則, 普遍都唔係能夠咁容易理解的, 因為他們辦學多年對於每小朋友o既能力都應該大致可以分辨得出, 好多時就算答o岩晒o的問題都未必會收, 好似你咁o既 case 我諗亦唔多, 其實問題難 ...

[ 本帖最後由 Rary 於 09-3-5 23:23 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-5 23:49 |只看該作者
點解唔見出現o係幼稚園一覽? 可能因為唔係太多 bk 會員的小朋友入到呢? 我都想更深入了解聖公會的實際情況, 咁遲o的等你要求開個版啦! (當你囝囝開學以後)

*可否 pm 我 interview 聖公會時的問題呀?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-6 01:09 |只看該作者
Hi Rary,
Do u mind sharing with us on the interview questions of these 2 kindergartens?  Thanks!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-6 23:57 |只看該作者
It has been a while since the interviews, let me try to recall:

In general, for the child:

- What is your name?  How old are you?  Where do you live? Who brings you here?  Where is your (parts of the body)?  Can you put the blue triangle into the triangular hole?  Can you use the toy knife to cut the toy sausage?  Who is in your family?  How many are there?  Can you put the <animal/small red ball> into the <green> basket?  Which gift would you like?

- There is a big paper with 9 pictures on it.  Teacher shows a card with a picture and asks the child to match it with the picture on the big paper

- Teacher shows a toy fruit.  What is this?

In general, for parents:
- Why did you choose this kindergarten?
- Where do you bring your kids during weekends?
- If your child couldn't get in am, do you mind go to pm class?

Kindergarten specific:

Kentville: Please sing me a song

SPC: (when leaving) please push your chair back to the desk

SKH:- What do you like to do at home?  Son:read books.  What kind of books? (this caught my son)

Teacher: Now I put the bricks on top of each other, please imitate me (built up a pyramid shape); good, now try this (built a pyramid but this time with holes between the bricks).  My son only did half of it and then lost interest.

Hope the above helps.

原帖由 spmok1999 於 09-3-5 23:49 發表
點解唔見出現o係幼稚園一覽? 可能因為唔係太多 bk 會員的小朋友入到呢? 我都想更深入了解聖公會的實際情況, 咁遲o的等你要求開個版啦! (當你囝囝開學以後)

*可否 pm 我 interview 聖公會時的問題呀?
(最 ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-7 02:04 |只看該作者

回覆 #17 的文章

都唔簡單喎! 我阿女07年9月出世的, 我諗到時都係唔係咁容易應付得來 ...

但如果係問身體部份位置的話咁我阿女依家大部份都可以指出, 但係仲未識講!

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-8 01:37 |只看該作者
原帖由 Rary 於 09-3-3 23:23 發表

Thanks for the clarification.  Sounds like that you have kid(s) studying in SKH.  If that's true, do you mind sharing how you feel about the school?

聖公會上下所有人都好有愛心,無論係主任或者係校工都可以係開學無耐就叫得出小朋友個名,老師好細心,我小朋友係細仔,k1開學成日喊,老師叫我唔好送佢上班房,但就差不多隔日就同我通電話講番小朋友係學校的情況等我安心,又唔會"嚴" 我煩.k2時我家中有點問題,老師同主任又主動關絡我看看有什麼可以幫忙,又特別輔導我個小朋友情緒,幫助他過渡這艱難時刻,又為我們一家祈禱,真的很感動!

至於課程方面,k1&k2比較淺,k3就相對深同多功課,不過都係講緊每日二樣,通常係寫字同做工作紙,一星期要睇一本圖書,英文堂雖然一星期有4日每次約30分鐘,不過主力教phonics同reading story book,落後過好多九龍塘幼稚園.普通話就由k1下學期開始每星期一日,另外一星期有二日落操場玩.作為家長,我覺得課程編排唔錯,雖然唔會谷小朋友,但小朋友係學到野同埋鍾意番學,k1&k2的老師會番學同放學時hug下的小朋友,k3老師就會似小學老師,無咁多"親密"舉動但都好關心小朋友,總括而言,佢地唔係只係打份工而係出心對小朋友,我覺得呢點係幼稚園來說很重要.另外我選呢間幼稚園係鍾意佢地德育做得好好,個人覺得叻但無品係好唔要得.

如果你追求好勁的成績,如一個學期識70個生字,會睇高過佢地年級的書,咁聖公會未必會係你杯茶,反之根德園會啱d (根德園係一間辦得好好的學校,我識人係 到讀,教得好深但朋友個女又catch up到(不過係一月大女), 只不過唔係我杯茶),如果你重視德育又想小朋友有個愉快的童年,我會推薦聖公會.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-8 01:40 |只看該作者
原帖由 Rary 於 09-3-5 22:40 發表
Thanks for the sharing.

BTW, as SKH seems to be quite popular amongst parents, how come there doesn't seem to have a topic on SKH (Central) in 幼稚園一覽?

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